Foghair (I) | |
Created | September 21, 2015 |
Status | Active |
Race | "Human" |
Hometown | Riverhold |
Classes | Bard |
Mud Contributions:
Current Description:
A husky, low chuckle draws your eye to the willowy figure of a
man before you. No muscled bruiser, he is tall for a human and of
a light, lithe build. An unruly mane of damp, deep brown hair
tumbles around his face, hiding his eyes but hinting at an
afternoon of frolic in the river or of more pleasurable exercise
with an innkeeper's daughter.
There is an air about him of a wild thing, not entirely tame and
certainly not the sad, trudging look of the villagers from the
town he calls home.
His movements hold a liquid grace as he bows. Languid poet's eyes
of bistre meet and hold yours as a sensual, teasing smirk curves
his lips.
WHO Lists:
09/24/2015 Hum [ Bard: 1 1 1 ] Foghair, the amazing Boy. 09/22/2015 Hum [ Bard: 7 3 1 ] Foghair, the little drummer boy 09/26/2015 Hum [ Bard: 11 6 3 ] Foghair, minstrel in search of a tune 10/13/2015 Hum [ Bard: 16 9 7 ] Foghair, Defender of Puppies! 10/22/2015 Hum [ Bard: 18 10 9 ] Foghair is looking for Lady Cordir 11/01/2015 Hum [ Bard: 20 11 11 ] Foghair will work for spell scores 11/15/2015 Hum [ Bard: 20 12 12 ] Foghair the cookie monster [Choir] 11/16/2015 Hum [ Bard: 20 12 12 ] Foghair, cookie monster no more [Choir] 12/0102015 Hum [ Bard: 21 15 14 ] Foghair, ISO puppies [Choir] 12/22/2015 Hum [ Bard: 25 19 17 ] Foghair, Bard for Hire [Choir] 12/24/2015 Hum [ Bard: 25 19 18 ] Foghair is looking for Cordir [Choir] 12/27/2015 Hum [ Bard: 27 20 19 ] Foghair, Bard for Hire [Choir] 01/07/2016 Hum [ Bard: 29 22 19 ] Foghair, Bard for Hire [Choir] 01/11/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 22 19 ] Foghair, Bard for Hire [Choir] 01/21/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 25 19 ] Foghair, Bard for Hire [Choir] 01/24/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 26 20 ] Foghair, Bard for Hire [Choir] 03/11/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 22 ] Foghair, Will pay for spell crystals [Choir] 05/01/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 24 ] Foghair, Temp. not for hire [Choir] 05/01/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 24 ] Foghair, Temporarily off the market [Choir] 05/16/2016 Hum [ Cupcake Tease! ] Foghair Temp. not for hire [Choir] 05/16/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 24 ] Foghair is looking for a God(dess)+ [Choir] 05/29/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 25 ] Foghair is back on the market [Choir] 06/26/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 27 ] Foghair is back on the market [Choir] 06/27/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 28 ] Foghair is back on the market [Choir] 06/28/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Foghair is back on the market [Choir] 07/17/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Foghair is working on commissions [Choir] 08/11/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Foghair. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! [Choir] 08/14/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Foghair: Tonight...Tonight... Tonight! [Choir] 08/14/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Foghair: 7 minutes! [Choir] 08/14/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Foghair: 1 minute! [Choir] 08/14/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: It's now or never. [Choir] 08/14/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: Will be open for bus. in the morning[Choir] 08/16/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: Working on commissions [Choir] 08/25/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: Avoiding commissions since Apathy [Choir] 11/13/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: We're off to see the wizard! [Choir] 11/20/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: Here gobble gobbles... [Choir] 11/21/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: Turkey sandwich with cranberry. Mmm. [Choir 11/27/2016 Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Foghair: Phoenixes are not turkeys. [Choir] 05/27/2017 Hum [ Shenanigator ] Foghair: Phoenixes are not turkeys. [Choir]
Character History:
Seriously obsessed with getting back to the top of the MobMastery Rank
Player Provided Information:
Personal Timeline:
09/25/2015: Foghair write a song called Whale Ride by Foghair, at Ghazkull's request, to the tune of Slow Ride by Foghat
09/26/2015: Foghair posts a Haiku for Portobello: So nondescript / Terror of my Warden-kind / Not welcome here! After challenging her to a Mobhunt, Foghair posts a Haiku for Samiyah: I hit the sheriff / visit to the afterlife / Sami leads the mobhunt! Foghair writes a third poem today, for Jamal:
Foghair says (in common), 'I fly me North from the cliffs of Aran,'. Foghair says (in common), 'searching for my rest.'. Foghair says (in common), 'I dip and swoop and loop de loo,'. Foghair says (in common), 'and at Druid's I find the best.'.
09/29/2015: Foghair is commissioned to write a poem about Sparhawk, on behalf of a third party: To A Sparkling Dove
10/08/2015: Foghair performs for his Level 5 Bard Review
05/29/2016: Foghair performs for his level 25 Bard Review.
For more extended reading... Foghair's Songbook
Player Information: