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As with the concept of Nashism, the Triat is a spiritual path that has a long and distinguished history in The Final Challenge. First created by Thaygar, it was the foundation of both of his followings, the Ebon Hand and the Servants of Death. With his kind consent, it was continued by Cordir in the Chosen of Fate, and later by Katrana in the Wyld Hunt and Clue in the Fellowship of Lore and Knowledge. While Thaygar embodied all aspects of the Triat, Cordir embodied the Weaver, Katrana embodied the Wyld, and Clue embodied the Wyrm.

The penultimate challenge to any mortal adherent of the Triat Path was a Triat Mastery Quest. These uniquely customized challenges were designed to make the individual face their shortcomings, strengthen their weaknesses, and explored themes of community and self-reliance.

Cordir, Katrana, and Clue all used the metaphor of the Tapestry of Existence: the Wyrm, as the force of creation, was the Spinner of the Threads. The responsibility of the Weaver was to shape the tapestry, entwining the threads each in turn. The Wyld, as the force of chaos and destruction, would Cut the threads.


The Triat is made up of three forces of nature, each with its own distinct sphere of influence. They are as follows:

The Wyld: Chaos and destruction are the goal of the Wyld. Forcible change, like the power of a cyclone, Wyldlings alter everything around them - including themselves. They are very changeable and prone to unpredictability.

The Wyrm: Personal growth and achievement is the path of the Wyrm. Like Ouroroboros, the World-Serpent that devours its own tail, the Wyrmling is always upon a relentless pursuit of learning and self-improvement.

The Weaver: The epitome of guardian and guide, the Weaver seeks to understand the whole of the Pattern. They are the protectors of the Wyrm, assisting them at all times with their journey to enlightenment. The Weaver is honor at its most basic - honesty and respectability in every word and deed.

For additional resources and information, please click on the Triat References category at the bottom of this page. Also, visit Of The Triat, a note post by Thaygar which provides further insight.

Triat Terminology

Created by Thaygar. This was once a HELP file on TFC. Additions by Cordir

Adventurer: A denizen of this Realm. A character. A persona
Ascension: Raising a level. A level itself ('you have 23 Ascensions')
Final Ascension: reaching the Last Ascension in all classes: level 50.
Follow: To be servile to a particular Demigod or Lesser God
Geasa: A sacred, sworn oath taken by adherents of the Triat Path. Generally witnessed in formal ceremony by a Triat Immortal, and Guardian.
Incarnation: A different adventurer controlled by the same spirit
Last Ascension: the 30th Ascension within any given class
Outworld: The Other Realm. Real Life. That which the Spirits flee
Realm: A world. A plane of existence. 'This realm' refers to TFC
Spirit: A denizen of Outworld. a player. The controller
Triat: Trio of cosmic forces/incarna. Represented as three Avatars, a Maiden/Mother/Crone trinity, or a Father/Son/Spirit trinity
Triat Initiate: One who is currently undergoing a Trial of Triat Mastery.
Triat Master: One who has successfully endured and completed a Trial of Triat Mastery.
Tapestry: The entirety of existence, interwoven and interconnected.
Thread: An individual life within the Tapestry.
Worship: To devote oneself to a particular mythos ('I worship Aralene')
Wyld: Azat, Shan-Regoth, the Seeker of Filth, the Reaver of the Land - Force of Chaotic Creation/Destruction. Katrana was an Incarna of the Wyld.
Wyrm: Urat, Dar-Golmeth, the Sender of Eight, the Render of the Veil- Force of Exploratory Learning/Construction. Clue was an Incarna of the Wyrm.
Weaver: Lolth, Alak-Nacha, the Sealer of Souls, the Raiser of the Dead - Force of Static Knowledge/Preservation. Cordir is the Incarna of the Weaver

Units of Time:

These time units are used by certain devotees of the Triat. Triat years are equal to Realm years, and Triat ticks to Realm ticks. Beyond those, the other units of time are derived based upon Oracular Revelation.

1 Tick = 15-45 Outworld Seconds
1 Moon = 20 Ticks
1 Season = 3.25 Moons

1 Year = 4 Seasons = 13 Moons
1 Turn = 13 Years
1 Cycle = 7 Turns

1 Triune = 4 Cycles = 13 Pnakotic Precessions
1 Epoch = 13 Triunes
1 Age = 7 Epochs

General Information/Trivia

  • The Caverns of N'Kai, also known as N'Kai the Black, is acknowledged as a place sacred to adherents of the Triat Faith. As a Demi and Lesser Goddess, Cordir required all petitioners to the Chosen of Fate to make the journey to N'kai. The (locked) doorway to her God+ office can be found there.