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Official Information

Bards serve many diverse roles in life. They are entertainers, historians, explorers, trouble finders, trouble solvers, diplomats, curiosity seekers, tinkerers, and sometimes another sword in the fight. Given their various roles, and that they are seemingly into everyone's business, bards have learned from several disciplines. They fight enough to be at least somewhat competent with the sword. They have picked up enough magic here or there to cast an odd spell or two. And their curiosity may have taken them through a locked door or two, though that can be neither confirmed or denied. One day, the bard may be rubbing elbows with the common folk, ear to the ground for new adventure. That same bard may be in the company of kings and queens the next day.

As bards are the "glue" of society, all races have some version of the bard.

See Also: Levelcheck & Perform.

Performance Criteria

The bard class has a role-play foundation. Aside from other performances, demonstrations, story tellings, historical accounts, and other works that the bard may participate in, a bard is periodically reviewed by a council of high-ranking bards (HELP BARDS COUNCIL). As a bard grows in skill, more is expected of him or her. The following is a brief summary of what is being looked for during a Bards' Council

4th level - The bard performs in front of an audience. There are no specific quality expectations, and the performance need not be original.
9th level - The bard performs in front of an audience. The performance need not be original. Participant is graded on stage presence.
14th level - The bard creates an original work. This may take the form of a song, poem or story that is done in front of an audience, or a small written work that is made public. There are no specific quality expectations.
19th level - The bard creates an original work, which will be evaluated on quality.
24th level - The bard creates an original work.
29th level - The bard creates a major original work.

Out of character note: "Original" doesn't necessarily mean that the player needs create the work him/herself. The player can get as much help as s/he needs from others but the work must be original and not performed or presented yet on TFC. The idea is to have fun, not for perfect style.

Logs of Bard Council Reviews:
See: The Bardic Category page.


Player-Supplied Information

Learning Spells Permanently

As a bard, unlike other classes, your spells do not go up in damage or effectiveness with use -- they stay at the point at which they were learned permanently. This means that it is VERY important to know the level of your spell before you learn it permanently!

To figure out what level your spells are at, prior to memorization:

  • Go to the Mountain of Knowledge, and purchase a crystal sphere from Astaldo
  • Attempt to Imprint the sphere with the spell you want to memorize. (syntax: "Imprint (spell name) 30") This will attempt to imprint the spell at level 30. The failure message will tell you what level the spell is currently memorized at.

Bard: An Overview

By Whistler:
The bard is the most difficult character class to both to play, and to level. I would not recommend a bard as your first character in TFC, because it really is so difficult to play. It is so difficult, that since the inception of the class a few years back, only one (Cadee) has achieved the coveted maximum possible level. (Other character classes can usually max out with a couple months of play time.) Once you have tried some other characters, and have a handle on where and what is going on though, it can really prove to be a lot of fun. Over the years, I’ve tried my hand at all the possible class/race combinations, and have enjoyed none of them so much as I’ve enjoyed the bard.

The bard is NOT a combat class. If you are looking for a run and shoot, or a min-max pker, look elsewhere. The bard is designed to put the roleplay back into rpg. Whereas other characters can level simply by gaining xp (read ‘killing stuff’) the bard can only increase their spell casting level by finding and memorizing scrolls and scores—then casting some of the memorized spells. Their skill level can only be increased through the successful completion of progressively more difficult quests: Mobhunts, Mobmasteries, Location Quests, and performances. This means that if you’ve got a creative bent, or enjoy acting or writing, you’ll love playing a bard. If such is anathema to you, you don’t want to go this route. For me though, as I have said, this class has been the most fun.

So why play a bard if it’s so tough? Well, there are a few reasons. One is the challenge. Another is that bards can do a little bit of everything, with some exceptions. Bards cannot wear metal armor, dual wield, or use two handed weapons. (There has been a little discussion about changing certain aspects of this.) Bards CAN do some things which are normally class restricted. (For example, a bard can '''Memorize''' the thug skill ‘rush’ which allows them to knock down an opponent at the beginning of combat.) Bards also have access to Lyricals, which are rare and sometimes powerful bard only scroll-type items. And finally, playing a bard can allow you to partially circumvent certain racial restrictions. Taking myself as an example, Halflings are normally disallowed to play mages, but as a bard, I have a number of Mage spells that I have learned, and use on a regular basis.

Bards do well in groups. Any person(s) grouped with a bard receive a special ‘fortified’ bonus. Yes, just hanging around us can make you feel better about yourself, and add to your confidence. Special bard ‘performance’ spells (distinct from quest performances) are also usually beneficial to grouped characters—for example, ‘perform managen blossoms’ vastly boosts the mana regeneration of those grouped with the bard—at a cost of rapid mana depletion for the bard him(/her)self.

Grouping with others also benefits the bard. It allows for much faster xp advancement than by solo play, and the bard can benefit greatly from the spells, skills and knowledge of others when they are location questing or mobhunting. (They may not undergo mobmastery quests while under the influence of others’ spells, and having a spell cast on you when attempting such a quest will result in a quest failure.)

The play is the thing though. If you choose to play a bard, really role play them. Does your bard have an ego? Are they an emo? Coward? Nuts? Lisp? Racist? Is their art form something other than song? (I havn’t seen a jester yet…) do they tumble, are they an acrobat, poet, mime? Do they stutter? (B-b-baby, you ain’t seen n-n-nothin’ yet…)

Come up with a role, really play it, and let the fun ensue….

  • For Additional Player Supplied Information on Bard, please visit Whistler' Blog on the TFC Forums. They contain original performances, information on Lyricals, and instructions for the Beginning and Intermediate bard.

General Bard Etiquette

By Whistler

Being a bard can be very competitive.

There are only so many scores out there, and lyricals seem to pop only one at a time, with about 3-4 hours between them. so what do you do when you see another bard on?

Well, what i do is try to be considerate of the other person. if i am focusing on xping, i may do a locate score for the other person, or pit any scores i find that i'm not particularly interested in memoing. (you should do this anyway, except please, sac any score of common you find!)

I ask the other bard what they're working on. if they are lower level than myself and looking for scores at the same time i am, i may switch to focus on my xp, or do a mobm or an lq. if they're working on skill level, i offer to mobhunt register, and then don't participate in the mobhunt.

Keep others apprised of Nevyn Sightings, or location of lyricals you may not be interested in--this can work to your benefit because it will help another pop that you might be interested in. Let people know when you have found a lyrical that others could be looking for.

Above all, try to remember that your role in tfc is one of roleplay. when interacting with other characters...well, to put it in the words of my grandfather, "Whatsoever you choose to do in this world, do it with Panasche!"

These are the etiquette rules i try to which i try to stick, though the same may not work for you.

For example, if you are a bard in an Evil following, it would be wholely appropriate to be more competitive, give false information, etc...i dunno, i just follow the music. But please, some Panasche!

Also, give some thought to a musical instrument. Every bard should have some instrument. If you get a decent weapon talk to some of the gods about a restring to make it into one.

When someone else is having a performance (or performance review), try to attend.

If you are going to have a performance (now i've screwed up on this one, so i need to point it out here-) check to make sure there is not a mobhunt or scavengerhunt in progress. some who might otherwise attend your performance might not due to their investment in the hunt.

that's all for tonight folks!

Wiki Articles

Rumor and Speculation

None at this time.

Famous Bards

Level 50 Bards