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(Description captured during April Fools Day 2014 loading of version 2x)

From the shadowed light playing about those topaz eyes, and the blatant
wickedness in the smile on her moist lips, the impression given is one of 
a delicious and confident sexuality, a sense that there is nothing, NOTHING
in the realms of pleasure that this woman has not experienced, from one
side or the other.  Her gaze meets yours, a crystalline challenge.... 

The only question being.... are you up to it?
Sabella is in perfect health.


"Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide....
Voices trapped in yearning, memories trapped in time...
The Night is my companion, and Solitude my guide...
Would I spend forever here and not be satisfied...?"

The young woman before you returns your gaze with a knowing smile playing over her ripe lips. There is a challenge in those topaz eyes, a gauntlet thrown down, and in them, you can see bold speculation as to whether you would be a worthy entertainment.. She so loves a challenge... Pulling your eyes from hers, you take in the rest of her form.... all of it... she is bare before your gaze, ornamented only in jewelry and the silk cords that bind her wrists... and she seems rather pleased with her current state.
Sabella meets your eyes again, and somehow she looks deeper into you than any mere mortal has any right to do.... something sinuous and serpentine moves in the back of your mind, and you feel the first hint of a scream begin to well up within you as you seek release, escape, avoidance of that unnatural, unholy, invasive touch....
Sabella is in perfect health.
Sabella is using:

<used as light>         a flaming black rose                             (Gift from A Mysterious Benefactor)
<worn around neck>      a black mantle with jeweled breast clasp         (Gift from Daelin)
<worn around neck>      a red dragon crystal necklace                    (Gift from Daelin)
<worn on body>          a whisper thin veil                              (Gift from Daelin)
<worn on legs>          a pair of black fishnet stockings                (Contest Prize)
<worn on feet>          a pair of black leather stiletto heels           (Gift from Daelin)
<worn on hands>         some red dragon skin gloves                      (Gift from Daelin)
<worn about body>       a daisy chain                                    (Gift from A Mysterious Benefactor)
<worn about waist>      a niobium nipple ring                            (Gift from A Mysterious Benefactor)
<worn around wrist>     a black silk cord                                (Gift from Daelin)
<worn around wrist>     (Humming) a ruby bracelet                        
<wielded>               a spiked whip                                    (Gift from Daelin)
<held>                  a lump of coal                                   (Gift from Molo)
<worn with pride>       a niobium nipple ring                            (Gift from Daelin)
<worn with pride>       a niobium nipple ring                            (Gift from Daelin)


For years I have walked the Realm and reveled in its shadows. Blood was my aphrodisiac,
and pain my greatest pleasure. hearts were toys, games to play. Corruption of purity,
my joy. Against many have I pitted my will and wiles.
Many have been conquered. None unaffected.
And so it was.
But that can no longer be. Against one heart I plotted. Fierce, terrible, joyful, given
to another - it would be mine. The apple barely out of reach. Long I pursued him, chasing
and hunting, desiring to ensnare. Until it was I who was truly captured.
And so it is.
I am well and fully bested, owned by one with no need or wish of my abject servitude.
This day, I, Sabella, once whore, plaything, cruel seductress and corruptress, concede
surrender and defeat.
And so it will be.
Abender Stormreaver owns my soul.

October 2002: Winning Entry - Halloween Costume Contest

Hum [    Wa: 4 Ma:17    ] Sabella the wicked little nun. (Coven Anguisette)

Only a soft whisper of sound reveals the presence of the woman before you,
so non-assuming and unmoving as she was. Her voice barely audible in a 
prayer to her deity, the sound of her lips brushing against the cloth of 
her veil is nearly louder. Her head is bowed in piety, her figure shapeless
beneath the garb of her Order.  
Sabella the penitent nun is in perfect health.
used as light     (Artifact magic) the light of devoted service
worn around neck  (Potent magic) a large wooden holy symbol
worn around neck  (Potent magic) a white wool mitre
worn on body      (Potent magic) a black, shapeless, itchy wool cossack
worn on head      (Potent magic) a white veil
worn on legs      (Potent magic) white, thick, knitted wool leggings
worn on feet      (Potent magic) clunky, unattractive black shoes
worn on hands     (Potent magic) lye burns and and bristle brush scratches
worn about body   (Potent magic) a capelet of thick white wool
worn with pride   (White Aura) conviction and belief (*)
Sabella is in perfect health. 

(*) Contest Prize: received as restring.

October 2004: Winning Entry - Halloween Costume Contest

(Voted "Most Likely To Make Khore Drool")

As if the sun had set in a single moment, the space around you 
falls into a profound darkness. Shadows dance up like sanguine 
blood seeping into a still oasis of water: flowing, seeking to 
embrace the figure of a girl a short distance away. How could 
she have come so close, yet unseen until this, a moment of her 

Like the moon, she is pale cold brilliance swathed in the ebon 
stillness of night. Her lips are lush crimson red curves, full 
and tantalizing in their sensuality. Those huge eyes are wells 
of black agony and seduction entwined, within them the embrace 
of the grave, the chaos of life and the dance of death. Beauty 
and grace enfold her like a cloak, though she does not move. A 
single glance, and she entraps you. Daggers of fear pierce you 
as a simple, enigmatic smile curves those perfect lips, baring 
the gifts of her creator: ivory fangs. With sudden clarity, an 
epiphany overwhelms you - you are prey to this creature, food, 
just as a terrified coney draws the attention of a hawk in her 

With precise and with an almost devout gentleness, she lightly, 
delicately caresses your cheek. Your eyes fall closed of their 
own volition, and your lips move in a prayer to a fallen deity 
to whom you have never given oath... for in this moment, it is 
Khore to whom you have become offering and sacrament, all in a 
single beat of your dying heart. 

Sabella, Nosferatu Priestess of Khore, is in perfect health. 

<used as light>     (Artifact magic) (Dancing) shadows of ebon night 
<worn on finger>    (Artifact magic) a silver ring of archaic sigils 
<worn on finger>    (Artifact magic) a ring bearing Sanguinna's seal 
<worn around neck>  (Artifact magic) a silver ankh upon a thin chain 
<worn around neck>  (Artifact magic) unhealable scars: Khore’s Kiss 
<worn on body>      (Artifact magic) a side-slit gown of ebon velvet 
<worn on head>      (Artifact magic) a long veil of sheer black silk 
<worn on legs>      (Artifact magic) wicked black gartered stockings 
<worn on feet>      (Artifact magic) a pair of black spiked heels 
<worn on hands>     (Artifact magic) sheer gloves of antique lace 
<worn about body>   (Artifact magic) a billowing cloak of spidersilk 
<worn about waist>  (Artifact magic) a tightly laced leather corset 
<worn around wrist> (Artifact magic) delicate silver bangle bracelets 
<worn around wrist> (Artifact magic) delicate silver bangle bracelets 
<wielded>           (Artifact magic) a slim, deadly, curved longsword 
<held>              your will, captured and subjugated to her desire 
<worn with pride>   the marks of a vampire's bite 
<worn with pride>   Cape of the Ordinus Nosferatu

October 2005: Halloween Contest Entry

Vegetable dyes and hours of work have been combined to create patterns that
perfectly replicate the bark of a tree. They climb the lissome limbs of the
woman who stands perfectly, almost inhumanly still before you. Hair that is
normally a dark black has also been dyed in variegated tones of green and a
soft brown, perfectly replicating the patterns of light of the Southern sun
upon the leafy foliage of the Cilladellian woods. Her tresses stir as if of
their own accord, swaying in time to the breeze wafting in a distant forest.

Her clothing is deceptively simple: woven grasses form a modest sheath that
gives her a willowy appearance. Ivy climbs her calves and butterflies flit
about her, momentarily resting upon one arm or in her hair. Her silent gaze
is unearthly, holding the promise of seasons beyond counting.
Sabella, the Dryad Maiden of Kerri's Sequoia, is in perfect health
<used as light    sunlight dappling through the forest canopy
<worn on finger   a butterfly, alighted
<worn on body     a simple garment of woven grasses
<worn on head     a wreath of ivy and climbing roses
<worn on legs     twining vines of ivy
<worn on feet     a light dusting of forest soil

October 2006 - Winning Entry - Halloween Costume Contest

 The woman before you smiles with a convincingly vapid grin, and tosses
 a cascade of hip-length, recently-dyed, platinum-blonde hair over one
 shoulder.  Her leather bodice is laced only halfway, accentuating her
 natural assets. The depths of her distractingly pale cleavage is only
 partially concealed by an unusual collection of Marks, Medallions and
 Signets, Aegis', and other assorted symbols of worship.
 Bangles chime at her wrists, and jewels gleam in her ears. Every curve
 of her form is coiffed, perfumed, enhanced, and flaunted. She flutters
 her eyelashes and coos, 'Ooooh, was that Isolas I just saw? He's soooo
 She lays one hand across her bosom, and shifts her weight, suggesting a
 certain weakness in the knees. "I just turn to melting butter around an
 immortal, don't you know..." Sighing in a manner not unlike that of the
 most fragile of Southern blossoms, she gets a dreamy look on her face.
 'Oh, to catch the eye of such a one, well, isn't that every girl's dream?'
 Sabella, the Immortal Groupie, is in perfect health.
 used as light     (weak magic) a platinum white, beaming smile
 worn on finger    (moderate magic) a class ring from TFCU
 worn around neck  (moderate magic) a golden chain bearing many Marks
 worn around neck  (moderate magic) a golden chain bearing various pendants
 worn on body      (moderate magic) a half-laced bodice and plaid miniskirt
 worn on head      (moderate magic) lovely hair ribbons
 worn on legs      (moderate magic) a pair of back-seamed stockings
 worn on feet      (moderate magic) (Naughty) spiked heel Mary Janes (*)
 worn about waist  (moderate magic) a chain looped through a belly button ring
 worn around wrist (moderate magic) a silver bracelet chiming with many charms
 Sabella is in perfect health.

(*) Contest Prize: Won as restring.


The woman before you returns your gaze, a knowing smile playing over her ripe, 
cherry lips. There is a challenge in those topaz eyes, a gauntlet thrown down,
and in them, you can see bold speculation as to whether you would be a worthy
form of entertainment... She so loves a challenge... Or perhaps.. if the Gods
have blessed her, someone worth bending knee to...   

A smile curves her lips, and her eyes seem to grow in intensity, jewel-bright,
as she looks deeper into you than any mere mortal has any right to do.  Some-
thing sinuous and serpentine moves in the back of your mind, and you feel the
first hint of a scream begin to well up within you. Your vision fades to ebon
black as you seek release, escape, avoidance of that unnatural, unholy touch.
The black fades to gray, then to umber, and then to topaz. She blinks, grant-
ing you release from her spell. Her smile is playful.  

"Not today... but soon, dearest.  Soon."
Sabella is in perfect health. 

2011 Halloween Costume Contest: Disqualified

Enchantments have made the normally amber eyes of the woman before you into a 
deep, lightning-sparked storm blue, peeking at you from beneath a veil of ink
black lace. Her normally dark hair has been dyed a sun-touched honey-gold and 
curled to fall in tumbling waves to her hips. A tight corset of midnight blue 
pushes her feminine curves into high prominence, accented by a shining silver
chain that disappears into their depths and framed within the deeply plunging 
neckline of her sheer emerald blouse. Thick silver hoops gleam in her ears, a
mirroring shape to an intricate set of tattoos upon her brow: crescent, full, 
and waning moons, inked in deep blue. Her long and graceful fingers move with
dexterity and speed as she shuffles a deck of brightly painted cards, the key 
to your future hidden within their mysteries. 

"Cross my palm with gold and I'll reveal your fate," she whispers, her voice 
soft and touched with the accent of the Great Eastern Desert. "Or do you fear
to know what Destiny and Chance hold for you?" 

Sabella the Gypsy is in perfect health.
Sabella the Gypsy is using:
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a pentacle upon a silver chain
<worn on body> a breathtakingly tight under-bust corset
<worn on head> a sheer veil of ebon-black lace
<worn on legs> a pair of layered skirts, one of black and the other blue
<worn about waist> a bright scarf of purple velvet, sewn with beads and bells
<worn about body> a cloak of deepest sanguine velvet
<held> an ancient deck of cards to reveal your future


Seeing your gaze, the woman before you rises gracefully from where she knelt,
and dips into a curtsey. She murmurs a greeting, her voice like warmed honey,
touched with the accent of the Great Eastern Desert, the movement of her rose
-red full lips almost mesmerizing. Her eyes are exquisite topaz amber, shaped 
like exotic almonds, and in them, you can almost see the centuries of sensual
play this woman has come to epitomize. If the stories people whisper in tones
of shock (and sometimes lust) are true, she has been a notorious plaything of 
the Gods and those worthy enough to capture or command her servitude, finding
and expressing pleasure in the most obscene and base ways, fully embracing an
Anguisette's instinctual submission and service.    

There is nothing demure in the way she returns your glance, looking your form
up and down, mentally calculating, measuring, apprising your appetites... and 
abilities.  An utterly wicked smile is beginning to curve her lips, a throaty 
chuckle escaping them. Reaching up, she runs her fingertips caressingly along 
the surface of a long strand of glossy white pearls that circle her neck then 
slide deep into the delicious depths of her magnificent cleavage, the gesture 
casual yet somehow terribly perverse, all at the same time.  

"I am Sabella. How may I serve?"

Sabella is using:
<used as light>     (Glowing) an ornate candelabra
<worn around neck>  a pearl necklace                                                 (1)
<worn around neck>  a black velvet choker                                            (2)
<worn on body>      (Sinful Aura) a tight corset of velvety midnight-black suede     (3)
<worn on legs>      a pair of black fishnet stockings                                (4)
<worn on feet>      (Naughty) spiked heel Mary Janes                                 (5)
<worn about body>   a debonair black velvet mantle                                   (6)
<worn around wrist> a black silk cord                                                (7)
<worn around wrist> a black silk cord                                                (8)
<wielded>           the wiles of a skilled seductress                                (9)
<held>              (Humming) a thick black wand                                     (10)
<worn with pride>   (Shimmering) a black crescent-shaped vial                        (11)
<worn with pride>   a niobium nipple ring                                            (12)

(1) Gift from the Boys of the Wyld Hunt: Ink, Vale, Spooky, & Sagan
(2) Gift from Ink
(3) Reward by Kerriariadne for finding a +mana item.
(4) Prize for a costume contest win
(5) Prize for a costume contest win
(6) Gift from Ink
(7) Gift from Ink
(8) Gift from A Mysterious Benefactor
(9) Created by A Mysterious Benefactor
(10) Created by A Mysterious Benefactor
(11) Prize for a costume contest win
(12) Gift from Ink


The lushly curved woman before you stands with an instinctive, feminine grace, a
tendril of her long, dark hair curving gently around her cheek as the rest pours
down her back in a luxurious, sultry cascade. Her features are delicately gilded
with only a touch of cosmetics, bringing a smoky mystery to her topaz eyes and a
slight blush to her already dramatic cheekbones. Her lips are bare of any color:
only the gleam of wetness as her tongue darts out to moisten them. A narrow band
of black velvet circles her throat, from which hangs a delicate strand of golden
chain which disappears downward into her magnificent cleavage, the mark of a vow
of servitude given to her Patron. 

She returns your gaze from beneath her lashes, her wicked thoughts veiled from a
stranger's view. Yet an undeniably naughty smile curves her lips, as if her core
sensuality cannot entirely be contained, like a spring emerging from the earth's
depths. When she speaks, her tone is softly pitched, bearing only a slight trace 
of a desert accent:  "The blessings of Lord Nash upon you." Though the words are
innocuous and polite, it is far easier to imagine her whispering blasphemous and
obscene suggestions in your ear, from her reputation.  Yet, despite her colorful
history, as lurid as her crimson nails, it seems the Anguisette has been brought 
to heel for the first time in Ages, swearing service to the Nashite faith and to
Alchemy's Lord.

Sabella is using:
<used as light>     a lantern of shuttered red glass
<worn around neck>  a pearl necklace                                                 
<worn around neck>  a black velvet choker                                            
<worn on body>      (Sinful Aura) a tight corset of velvety midnight-black suede     
<worn on legs>      (Red Aura) sheer black silk stockings
<worn on feet>      (Moderate magic) a pair of wicked black spiked heels
<worn about body>   (Moderate magic) a slave chain of delicate gold links          (1)
<worn about waist>  (Moderate magic) a side-slit skirt of black suede              (2)
<worn around wrist> a set of bangles                                                
<worn around wrist> a set of bangles
<wielded>           the wiles of a skilled seductress                                
<held>              a calling card
<worn with pride>   (Red Aura) (Shimmering) a black crescent-shaped vial                        
<worn with pride>   (Red Aura) (Token magic) a piece of red volcanic glass            

(1 & 2) Gifts from her Patron

July 2013

It is an easy thing to imagine the woman before you committing the most carnal
and blasphemous acts, whispering filthy truths and debaucherous suggestions in
your ear. Her topaz eyes are knowing and honest, with nothing about her nature
concealed as she glances up to meet your gaze from beneath her lashes. Hers is
body built for pleasure, from the lush curves displayed prominently above that
tightly laced corset, to the softness of her full lips, and the wanton cascade
of her waist-length sable curly hair.  Gilded only lightly and delicately with 
cosmetics, her delicate features and golden skin are perfectly displayed.  One
crimson-tipped hand lifts, tribal henna patterns upon them, brushing a lock of
hair back behind one pierced ear, then down to caress the luminous pearls that
wrap around her throat before plunging into the magnificence of her cleavage.
The slick sound of them sliding between her fingers, the contrast of the white
purity against the tawdry scarlet of her nails, seems almost obscene in and of
itself, with no words needed.  Yet she speaks: softly, her tone low and almost
teasing.  "The blessings of Lord Nash upon you. May you someday find His Glory
and Perfection."