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DC - [[DarkClaw]]<BR>
Kat - [[Katrana]]<BR>
Kat - [[Katrana]]<BR>
Nati - [[Natilena]]<BR>
Nati - [[Natilena]]<BR>

Revision as of 03:33, 4 February 2016

This page contains the various abbreviations used within The Final Challenge.


AFW - Away from window
AFK - Away from keyboard
AMMQ - Arch Mob Mastery (or Mini) Quest
ATM - At the moment
BRB - Be right back
BRT - Be right there
BTW - By the way
CR - Corpse Retrieval
DM - Dungeon Master
EXP - Experience Points
IC - In character
ID - Identify
IMP ID - Improved Identify
IMO - In my opinion
FLI - Following-Level-Immortal (i.e., Demi/Lesser God/Goddess)
FYI - For your information
GT - Get Together
IMHO - In my humble opinion
JK - Just Kidding
LMAO - Laughing my a$$ off
LOL - Laugh out loud
MOB - Mobile
MUD - Multi-User Dungeon
NP - No problem
NPC - Non-Player (or Non-Playable) Character
OOC - Out of character
OMW - On my way
PC - Player Character
PK - Player kill(ing)
PKer - Player killer
POV - Point of view
RL - Real life
ROLF - Rolling on floor laughing
RP - Roleplay
SO - Significant Other
<SP> - Unsure of previous word's spelling
TFC - The Final Challenge
WB - Welcome back
XP - Experience Points


CL - Cleric
MA - Mage
OM - Ordained Mortal
RA - Ranger
SH - Shaman
TG - Thug
TH - Thief
WA - Warrior
WARRIC - Player who multi-classed to Warrior Cleric

Item Flags

ac - armor class
AE - anti-evil
AG - anti-good
AN - anti-neutral
at - anti-theft
blk - blocking
chr - charisma
con - constitution
da - damage absorption
dex - dexterity
dmg - damage
e - evil
g - glowing
g - good
h - humming
hlth - health
hp - hit points
hr - hitroll
int - intelligence
luc - luck
m - magic
ma - mana
mm - magic metal
mr - magic resistance
mrk - Wizard Mark
mv - moves
n - neutral
obs - obscurity
std - steadfastness
str - strength
svb - save vs breath
svs - save vs spell
ts - true seeing
wb - waterbreathing
wis - wisdom
WWP - Worn With Pride - an item worn slot
i - inventory flag
! - limited item


AG - Adventurer's Guild
DH - Dwarvenhold
DL - Dragon's Lair
DR - Demon Realm
GH - Guild Hall
GWR - Great Western Road
LL - Loth Llorien
LTC - Lower Temple Courtyard
MG - Midgaard
MOK - Mountain of Knowledge
TC - Temple Courtyard
TP - Trading Post
UTC - Upper Temple Courtyard
WM - Wintermeet Valley


DC - DarkClaw
Kat - Katrana
Nati - Natilena
Rince - Rincewind
Sol - Solaron
Toku - Tokugawa
Tyn - Tynian
Awesome - Lycron


AAR - Aarakocran
DWA - Dwarf
ELF - Elf
GNO - Gnome
HEL - Half-Elf
HLF - Halfling
HUM - Human
MIN - Minotaur
OGR - Ogre
SAH - Sahuagin


CHR - Charisma
CON - Constitution
DEX - Dexterity
INT - Intelligence
LUC - Luck
STR - Strength
WIS - Wisdom