Wyld Hunt
The Wyld Hunt | |
Led By | Katrana |
Created | Current: 4/12/2011 Previous: 1/11/2003 |
Disbanded | Previous: 3/9/2005 |
Holy Symbol | (Red Aura) a brooch of a hollow-eyed mask bearing stag horns |
Alignment | Neutral Evil |
PK Model | Sword |
Attendants | Cecil |
Future Immortal Followers | Previous: Solaron K'Veeran-Al'Veeran Mystaya Seraph |
Ordained Mortals | Current: Edgar Spooky Sagan Lessien Previous: Solaron K'Veeran-Al'Veeran Shaido Ephiny Locke |
Allies | Previous: Cordir |
Enemies | Previous: Cordir |
Temple | Within A Grand Hunting Lodge |
Current Following Description / FINFO:
Katrana, leader of The Wyld Hunt, Greater Power.
Following's self-perceived alignment: Neutral Evil.
Brief following description:
The Wyld Hunt is made up of individuals with both a keen sense of justice and
need for vengeance. The Hunt may be called down upon a target for a variety
of reasons, with no care as to alignment or race or creed. For those that are
called down upon, it is their time - the Pattern has been Woven - their Thread
is to be cut.
The level requirement to enter the Wyld Hunt has been changed from 10 to 30.
This is to allow younglings of the realm to better understand the nature of
the Wyld Hunt. Exceptions may be made by the council or the Wyldess in
various circumstances (such as RP).
Katrana, leader of The Wyld Hunt, Lesser Power.
Following's self-perceived alignment: Neutral Evil.
Brief following description:
The Wyld Hunt is made up of individuals with both a keen sense of justice and
need for vengeance. The Hunt may be called down upon a target for a variety
of reasons, with no care as to alignment or race or creed. For those that are
called down upon, it is their time - the Pattern has been Woven - their Thread
is to be cut.
Katrana, leader of The Wyld Hunt, Demipower.
Following's self-perceived alignment: Neutral Evil.
Brief following description:
The Wyld Hunt is made up of individuals with both a keen sense of justice and
need for vengeance. The Hunt may be called down upon a target for a variety
of reasons, with no care as to alignment or race or creed. For those that are
called down upon, it is their time - the Pattern has been Woven - their Thread
is to be cut.
Current Membership:
(As of 11/20/2011)
Aire, Allanon, Aoide, Aster, Avitas, Azilix, Cecil, Costanza, Cremini, Cusithe, Daisy, Dauthi, Edgar, Emery, Eulamarkeize, Fumbleduck, Gala, Gheorghe, Hano, Huglak, Ink, Invisible, Kaizen, Kegu, Kirith, Kramer, Lambert, Lania, Leif, Lessien, Lilly, Maeron, Magister, Marco, Mazrim, Mihai, Moo, Morgoth, Morne, Morphius, Mourngrim, Myst, Nox, Orion, Perci, Pharuin, Phedre, Pitic, Pol, Portobello, Qball, Reacher, Rhab, Sagan, Sahara, Sedona, Seguleh, Seguleh, Serena, Sethvir, Shilea, Spooky, Sterling, Sylar, Sylar, Tagnik, Tassadar, Tiran, Tirant, Titan, Vale, Valentine, Vraknar, Vylera, Wyvrn, Zeks, Zephiel
Current Requirements for Entry
1) Must be Level 10.
2) Must have a full set of equipment at entrance. (Need not be magical)
3) Must seek approval of the three Acolytes of the Hunt. (The Acolytes
may require approval quests of their own.)
4) Must be able to answer three questions about the Triat upon entry.
5) Katrana holds the right to change these requirements.
Current Following Timeline
4/12/2011 - The Hunt returns!
4/28/2011 - The Hunt reaches Lesser Power.
4/28/2011 - Katrana ordains Edgar as "Wyld Sealgair". (Sealgair is Gaelic for Hunter.)
5/2011 - Katrana reaches Intermediate Power.
6/01/2011 - Katrana deactivates Edgar, and ordains Spooky as "Wyld Pookha". (Pookha is Gaelic for Boogieman.)
6/29/2011 - Katrana deactivates Spooky, and ordains Sagan as "The Hound".
Additional Notes
Lore of the Wyld Hunt: The Cwm Annwn, the Hounds of Hell, are part of the magic and terror known as The Wild Hunt. Spotted all over midaeval Europe, the Hunt was rumored to be consisting of murderous demonic beings, the souls of murdered children, the unquiet dead, or even the compatriots of Odin, depending on variance in local legend.
The Hounds themselves are alternately described as either bone white hunting dogs with bloody red muzzles and ears, or as black as sin, with glowing red eyes. Led by a Hunter, or God (in the form of Cernnunos or Odin), the Hunt's purpose could be revenge, the bringing of foul souls to Hell, or simply to terrify the neighboring townsfolk.
Wyld Hunt Trivia
- Katrana lovingly calls her followers weasels. Because of this, the Hunt has a mascot. A weasel that lives in the lodge. His name is Ipshaw Q. McVelk.
- During a tragic incident where Ipshaw did not get Katrana the candy she was seeking, she ordered Manatheren to eat Ipshaw.
- In 2011 (September 19, 2011) Katrana ran a small quest to see if her followers could talk like pirates all day over all channels. During this quest, they commandeered a vessel and named it "The Snarky Weasel".
Previous Following Information: (2003 - 2005)
Katrana, leader of The Wyld Hunt, Demipower of the Sword.
Following's self-perceived alignment: Neutral Evil.
The following of Cordir is considered an ally.
Followers may not attack one another
- The Wyld Hunt is made up of individuals with both a keen sense of justice and need for vengeance. The Hunt may be called down upon a target for a variety of reasons, with no care as to alignment or race or creed. For those that are called down upon, it is their time - the Pattern has been Woven - their Thread is to be cut.
Katrana, leader of The Wyld Hunt, Greater Power of the Sword.
Following's self-perceived alignment: Neutral Evil.
- The Wyld Hunt is made up of individuals with both a keen sense of justice and need for vengeance. The Hunt may be called down upon a target for a variety of reasons, with no care as to alignment or race or creed. For those that are called down upon, it is their time - the Pattern has been Woven - their Thread is to be cut.
- The website of the hunt can be seen at: http://members.cvol.net/hunt/ (Note: Link is non-functional)
Previous Membership For the Wyld Hunt: (2003 - 2005)
Abracadabra, Adrien, Ajax, Algeb, Alydak, Ambiant, Ambrose, Anduin, AnthraxX, Antithesis, Arcadicus, Arcane, Arden, Arianas, Armicron, Armor, Asher, Authentic, Avatarr, Azoth, Bardok, Balthazar, Batmon, Beth, Blizzard, Bophal, Bulvye, Bungy, Carmen, Chaos, Cheechoo, Cler, Clorox, Colt, Couda, Crash, Cyrax, Cytorax, Daisy, Danel, Darkangel, Darker, Dartt, Dauthi, Deiran, Dekuin, Demeter, Deneir, Dingbat, Djin, Doc, Dolomite, Ekahua, Endrin, Faeriss, Finache, Finn, Foghorn, Frazer, Gafgarion, Galithandril, Garga, Garren, Gilk, Gloom, Goth, Gotleib, Grabnrun, Grod, Guarf, Guartwog, Hayes, Ink, Ire, Ivan, James, Jarak, Jashon, Jiko, Jubo, Kabal, Kahlan, Kain, Kirith, Kitano, Kodak, Kraven, Kudican, Lania, Lorax, Lucifer, Lycria, Maeron, Magis, Magnus, Malekith, Mallard, Mandrake, Maxitaemin, Milosh, Modian, Moiraine, Mordith, Mordon, Morphius, Mourngrim, Mystical, Mystaya, Nadine, Nail, Novis, Ockmar, Oger, Omer, Orion, Ormo, Otago, Ozrai, Pip, Poison, Razor, Qualin, Quan, Quiescence, Quetin, Reaper, Rincewind, Rioku, Rogaak, Rohan, Runt, Ryvain, Sammy, Sasami, Saxon, Scelus, Selbian, Seraph, Shaolin, Skares, Skie, Slade, Slath, Slimetongue, Slirrissm, Snuggles, Solaron, Solates, Soujiro, Soulcrush, Spaceman, Spartak, Stealth, Striker, Suffer, Sycora, Symon, Taelanus, Takuen, Tang, Teluin, Thingone, Tholbar, Tidus, Tifus, Tinus, Titan, Toluk, Treehugger, Turin, Unknown, Urdlen, Valar, Valas, Vampric, Vance, Vidal, Walowick, Wario, Weezer, Winne, Wisp, Wiz, Wiza, Wunk, Wyldcat, Xderia, Xtaviant, Xzanadyn, Yasuhiro, Zakarious, Zaku, Zeek, Zepplin, Zessya, Zidane, Zoe
Previous Requirements for Entry: : (2003 - 2005)
1) Must be Level 10.
2) Must have a full set of equipment at entrance. (Need not be magical)
3) Must have Mob Mastery Quests equal to their effective level - or - must be willing to perform an additional series of quest tasks as given by Lady Katrana.
4) Must be able to answer three questions about the Triat upon entry.
The Wyldess holds the right to change or add to these requirements. ***
Previous Notes & News: (2003 - 2005)
[ 5] Molo: Conclave Pacts with Hunt
Wed Dec 8 10:58:43 2004
To: all
Members of the Conclave have always been permitted to make
agreements individually as long as they honored them.
This comes along with being a member of a lawful following.
Breaking those pacts has always required prior notice.
Today, Katrana broke one of those pacts with a member of
the Conclave without notice.
Because of this action. All pacts between Katrana's Hunt and
the Conclave are now voided. In addition, until further notice -
Conclave members will not group or assist members of Katrana's
Hunt in any manner.
The lesser goddess Katrana is a heretic of the Nashite faith,
having betrayed her faith as a mortal and now betraying her
word as an immortal.
Molo the Arch-Lich
Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite