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The list below contains both limiteds and non limiteds of non-random (poppable) equipment. RandomEquipment also pops throughout the realm.

Wear Slot Metal Lim/Non-Lim Stats Item Name Area Room/Mob/Notes
About AC 3 da(3) con(3) an acrobat's safety harness The Cursed Circus flaming acrobat
About AC 5 str(4) luc(2) a rune-inscribed robe of black The Boneyard Storivad Von Harovich
About AC 3 da(2) luck(3) svs(-3) an over-robe of emerald silkweave The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine a drow elf passenger
About AC 6 int(3) wis(3) chr(3) linen robes of cloud-gray Aerie Volant Master Arcanus
About AC 6 luc(3) svs(-2) int(4) an aura of inky darkness Dauskdraug Spawning Caves a dauskdraug haunt
About AC 4 ac(-2) svs(-3) a thick, heavy, fine brown wool cloak Riverhold a merchant of Safehaven
About Y Limited AC 14 da(2) dmg(4) a sash of molten chain mail The Cursed Circus Blazing Gate Keeper
About ac(-5) container a billowing great-cloak of black wool Dauskdraug Spawning Caves Night, the deposed Guildmaster
About AC 5 da(2) svs(-2) a dark cloak Braddlebury thief guildmaster
About Limited AC 3 str(2) dex(2) svs(-2) hp(20) the chimera's hide Candlespyre Mountain In a huge cave, a foul chimera
About dmg(3) stained and tattered cloak Candlespyre Mountain giant wyvern
About AC 5 ac(-3) hr(3) split cape The Valley of Dhraxx dragonthief
About ??? a shredded gold robe The Ruins of Ofcol Dragon Chamber/attendant of nightwalker
About AGNR AC 6 svs(-5) Ward of the Triat The Caverns of N'Kai Shar-ti
About AC 6 int(3) wis(3) luc(2) robe of faith Northern Stronghold emperor tharune
About AG AC 6 dmg(3) svs(-2) an aura of darkness The Ruins of Ofcol nightwalker
About AG AC 5 str(3) con(2) Braided Tasloi Hide Riverdale Plantation jungle guide
About AC 6 hr(2) dmg(2) assassin's cape The Triton Halls mysterious sorceress
About AC 5 int(1) wis(1) hr(1) tattered robe Skelos Island skeleton queen
About svs(-3) dark grey woolen cape Trading Post cabinet
About AC 6 dmg(2) svs(-3) Crest of Cormac Wintermeet Valley centaur patriarch
About AC 5 ac(-5) int(2) hr(1) Cloak of Dragonkind The Valley of Dhraxx Dhraxx
About(inv) AEAUNR AC 4 ac(-10) svs(-3) hp(10) An azure quilted doublet Trading Post Lowerchest
About(inv) AC 6 ac(-10) svs(-4) dark grey cloak Trading Post cabinet
About AC 4 ac(-?) svs(-5) dex (2) robes of sable Yochlol-silk Aerie Volant The Drow royal ambassador
Arms AC 6 chr(1) ac(-2) dex(1) +? some molten elven chain sleeves The Cursed Circus avid spectator
Arms AC 5 hr(2) str(2) twin spirals of bone Living Lands the skeletal beast
Arms AC 6 hr(2) dex(2) str(2) a pair of leaf-shaped leather pauldrons Riverhold Zrilla, the Ranger Guildmaster
Arms AC 2 int(2) wis(2) svs(-2) an armband of white coral The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine Chac'u'yab the ballast master / Bo'lan'ti'ku
Arms AC 2 con(2) dex(2) svs(-2) an armband of pink coral The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine the helmsman, Ak'cha'mahez
Arms AC 6 luc(3) svs(-3) Leather vambraces with spiderweb repousse The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine a drow elf passenger
Arms Y mAEm AC 5 svs(-3) hr(3) storm blue scale mail pauldrons Hall of Memory (II) the doppelganger of a bemused human / Tel'Quessir
Arms AEAU AC 9 luc(2) Silver Dragonscale Vambraces Dragon Tower Chest
Arms NDNR AC 6 dmg(2) svs(-3) Emerald Vambraces Abbey Emerald Knight
Arms AC 4 ac(-2) str(2) ma(10) Sleeves of Dragonkind The Valley of Dhraxx Dhraxx
Arms (inv) AC 6 hr(2) dmg(2) Midnight Black Bracers The Valley of Dhraxx Midnight Dragon
Arms str(1) dmg(2) promise of the triat The Caverns of N'Kai Lin Tra
Arms AC 6 int(4) pieces of graveworm hide The Ruins of Ofcol the graveworm
Arms AC 6 con(3) a brand of a sun in a circle The Ruins of Ofcol disgruntled mercenary
Arms Limited AC 5 dmg(4) luc(2) leather pauldrons signed by Lord Sirak Hall of Memory (II) the wraith of a silent Executioner / Sirak's Temple
Arms AC 5 mv(10) svs(-1) da(1) dex(3) a wide armcuff, shaped like a falcon Tribal Sands Prince
Arms AC 6 str(4) con(2) Carved set of Ivory Armbands Shipwreck captains chest
Arms Y AC 21 con(1) Woronin armbands Temple of Isiira ghostly woronin
Arms AC 5 dmg(2) Feathered armbands Wintermeet Valley Centaur hunter
Arms(inv) AC 5 dmg(2) dark grey sleeves Trading Post cabinet
Arms(inv) NR AC 4 hr(1) dmg(1) svs(-2) hp(10) Secondskin sleeves The Triton Halls The Kings Chamber
Arms AC 0 str(1) chr(1) hr(3) ac(-10) (Mystical) two carbuncle-studded chestnut arm guards The Mystic Woods Riddle Chests
Arms AC 5 dmg(2) hr(2) svs(-2) bulky sleeves of bear fur Blackthorne Forest a roaring brown bear
Body AC 2 dmg(3) dex(3) (Invis)swirling spirits Dauskdraug Spawning Caves a dauskdraug haunt
Body AG AC 2 ma(5) a blood red robe Velalisier Myrrhine
Body AC 5 hp(15) da(1) ac(-10) dex(-3) the volcanic chest plate Tiren's Rock the undead mighty ettin
Body Y ND AC 10 luc(2) svs(-4) Emerald Breastplate Abbey (below drunken abbot) emerald knight
Body AC 6 ac(-5) svs(-2) couatl jerkin Cannibal Island Chief
Body Y AGAN AC 16 str(1) dmg(1) Obsidian Breastplate The Dark Manor Tuff
Body AC 5 ac(-6) wis(2) hr(2) Plate of Dragonkind The Valley of Dhraxx Dhraxx
Body LIMITED AC 5 ac(-10) dmg(3) svs(-4) ma(15) the enchanted suit of leather Castle of Baron Marel Baron Marel
Body LIMITED AC 6 dmg(2) hr(2) int(2) wis(2) hp(10) radiant golden vestments Hall of Memory
Body AC 5 wis(2) int(2) a heavily embroidered green wool tunic Riverhold a merchant of Safehaven
Body AC 5 ac(-10) svs(-4) The Great Plains Mastodons
Body AC 6 dex(3) ma(33) Silver Vest The Master's Tower (top) The Lady
Body AC 6 int(2) wis(2) luc(2) Golden Vest The Master's Tower top Master of Magic
Body AC 2 luc(2) pelt of silver tiger [[Master's Tower(2) silver tiger
Body Y AC 16 shiny breast plate Mountain of Knowledge Baliff
Body Y AE AC 10 con(3) hp(15) platinum plate The Ruins of Ofcol Marshal Diana
Body AGAENR AC 6 dex(3) Immense Elder Sign The Caverns of N'Kai On the Dhole
Body int(3) svs(-5) rune covered robe Northern Stronghold Headmaster Vaeren (black robed mino wizard)
Body AC 4 dex(4) svs(-2) a black-leather bandolier Northern Stronghold Angarak?
Body Y LIMITED AC 17 da(5) mithril bodice Riverdale Plantation Angelle
Body AC 6 dex(3) dmg(1) Clouded leopard skin Riverdale Plantation clouded leopard
Body Limited AC 6 hr(3) luc(2) dmg(2) ac(-5) 12#) a chest plate of baby dragon scales The Cursed Circus undead baby dragon
Body TS L6/Hth L26/Std L7/Obs L6 AC 7 wis(6) hp(10) a pink bikini Quest Item Quest Item
Body Y LIMITED ANAE AC 10 ac(-5) str(1) dmg(5) Untainted Plate Sacred Shrine The stout man (Teithi) / The Sacred Shrine
Body AC 6 con(2) luc(2) A marine's red coat Shipwreck a marine
Body AC 4 ac(-7) luc(2) Bone Torso Skelos Island Skeleton King
Body silvery-blue cuirass
Body AC 6 dmg(3) hr(2) a breastplate of hardened leather Riverhold Captain
Body(inv) AC 5 ac(-5) svs(-4) dark grey doublet Trading Post cabinet
Body(inv) AGANNR AC 5 ac(-5) str(1) hp(10) a black snakeskin doublet Trading Post bronze chest?
Body(inv) NR AC 4 hr(1) dmg(1) svs(-2) hp(10) Secondskin suit The Triton Halls The Kings Chamber / in locker
Container 25kg rattrap Dwarvenhold Mines Duergar Hunter
Container 50 kg ND (Token magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a bag of sand The Dream Realm Dreammaster
Container 15 kg Mastadon Dung The Great Plains garbage heap
Container 300? (weighs 100kg) wooden coffin Midgaard undertaker
Container 30kg Traveler's Pack Riverhold an Exhausted traveler
Container 13 kg Level 50 Shaman basket Misc Lvl 50 Shaman
Container 32 kg Level 50 Shaman bag Misc Lvl 50 Shaman
Container 37 kg Level 50 Bard bag Misc Lvl 50 Bard
Container 20 kg ND Hide bag Monastary (this zone is not in the game anymore) Kappa
Container 92 kg (Mystical) a magician's hat The Mystic Woods chest in Adamantite Chamber
Container 25 kg medical kit Riverdale Plantation Downstairs
Container 40kg a stout cargo net The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine Ah'mu'zen'ka
Container (Invis) 40kg (Invis) the concealing shadows Hall of Memory(2) The Weaver's Shadow / Cordir's Temple
Container 40 kg Cleaning Cart Riverdale Plantation custodian
Container ac(-5) 10kg a billowing great-cloak of black wool Dauskdraug Spawning Caves Night, the deposed Guildmaster
Container 34kg a black leather courier pouch Aerie Volant A Formal Guest Chamber
Container 15kg Canvas Bag Safehaven
Container 30 kg egg casing Sanguinna & The Keep The hill of lost souls and various priests/priestesses
Container 20 kg headless corpse Shipwreck under ship
Container 30kg large backpack Trading Post Containers Dept
Container 45 kg a sturdy chest Trading Post Containers Dept
Container "decent" chest Trading Post
Container 27kgs large canvas sack Trading Post Containers Dept
Container 19 kg ND A fossilized clam shell The Triton Halls
Container 35 kg Saddlebag Wintermeet Valley falconer and hunter
Container 35 kg a sack of ill-gotten loot Ghost Town - Forgotten Catacombs a gnome grave-thief
Container 25 kg Canvas Bag Woods outside The Mystic Woods Store by cottage
Container 30 kg mage's spell book Mountain of Knowledge Astaldo
Container 15kg a worn leather satchel Living Lands a curious herbalist
Drink a large waterskin Antelope Waterskin Wintermeet Valley Hunter
Drink fountain (no limit), also casts cure poison (Token magic) a silver decanter Candlespyre Mountain (South Face) Wyvern
Drink fountain (no limit), also casts immunity (Mystical) the deep green heliotrope decanter The Mystic Woods In a Chest
Feet AC 5 chr(3) ac(-3) dex(2) +? a pair of molten elven chain riding boots The Cursed Circus avid spectator
Feet int(1) chr(1) svs(-2) some silk boots Cyrenian Gardens Behind the Waterfall
Feet Y AC 10 wis(1) dmg(2) mithril anklets The Valley of Dhraxx mithril dragon
Feet AC 4 dex(2) da(3) int(1) ma(5) kg(1) ornate slippers of leather and papyrus Tribal Sands Great Pharaoh, Sarcon
Feet Y AC 12 con(1) svs(-2) black steel anklets The Valley of Dhraxx storm dragon
Feet Y AC 10 hp(10) mvs(60) dirty platinum boots The Ruins of Ofcol Marshal Diana
Feet AC 4 dex(1) luc(2) wispy anklets The Valley of Dhraxx cloud dragon
Feet AC 4 dex(1) svs(-2) emerald anklets The Valley of Dhraxx emerald dragon
Feet AC 4 dex(1) wis(1) pewter anklets The Valley of Dhraxx mercury dragon
Feet AC 4 dmg(2) aquadragon scale anklets The Valley of Dhraxx aquadragon
Feet AC 5 ac(-2) dex(2) Boots of Dragonkind The Valley of Dhraxx Dhraxx
Feet AEAU AC 8 con(2) Silver Dragonscale Boots Dragon Tower Chest in Back room of the dragons chest
Feet Y AC 12 con(3) luc(2) Mithril Horseshoes Northern Stronghold Farriers tent
Feet Y AC 16 str(4) Adamantine cloven horseshoe Northern Stronghold Farriers tent
Feet AC 5 dex(3) or dmg(3) Cloven Horseshoe Northern Stronghold Farriers tent
Feet(inv) dmg(2) dark grey boots Trading Post cabinet
Feet AC 5 con(4) svs(-2) soft-soled black suede boots Hall of Memory (2) spirit of a nimble-fingered thief / Khore's Temple
Feet AC 5 int(2) wis(2) polished hard leather boots Hall of Memory (2) Commander of the Hall Guard
Feet(inv) AGANNR AC 5 str(2) dmg(2) a pair of black snakeskin boots Trading Post bronze chest?
Feet AC 5 con(3) dmg(2) a pair of stout brown boots Riverhold Zirilla
Finger hr(2) str(2) plain band of black iron Dauskdraug Spawning Caves Night, the deposed Guildmaster
Finger dex(2) con(2) a ring of the usurper Mider treasurer
Finger AC 5 dmg(3) hr(3) svs(-2) a spider-shaped ring Hall of Memory (1) a ghostly Drow Elf
Finger AC 0 dex(2) int(1) a braided band of copper Dessert Island In the Hold of a Shipwreck
Finger int(3) a small silver band Braddlebury bald eagle
Finger Limited hr(5) svs(-5) Ring of fire Candlespyre Mountain Mighty Phoenix Natajran
Finger int(1) hp(10) ma(10) The Mark of Dhuvrad Dhuvrad Bellagg the King
Finger con(2) luc(1) int(1) The Seal of Dhuvrad Dhuvrad Bellagg the King
Finger Ch(?) lev(12-16) bless twist Transluscent Stones Ring Oakheart Inn(Lake Askilyn) mist
Finger luc(1) silver ring Lizard Swamp NW Corner
Finger dmg(3) hp(-20) Ring of fire The Master's Tower(4) a huge Fire elemental
Finger hp(50) silver ring The Master's Tower(top) Master of Magic
Finger ma(50) Golden Ring The Master's Tower Master of Magic
Finger AENRND AC 6 hr(2) dmg(2) Band of the One Dwarf The Caverns of N'Kai On the Dhole
Finger svs(-3) ma(10) ring of violet diamonds Altibia (Old Altibia section) Statue of Neris
Finger AC 6 hr(2) dmg(2) ring of worth Sacred Shrine Teithi (A stout man) / The Sacred Shrine
Finger svs(-4) ma(15) small diamond ring The Shadowed Valley Dracolich in basement
Finger AGAE hr(1) dmg(2) Ring of Indifference Shrine of Neutrality Grey Dragon
Finger Limited dmg(4) Ring of flames Villa En'Asni Sh'kkara
Finger con(2) The ring of Vigilance Temple of Isiira Ghost of Aranno
Finger Cure Serious C8 L16 int(1) The lapis lazuli ring Temple of Isiira Ghost of Aylaros
Finger AC 2 con(1) Diamond encrusted gold ring Thistlerock Gnome Chief
Finger AC 0 da(3) svs(-3) a ring of braided twine Hall of Memory (1) Wish's Temple
Finger dmg(2) hp(20) a simple gold ring The Triton Halls Elite Triton Guard
Finger hr(5) dmg(2) ring of seashell The Triton Halls
Hands Limited AC 2 svs(-3) str(2) chr(2) da(1) fingerless gloves stitched with runes Hall of Memory Okk's Temple
Hands AG AC 2 svs(-3) con(3) ghostly tendrils Dauskdraug Spawning Caves a dauskdraug haunt
Hands AC 1 da(5) Scar tissue from a bad burn The Cursed Circus a flaming acrobat
Hands Y Limited AC 5 dmg(5) talon extenders Aarakocran City glowing commander / confusing corridor
Hands AC 5 chr(3) luc(3) 1#] the Light of the Passionate Hall of Memory (2)

The spirit of the Duke of Borea / Tel's Temple

Hands Y AC 5 dmg(1) svs(-1) Obsidian Gauntlets The Dark Manor Smith
Hands (inv) AEAU AC 6 ac(-5) con(2) Silver Dragonscale Gauntlets Dragon Tower Chest in Back room of the dragons chest
Hands AC 3 dmg(3) Spiked Knuckles Dwarvenhold cloaked thief
Hands AC 6 ac(10) str(3) dmg(2) Ogre Power Gronk east of chieftan
Hands dmg(2) Rakasta claws Molotov Island(Jungle)
Hands AC 4 dmg(2) grey soft leather gloves Trading Post cabinet
Hands(inv) dmg(2) dark grey gloves Trading Post cabinet
Hands AC 5 wis(2) ma(25) a pair of stained gardening gloves Riverhold Jedren the herbalist
Hands AU AC 4 luck(2) a dust-blackened spider web Mider Bypass
Head AC 4 con(2) int(2) hp(20) a crown of ghostly flowers Living Lands the dark-wraith
Head Y AC 8 dmg(1) svs(-2) Visored plate helm The Dark Manor Tuff
Head AC 5 int(2) svs(-2) ioun stone coronet ]The Valley of Dhraxx Aelithar
Head AC 5 dex(2) svs(-2) ioun stone coronet The Valley of Dhraxx dragonthief
Head AEAU AC 6 ac(-10) int(2) wis(2) Silver Dragonscale Helm Dragon Tower in the chest
Head AC 1 con(3) simple headband Dwarvenhold Ryoner
Head AC 4 dmg(2) tribal headdress Gronk SW corner
Head AC 4 wis(2) tribal headdress Gronk High Shaman of Gronk
Head int(1) headdress Kobold Caves kobold shaman
Head Y AC 11 svs(-4) Rune covered helm Living Lands hulking warrior
Head AC 5 con(2) int(2) hp(20) crown of ghostly flowers Living Lands darkenbeast
Head AC 6 ac(-6) str(2) svs(-2) Shadow Dragon Helm Longship Vahlzune
Head Limited AC 6 ac(-13) int(3) svs(-2) Black Dragonscale Helm The Master's Tower(End of 4) Ancalagon
Head Y AC 4 int(2) black iron circlet MG Graveyard wraith of Aelgin
Head AC 6 ac(-12) chr(1) int(2) wis(2) (Mystical) the heliotrope-studded chestnut tiara Mystic Woods chest
Head Y AC 10 wis(3) ma(10) platinum helmet The Ruins of Ofcol Marshal Diana
Head AC 4 con(2) tribal headdress Og Shaman of Og
Head AGAN AC 5 wis(2) feathered headdress Og Shaman of Og
Head int(3) ma(15) Leather headband with dangling feathers Riverdale Plantation nanny
Head AC 1 int(2) luc(2) crimson red flower Riverdale Plantation nurse
Head AC 5 con(3) Otter Fur Hat Rowen Bay Sea Otter
Head luc(2) a sailor hat Rowen Docks stocky sailor
Head AC 2 int(3) hr(-2) a tiny eye patch Shipwreck Parrot
Head Y invis AC 5 wis(1) dmg(2) gem-studded silver circlet Tharlodin's Vein Tharlodin
Head AC 5 dex(2) dark grey woolen cowl Trading Post cabinet
Head Limited int(2) wis(2) chr(2) ma(20) kings circlet The Triton Halls Triton King
Head(inv) Limited ND inv AC 4 ac(-3) dex(2) dmg(4) A crown of green fire Candlespyre Mountain The well of Life
Head(inv) Limited ND inv AC 5 ac(-3) dmg(4) hp(20) A crown of red fire Candlespyre Mountain The well of Life
Head(inv) Limited ND inv AC 5 ac(-3) dmg(4) svs(-3) A crown of white fire Candlespyre Mountain The well of Life
Head(inv) Limited ND inv AC 5 ac(-3) str(2) dmg(4) A crown of blue fire Candlespyre Mountain The well of Life
Head(inv) ND inv AC 5 ac(-3) str(3) da(3) A crown of violet fire Candlespyre Mountain The well of Life
Head(inv) AGANNR AC 5 int(2) wis(2) a black snakeskin cowl Trading Post bronze chest
Head AE AC 5 dmg(3) dex(3) hr(2) Unwavering Fanaticism Hall of Memory (2) the Preacher / Lorna's temple
Head Limited mAC 5 str(2) dex(2) dmg(2) hp(10) (Glowing) a midnight cowl Hall of Memory (2) the Grand Knight / Molo's's temple
Held Bless (heavy) driftwood staff Altibia Altibian Clergyman
Held str(2) A prism stone Altibia Crystal Dragon
Held luc(3) Clover Braddlebury Mayor
Held con(1) wis(1) camp award Camp Tolanrael survival beast
Held AG int(2) svs(-2) A crystal ball The Dark Manor East Corner - desk just before dark horrifying essence
Held Limited Energy Drain C1 L32 AGANAU svs(-4) staff The Dark Manor safe altar
Held svs(-3) Storm Dragon Orb The Valley of Dhraxx storm dragon
Held dmg(4) some bloody shards of broken glass The Cursed Circus your twisted reflection
Held Limited Acid Blast C4 L28 hr(4) Midnight Orb The Valley of Dhraxx Midnight Dragon
Held Limited Dispel Magic C5 L24 hr(4) Mithril Dragon Orb The Valley of Dhraxx mithril dragon
Held Dispel magic L30 Golden Wand Dragon Tower Dragon Mage
Held hr(3) net Dwarvenhold Mines Fisher
Held prot good/prot evil sprig of nightwood Living Lands curious herbalist
Held Limited Heal C10 L? The Golden Talisman Loth Lorien Guildmaster
Held Limited L12 Teleport dex(1) int(1) svs(-6) Black Orb The Master's Tower(End of 4) Ancalagon the black
Held con(1) int(1) wis(1) chr(2) Spectrum Orb The Mystic Woods Bathing in coloured light
Held Heal C10 L? int(3) wis(3) golden dragon orb The Ruins of Ofcol Lower level citadel, center room
Held con(3) svs(-3) ma(10) a dragon's soul The Ruins of Ofcol nightwalker
Held da(3) a black daisy Riverdale Plantation on ground
Held luc(3) chr(3) (also a small container) A luminescent orb of pearl and coral The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine Ix'il'iton the healer
Held int(2) svs(-3) a golden flower petal Riverdale Plantation in doll
Held luc(3) Onyx Dragon Figurine Riverdale Plantation Downstairs
Held ND int(2) wis(2) chr(2) a sticky paintbrush Riverdale Plantation artist
Held chr(4) a mithril hand mirror Riverhold a merchant of Safehaven
Held svs(-5) Blackened Pipe Wintermeet Valley ancient centaur
Legs AC 6 ac(-4) int(3) dex(2) the tentacles of an ancient octopus Dessert Island a very old octopus
Legs AGNR AC 5 str(1) dmg(2) the Pact to the Triat Caverns of N'Kai Lin-Tra
Legs NDNR AC 6 hr(2) svs(-4) emerald leggings Abbey(Below Drunken Abbot) emerald knight
Legs AC 6 dmg(2) boar hide pants Cannibal Island Chief
Legs AC 5 dex(2) hit(2) Guardsman's uniform trousers Hall of Memory (2) The Commander of the Hall Guard
Legs Y AC 9 str(1) svs(-1) Obsidian leg plates The Dark Manor Tuff
Legs AC 6 dmg(1) svs(-2) Leggings of Dragonkind The Valley of Dhraxx Dhraxx
Legs AC 6 dmg(2) str(3) leather cuisses and chausses with spiderweb repousse Quelesta's Maze Drow Scout
Legs AC 5 con(2) str(2) fine quality brown wool trousers Riverhold a merchant of Safehaven
Legs invis AC 6 int(2) wis(2) Midnight black anklets The Valley of Dhraxx Midnight Dragon
Legs Y AE AC 10 dex(3) hp(10) platinum leggings The Ruins of Ofcol Marshal Diana
Legs Y AE AC 9 dex(3) hp(10) Scratched Platinum Leggings The Ruins of Ofcol Marshal Diana
Legs AEAU AC 8 luc(2) Silver Dragonscale Greaves Dragon Tower Chest
Legs AGNR AC 5 str(1) dmg(2) Pact of the Triat The Caverns of N'Kai Lin Tra
Legs AC 4 dex(2) black velvet hose Trading Post cabinet
Legs AC 4 dex(4) hp(30) mv (15) Some minotaur legbraces
Legs(inv) dex(2) dark grey hose Trading Post cabinet
Legs(inv) AGANNR AC 3 dex(2) a pair of black snakeskin pants Trading Post bronze chest?
Legs(inv) NR AC 4 hr(1) dmg(1) svs(-2) hp(10) Secondskin Leggings The Triton Halls The Kings Chamber
Light ac(-2) svs(-2) (Glowing) a glowing stick of incense Riverdale Plantation the nanny
Light AG dmg(2) (Glowing) some phosphorus lichen Cannibal Island Voodoo Priest
Light AG svs(-1) (Red Aura)the dark light of Lloth Velalisier Myrrhine
Light ma(20) str(-5) (Glowing) a green rod The Mystic Woods the figure of a person
Light dmg(1) Black Torch The Master's Tower(3) Black Knight
Light AG str(1) Phosphorous Lichen Cannibal Island tribal chief
Light svs(-2) ma(30) Golden Orb Dismali Lighthouse Skrai
Light AGNDNR svs(-3) str(-1) int(2) crystal Orb Dismali Lighthouse Scrie
Light AGNDNR str(2) chr(-2) Sickly Green Moss Dragon Tower Ancient Green Dragon
Light (burns out)dmg(3) svs(-2) a stick of incense Dwarvenhold Chandler
Light svs(-3) Birchwood rod The Ent Forest birch tender
Light hr(1) svs(-1) a small pipe Wintermeet Valley male centaurs
Light dmg(1) Gem of Brightness Kuroth Denrew
Light AG hr(1) dmg(1) Rod of Blacklight Longship First Mate Bortizeth
Light ma(15) vial of stardust The Master's Tower(2) the fairy
Light svs(-4) A spinning blue spindle [Mt. of Knowledge]] purchased
Light (burns out)svs(-2) ma(20) pearl of dew The Mystic Woods Tree covered basin
Light int(3) ma(30) rod of magic The Master's Tower(top) Master of Magic
Light AEND con(3) Star of the One Dwarf The Caverns of N'Kai On Skeletal Statue
Light svs(-4) anthracite dragon eye Riverdale Plantation THE dragon
Light AGAN hr(2) dmg(2) a red dragon's eye Dragon Tower dragon slayer
Light NDAGANNR ma(25) The rod of the devil shark Sahuagin City The Avatar
Light str(1) int(1) wis(1) light of hope Sanguinna & The Keep Khan the Ogre Mage
Light AGAE dmg(3) Rod of Neutrality Valley of elves mob
Light hr(1) svs(-1) a small pipe Wintermeet Valley male centaur
Light ma(10) brightly burning dragons heart Oakheart Inn Sleepy-Eyed Dragon
Light AGANAUNDNR wis(2) hp-10) flaming black rose Chapel Catacombs In Torch holder above skeletons/under mansion
Neck NDAGNR AC 0 (Red Aura) Amulet of the Chosen Velalisier Myrrhine
Neck AC 5 luc(2) wis(3) the mantle of an ancient octopus Dessert Island a very old octopus
Neck NR int(2) wis(2) Amulet of Knowledge Aran Seer of Aran
Neck luc(1) Jackalope's Foot Braddlebury Jackalope
Neck Y AC 6 svs(-4) iron collar Dwarvenhold Mines Dark cleric
neck int (2) a diplomatic emblem Dhuvrad an elven diplomat
Neck int(1) ma(25) The translucent purple stole Great Eastern Desert Mycons
Neck svs(-4) golden torque set with amber Living Lands Mage
Neck con(1) int(2) hr(2) gorget of astuteness The Mystic Woods The Ledge of Treasure
Neck Limited AGANAE str(3) luc(-5) dmg(3) svs(-3) Amulet of Hate Northern Stronghold Tharune
Neck Limited svs(-10) Amulet of Nydia Nydia Mayor Daniel
Neck hr(2) con(2) svs(-2) luck(1) an exquisite cameo necklace Hall of Memory (1) temple of Morimox
Neck luc(3) svs(-2) onyx beads Riverdale Plantation Dragon worshipers
Neck AC 4 int(2) wis(2) ma(5) con(2) a dark cloak of swirling green and gray Hall of Memory (1) The shade of a worshiper of Tokugawa
Neck AC 0 int(1) wis(1) chr(1) luc(1) a tribal necklace of lapis and opal Tribal Sands Akmal, a tribal craftsman (buy from)
Neck chr(6) A hypnotist's pendant The Cursed Circus an eternal hypnosis
Neck Limited svs(-7) Golden Lavaliere Riverdale Plantation Angelle
Neck AC 4 str(1) int(1) wis(1) amulet of morals Sacred Shrine A stout man (Teithi) - The Sacred Shrine
Neck AC 5 hr(2) dmg(2) amulet of worth Sacred Shrine Teithi (A stout man) / The Sacred Shrine
Neck int(2) ma(5) mark of Khan Sanguinna & The Keep the Ogre mage (Khan)
Neck con(4) dmg(3) (note: is container too/burnable) heart shaped locket The Cursed Circus Inside the Back of a Wagon (Solid Platinum Chest)
Neck AC 5 int(2) svs(-4) Golden Medallion Shipwreck in corpse below ship
Neck AC 0 chr(2) svs(-4) an amulet of protection Hall of Memory (2)

The shade of the Akhkharu sorcerer / Khore's Temple

Neck dmg(3) dragon charm Shrine of Neutrality dragon mistress (Uber & Arch)
Neck AC 1 luc(1) Amulet of the Ocelot Temple of Isiira Ocelot
Neck AC 6 dmg(2) dex(2) an inky black cloak The Triton Halls Sea Devil
Neck Limited str(4) dmg(4) Necklace of Fangs The Great Plains in a chest
Neck str(2) svs(-3) an aquadragon skin collar The Triton Halls aquadragon
Neck AGAN str(2) dmg(2) a medallion depicting a skull with ruby eyes River of Despair Scairz
Neck int(1) wis(2) antelope horn pendant necklace Wintermeet Valley Centaur elder
Neck con(1) hp(3) Amulet of Fortitude
Neck(inv) ac(-5) svs(-3) Dark grey cape Trading Post cabinet
Neck con(2) hr(2) svs(-2) luck(1) an exquisite cameo necklace Hall of Memory (1) worshiper of Morimox
Neck luck(2) svs(-4) a tiny protective totem bag Blackthorne Forest The logging crew chief
Shield Y Limited AC 5 dmg(5) Wicked Spiked Shield Aarakocran City Caves, glowing and humming commanders
Shield Y Limited AC 5 dmg(5) Wicked Spiked Shield Baba Yaga's Hut
Shield Y Limited AC 21 Large, black fireproof plate Ghost Town mother fireworm
Shield White Dragonscale Shield Dragon Tower Ancient White Dragon
Shield Y AC 4 ac(-10) hr(-2) dmg(-1) hp(10) ma(10) Shield of Defense Dwarven Kingdom necromancer
Shield str(2) con(2) Opalescent dragon scale Oakheart Inn (Lake Askilyn area) sleepy dragon
Shield Y Limited dmg(5) a spiked shield Madman's office, in Villa En'Ansi madmans pet, Scar
Shield Shield of Defense The Master's Tower(3) evil necromancer
Shield Y AE AC 11 dmg(3) hp(10) Dented Platinum The Ruins of Ofcol Diana
Shield AE AC 6 hr(4) hp(10) Golden Dragonscale Shield The Ruins of Ofcol Temple of Ofcol
sphere ??? The glittering eye of the great dhole
Waist 3dmg a skull belt Dauskdraug Spawning Caves A Cold, Dark Cave (remains)
Waist AGNR AC 5 str(1) dmg(2) the Code of the Triat Caverns of N'Kai Ti-Lok
Waist AC 6 con(2) black silk belt Dragon Tower dragonmage
Waist AC 3 con(1) an old belt Goblin Camp ogre envoy
Waist Y AC 11 -5svs 5hps a scarred platinum girth The Ruins of Ofcol Diana
Waist NDNR AC 4 dex(4) ma(25) a loin-cloth The Great Plains Shaman
Waist AC 2 con(2) Volloc family sash MG Graveyard Tomb of the Volloc family
Waist AC 6 str(2) luc(2) hr(3) an aquadragon hide apron The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine Ta'ke'sha'ga the cook
Waist AC 5 con(2) hit(2) a hard leather belt Hall of Memory (2) The Commander of the Hall Guard
Waist AC 1 int(2) str(2) svs(-3) A shendyt of fine flax linen Tribal Sands the Great Pharaoh, Sarcon
Waist AC 2 dex(2) luc(2) wide black leather belt The Ruins of Ofcol gnome mercenary
Waist AGNR AC 5 str(1) dmg(2) Code of the triat The Caverns of N'Kai Ti-Lok/darkwater river
Waist AC 2 hr(3) svs(-4) seashell belt The Triton Halls a Locathah ambassador
Waist (inv) AC 6 hr(2) dmg(2) black leather swordsmans belt Trading Post cabinet
Waist(inv) AGANNR AC 4 str(2) con(2) a black snakeskin swordsman's belt Trading Post bronze chest?
Weapon Limited 1H avg 11 (11-11 max) piercer a slim, deadly holdout dagger Dauskdraug Spawning Caves Night, the deposed Guildmaster
Weapon NDNR 1H 1-11 piercer AGAN (Red Aura) (Token magic) Lloth's Vengeance Velalisier Myrrhine
Weapon(inv) ND 8-7 Enchantable Blunt a narwhal-horn club Te'nayu'ka To'lot'zin has beak(key) to a chest that pops it
Weapon Limited NR 1H ANAU 4-9 str(2) chr(-6) da(1) hr(4) luc(3) blunt (Artifact magic) a cooled volcanic plume of rock Tiren's Rock the undead mighty ettin
Weapon 1H Avg 8 (8-10 max) Slasher Long Sword Altibia Townguard
Weapon 1H Avg 7 (4-10 max) Piercer ant sting Ant Colony Ant Queen
Weapon Piercer Compass Barbegazi Settlement engineer
Weapon 1H Avg 9 Blunt (4-14 max) Heavy Mace Barbegazi Settlement General Jarari
Weapon 1H Avg 9.5 (8-11 max) Blunt Nightwood Mallet Aerie Volant Whrteet / Martial Master
Weapon 1H Avg 10 (8-12 max) Blunt a spider-shaped mourning star Aerie Volant A Formal Guest Chamber
Weapon 1H Avg 7 (4-10 max) Blunt Mourning Star Bazaar for sale
Weapon 1H Avg 9 (7-11 max) Blunt Special Bazaar Dark Brother (No longer pops)
Weapon 1H Avg 5 pierce dex(5) dagger Braddlebury thief guildmaster
Weapon NDNR 1H Avg 7 Piercer knife of Baron Marel Castle of Baron Marel Baron Marel
Weapon 2H | Avg decent utter blackness Castle of Baron Marel 1 down from apparition
Weapon 1H Avg 8 Slasher AG Obsidian Sword The Dark Manor Benet the Captain
Weapon 2H AGANAEAU Avg 'high' 50# Triple Edged sword The Dark Manor zombie?
Weapon Limited Blunt hr(1) dmg(1) Sceptre of Dragonkind The Valley of Dhraxx Dhraxx
Weapon 2H Avg 11 Slasher emerald sword Dragon Tower draconian king
Weapon 1H Avg 8-8.5 Blunt Swagger Stick Dragon Tower Dragon Rider
Weapon 1H Avg 8.5 (8-9 max) Blunt Heavy Club Dream Realm Ogre Guards
Weapon 1H Avg 10 (8-12 max) Piercer fishing spear Dwarvenhold Mines(Duergars) Head Fisher
Weapon 1H Avg 7 (4-10 max) Blunt heavy rod Dwarvenhold Mines/Duergar Homecaves duergar cleric
Weapon 1H Avg 8 (8-8 max) Blunt Bludgeon Dwarvenhold Mines/Duergar Homecaves Duergar Hunter
Weapon Limited 2H ND Avg 8 Piercer dmg(4) ma(25) spear The Great Plains shammy mob
Weapon 2H Avg 10 Slasher ancient two-hand sword Kuroth old knight
Weapon Limited 1H avg 11 (5-17 max) Piercer AE finely crafted rapier Kuroth Kalena
Weapon Avg 6.5 | AGAN int(1) wis(-2) hr(3) a shiny dagger Landru's Keep Landru
Weapon Limited AGNR int(-2) wis(-2) svs(-6) Aleanrahel Longship Captain Vahlzune
Weapon 1H Avg 7 Piercer sharp spear Lookout Tower patrol guard
Weapon 2H Avg 10 Blunt massive warhammer The Master's Tower(End of 2) a huge mithril golem
Weapon ND 1H Avg 9.5 (5-14 max) Slasher luc(-1) Flaming Sword The Master's Tower(3) Zombie Guard
Weapon AG 1H Avg 10 (5-15 max) Slasher Black Sword The Master's Tower(3) Black Knight
Weapon Limited AGAN 1H Avg 12 (10-14 max) Blunt burning whip The Master's Tower(3) balrog
Weapon AG 1H Avg 9.5 (7-12 max) Piercer black dagger The Master's Tower(3) dark stalker
Weapon NDAGAN 1H Avg 8 AG dex(2) int(2) Blunt rod of the necromancer The Master's Tower(3) end of 3rd last room
Weapon 1H Avg 9+ (3-15 base) Slasher, Stats Random a katana Random Random
Weapon 1H Avg 9+ (1-17 base) piercer, Stats Random a rapier Random Random
Weapon 2H Avg 11+ (4-18 base) Blunt, Stats Random a great hammer Random Random
Weapon 1H Avg 8 Blunt AEAU Sceptre of Might MG Graveyard Spirit of Mallinus
Weapon 1H avg 6-12 Slasher ANAU Long Silver Saber The Mystic Woods Someone dressed in blue
Weapon Limited 1H Avg 7-15 chr(1) hr(2) dmg(3) chrysolite plated falchion The Mystic Woods riddle chests
Key Type: Key a dragon's talon The Ruins of Ofcol In the Dragon Chamber
Weapon 1H Avg 8 Piercer Black Dagger The Ruins of Ofcol N Barricade / Merc
Weapon ?H Avg ? dex(2) dmg(2) a crusted dagger Altibia (Old Altibia section) Pawldo the protector
Weapon 1H Avg 7 Slasher Raven's Claw Altibia (Old Altibia section) Black Raven
Weapon Avg 7.5 dex(2) dmg(2) Syringe Outlands Doctor
Weapon Avg 8.5 | Piercer jewelled dagger Riverdale Plantation Master's Office
Weapon Limited Avg 9.5 | Piercer svs(-5) hp(30) the Fang of the Onyx Dragon Riverdale Plantation THE dragon
Weapon Limited Avg 8 dmg(4) hp(-40)|Piercer Syringe Riverdale Plantation Doctor
Weapon Avg 7-11 AGAN | Blunt Spiked Whip River of Despair Vrock
Weapon Avg 13 heavy mace Altibia Sahaugin guardian
Weapon Avg 10 | Piercer | AGAN ma(20) Grand Fang Sanguinna & The Keep Lestat
Weapon 1H avg 7 a blunt monkey femur shipwreck
Weapon Blunt | NR Rolling Pin Skor'Lanis Woman(no longer in play)
Weapon 1H Avg ? str(1) luc(1) hr(2) dmg(2) Dagger of Faith Temple of Isiira Center temple room, in skeleton of mazar
Weapon Limited NDNR 1H Avg 4-8 luc(3) chr(2) dmg(-1) hr(2) Luckblade The Isle Grand Shaman
Weapon Avg 8 (4-12 max) | Blunt Snake Whip The Jungle(Temple of Ssssss) Serpent Queen
Weapon Avg 8 | Piercer stiletto Trading Post for sale
Weapon Slasher Double fullered broadsword Trading Post For Sale
Weapon Avg 7 | inv hr(?) dmg(?) hp(?) Lifeblade The Triton Halls The Kings Chamber / chest
Weapon Avg 7 | Piercer stylet The Valley of Dhraxx dragonthief
Weapon ND  ??? A Dark Demon Blade Villa En'Ansi Madmans Office, Scar, can't get
Weapon Avg 8.5 | Slasher Dragon Sabre The Valley of Dhraxx Dragon Mage
Weapon Avg 11 | Piercer horned bow Wintermeet Valley centaur hunter
Weapon 1H Avg 8 Slasher Menacing Machete Wintermeet Valley Centaur Scout
Weapon 1H Avg 8 Piercer pick Wolftooth Gorge goblin miner
Weapon 1H Avg 7.5 Blunt Heavy Stone bludgeon
Weapon ND 1H 1-13 Slasher dmg(2) dex(2) A scalpel Barbegazi Settlement Doctor Misoso (Cleric Guildmaster)
Weapon ND 2H AGANNR 11-14 dex(-2) dmg(2) str(1) Huge Claw Sahuaghin City Avatar
Weapon(inv) NDNR 1H AG Avg 9 Piercer a nasty razor edged dagger Trading Post Fennoch, enw
Weapon(invis) Limited NR 1H Avg 10.5 luc(1) hr(5) dmg(2) ma(-10) the silver sword Qual'Minai
Wrist AC 3 dex(3) svs(-3) ma(5) an iridescent ebon scale bracelet Blackthorne Forest Locked chest
Wrist NDAGNR AC 2 str(-3) (Red Aura) the bracers of Despair Velalisier Myrrhine
Wrist con(2) hp(5) feathered bracelet Blue Savannah Anakor the Dwarven Tyrant
Wrist AC 4 int (3) str(2) a begemmed vulture cuff bracelet Tribal Sands Priest
Wrist AC 6 dex(2) hr(2) svs(-2) a wide scarab cuff bracelet of opal Tribal Sands Prince
Wrist invis luc(2) hr(1) hp(-8) a luminous sapphire bracelet Cyrenian Gardens Behind the Waterfall
Wrist Y AC 6 dmg(1) Obsidian wristguard The Dark Manor Tuff
Wrist Y AC 10 con(2) chr(1) black steel bracers The Valley of Dhraxx storm dragon
Wrist Y AC 11 int(1) dmg(2) mithril bracers The Valley of Dhraxx mithril dragon
Wrist AC 4 dex(1) svs(-2) an emerald bracer The Valley of Dhraxx emerald dragon
Wrist AC 5 con(2) svs(-2) earthen bracers The Valley of Dhraxx earth dragon
Wrist AC 6 dex(1) int(1) pewter bracers The Valley of Dhraxx mercury dragon
Wrist int(2) gold filigree bracelet Dragon Tower dragon sorceress
Wrist dex(1) wis(2) svs(-2) Band of inner peace The Mystic Woods Ledge of Treasure
Wrist dmg(-1) hp(30) ma(30) Icy bracelet The Master's Tower(4) elemental
Wrist con(1) hp(10) a hammer-and-anvil bracelet New Ofcol dwarven warrior
Wrist luc(3) dmg(3) Sapphire of Skelos Shipwreck captain's cabin
Wrist AC 4 str(2) grey studded wristguard Trading Post cabinet
Wrist AC 6 dex(2) grey studded wristguard Trading Post cabinet
Wrist dex(2) woven hawkfeather bracelet Wintermeet Valley falconer
Wrist AC 5 str(5) a sweaty cloth wrist wrap The Cursed Circus the zombie of the strongman
Wrist int(2) bracelet of sapphires Oakheart Inn the sleepy-eyed dragon
Wrist AC 3 da(2) str(2) dex(2) a decorative band of aquadragon scales The Te'nayu'ka/The Submarine To'li'tiku
Wrist da(3) con(3) chr(2) well-worn black leather manacles Hall of Memory (1) a worshiper of Ginny
Wrist AC 5 da(3) hp(25) Some Earthen Bracers
Wrist(inv) dex(2) dark grey wristguard [[Trading Post] cabinet
Wrist(inv) AGANNR AC 6 str(1) dex(1) a pair of black snakeskin bracers Trading Post bronze chest?
Wrist dex(2) dmg(2) svs (-2) the Nine Circles of the Order Hall of Memory (2) Sentry of the Seeker
wwp NR con(2) luc(-2) Symbol of Baron Marel Castle of Baron Marel Baron Marel
wwp AE dex(1) coatl feather Cannibal Island couatl
wwp AE int(1) coatl feather Cannibal Island couatl
wwp AE wis(1) coatl feather Cannibal Island couatl
wwp AG 15kg container svs(-1) spider silk baldric The Dark Manor Capt. Brennet
wwp svs(-2) Crest of the Dragon Rider Dragon Tower Dragon Rider
wwp AC 3 ma(15) Holy symbol of the draconian Dragon Tower Holy Draconian
wwp wis(1) a Pin of Mastery Dwarvenhold Cloaked thief
wwp ND chr(2) an embroidered scrap of elvenweave cloth Great Eastern Desert bandit leader
wwp dmg(1) Tiger Lily Pin Jungle Night tiger
wwp chr(2) Lavender glass rose on stem Kharad-Delving Berengor
wwp str(1) crossed swords Kuroth Large Golem
wwp NR int(2) ma(10) Symbol of the High Mage of Kuroth Kuroth Sendres
wwp AC 4 ac(-5) ma(10) Defense ministers symbol of office Kuroth Cartheles
wwp hp(15) ma(10) (Moderate magic) the Agriculture Minister's Symbol of Office Kuroth Kalena
wwp int(1) eye glasses Lookout Tower ranger captain
wwp chr(2) bar of mastery Loth-Llorien guildmaster
wwp hp(20) White Rose The Master's Tower Top level
wwp ma(10) The Master's Brooch The Master's Tower Top level
wwp ac(-2) fang of the werewolf The Master's Tower Inside an old Forest
wwp hp(-20) ma(40) A delicate diamond leaf The Mystic Woods The Adamantine Chamber
wwp AGANAE luc(3) (Mystical) The Coin of the Elements' The Mystic Woods Fogside Cliffs
wwp NDAGNR dmg(1) hr(1) the Ebon Sigil Odegra The Caverns of N'Kai the Great Dhole
wwp NDNRAE str(1) svs(-1) The Brooch of the one Dwarf The Caverns of N'Kai If nkai, ebon young
wwp con(1) Nydia's Mark of Honor Nydia Warrior / boar
wwp con(1) Nydia's Mark of Honor Nydia Ranger Guild / Raccoon
wwp int(1) Nydia's Mark of Honor Nydia Mage Guild / Rabbit
wwp con(1) Nydia's Mark of Honor Nydia thieves guild
wwp int(1) Nydia's Mark of Honor Nydia Cleric Guild / Bernard
wwp AG svs(-2) Black Pearl Brooch Sahaughin Shopkeeper
wwp str(1) Sigil of the Hunter Sanguinna & The Keep Lestat
wwp AG ma(5) aarahide bandana Skull top
wwp Limited str(-1) con(-4) int(2) wis(2) hp(-20) Elder Badge Tier Sh'Halen Spectre of Jaeden
wwp NR luc(1) Mithril Horseshoe Tier Sh'Halen on skeletal horse
wwp dmg(2) a small gold pentagram The Triton Halls the Sea Devil