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Led By Tripper
Alignment Neutral Good
PK Model Sword
Attendants Whitehawk
Future Immortal Followers Athorne
Ordained Mortals Garland
Allies Plato
Enemies Bliss
Temple The Tiger Den

Following Description / FINFO:

Tripper, leader of the Tigers, Lesser Power of the Sword.
Following's self-perceived alignment: Neutral Good.
The followings of Plato, Robert, Athorne, Clue are considered allies.
The following of Bliss is considered an enemy.

Brief following description:
The Tigers are an old and historic GOOD following first
established under Lorna. Today's Tigers live by several
critical principles among which are: Honor, Loyalty, Respect,
Service, Duty, Integrity, and Courage. The Tigers are
dedicated to the prosperity and growth of the following
and the Game. Tigers limit thier PKing to those who have
attacked Tigers and protection of the innocent. Most of
all Tripper is dedicated to helping his followers ENJOY
the GAME.


PARTIAL LIST: Abe, Alaric, Aphrael, Arby, Arianos Shena Talesedrin, Athorne Battlehammer, Bootmaster, Brianna, Conrad, Cyncere, Darkangel, Dundrave, Eliza , Gaeruu, Garland, Hornblower, Kalak, Khorlan Farseer, Korran Stonebow, Lataal Haasek, Makavalli Lin, Mandrake, Micah, Ograk, Polanthis, Quixletobia, Rhaen Xaryth, Rhyann, Riella, Sabella, Santiago Lin, Skeeve, Snyder, Solid, Stu, Talyn Napei, Teutonic, Tiax, Tyrell, Tyreth, Venthaladir, Victoria, Wistom, Yar Stoutfellow

Requirements for Entry

1) You must be of at least effective 11th level.
2) You must be of good character and reputation.
3) You must be sponsored by a Tiger in good standing.
4) You must complete a quest commensurate with their level and experience.
5) You must complete an interview with Tripper or his representative.
6) Tripper must invite you to worship him.

Tiger Timeline Items:

  • 01/10/2002: Tripper releases the Tigers to attack any worshiper of Torchbearer at will.

Additional Notes

[Note 22] Tripper: Rebirth of the Tigers

Sun May 21 19:56:10 2000

As a mortal I served Lorna and the Tigers for over 1000 years. I was happy there and prospered in an environment of challenge and growth. I like to think that my current prosperity is due in no small extent to the nature of the Tigers and their Goddess.

I suffered enormously when, as Lorna's Ordained, she was promoted and her presence was forcefully torn from my breast. I wandered the realm Godless and bereft of leadership and focus for many years.

During my trials and solitude I observed the world from a new perspective in search of another leader who shared the qualities and view I had learned with Lorna, but alas I found none. In time I sought shelter with Solanthas and the Wardancers who, by then, had many of my fellow ex-Tigers under his wing. Solanthas took me in and treated me well while I decided my future fate. For Sol's kindness and support I am forever grateful.

In time I decided that the realm was poorer for the loss of the Tigers and that it was my fate to try to overcome this loss.

I petitioned to Lorna for permission to rebuild the Tigers under my leadership and was granted her permission and blessing.

Today I announce the Rebirth of the Tigers. Let it be understood, they are my Tigers, not Lorna's. While the new Tigers will have much in common with their heritage Tigers there will be much that is different as well.

My temple, when it finally opens, will personify Tripper's vision of the Tigers very well. I welcome all who wish to visit there and will try to accommodate all that wish to visit.

I am dedicated to the growth of all in this realm, and hope to help TFC grow and prosper as a game. I look forward to the fun and challenges of being the leader of a following in this realm, and hope that mortals and immortals alike will enjoy this game with me.

Please welcome each new Tiger as they appear.
Master of the Tigers

Tiger Anniversary 05/16/2001:

To commemorate, here's some Tiger Info:

  • Tripper was promoted to Demigod in the evening of 16 May 2000 while LD. His computer had locked up, and after rebooting and re-logging on, he was greeted with a barrage of Congratulations for a promotion that had apparently been executed while he was LD.
  • Tripper has accepted over 200 followers in the intervening period not all of whom still exist.
  • Tripper has Ordained : Athorne – Now a Demigod in his own right, Wistom – Choo Choo Tiger, Khorlan – Sentinel and current Ordained, Garland – Soul Hunter and current Ordained.
  • Tiax, Tiger Counselor was also recently immorted and currently serves as an Ambassador in the wee hours of the morning.
  • Tripper has accumulated over 2800 FLI hours in support of his Kittens.

[Board 6] Tripper: Charges of cheating against others in the realm.

Fri Sep 14 15:55:39 2001
To followers of: Tripper
Very recently Talyn posted a note to the Tiger List that made a charge of cheating against Molo. This is very serious and is unwise without proof.
While there is much to agree with Talyn in terms of sentiment in his note, I have to caution you that this board and the TigerList are extensions of the game, and my Tigers will NOT make charges of cheating against ANY player without documentable proof. Specifically I will not condone an honor attack by ANY Tiger on an immortal without indesputable proof. Just don't do it.
That said. I don't particularily like Molo either. He has perpetrated a jihad against the Tigers since the moment we were born, and continues to attack because of my relationship with Lorna who he really hates on all levels. Unfortunately your lives within the realm have been more difficult than it likely would have been otherwise, but you and the Tigers have weathered the storms over and over and over again and for that I am immensely proud of you all.
We have survived all that Molo and his minions have thrown at us and still we grow and prosper. I am proud of you. I commend you. I cheer you.

[Board 7] Tripper: Silonch, Tripper's Crimson Lady

Fri Sep 14 15:55:43 2001
To followers of: Tripper
Silonch of the Black Conclave is a favored of Tripper. She is a long time friend and to be protected. She does NOT have the heart of the Conclave, but through a mis-guided sense of loyalty cannot or will not desert that which still pains her heart. She is to be loved, and cherished and protected by my Tigers. I will tolerate NO abuse of her.

[Board 8] Tripper: My absense.

Fri Sep 14 15:56:00 2001
To followers of: Tripper
I regret my absense among you, but I'm sure that you will understand. I served 33 years as an officer in the Army, and have and had many friends in the Pentagon. I still serve the Pentagon as a consultant today.
I have lost 3 confirmed comrades in the Pentagon, and at least 9 that I consider lifelong and dear friends who are missing still. I pray daily.
I am in my home office doing work for and reasearching data for them now, and have little time for outside endeavors.
I have not abandoned TFC or the Tigers, and I trust you will understand.
If anyone wishes they may post this to the universal note list, but I do not have the time to redo it all over for another board.
Take care Tigers, take care of each other, and behave as if I were there to rift you for being wicked.