Mordith | |
Created | August 14, 1999 |
Status | Inactive |
Classes | Cleric Warrior Thief |
Last Seen | January 25, 2004 |
Followed | Molo Katrana |
Partner | Lanfear |
Mud Contributions:
Idea: [164] Mordith: Guards in hometowns
Tue Jan 29 12:01:18 2002
To: all
Viewing Status: ALL
Can we up their level to around 30 or so. I really do not feel as if my beloved town is safe with such weaklings guarding it. Or maybe just hire someone and flag them as the mayor's righthand man. That way when the guards start screaming they can instantly come to the rescue and dispose of the vile creatures entering our homes.
Note: [ 22] Mordith: RE: DA/DMG
Tue Dec 31 00:07:06 2002
To: all
Just because one following is getting owned by 1 char who has a nice da/dmg combo, does not mean it should be changed. Everyone has an equal opportunity to wear DA and DMG if they choose to do so. If people work hard enough to balance their sets out, then they deserve the benefits from it.
Note: [ 21] Mordith: Aura of a fire elemental
Sun Nov 10 13:48:09 2002
To: all
Whoever has this item please contact me.
Note: [ 24] Mordith: To the Follower of Fate, please read.
Sat Feb 16 11:39:03 2002
To: All the followers of Fate
Long ago, possibly before most of your time here, I was slain by a mob. Being in a very difficult zone, I was not able to recover the corpse, nor where there any conclave on at the time of my demise. There was one mage however that was capable of recovery my corpse, and did so successfully.
And so it began, that was not the last corpse that Trakker had recovered for me. I was very much indebted to him as a player, and friend. Which brings us to the purpose behind this posting.
I made an pact with Trakker, Cordir, and The Lich himself that I would give the Chosen of Fate a right of passage if you will. Immunity from my attacks. It was the least I could do in return for Trakker's services. Much time went by, I assisted the chosen where I could, and they new that they could count on me, until recently. The chosen of fate was disbanded. Some fled to hide under a new following, grateful to be rid of the neutral bonds. And the rest, stood waiting, loyal to their misstress, confident that she would return.
During this time I took advantage of their UA status, hunting them whenever and wherever I could, and rightfully doing so, they were in fact unaligned. After Cordir was reinstated the attacks continued. I realize now that I was merely playing off a technicallity. I recognize Cordir's following as the Fate of old, the same fate that I, long ago, made my pact with. During the time of my attacks on Fate, none were killed that I can remember, and so I do not believe there is very much harm done.
Some of the Chosen of Fate will call me a lier, and dishonorable, even after this posting. I have nobody to blame for that except myself. If I am on, and not occupied (which will probable be very often soon, after I hit the coveted lev50) send me a tell if you happen to need assistance. If you need help dealing with covens or dawnbringers send me a tell so that I may escort them to the guild.
And if you need a CR, do not hesitate to ask, if I am able, I will recover it and return it to the victim or another member of fate.
I put the honor of the Lich's Black Conclave on the line, and ask to be punished if I violate these acts.
Mordith the Sanctified, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave
Current Description:
He looks like the very essence of dwarfism! Mordith is in perfect health. Mordith is using: <used as light> (Moderate magic) (Glowing) a birchwood rod <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) the scorching brass ring <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) the fractal silver ring <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) the radiant smoky quartz amulet <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) the splendid steel amulet <worn on body> (Potent magic) an elven chain shirt <worn on head> (Potent magic) a quilted cloth hat <worn on legs> (Moderate magic) a pair of quilted cloth hose <worn on feet> (Moderate magic) a pair of quilted cloth slippers <worn on hands> (Potent magic) a pair of quilted cloth gloves <worn on arms> (Moderate magic) a pair of reinforced leather armlets <worn as shield> (Moderate magic) a wooden kite shield <worn about body> (Moderate magic) a cloak of sable dragon scales <worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a quilted cloth belt <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a leather bracer <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) (Humming) the magnificent rose bracelet <wielded> (Potent magic) a bludgeon <worn with pride> a cloth baldric, draped over the shoulder <worn with pride> (Weak magic) a Crest bearing the Midgaard Coat of Arms You peek at the inventory: a pair of water wings a spear a white glass vial (Potent magic) (Heathen) an executioner's axe (Moderate magic) (Heathen) an executioner's axe (Potent magic) a brown potion with orange swirls and gold spots ( 5) a saddlebag ( 2) (Token magic) a clear red potion (Token magic) a large rolling pin (Moderate magic) a orange potion with glowing swirls (Token magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a bag of sand
WHO Lists:
Dwa [ Wa:28 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave 08/25/2000 Dwa [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave 10/23/2000 Dwa [ Th: 9 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave 02/19/2001 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:21 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave 10/16/2001 Dwa [ Th:27 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave 12/20/2001 Dwa [ Th:28 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave 02/10/2002 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave 05/15/2002 Dwa [ Th:28 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith thanks the few who are loyal *Lanfear* 11/11/2002 Dwa [ Th:29 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Unholy Cleric of Ruin *Lanfear* 11/21/2002 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Unholy Cleric of the Hunt *Lanfear* 01/20/2003 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, *Death* *Destruction* *War* *Hunt* 03/20/2003 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith. *PRO* .III. *Hunt* -=ReAvEr=- *AA* 07/13/2003 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith, Hunt is my Fate. 09/21/2003 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith awaits Quad classing! HUNThuntHUNThuntHUNT 12/12/2003 Dwa [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith is just here to tell you why you are wrong 01/22/2004
PKSTATS 08/14/2002
PK statistics for Mordith (miscreant): Mordith has initiated 964 attacks, 570 justified, and 394 not justified. 44 attacks have been recent (24 justified, 20 not justified). 8 recent unjustified attacks against vigilantes. 7 recent unjustified attacks against pacifists. 3 recent unjustified attacks against reprisalists. 1 recent unjustified attack against miscreants. 1 recent unjustified attack against sociopaths. Mordith has been attacked 1118 times (656 justified, 462 not justified). 46 attacks have been recent (28 justified, 18 not justified). 2 recent unjustified attacks by vigilantes. 11 recent unjustified attacks by miscreants. 5 recent unjustified attacks by sociopaths. Mordith is credited with 21 PKs (13 justified, 8 not justified). 2 kills have been recent (1 justified, 1 not justified). 1 recent unjustified kill against pacifists. Mordith has been killed 1 times (1 justified, 0 not justified). 0 deaths are recent (0 justified, 0 not justified).
Character History:
10/21/2001 - Log by Cordir:
### Mordith killed by Kantor.
Kantor cants, 'mordith, good fight'.
Kantor cants, 'fyi i'm on 198 hps and you were .1 sec from recovering your own corpse'.
You tell Kantor, 'would you consider giving it back>?'.
You tell Kantor, 'I know that sounds odd...'.
You tell Kantor, 'but he's one of the only _decent_ clave around. I'd hate to see him leave the mud again. ( but then, I don't know how aggro he's been of late.)'.
Kantor tells you (in common), 'I know he isn't the worst of em'.
Kantor tells you (in common), 'but he has recently killed a tiger'.
Kantor tells you (in common), 'while naked he can't do it as easily.. sorry'.
You tell Kantor, 'Ah, didn't know that.'.
You tell Kantor, 'my apologies for the question, then.'.
Kantor tells you (in common), 'no, I appreciate why you asked'.
Kantor tells you (in common), 'I know he isn't a bad guy'.
(PK Stats had only recently been made available/visible)
Mordith has initiated 47 attacks, 34 justified, and 13 not justified
Mordith has been attacked 32 times (10 justified, 22 not justified)
Mordith is credited with 1 PKs (1 justified, 0 not justified)
Tripper says, 'Mordith according to my records has precipitated 37 attacks, and 3 kills of tigers'.
You say, 'But at least he's generally _nice_ about it. Aggressive... but polite. = )'.
Your say, 'But then, you can be a bloody murder, if you've been polite.'
Molo says, 'Mordith left the guild without a sanct and blynded...his death is deserved.'.
- Mordith was one of less than 10 players took part in The Great Race, a contest hosted by Cordir.
Mordith commissioned a full set of restring descriptions from Cordir, that he planned obtain over time:
<used as light> (Moderate magic) (Glowing) the aura of a Fire Elemental <worn on finger> (Artifact magic) (Envenomed) a spider-shaped ring <worn on finger> (Artifact magic) (Heathen) the Unholy Mark of the Arch-Lich <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) the Magistrate's gold chain of office <worn on body> (Invis) (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a green huntsman's tunic <worn on head> (Moderate magic) (Bloody) Slue the Executioner's hood <worn on legs> (Moderate magic) mithril studded leg plates of black enamel <worn on feet> (Moderate magic) Nevyn's sturdy leather walking-boots <worn on hands> (Moderate magic) (Heathen) (Bloody) gloves sewn from a pickpocket's flesh <worn on arms> (Potent magic) (Humming) (Glowing) motley Jester's sleeves <worn as shield> (Moderate magic) a spiked demon-hide shield <worn about body> (Moderate magic) (over the shoulder) a slung hunting horn <worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a wide belt with an axe-shaped buckle <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a silver cuff shaped like a red eared hound <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a black iron cuff shaped like a red eyed hound <wielded> (Powerful magic) a black leather horseman's crop <worn with pride> (Weak magic) (Humming) a Shadow Dragon Symbol <worn with pride> (Moderate magic) the key to your dreams and nightmares <used as light> (Moderate magic) (Glowing) the aura of a Fire Elemental The living energy of a Fire Elemental has been torn away and imprisoned. <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) (Coiled) a replica of the Dhole Battling the Dhole leaves a mark - this detailed replica is a reminder. <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) the Magistrate's gold chain of office A massive pendant hangs from this golden chain of office. <worn on body> (Invis) (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a forest green huntsman's tunic This beautiful embroidered forest green tunic was made in Loth-Llorien. <worn on head> (Moderate magic) (Bloody) Slue the Executioner's hood This hood is usually worn by the Executioner, but it's been taken by force. <worn on legs> (Moderate magic) mithril studded leg plates of black enamel These black enamel leg plates are augmented with mithril studs. <worn on feet> (Moderate magic) Nevyn's sturdy leather walking-boots These leather boots have been all over the entire world. <worn on arms> (Potent magic) (Humming) (Glowing) motley Jester's sleeves These brightly colored sleeves are made of several fabrics .. and flecked with blood. <worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a wide belt with an axe-shaped buckle Once upon a time, this belt WAS an axe... but alas, no longer. <worn about body> (Moderate magic) (over the shoulder) a slung hunting horn This hunting horn is crafted of black metal and banded with rubies. <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a silver cuff shaped like a red eared hound This wide bracelet is shaped like a silvery white hound with red ears and muzzle. <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a black iron cuff shaped like a red eyed hound This wide bracelet is shaped like a demon-black hound with glowing crimson eyes. <wielded> (Powerful magic) a black leather horseman's crop This riding crop is made of thick dragonhide leather. <worn with pride> (Weak magic) (Humming) a Shadow Dragon Symbol The pirate captain Vahzlune wears a symbol much like this one... <worn with pride> (Moderate magic) the key to your dreams and nightmares The Dreammaster holds the key to every nightmare...
Player Provided Information:
Cordir 05/19/2003 |
Cordir says, 'Mordith sacced the partly empty corpse of a true newbie in Fate yesterday'. Damien winces. Ouch! Garland says (in common), 'Named?'. Cordir says, 'A boy of 13 years old, whose parents play. Fearghus. Son of Furnock and Shushila.'. |
Katrana 11/20/11 |
Mordith was hated and loved at the same time. He had a way of being both loyal and annoying! |
Personal Timeline:
1/23/04 - Mordith posts a retirement note.
6/9/03 - Mordith yells (in common), 'the players behind the characters have gone MAD!'.
1/19/03 - Mordith is now at mobmaster 104!
1/19/03 - Mordith becomes a sociopath.
1/18/03 - Katrana reports,'TIMELINE NEWS! I did my first immortal rift, hehe'. (Mordith is the lucky recipiant)
1/12/03 - Gann is killed by Mordith at the Lower Temple Courtyard in "a spar gone wrong".
1/12/03 - Mordith regains level 50! [Th:30\Wa:30\Cl:30] and kills the Clerk for MM#104.
1/11/03 - Mordith is the Katrana's second worshiper.
1/9/03 - Mordith kills the Clerk for MM #103.
11/27/02 - ### [Mordith says (in common), 'if i wanted to try a MM could i borrow like say....all your eq real quick']
11/19/02 - Mordith reaches Th:29 Wa:30 Cl:30 for the second time.
11/18/02 - Mordith completes mobmaster 102! (Borlan, with no protection or link).
11/18/02 - Mordith declares his vendetta against the FoLK via gossip, stating his reason as being that one of them was 'rude'. (Apparently said 'rudeness' was for not giving appropriate thanks for returning a partially looted corpse.) Mordith auctions (in common), 'looking to buy full, unlooted corpses' then specified that extra payment will be made for Coven or FoLK.
11/10/02 - Mordith posts a note requesting that anyone has the "Aura of a Fire Demon" contact him.
11/8/02 - Mordith posts a disclaimer. <LOG>
11/8/02 - Cordir runs a Teleport quest. Final score: Zeaxz 11, Mordith 5, Qut 3, Shon/Wistom - 2, Traume/Wylin/Pitt - 1. The prize is a spiffy potion made by Khore.
11/6/02 - Mordith gets MM#101 - the Clerk.
10/31/02 - Mordith reaches Th:27 Wa:30 Cl:30 again.
10/23/02 - Mordith kills the Clerk for MM#99, and Borlan for MM#100.
10/19/02 - Mordith seeks out and obtains a God+ level loss reform from the Black Conclave, shocking everyone as the infos hit: ### Mordith has fallen to level 29. ### Mordith has fallen to level 28. ### Mordith has fallen to level 26. ### Mordith has fallen to level 25. Whois Mordith: Dwa [ Th:25 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Mordith.
10/13/02 - Mordith completes mobmasters 95 thru 99 (Jair the Librarian, Grandma Schon, the Magistrate, Borlan, & Captain Niall).
10/8/02 - Mordith killed Ramona solo "for fun."
10/5/02 - Mordith and Solaron compete in the first ever PK contest <LOG>
10/2/02 - Mordith completes mobmaster 94.
9/27/02 - Mordith completes mobmaster 93.
9/22/02 - Cordir puts together two quests with a title to match, and the winners are Mordith (high line) and Sharn (low line). <LOG>
9/18/02 - Mordith completes mobmaster 90.
9/15/02 - Mordith is killed by the huge mithril golem at Before a Large Staircase, and seconds later, Gabriel is killed by a zombie guard at The Third Floor. (Master's Tower) Abe performs the first CR of Mordith solo, then goes back for Gabriel's corpse with Vex. Vex goes linkdead in Master's Tower just as the corpse is retrieved, and two goddesses sit a vigil waiting for him to return as Abe runs the corpse back to Gabriel.
9/9/02 - Mordith got on the mobhunt list "after like more than 2 hours of playing that darn game :P"
9/7/02 - A CR is performed by Mordith and Abe, with Lexie, Vex, and Rubicant luring the demons out of the way.
9/6/02 - Abe and Mordith do a corpse retrieval for Pardoquilian in demon realm while Lexie, Rubicant & Vex keep the demon population busy.
9/5/02 - Various mobs from Velalasir keep attacking the temple area: (Translucent) (Light Red Aura) (White Aura) The High Priestess of Lloth snarls at your intrusion! ... and they turned into ghosts almost every time they were slain... Abe, Gytar, Lexie, Vex, Rubicant, Mordith, and others had fun fending off the invasion.
9/4/02 - Mordith gets MM#89 - Avangeline.
8/20/02 - Mordith killed Tomas and Grigg today, just for fun.
8/15/02 - Finding Abe linkdead outside West Midgaard Gate, Mordith slays him to get him to safe as quickly as possible, immediately returning the corpse when Abe gains entry to the realm once more.
8/1/02 - Mordith posts a GT survey. <LOG>
5/10/02 - Mordith posts a notice that he's a mercenary for hire. <LOG>
3/6/02 - Ihsahn dies in Gronk and Mordith "sort of" does a CR... but some items in the corpse don't quite make it back. *cough*.
2/21/02 - Mordith, Malevolent Cardinal of the Black Conclave, reaches effective 50! (Th:30 Wa:30 Cl:30).
2/17/02 - Mordith clarifies in a conversation with Tranquility that NO, he will not attack Fate, which he had not clearly stated in his note.
2/16/02 - Mordith posts a note regarding Cordir's following. <LOG>
2/14/02 - Mikejs somehow gets into a no-exit room in the Ant Colony and Legolas and Mordith spend about half an hour doing INFO on her, trying to figure out where she is, then rushed off to the rescue.
1/28/02 - Nobbs dies in the first House of Drow City, and Gytar, the Ordained of Unity, manages the corpse rescue just before Mordith and Boyardee can get to it.
12/18/01 - Pez Quest 10 ends, and the winners are Mordith and Boyardee.
12/11/01 - Mordith reaches Th:26 Wa:30 Cl:30.
12/1/01 - Mordith gossips (in common), 'for the record tirpitz has no affiliation with the conclave, he is just another naked shaman'. Gno [ Sh:30 ] Tirpitz, Arch-Mage of the Black Conclave.
11/30/01 - Mordith causes some trouble as Diver posts a note warning folks about a zone change: "It appears that the "Tiny Room" in Landru's Keep is nolonger safe in that zone. I was just summoned out of it by Mordith, so that Dashiva could attack me.Beware."
10/18/01 - Mordith of the Black Conclave reaches Th:22\Wa:30\Cl:30.
10/17/01 - Mordith bad recalls four times in a row, landing "once in cannibals, once at the mithril dragon, once in a locked room in newbie hell, and forget where the 4th was."
9/1/00 - Mordith gains MM80 - the Master Warrior and also reaches Wa:29 Cl:30.
8/30/00 - Mordith summons Kantor to help him slay 'a saint bernard' for MM61 which is in a section of Nydia that was cleric-only.
7/25/00 - Lorna holds a sale. 3 baskets with unknown items in them. Mordith purchases the second basket sold for 400,000 gold. In it are Major Amulets of Anti-Theft, Steadfastness, Health, True Sight, and Blocking, as well as a Minor Amulet of Familiarity, and a Water Breathing amulet.
7/17/00 - Mordith slays a Master Mage for MM#78.
6/8/00 - Trakker attempts a CR for Mordith in the Captains Quarters of the Longship. When Trakker sunlights the room to pick up the corpse, Maimer and Brenick rush in and steal the body. Mordith later kills Klax, a fellow Nashite who failed to use his following keyword or Nash in his title. This causes a spat over gossip, during which Klax is silenced.
6/4/00 - Mordith completes MM#76- Merrick, and MM#77- a Master Thief.
4/13/00 - Mordith slays a boar and Queen Sylette for MM 64 & 65.
12/11/99 - Mordith slays a carnivorous rose bush for mob mastery #50, then goes on to complete three more mob masteries, with a Magman as his 53rd Mob Mastery.
12/10/99 - Mordith reaches effective 33rd level, raising cleric to 24th.
8/14/99 - Mordith is created.
Player Information:
Sad news. The player behind Mordith, Chad Sampson, passed away in April, 2008. Solaron posted this information to the TFC forums. He may not have been widely loved as Mordith, but no one can deny he was an excellent player and was extremely dedicated to his friends. He will be missed.