2003 Yarmouth GT
Commentary by Nunzio and related to Natilena over IM.
Yarmouth NovaScotia GT
Nunzio says: okay, their real names are Jacob, Adam, Curtis, and Cory.
Nunzio says: i dont know Jacobs mud character..... :S
Nunzio says: but Adam was Shernada, Curtis is Lucifer, and Cory is Rincewind
Nunzio says: this one im sending now is Adam (shernada) and cory (rincewind)
they wanted to show off their tattoos
Nunzio says: the girl in that picture is named Debbie, mud name - Saavik
Nunzio says: the rest you now know
Nunzio says: this is Derek, mud name Seraph
Nunzio says: he's the guy that hosted the GT
Nunzio says: this is Cory (rincewind) looking through the video camera, Curtis (Lucifer) with his head down... and Steve (Scave) smiling at the camera
Nunzio says: First there's BJ (mud name: Potter), Jacob, Adam (Shernada). and that's the back of Donald (mud name: Tori)
Nunzio says: that's me, of course, Amanda - Nunzio
Nunzio says: Back row: BJ (Potter); Jacob (?), Adam (Shernada), Cory (Rincewind), Amanda (Nunzio). Front row: Donald (Tori) and Steve (Scave)
Nunzio says: ugh.. after jacob, it's ( ? )
Nunzio says: cory(rincewind), Donald(tori), me(nunzio), and Steve(Scave)