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Latest revision as of 10:26, 18 December 2011

Led By Plato
Holy Symbol a brooch of a golden book and sword
Alignment Good
Attendants Tiax (06/02)
Xavier (07/02)
Future Immortal Followers Wylin
Ordained Mortals Dekar
Allies Solanthas
Enemies Kerriariadne
Temple The Academy of Wisdom

Temple Key: an old, well-used red quill pen
Temple Altar: A sword lays across the cover of this large golden book.
Look Altar:
A heavy wooden frame bears the weight of this massive tome, raising
it to comfortable reading level, no matter the reader. The huge golden
dragon-hide bound book lies closed, the sword resting atop it passing
through the loop of a heavy leather strap that holds the tome shut.
Upon the cover in glowing letters are the words, "We Walk in the Light
of Wisdom." If only the book were open; surely it contains all the
knowledge in the world.
Look Sword:
The Sword of Wisdom is five feet in length and has a handle of bone
from some creature. Inscribed upon the shining blade are the names
of all those who follow the Path of Wisdom.

Look Holy Symbol:
This circular brooch bears a raised image of a thick book, its
surface cleverly textured to resemble dragon hide. Laying at a
diagonal across the tome's cover is a gleaming blade made of
mithril with a bone handle. This tiny replica of Plato's holy
altar is worn by those who follow the path of Wisdom.

Following Description / FINFO:

Wisdom is an aggressive GOOD following emphasizing having fun, wisdom
is more powerful than equipment, spreading the word of Wisdom, and
helping the following and the World grow through respect and integrity
in everything they do. They believe that peace is the way to
enlightenment. They also believe that if you live by the sword you shall
die by OUR sword.


AaqaBoy, Alessan, Alex, Alishandra, Alstor, Alton, Amastacia, Andragor, Anduin, Anna, Archangel, Aristotle, Artanis, Athorne, Avoozl, Axe, Axetorn, Baleyg, Bhreagh, Bjarni, Blizzard, Bluco, Blufluffy, Bobobibi, Bridget, Brundlewart, Brutus, Buzzbuzz, Cal, Chtekinovska, Cid, Commodous, Crash, Cyan, Dantrag, Dasehra, DeathShadow, Decon, Dekar, Dimwit, Dracon, Dravin, Dublo, Duel, Elean, Equix, Erin, Faile, Femina, Fenix, Fergoln, Fiend, Fisrad, Flazen, Floyd, Fluffy, Fraser, Frederick, Freyr, Frodo, Galahad, Galdor, Gawain, Gitane, Grale, Granger, Groul, Gunde, Hidon, Humble, Hutt, Inthar, Isitititis, Jamin, Jazek, Jiki, Kardres, Karma, Khonsu, Kirth, Laedis, Leroy, Linx, Lita, Lizzy, Lorax, Luc, Ludakris, Luthien, Lyra, Macclanahan, Mankey, Mari, Medrawt, Minion, Moiraine, Montresor, Mux, Nausea, Neon, Nicolas, Nigel, Nightshade, Nimf, Nudd, Numa, NuTTeR, Odin, Orbit, Orin, Packard, Paython, Pheonix, Pocket, Poof, Pyr, Railian, Raistlinn, Reepicheep, Rejkt, Rigoev, Rikke, Ringo, Roan, Samos, Saoltes, Saul, Selene, Seth, Shadowfox, Shakyra, Sheldon, Shon, Silvanus, Slim, Snappy, Solaron, Solid, Solidus, Solithan, Spasm, Spasmugly, Strider, Strike, Tassadar, Teluin, Thamoir, Tharizdun, Tiax, Tien, Tinman, Tirsius, Toke, Tomato, Toni, Tourettes, Tranio, Trap, Trevor, Trunks, Uiruramu, Vukral, WaeranBoy, Wang, Wardon, Warinder, Who, Wind, Wylin, Xandria, Xzanadin, Zen, Zerek, Zeriak, Zingor, Zodak, Zog

Rankings & Roles

(Taken from the Wisdom Website, via Internet Wayback Machine - Dated February 18, 2005)
There will be five ranks within the following:

APPRENTICE ---> Lowest
PROFESSOR ---> Highest

Each rank will have certain duties and responsibilities, and some base criteria for advancement.

Joining the Following

In order to join the following as an APPRENTICE, a candidate must do 3 things.

  1. They must be interviewed by a member of the CoE. They have to satisfy the CoE member that they want to join for good reasons, and that the would fit in well with us.
  2. They must pass an entrance quest, as set by the Quest Master.
  3. They must find a mentor in the following, who is at least at the rank of TEACHER, and who will take the time and responsibility to train them.

Once the candidate has satisfied these requirements, and subject to Plato's veto, they may worship, and join the following as an APPRENTICE. This is the lowest rank, where all new members start, regardless of the skill level of the player.

Duties at Each Rank


  • listen to your mentor, and work to learn what they are teaching you
  • learn as much as you can in general
  • learn to represent Wisdom with dignity and prudence
  • ask questions on things you don't understand
  • learn to use the help files


  • grow within the following
  • learn about the whole world, and how to travel by vortex AND on foot
  • learn your class abilities
  • be an upstanding member of the following


  • recruit new members
  • mentor new APPRENTICES
  • help to share your knowledge and build up the following
  • train your APPRENTICES in the basics of the game (see appendix)
  • evaluate your APPRENTICES and reccommend them for promotion at your discretion


  • be a leader to others
  • offer advice freely, and let no question by an apprentice/student go unanswered
  • mentor new APPRENTICES
  • develop your expertise, and establish specialties if desired
  • lead workshops and tours for the other members if desired
  • build the following's knowledge and learn new things constantly


  • act as Plato's mortal hand
  • ensure that no question by anyone goes unanswered (help people find out, if you can)
  • handle complaints within and about the following discreetly, referring to Plato if needed
  • fulfill all the tasks of an INSTRUCTOR
  • assist mentors with training their APPRENTICES

Requirements for Promotion

Apprentice ---> Student:

  • achieve at least effective level 10
  • satisfy your mentor that you are competent and fit to take a full place in the following
  • pass a promotion quest set by the Quest Master

Student ---> Teacher

  • achieve at least effective level 20
  • be willing to mentor new APPRENTICES
  • pass a promotion quest set by the Quest Master

Teacher ---> Instructor

  • achieve at least effective level 30
  • be willing to take some personal responsibility for building the following
  • be willing to lead an occasional workshop or tour
  • have mentored at least 2 APPRENTICES
  • pass a promotion quest set by the Quest Master

Instructor ---> Professor - be Ordained by Plato
There is never any obligation to seek a higher rank than Student. If you do not want the added responsibility, you may remain at whatever rank you hold indefinitely.
The Circle of Enlightenment exists outside this structure, and can make decisions on issues that aries in the course of the game. They are to be obeyed at all times, and can only be overruled by Plato or an Ordain. The CoE acts as Plato's advisory council, and share responsibility with Professors for handling problems within the following.

Mentoring Apprentices

This is the most crucial part of the system, as it is our future. By requiring this for entrance into the following, we can ensure that each candidate will have some support, and will not be left hanging, unsure, or alone. Each mentor should have regular meetings to answer questions and help the Apprentice learn. They should teach technical skills, as well as appropriate behaviour on all channels. A partial list of what should be taught is in the Appendix. The mentor is the one who decides when an Apprentice is ready for promotion to Student. Some Apprentices will require very little training, as they will be experienced players with new characters. Others will be brand new to the game, and need a lot of coaching. Bear these in mind when aggreeing to mentor an apprentice. Make sure you are up to the task. You need to actually do some training, even if the Apprentice is experienced. Make sure they know what it means to be in Wisdom, and who our friends and enemies are. The Ap! prentice period could be very short, as in only so long as it takes them to reach level 10, as they might know most things already. It could be a time-consuming engagement though, as many very basic things will need to be taught to someone who is new to TFC.

Workshops and Tours

These will be run by the instructors, and allow them to teach small groups of Students and others how to do certain things. An simplistic example would be teaching whoever is interested the process of getting a nice enchant scroll from the Pyramid. Another would be leading a tour of a neat zone that would be good for some to XP in, such as Tier Sh'Halen, or the Monastery. These can be done on a casual basis whenever the Instructors feel like it, but the more the merrier! They will help the new members acquire some specialized skills, and help old members add a few new tricks to their repretoires! In many cases, there will be gaps in the skills of even higher-level members, and they will certainly be welcome to attend such tours and workshops. Instructors can thus teach the things they are good at to anyone who wishes to learn, or learn from other instructors the things they want to brush up on or learn.

Areas of Expertise

Some Instructors will, of course, be better at some things than others. Many of them will have developed particular skill areas, in which they are extremely proficient - somewhat of a specialist. Others will be good at almost everything, and others will be solid in everything with no particular specialty. Instructors could (perhaps) be assigned primary responsibility for a certain aspect of training. This is beyond the apprentice-mentor relationship - they would be training everyone who wanted to learn. The learners, by contrast, would be learning from experts in the field!
All of the training, workshops, and other things are voluntary after the member becomes a Student. Only Apprentice training is mandatory.

Appendix: Some things Apprentices need to be taught:

- familiarity with the guild/temple areas
- what the magic item abbreviations mean
- etiquette for the various channels
- checking the notes, and the blacklist
- using the help files
- Wisdom's rules and chain of command
- our relationships with the other followings
- basic combat strategies
- how to write and post notes
- what each of their stats does for them
- how to equip themselves, and how to get new stuff if they die (randoming, Plato's stores)
- recalling, teleporting, and how to get out of bad situations
- following, grouping, and assisting (how to team up)
- how to check their zones, and finding good zones to XP in

Relationships with Other Followings:

(Taken from the Wisdom Website, via Internet Wayback Machine - Dated February 18, 2005)

Following Alignment Notes
Evil Several of their members have attempted to pk ours, via hauntings and failed attacks. Their lord seems to think we should do nothing when they attack us - we will do something. Thingone is a tricky liar, be weary of him and Chueco(the weasel). They are now allowed to attack us in full force, let us retaliate with the same thing :).
Evil They are an aggressive evil following, need I say more?
Black Conclave
Evil They are a powerful, aggressive evil following, who worship the evil Lord Nash, they have slain a couple of our followers, and looted many of our corpses...let us return the favor.
The Coven
Evil These witchly girls used to be neutral towards us until we beat them in Khore's Golem Quest 2002. After that Bliss went mad and had her witches start attacking nearly everyone she didn't have previous alliances with. Vex, Mael, Sylt, and Agralebean have a deadly tendancy to mysteriously show up whenever any of them is in any danger.
Plato maintains his stance that we are Anti-Nashite. So Xavier, being a firm nashite believer has made a Nashite following. Sorry Xavier.
Neutral These kids hide under the protection of neutrality, but they are ready to jump out and attack us at anytime. Do not trust them, No matter what they say. Careful if you do attack the non-agressive 1 or 2 of them because you'll get bad debt from attacking a neutral.

Requirements for Entry

Additional Notes