Racial Helps: Language, Cities, Races
Race Races
Aarakocra/Aar, Aaracity, Aran, Aarakocran
Dwarf/Dwa, Dhuvrad, Dwarvenhold, Lineaoth Valley/Lineaoth, Dwarven
Elf, Loth Llorien/Loth Llorien/Loth-Llorien/LL, Malenest, Cillidellia, Elven
Giant-Kin/Gia, Skor'lanis, The Isle, Giant
Gnome/Gno, Thistlerock, Gla-Shorns Realm/Gla-Shorns/Glashorn/Gla-Shorn, Barbegazi, Gnomish
Halfelf/Half Elf/Half-Elf/Hel, Half Elf Camp/Half-Elf Camp/Camp, Nydia, Safehaven
Halfogre/Ogre-Kin/Ogr, Og, The Village of Skull Top, Ogre
Halfling/Hlf, EmDeeVille, Hovelton, Braddlebury, Halfling
Human/Hum, Kuroth, Midgaard, Harper's Landing, Rowengard, Common
Minotaur/Min, Mithas, Warloovs Fortress, Minotaur
Sahuagin/Sah/Soggy, Tiren's Rock, Sahuagin
Thoras/Old-Common/Old Common
God Talk/Godtalk
Skills And Spells
Skills Spells Target
Absorb, Acid Blast, Acid Breath, Act, Alarm, Animate/Animate Dead, Armor, Attunement, Awe Audience
Backstab/Bs, Bear Totem, Bless, Blindness, Blynd, Boar Totem, Burning Hands, Butcher
Call Lightning, Cause Critical, Cause Disease, Cause Light, Cause Serious, Chain Lightning, Change Sex, Charge, Charm/Charm Person, Chill/Chill Touch, Cloak/Cloak Of Protection, Colour Spray, Comprehend, Confusion, Cont/Continual Light, Control Weather, Create Food, Create Spring, Create Water, Cure Blindness, Cure Critical, Cure Deafness, Cure Disease, Cure Light, Cure Mute, Cure Poison, Cure Serious, Curse
Darkness, Deafness, Detect Disease, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Hidden, Detect Invis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disarm, Dispel Good, Dispel Evil, Dispel Magic, Dodge, Dragons Bane
Earthquake, Enchant Weapon, Energy Drain, Engage, Enhanced Damage, Exclude
Faerie Fire, Faerie Fog, Fear, Fireball, Firestorm, Fire Breath, Flamestrike, Fly/Fly Spell, Frost Breath
Gas Breath, Gate, Give Health, Give Mana, Give Move
Hailstorm, Harm, Harvest, Haunt, Heal, Hide, Hurricane
Identify, Immunity, Imprint, Improved Identify, Improved Invis, Info, Info2, Info3, Infravision, Inscribe, Invis
Kick, Know Alignment
Lightning Bolt, Lightning Breath, Locate Object
Magic Missile, Magic Stone, Make Bag, Mass Invis, Memorize, Meteor Swarm, Mug, Mute
Naturalize, Necroport
Obscure, Owl Totem
Parry, Pass Door, Pass Without Trace, Peek, Phosphate, Pick Lock, Poison, Portal, Pro Evil/Protection Evil /Protection From Evil, Pro Good/Protection Good/Protection From Good
Refresh, Remove Fear, Remove Curse, Rescue, Retrieve, Rift Soul Rift, Righteous Assault, Rushing Attack
Sanctuary, Sanity, Scan, Second Attack, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Silence, Sleep, Sneak, Soul Sense, Sphere Use, Spiritual Hammer, Steal, Stone Skin, Strength, Study Lyrical, Summon, Sunlight, Survey
Teleport, Third Attack, Thunderclap, Tongues, Tracking/Track, True Seeing/TS, Turning
Unfetter , Unicorn Totem
Vampiric Touch/Vamp Touch, Ventriloquate
Waterbreath , Weaken, Weasel Totem, Weave, Wizard/Wizard Mark, Word/Word Of Recall