Molo (I) | |
The Arch-Lich | |
Lesser God | |
Created | 2x |
Status | Retired |
Retired | June 9, 2010 |
Race | Human |
Hometown | Midgaard |
Classes | Mage |
Last Seen | May, 2016 |
Followed | Ginny |
Areas Written | 11 |
Following | Black Conclave |
Artwork above is a commissioned work by a private party. Copyright 1997 by Jennifer Williamson. The image above may not be reproduced or downloaded without the artist's permission.
Souless Mage, Demilich of Deception, The Uncaring One, Lord of Indifference, Patron of the Dark Arts, Dread Ruler of the Outer Planes, The Whispered One, Master of the Tower, Keeper of Dark Secrets, Prince of Undead, The One-Who's-Name-Is-Not-Spoken, Master of the Black Conclave, Minion of Sirak, The Second Unholy Pope of Nash, Lich
Mud Contributions:
Molo is the author of 11 different zones on The Final Challenge:
(30 40) Baba Yaga's Hut Southern Continent (20 30) Cannibal Island Maelmordian Seas (20 50) Dragon Tower Northern Continent (10 20) Frozen Drift Southern Continent (10 20) Molotov Island Maelmordian Seas (30 40) Molotov Volcano Maelmordian Seas ( ALL ) Mt. of Knowledge Northern Continent (15 25) River of Despair Southern Continent ( ALL ) Skor'lanis Northern Continent (20 30) The Dark Manor Maelmordian Seas ( ALL ) Trading Post Northern Continent
Current Description:
August 14, 2004:
The horrid corpse of the Arch-Lich of Lord Nash stands before you glaring. Molo is bathed in the essence of charisma. Molo is in perfect health. Molo is using: <worn on finger> (Red Aura) (Potent magic) the Ring of Nash <worn on body> (Potent magic) a chain mail shirt <worn on feet> (Invis) (Moderate magic) (Humming) a pair of plate boots <worn about body> (Moderate magic) Black Robes of the Pontiff of Nashite <worn around wrist> (Potent magic) a mithril bracer <wielded> (Moderate magic) a sickle <held> (Red Aura) (Humming) The Nash Bible <worn with pride> (Red Aura) the Mark of the Black Conclave
WHO Lists:
Hum [ Ma: 8 ] Molo, "Mage for Hire" Date unknown Hum [ Ma:18 ] Molo, University of Darkness January 09, 1995 Hum [ Ma:18 ] Molo, University Student of Darkness. Date unknown Hum [ Ma:30 ] Molo, University of Darkness January 11, 1996 Hum [ Ma:26 ] Molo, Arch-Mage of the University of Darkness Date unknown Hum [ Ma:28 ] Molo, Mage of Darkness Date unknown Hum [ Ma:29 ] Molo, searching for the way to lichdom Date unknown Hum [ Ma:30 ] Molo is performing black rites of lichdom Date unknown Hum [ Lesser God ] Molo, Arch-Lich of Black Conclave of Nashite April 12, 1997 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite June 21, 1999 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, God of Deception October 1, 2000 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 31, 2001 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 10, 2002 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 10, 2003 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite August 14, 2004 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 10, 2005 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 1, 2006 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 13, 2007 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 26, 2008 Hum [ Arch-Lich ] Molo, Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite January 26, 2009
Character History:
(taken from, via the Internet Wayback Machine, circa 2001):
The Early Years:
Born a human within the gates of the city of Midgaard in the realm of The Final Challenge, Molo began his life as a mage. The early cycles of his life are somewhat obscure and there are very few items worth mention here. It is known that he was the first to discover the famous Longship, captained by the notorious demon pirate Vahzlune during a quest, making him the youngest (lowest level) character ever to earn the TFC Explorer Society Medal.
It is also known that he associated with Thaygar's famed Ebon Hand and that many times he was seen helping to pick through the corpses recently slain by the infamous killers Seeker and Dread for valuables. It is said that the young mage Molo was hunted endlessly for his parts in assisting murderers with his spell casting.
Molo rose steadily in levels, yet for some mysterious reason remained unaligned until one day, a lucky warrior-thief caught him off-guard and changed his mortal life forever. This attacker (named Kennet) botched the assassination and Molo escaped by using a staff of teleportation. However, Molo's escape was not clean - he found himself alone in strange surroundings. The room had walls of grey stone and was completely silent, the air was very still. Molo froze in place, not knowing where he was. He quickly brandished his teleport staff again with no effect, Molo dug out a red potion of recall from his bags and quaffed it, also with no effect. He then called for the aid of his evil friend, Seeker and told him what he knew of his location. Seeker quickly replied but was puzzled and told him to stay put while he researched the description of the place he was given.
Two strange beings soon arrived. The first, a lovely immortal half-elf, who introduced herself as Ginny - a seductive new demigoddess, who was in search for followers such as Molo. The second, an enormous black aarakocran. The aarakocran was no less than the Greater God known as Madman. Madman seemed quite amused at the young mage's predicament and after looking around a bit, sat down beside Molo. After Molo recovered from this shock at seeing two immortals before him, he asked what he had done to garnish their attention.
Madman smiled at Molo, causing him to cringe involuntarily. Madman plainly stated that he gave Molo a one-in-twenty chance of surviving and was interested in watching him die. The young mage pondered his situation carefully and decided to wait to hear what Seeker discovered.
Seeker finally responded with very grave news. It seems that by all accounts Molo was trapped deep within a dangerous shrine dedicated to neutrality. The shrine was warded against evil and no mortal friend of Molo's would be able to enter to help him. Molo decided to try his luck by bargaining with the immortals for help but Madman just cackled gleefully at him. Ginny however was willing to make a deal; Ginny would save Molo but he would have to serve her for the rest of his days. She would accept his mortal soul as collateral.
Molo considered the alternative, which was his death and not being able to stop the enemy from obtaining his belongings. He made the deal and Ginny took his soul and took him from the shrine.
Immortality Quest:
When Molo has achieved the level which permitted him a chance at obtaining immortality, he took it. He sought it almost immediately and was granted an audience with the Great Implementor Tynian.
Tynian is quite an imposing figure and when he summoned the mortal Molo to his private office, Molo was quite uncomfortable. The office was very large with deep plush carpeting and was dominated by a huge cherry wood desk in the center. Tynian was virtually standing upon the desk amidst a jumbled array of notes, sketches, maps and a strange device that Molo did not recognize. Tynian glanced up for a second at Molo, threw him a piece of parchment containing a shopping list and mumbled (dwarfs tend to mumble a lot) something about returning tomorrow with everything on the list. A moment later, a mushroom cloud surrounded Molo and he was back in the guild.
Looking at the list, Molo saw items he knew and some he had no knowledge of. The list contained a few unique items owned by powerful dragons, demons and undead. Molo went to work immediately. For 20 straight hours, Molo raced from beast to beast, slaying or coercing them to give up their treasure.
Molo's Immortal Profile/Bio
(Taken from the TFC Website Archives)
Formerly an Arch-Mage of great power, Molo now exists as a lich. Unlike the other immortals, Molo is not a god per se' but a powerful undead creature with powers that rival those of a demigod. He passed from his human state into a non-human, non-living existence through sheer force of will. Molo's transformation occured because of his own desires for power and the use of powerful and arcane magic granted to him by the Great Implementors.
In life, Molo used his dark arts to assist those of murderous evil to kill hundreds of helpless beings. Once a neutral mage, he sold his soul to Ginny, the goddess of darkness and rose quickly using the arts of deception, deceit and betrayal. This evil was noticed and smiled upon by the Lord Sirak, First Pope and Son of Nash. Upon reaching his current status of lich, Molo was honored by Lord Sirak with the title of the Second Pope of Nash.
Molo prefers to act indirectly in the affairs of mortals, guiding and steering his followers to objectives only he needs to understand. Nursed on treachery and deceit, the Lich of Indifference has no compassion for mortals, even his own worshipers. Those who follow him must commit themselves to being utter pawns to his schemes. Followers who serve him well are rewarded with knowledge and power, usually damning secrets others would prefer hidden. Those who anger him often will find themselves betrayed and blackmailed, their darkest secrets suddenly known to those who can hurt them most. Molo acts through a cult of dark spell casters known as the Black Conclave.
(Taken from via the Internet Wayback Machine, circa 2001)
Formerly an Arch-Mage of great power, Molo now exists as a lich. Unlike the other immortals of TFC, Molo is not a god per se' but a powerful undead creature with powers that rival those of a Lesser god. The mighty transformation occurred due to a personal desire for power and the use of powerful and arcane magic granted to him by the Great Implementors and Lord Nash himself.
In life, Molo used his dark arts to assist those of murderous evil to kill hundreds of helpless beings. Once a neutral mage, he sold his soul to Ginny, the Goddess of Darkness and rose quickly through her ranks using the arts of deception, deceit and betrayal. This evil was noticed and smiled upon by the Lord Sirak, First Pope and Son of the Great Lord Nash.
Upon reaching the status of an immortal lich, Molo was honored by Lord Sirak with the position of Pope of Nashite. As the new Pontiff of Lord Nash, he was sought after by others wishing to gain power and influence and the Black Conclave of Nashite was born. Very quickly, the Conclave rose and became a force in the realm that was both feared and revered. The lich, using powers beyond mortal comprehension, was elevated to the status of Lesser God and gained the title of Arch-Lich in the realm..
Currently, the Arch-Lich prefers to act indirectly in the affairs of mortals, guiding and steering his followers to objectives only he needs to understand. Nursed on treachery and deceit, the Lich of Indifference has no compassion for mortals, even his own worshipers. Those who follow him must commit themselves to being utter pawns to his schemes. Followers who serve him well are rewarded with knowledge and power, usually damning secrets others would prefer hidden. Those who anger him often will find themselves betrayed and blackmailed, their darkest secrets suddenly known to those who can hurt them most.
As a hobby, the Lich enjoys dabbling in the immortal arts of creation. As of this date, he has created two mountains, a volcano, an island, a city, a river, a great manor, several jungles and forests and a magical hut for a powerful witch friend of his. The Arch-Lich makes use of a powerful tool to shape his creations, this is known as Lord Sirak’s Muditor.
Seldom seen though almost always present, the Arch-Lich remains vigilant in the darkness of his Final Resting Place on TFC and often takes mortal form to walk the realm of Bertoxulous with his newly formed Conclave there.
Mortal Trivia:
- Snippets of information can be found in The Mortal Archives of Molo, the Arch Lich, including his Score at level 8, 16, and 26.
- Molo joined the TFC Explorers Society at level 12, finding the Longship. He was the lowest level character to ever be inducted into the Society.
- Molo cleared Midgaard of all its inhabitants save fidos and kept it clear for 3 days.
- Molo enjoyed Meteor Swarm above most other spells. On one occaision, he 'sank' the Longship using the spell, and had 60 pirates hunting him in revenge.
- Molo enjoyed tormenting Khore. On one occaision, knowing Khore was on the Fastwater River, Molo gave a number of (human, racist) Midgaard Cityguards boats, cast invis on them, and charmed them to get them to the River. They then floated along the waterway until they came upon the hapless Khore (who was a half-elf)... and promptly attacked him, nearly killing him.
- On The Day of the Backup, Molo was no longer an Immortal Arch-Lich, but rather a level 18 mortal mage once more.
- Molo had a bounty put on his head by the Court of Justice.
- Molo claims to have only been pk'd once as a mortal: Molo gossips, 'Einskaldir, Coyul and Jaator grouped to slay me during my quest for immortality if I recall correctly.'. Armalag gossips (in common), 'yeah I thought Syrinx got you outide of Ofcol'. Molo gossips, 'No, but Syrinx did manage to land a 300 point backstab on me in Ofcol. I still have the scar'. (December 20, 2003)
Immortal Trivia:
- Prior to reaching Lesser God (and thus getting a 'pet' mob), the mob, 'The Evil One' was used by Molo as a DemiGod, for RP purposes. He would switch into the Evil One and gossip, rather than be visible to mortals.
- Molo led the Black Conclave for a record 10+ years. No other Following Level Immortal has matched this record. This feat is recognized in the Room of Records on Plaque30
- Molo was granted a special classtitle of Arch-Lich as acknowledgement for all of his unique contributions to the mud.
- Molo received several mentions and wins in the BlissPoll 2000, including Most Powerful Immortal, Second Most Powerful Immortal, Most Intimidating Immortal, Most Humorous Immortal, Hairiest Immortal, Best Immortal Enterance & Departure from a Room, and Most Talkative Immortal.
- Molo is acknowledged in the Version 3 Launch Thank You Notes for " testing stuff without complaint and volunteering for thankless chores."
- Molo provided a 'side bet' to Lorna in regards to The Fall of A King.
- After "unleashing 100 monkeys in Lorna's office" Molo was faced with Lorna's Revenge
Immortal Entry & Exit:
Molo claws out of his shallow grave.
Molo sinks back into his shallow grave.
Player Provided Information:
Rath 07/15/2011 |
The Lich was an amazing FLI. He roleplayed his character well and was an excellent planner, strategist, and tactician. I never saw him get unnerved or shaken by events that happened to his followers, and seemed to have a plan for everything. He somehow managed to run one of the most powerful followings to ever exist on TFC while simultaneously infusing a sense of discipline and order into some of the spirited players of TFC. |
Silonch 11-20-11 |
I honestly don't know why he put up with me as a player, but I'm so very thankful that he did. Some of my best memories of TFC are directly tied to the Conclave, and to the Lich. "Sil" will always be Conclave, and Lich made TFC a lot more fun. Crazy scary at times, but fun! I can't even begin to post an IC note without crying - so I won't even try. Thank you for everything Lich! |
Cordir 11/22/2011 |
The span of my relationship with Molo covered the extremes, from fondness and collaboration to open hatred. (In one amusing example, Tynian once summoned both of us to his office to 'introduce' us - as Molo was refusing to speak (even a generic, social acknowledgement on immortal channels) to me for nearly a year.) The reasons for our antipathy were both on and off mud, which didn't make it any easier. Even with that complex stew of emotion, I can still categorically say that he was one of the most profoundly influential FLIs that TFC has ever seen; that it would not be the same game without his role and his following; that he had a greater depth of understanding of the mechanics of being an FLI than any other, ever, and I learned a great deal from him - both directly and by example, of what to do and what not to do. While Sirak may have created the Nashite concept, it was Molo that built it, made it famous and spread it to other muds and environments. When people respond (whether in derision or a quick WHOZONE) to the shouts of praise for Nash, it is Molo's legacy. |
Personal Timeline:
11/19995: Molo, an 18th level mage, dies seven times on the Longship, twice at the hands of his goddess, Ginny, and once in the Black Shrine.
1/20/1996: Molo completes his required hours for Ambassadorship, and one week later, becomes a Demi God, leading the Black Conclave. His first follower is Grayghost, a 30th level mage of great power and renown.
03/1996: Molo is ordained Pope of Nash until 4/96.
04/1996: Sirak takes the title, Pope of Nash back from Molo, and holds it himself for a month.
05/1996: Molo is re-ordained as Pope of Nash and holds the title until 8/96.
09/11/1996: Molo "kidnaps" Cordir and annuls her marriage to Keller. <log>
09/21/1997: Molo posts a note about Conclave statistics as of today.
04/27/1998: Molo reminisces on gossip.
03/20/1999: Molo excommunicates Cordir for marrying Deamhan.
4/20/1999 - Molo announces that Asia's following has been accepted into the Nashite faith, and names her Mistress of Pain and Misery of the Cauldron of Nashite.
06/11/1999: Molo gets involved in a chat on gossip.
07/16/1999: A day where death and chaos seemed to reign... Tynian found a backup from November 1995, and restored it. For a time, Molo was once again an 18th level mage, Aladin was a naked 12th level thief, and Lorna was a 14th level warrior...
08/02/1999: The top 3 followings at this time are: the Black Conclave (Molo), the Flying Tigers (Lorna), and the WarDancers (Solanthas), in that order.
10/04/1999: Molo ordains Stouthbound, the first Half-Ogre Ordained.
01/29/2000: Molo's office is invaded by 250 kittens.
02/01/2000: Molo announces a new Inner Council of the Black Conclave of Nashite, and grants them control of the following. They include Salem the Black Dragon, High Wizard of the Black Conclave, Stouthbound, Minion of the Arch-Lich, Tylorn, Demonic Guardian of the Black Conclave, Chronic, Pale Cambion of the Black Conclave and Daelin, Grand Knight of the Black Conclave.
03/11/2000: Molo ordains Chronic.
03/20/2000: Elladan is killed by Lorna for singing "Lorna and Molo, sitting in a tree" when he discovers Lorna and Molo together in the crypt.
04/26/2000: Molo orders the death of UuKrul for violating one of the Nashite laws. He is dead within minutes.
05/09/2000: Tylorn is Ordained by Molo.
07/03/2000: Molo declares that Life's Blood is to be hunted by his Conclave for the next five days, for one of their following members questioning of his judgment on an issue.
07/04/2000: Molo declares that Life's Blood is to be hunted indefinitely, due to further mortal questioning of his decisions.
08/19/2000: A GT is held in Phoenix, with Marisa, Marisa's RL son, Molo, Molo's lawyer, Tynian, Darkmoon & family, and Syla attending.
01/19/2001: Molo posts a note to all about membership requirements for the Conclave. Molo announces on gossip that he has "2,026kg of equipment in 696 items".
02/19/2001: The Conclave holds a "Day of Deception", using fake titles from other followings, and telling some people that Molo retired.
08/08/2001: Molo casts Fear on three of his followers after he learns they have broken his rules about speaking with Cordir: The Lich's Word
09/06/2001: Mandrake posts his viewpoint on the good/evil debate.Molo posts a response to Mandrake.
10/22/2001: Molo posts a poll on his webpage asking for feedback.
10/24/2001: [A number of notes are posted in response to Molo's survey.
11/23/2001: Molo gossips, 'I'll be 8,000 years old Monday.' 'If Tynian gives me permission, I will probably take a month break from TFC and allow you mortals time to adjust.'.
11/24/2001: Molo makes available a large amount of info from his various early logs, including who lists, scores, etc.
11/25/2001: Molo, aka The Arch Lich of the Black Conclave, reaches 8,000 years old today, marking 7,500 years as an immortal.
03/08/2002: Keller Amberlin D'Augustine is recreated, after a very long absence from the mud. Quite probably as a direct result, Molo goes visible to the world.
04/21/2002: Molo wipes Apex Chocolate out of existence.
05/03/2002: Molo reminisces on gossip.
05/27/2002: Molo posts a note about immortal portraits.
06/03/2002: Molo posts a note about the Black Conclave as a cult following. Several others post notes in reaction to Molo's announcement.
06/06/2002: Molo posts a graphical wizlist. (Link no longer active)
06/13/2002: Silonch posts a note asking for remembrances about Molo.
09/09/2002: Molo and Gavin's followings both go to Cult status.
11/09/2002: Someone (assumed to be Molo) shouts, 'All Hail Cynder, Diabolical Belle of my Black Conclave. Newest Member of the Conclave High Council.'.
11/14/2002: Specious is ordained "Crypt Keeper" by Molo!
11/17/2002: Molo shouts, 'All Hail Lictilon, Arcane Minister of The Black Conclave. Newest member of the Conclave High Council!'
12/16/2002: Rath is ordained "Gravedigger" by Molo.
08/22/2003: Molo turns 9000 years old.
10/27/2003: Molo holds a contest where the participants have to race from hometown saferoom to hometown saferoom within a certain amount of time and tag Molo, and the winner is Ink. But what's really amazing about this is that Molo's actually vis! Of course, Schwartz gossips (in common), 'Will this be a plaque in RoR, with all the public poking of the Arch-Lich?'.
04/23/2004: Molo posts Retirement].
05/16/2004: Khorlan loses a 300k bet with Molo.
05/28/2004: Dundrave is ordained "Servant" by Molo!
10/30/2004: Molo is granted his first attendant, Schwartz.
11/18/2004: Molo posts a note regarding future followers of Schwartz.
11/25/2004: Molo turns 10,000 years old.
12/08/2004: Molo posts a note about Conclave pacts with Hunt.
03/11/2005: Molo posts a note announcing that the first law of Nashite is temporarily lifted.
05/14/2005: Molo posts a note about former Circle of Choice.
12/02/2005: Avarice is ordained "Servant" by Molo!
01/20/2006: Molo posts a note about the 10th anniversary of the Black Conclave
02/06/2006: Guartwog is ordained by Molo!
06/09/2010: Molo retires.
07/25/2011: Molo visits the Realm to name Isolas as the new Pope of Nashite.