Seraph | |
The Fallen Angel | |
Demigod | |
Created | December 2002 |
Status | Retired |
Retired | February 21, 2014 |
Race | Human |
Classes | Warrior Cleric Ordained Thug |
Last Seen | 2013 |
Followed | Bliss Triston Kerriariadne Katrana (x2) Mystaya Isolas |
Spouse | Mystaya |
Partner | Alexis |
Parents | Unknown |
Children | Samiyah (repudiated) Jamilla |
Immorted | Amb: July 12, 2008 Attend: Nov 10, 2008 Demi: May 9, 2009 Retire: April 14, 2010 Demi: March 5, 2013 2nd Retire: Feb 21, 2014 |
Following | 1st: Vir 2nd: High Order |

Mud Contributions:
Current Description:
The whispering shadows of the Hell he fell to and arose back out of, still waft around the imposing Immortal before you. Dressed from head to toe in black plate armor, he has the towering physique of one who has spent every day of his existence, from early childhood to the present, in the struggle for dominance. Mortal conflicts shaped his spirit and body into a weapon, ready to be wielded against foes of every degree of expertise. Dark Suriel and Angel of the Hunt, evidence of oaths given to Kerriariadne and Katrana yet glow upon bracers worn on his wrists. Outstretched wings of black make him even more intimidating but the deep, intense blue of his aura gives an overwhelming proof of the change he has made in himself. A full-faced helm is tucked under one arm, leaving his hair to tumble down to his shoulders: a deep brown at the top fading to pale white at the ends. A narrow band of cloth covers the horror of his burned-out eyes, the pale linen taking on a multi-hued appearance from the light of an opaline spark that floats about his head. It wafts about, almost like a will-o-wisp, and as it drifts near where his eyes once were, he smiles at it, the expression transforming him from a being that causes your weakened knees to want to bend in submission to, into that a loving if firm father. He murmurs some gentle admonishment in the desert language, and then turns His attention back to you once more. As he returns your awed stare, you feel a strange tugging in your chest as if your soul itself attempted to answer His summons. He smiles, a bit more like the fanged grin of a hunting beast than that of a concerned parent, a pain briefly wracks you, and the sensation is mercifully gone... for now. Seraph is bathed in the essence of charisma. Seraph is in perfect health. Seraph is using: <used as light> (Blue Aura) the radiant glow of an willingly offered soul <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) the Ring of Angelic Council <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) a ring set with desert opal <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) a black plate gorget <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) a black iron chain bearing a seal <worn on body> (Potent magic) black full plate armor, complete with angel wings <worn on head> (Potent magic) a narrow strip of clean, white linen <worn on legs> (Potent magic) greaves and cuisses of black plate <worn on feet> (Potent magic) sandy boots of heavy black leather <worn on hands> (Potent magic) armored gauntlets of black leather <worn on arms> (Moderate magic) articulated black plate pauldrons <worn as shield> (Powerful magic) a desert-style war shield <worn about body> (Potent magic) a voluminous desert robe of black linen <worn about waist> (Potent magic) a thick black leather swordbelt <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a black bracer shaped like briars <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a black bracer shaped like a sylph <wielded> (Powerful magic) an ancient, bloody longsword <wielded off-hand> (Moderate magic) a curved, desert-style dagger <held> (Moderate magic) the light of a stolen soul <worn with pride> (Moderate magic) the remnants of a tattoo, burned away <worn with pride> (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the Medallion of Godhood
If Hell itself had a champion, it would look much like the unholy figure that towers over you. Dressed from head to toe in black plate armor, the unrelieved sable continues in the inky wings that arch upward. Weapons, shield, and armor alike bears the evidence of battle - blood dripping in a steady stream to pool at his feet. Thick shouldered, bearing the signs of two gods - Kerriariadne and Katrana - worn still around his wrists, a clearer picture of violence could not be drawn. His multi-hued hair - an uninteresting brown at the top, fading to a pale white at the ends - has been braided back, to stay out of his eyes during combat. His eyes seem unusually dark, shadowed, until he lifts his head with an evil laugh, an unopposed view granted of the burned holes that are all that remains. It is a horrifying sight and he laughs at your discomfort. His crossed arms draw your eye to the holy symbols still worn around his wrists: That of Katrana and Kerriariadne - the gods that shaped him the most strongly. As he returns your stare, you feel a strange tugging in your chest - a sense of emptiness... as if, by his presence alone, he could steal that which is most precious - your very essence. With a smirk and a flick of his fingers, he releases his playful tugging on your spirit... For now. Seraph is using: <used as light> (Weak magic) a softly glowing blue gemstone <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) the Ring of Angelic Council <worn on finger> (Moderate magic) a ring set with desert opal <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) a black plate gorget <worn around neck> (Moderate magic) a black iron chain bearing a seal <worn on body> (Moderate magic) black full plate armor, complete with angel wings <worn on head> (Potent magic) a black fullface helm with no eyeslits <worn on legs> (Moderate magic) greaves and cuisses of black plate <worn on feet> (Moderate magic) sandy boots of heavy black leather <worn on hands> (Moderate magic) armored gauntlets of black leather <worn on arms> (Moderate magic) articulated black plate pauldrons <worn as shield> (Moderate magic) a black shield, dripping blood of angels <worn about body> (Potent magic) a voluminous desert robe of black linen <worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a thick black leather swordbelt <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a black bracer shaped like briars <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a black bracer shaped like a sylph <wielded> (Moderate magic) an ancient, bloody longsword <worn with pride> (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the Medallion of Godhood <worn with pride> (Token magic) remnants of a tattoo, burned away
WHO Lists:
Hum [ Wa:10 ] Seraph the Boy December 22, 2002 Hum [ Wa:11 ] Seraph the Boy February 24, 2003 Hum [ Wa:18 Cl:21 ] Seraph the Boy *hunt*sin* April 12, 2003 Hum [ Cl:26 Wa:21 ] Seraph Excaped from Hellview *cky=wrath* Alexis May 22, 2003 Hum [ Wa:22 Cl:30 ] Seraph When Love and Death Embrace (Sin Council) Mys June 21, 2003 Hum [ Wa:24 Cl:30 ] SEraph When Love and Death Embrace September 28, 2003 Hum [ Wa:24 Cl:30 ] Seraph When Love and Death Embrace October 25, 2003 Hum [ Wa:24 Cl:30 ] Seraph When Love and Death Embrace *dark* November 18, 2003 Hum [ Wa:26 Cl:30 ] Seraph When Love and Death Embrace *Dark Knight* November 30, 2003 Hum [ Wa:29 Cl:30 ] Seraph Human Shield of Dark December 15, 2003 Hum [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph Human Shield of Dark December 21, 2003 Hum [ Dark Shield ] Seraph Arch-Angel of Darkness December 22, 2003 Hum [ Dark Shield ] Seraph Arch-Angel of Darkness January 1, 2004 Hum [ Dark Suriel ] Seraph, Mystaya's Arch-Angel of Darkness February 29, 2004 Hum [ Cl:30 Wa:30 ] Seraph, Mystaya's Arch-Angel April 22, 2004 Hum [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph Mystaya's Arch-Angel of Hunt May 22, 2004 Hum [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph Mystaya's Arch-Angel of Hunt October 17, 2004 Hum [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph Skylore Angel of Hunt *mystaya* November 22, 2004 Hum [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph Skylore Angel of Hunt *mystaya* January 20, 2005 Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph. January 7, 2006 Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph anyone seen my title I lost it January 4, 2007 Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph making sure the guildhall walls stay up March 20, 2007 Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph, Arch-Angel of the Nashite Magi May 25, 2007 Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph, Arch-Angel of the Nashite Magi October 31, 2007 Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph, Arch-Angel of the Nashite Magi February 11, 2008 Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Seraph Arch-Angel of the Nashite Magi June 4, 2008 Hum [ Attendant ] Seraph it's watching over Darkclaws followers now January 10, 2009 Hum [ Attendant ] Seraph is watching over Darkclaw's followers now. February 15, 2009 Hum [ Retired ] Seraph Fallen Angel of Darkness December 14, 2012 Hum [ Demigod ] Seraph Fallen Angel of the High Order March 5, 2013 Hum [ Demigod ] Seraph done like dinner February 19, 2014
Character History: 11/18/2012
Seraph raises his hand and a throne of bones rises from the floor.
Seraph sits on the throne.
Samiyah startles, and takes another step backward, gasping as she hits the wall unexpectedly.
Seraph says, 'when I was a child my parents were killed. I was about 8 at the time. I took to the streets of Midgaard doing whatever I could to survive. I meet up with a man and he took me in, fed me, clothed me. Trained me in combat. But everything comes with a price. I worked for him stealing - collecting items for him '.
Samiyah nods slightly, listening.
Seraph says, 'if it wasn't up to his standards I was beaten and it was never up to his standards'.
Samiyah makes a soft sound of sorrow at the image of a starved, desperate child being beaten.
Seraph says, 'One day he told me to go collect from the weapon-smith so I did. When I got back I saw him talking with a huge ogre. I was spotted standing there and was dragged into the room. They beat me with a chain and whips until I was almost dead. They heated up a iron fork and came over to me. He said a person with no eyes has no soul for the eyes are the window to the soul - and pushed the burning rod into my eyes '.
Samiyah covers her mouth with one hand, her eyes reflecting the horror she feels.
Seraph says, 'that moment my soul left my body and I was standing before an angel. He said, ‘I feel the hate in you and I will help you'. He breathed life back into my lifeless body . He also told me how to steal souls for souls kept me alive'.
You say (in common), 'was this the 'Vir' I have read of?'.
Seraph says, 'no'.
Seraph says, 'I was not dead and I was not alive when I came back I was an angel. The first soul I ever took was Marion'.
Seraph pulls a gem from his robe. It glows bright red.
Samiyah stares wordlessly at the gem, shuddering.
Seraph tosses it to you.
Samiyah squawks and catches it instinctively.
Seraph says, 'meet Marion'.
Samiyah holds it in her hands like she would a dead, rotted thing.
Seraph says, 'he was the one who took me in'.
Tears seep from her eyes, staining her veil.
Seraph says, 'as the years passed I killed and collected souls'.
Samiyah begs softly, her voice shaking, 'Please .. please take it back.'
Samiyah extends her hands.
Seraph says, 'Then the Dark lord took me in under him I learned to harness my hate'.
Seraph opens his hand and the gem returns, absorbing into it.
Samiyah lowers her arms, unconsciously rubbing her hands against the linen of her robe, over and over.
Seraph says, 'Kerri made me a helm so I could see again'.
You say (in common), 'How? Magic?'.
Seraph says, 'he used some of his immortal powers to create it'.
Seraph says, 'I became his Ordained and fought many battles for him spilling blood of the innocent. Don’t mistake my childhood as a tale of sorrow. It is a tale of vengeance. I am thankful for Marion - he unleashed me'.
Samiyah nod slightly and asks softly, 'What of your vows to Lady Mystaya?
Seraph eyes glow bright red.
Seraph says, 'hmmmm Mystaya. I loved her but she was my weakness'.
You say (in common), 'do you have children?'.
Seraph says, 'no'.
You say (in common), 'what about your followers?'.
Seraph says, 'After many years of killing and raiding towns my time came to become a god. When I took my rightful place among the gods I was torn apart'.
You say (in common), 'emotionally or literally?'.
Seraph says, 'Both'.
Seraph says, 'I lost my way to the power. I lost my focus. The souls I collected shattered within me destroying my mind and body'.
You say (in common), 'so what is the Vir?'.
Seraph says, 'The Vir is an illusion. Something my mind created and took hold. Once the gods cast me out of the heavens I returned to normal'.
You say (in common), 'so the power of immortality was too much to bear?'.
Seraph says, 'I was not ready'.
Seraph stands up the bone throne crumbles to dust.
You say (in common), 'so if you 'returned to normal'... why do you still steal souls '.
Seraph bends down, looking you dead in the eyes.
Seraph says, 'Because I like to'.
Seraph grins evilly at you.
Samiyah cringes back, her shoulders pressed against the stone wall as if to hide within it.
Seraph says, 'I want chaos and death. I want to stop as many people as possible from entering the heavens'.
Samiyah asks softly, 'Why? Does it make you feel better?'
Seraph says, 'yes it does'.
Seraph hand glows red. As he holds it close to your face, you can feel your soul slipping away.
Seraph pulls his hand away.
Samiyah reaches up and grabs a small, hand-made charm in her hair, and says quickly, 'Away with you!'
Seraph says, 'see, Samiyah? I can collect anytime. But I like you'.
You say (in common), 'Why do you want me to write about you?'.
Seraph says, 'why? Because you are skilled. People listen to you'.
You say (in common), 'Why do you care if people know your story? You hate them all..'.
Seraph says, 'everyone wants to be remembered. I don't hate you. That's why I will not take your soul'.
You look at Seraph.
You shiver.
Seraph says, 'You don't like me very much do you?'.
You say (in common), 'I think the soul is the only thing in life that is truly ours…. and that you would steal that, take it… I cannot fathom.'.
Seraph says, 'nothing is truly yours'.
You say (in common), 'I do not know _you_.. I do not like what you _DO_ You choose to be an instrument of pain. I don't understand that desire.'.
Seraph says, 'you choose to be a instrument of life through song. Same difference'.
Samiyah adjusts her veil to hide a smile, and murmurs, 'Though, to Anduin, one is as evil as the other.'
Seraph says, 'there you have my story'.
- There was an earlier incarnation named Seraph, who was a Human Mage/Warrior in the Black Conclave in 1998, but it is unknown if it was the same player.
- Seraph was a member of the Council of Sin.
- Seraph attended the 2003 Yarmouth GT.
Wiki Mentions:
- WHO List - 05/07/2003 (Plus Rankings and Wizlist)
- The Soul-Stealer: Seraph was the topic of a discussion between DarkClaw and Samiyah
- The Soul Stealer's Bargain: Seraph begins a long game of manipulation and control of a certain Bard.
- Samiyah - Level 25 Bard Review: As per their bargain, Samiyah creates a work describing Seraph's life.
- The Soul Stealer's Prey
- The Soul Stealer's Plan
- The Soul Stealer's Gambit
- The Soul Stealer's Strategy
- The Soul Stealer's Goodbye
Player Provided Information:
Samiyah 01/02/2013 |
While I never got the opportunity to interact with Seraph while he was an active mortal or FLI, I have really enjoyed the creativity and conflict that he brings to my RP as a Retired Immortal. No story is exciting without danger and villains for the heroes to strive against - and Seraph is an excellent 'bad guy.' I look forward to seeing how our shared RP storyline continues and grows. |
Samiyah 02/21/2014 |
In the year span since my last post, Seraph was restored to the Heavens as an FLI, and led the High Order for nine months. It was my pleasure to be his first follower and to work with him to develop the following. He continued to provide some really awesome and some really agonizing RP during that span, and was the Good that folks loved to hate. |
Riordan says (in common), 'i'll be honest, i don't trust your father'. Riordan says (in common), 'and as dependent as i am on my temporal possessions and the lyricals i've acquired, he makes me itch'. |
(Samiyah) |
Personal Timeline:
2004: Seraph and Mystaya are wed.
[ 10] Seraph: me
Mon Mar 23 13:37:29 2009
To: all
I will be taking a short period off cause of real life problems. I hope all is well and I will try to pick up where I left off but if not thank you all for the great time I had here.