Doc Demento | |
The Hooligan | |
Created | March 1996 |
Race | Dwarf |
Classes | Shaman Thief Ordained |
Followed | Larry Lorna Solanthas Nicademus Tripper Bliss Katrana Cordir Isolas |
Mud Contributions:
Current Description:
I am Doc, and you suck.
Doc is in perfect health.
Doc is using:
<worn around neck> (Moderate magic) an everlasting reminder of Bliss
<worn around neck> (Artifact magic) (Intertwined) Soul of the Wyld and Heart of the Hunt
March 31, 2005:
"Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause
as much chaos and disruption as possible but NEVER let them take you alive."
Doc is in perfect health.
Doc is using:
<used as light> (Moderate magic) (Glowing) a birchwood rod <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) the sparkling hematite ring <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) the iridescent rhodochrosite ring <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) an everlasting reminder of Bliss <worn around neck> (Artifact magic) (Intertwined) Soul of the Wyld and Heart of the Hunt <worn on body> (Moderate magic) a leather shirt <worn on head> (Moderate magic) a reinforced leather cap <worn on legs> (Moderate magic) a pair of studded leather pants <worn on feet> (Moderate magic) a pair of animal hide boots <worn on hands> (Moderate magic) a pair of leather gloves <worn on arms> (Moderate magic) a pair of fur armlets <worn about body> (Moderate magic) (Humming) a quilted cloth coat <worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a heavy cloth girdle <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) an animal hide bracer <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the pulsating alexandrite bracelet <wielded> (Token magic) a silver dagger <held> (Moderate magic) a black bone staff <worn with pride> (Weak magic) a Crest bearing the Midgaard Coat of Arms <worn with pride> (Weak magic) a Crest bearing the Midgaard Coat of Arms
Date Unknown:
I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row. I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook 30-minute brownies in 20 minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I have performed several covert operations for the CIA. I sleep once a week. When I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me. I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven. I breed prize-winning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis. self tried to steal from you self tried to steal from you self tried to steal from you self tried to steal from you self tried to steal from you self tried to steal from you You are thirsty You are thirsty You are thirsty You are thirsty Doc is in perfect health. Doc is using: <used as light> (Glowing) the Rod of Authority <worn on finger> (Magical) the sparkling aquamarine ring <worn on finger> (Magical) the scorching bloodstone ring <worn around neck> (Magical) (Spinning) a Major Hangover <worn around neck> (Magical) the ornate jasper amulet <worn on body> (Magical) a leather Biker's jacket <worn on head> (Magical) a quilted cloth cloche <worn on legs> (Magical) a pair of Bermuda shorts <worn on feet> (Magical) a pair of reinforced leather shoes <worn on hands> (Magical) a bloody pair of surgical gloves <worn on arms> (Magical) a pair of leather sleeves <worn about body> (Magical) a Swirling Wind <worn about waist> (Magical) a padded cloth girdle <worn around wrist> (Magical) the carved chrysoprase bracelet <worn around wrist> (Magical) a leather wrist guard <wielded> (Magical) a silver dagger <held> (Magical) (Glowing) (Clicking) a Universal remote <worn with pride> (Magical) a gilded bone pin <worn with pride> (Magical) (Glowing) Seal of the Eastern Storm
WHO Lists:
Dwa [ Sh:20 ] Doc Demento {config +munchies} 10/31/1996 Dwa [ Sh:29 ] Doc Demento {config -you} <Inv 50> 12/04/1996 Dwa [ Sh:30 Th: 9. .. . ] Doc Demento, Rogue Shaman 10/18/1997 Dwa [. . Th:15 Sh:30. . ] Doc Demento, Tiger Rogue [PFC] 06/21/1999 Dwa [ Th:17 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Tiger Rogue [SGT] 07/05/1999 Dwa [ Th:24 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Rogue Wardancer -HC- 12/11/1999 Dwa [ Sh:30 Th:25 ] Doc Demento, Guardian of the Eastern Storm *WIND* 08/17/2000 Dwa [ Sh:30 Th:25 ] Doc Demento, Tiger Rogue -Msgt- 02/01/2001 Dwa [ Th:28 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Tiger Elder #ROGUE# -LLU- 10/16/2001 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Tiger Misfit *LLU* \MSGT 01/12/2002 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Tiger Misfit *MSGT* -LLU- 08/31/2002 Dwa [ Unholy Advocate ] Doc Demento, Hooligan of the Ashen Moon -LLU- 09/11/2003 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Good Will Ambassador of the -Coven- 09/23/2003 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Hooligan of the Ashen Moon -LLU- 10/12/2003 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Hooligan on the Hunt -LLU- 06/08/2004 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Hooligan of the Hunt *Sinn Fein* 12/31/2004 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Hooligan of the Hunt *Sinn Fein* 03/25/2005 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento: Wyld Hooligan of Fate 03/31/2005 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Wyld Hooligan of Fate {config -nash} 06/18/2005 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Wyld Hooligan of Fate 08/20/2006 Dwa [ Th:30 Sh:30 ] Doc Demento, Wyld Hooligan of Fate 09/04/2006
Character History:
Cordir ftells, 'its a doc!'.
You have absolved Doc of some of his debt to society.
You have absolved Doc of some of his debt to society.
You have absolved Doc of some of his debt to society.
You have absolved Doc of some of his debt to society.
You have absolved Doc of all his debt to society.
Cordir ftells, 'its a naughty doc.'.
Doc says (in common), 'vey nUGHTY MAYBE?'.
Doc says (in common), 'but nughty enough to be innerffective?'.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'have you been drinking too much eggnog?'.
Doc says (in common), 'of course'.
Doc says (in common), 'we need to make hooligan an official branch of fate'.
Doc nods at himself; he must be getting senile.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'And what would the hooligans do?'.
Asher smirks.
Doc says (in common), 'make trouble'.
Asher says (in common), 'cause trouble'.
Doc nods in recognition to Asher.
You say, 'Cause discord with my allies, attempt to sneak behind my back and attack any they could get away with....'.
Doc nods in recognition to you.
Asher smirks.
You say, 'Spell up Anathema, trade with Rabhadh....'.
You ponder the question.
Doc says (in common), 'spell them up with rift'.
You say, 'And otherwise do things that will get them deathed, eaten, and rejected summarily, should I ever find out?'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
Doc says (in common), 'feh, your spoiling my idea'.
Cordir smiles gently.
You hug him.
Doc hugs you.
Doc says (in common), 'ok, maybe one of me is enough'.
You grin mischievously at him.
You nod.
- Doc sparred Lanae solo. (It didn't last very long)
- Doc received votes in the BlissPoll 2000A for Hariest Mortal and Best Description of a Mortal.
- Doc received votes in the BlissPoll 2002B for Funniest Mortal, Sneakiest, and All Time Funniest.
- Doc took part in The Brawl In The Hall: Doc utters the words, 'rift'. Doc's soul rift *** DEMOLISHES *** Huey! During the fight, Doc is thanked by Keller for his honesty regarding Rift.
- Doc is listed on Bubba's Just List.
- When Stouthbound became the first Evil-aligned mortal Ogre to invis themselves, Doc put it in perspective: Doc gossips (in common), 'the smell is gonna give you away anyways'.
- Doc participated in Zara's Trivia Contest.
- Doc takes part in the epic beat down of the ICP, when they were force-leveled by Madman to 20+.
- Doc & Maimer vs Ibram
- Doc appears in You Should Go Evil!, chatting with Scipio.
- Doc appears on Plaque23 of the Room of Records for his participation in the Coins and Slayers quest on Team 4.
- Doc was part of the evidence presented in The Trial of Alive by Daelin.
- Doc faked Apostatizing from the Black Conclave.
Player Provided Information:
Cordir 11/22/2011 |
Doc, like Coyul, was one of those epic personas of 2x, that when they joined the Chosen of Fate, my jaw just dropped. He was larger than life. I knew he would be a handful to have in the following (much like Ink), as he wasn't much of one for following the rules, and in no way, was he the type to restrain his language or behavior. But he wanted a home with 'old folks' like him, and I was glad to provide one for a time. |
Personal Timeline:
November 1996: Doc reaches 30th level, the first Larry follower to do so.
August 3, 1999: Doc reaches Th:19 Sh:30.
August 31, 1999: Doc completes his 54th Mob Mastery, slaying an Instructor in the Trading Post.
May 22, 2000: Doc gains release from the Wardancers and joins Wind.
June 18, 2001: Sacarre, Doc and Oscar join Tripper.
June 24, 2001: Doc is noted in the Version 3.70h notes as having helped with testing the experience gain code for mobmasteries.
September 5, 2001: Doc explains the meaning of LLU.
November 5, 2001: Doc reaches eff level 40, by killing King Zentarion of Dwarvenhold, despite a PK attempt by Mordith in the middle of the combat.
December 3, 2001: Tynian wants to see someone fight one of the new mage mobs, so
December 27, 2001: Doc gossips 'I'll braid you into my beard and carry you around like a charm necklace'.
September 10, 2003: Doc is ordained "Wandering Rogue" by Bliss!
March 31, 2005: Doc joins the Chosen of Fate.
June 11, 2006: Doc reaches 1416 years of age (2809 hours).