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Inventory Relocation Expert
(Noisiest Mute Ever!)
Created October 11, 2001
Status Inactive
Retired October 30, 2005
Race Half-Elf
Classes Thief
Followed Kerriariadne


Mud Contributions:

  • Ideas. Lots and lots of idea posts.
  • Sign language on gossip.
  • 'Mute' modifications to all his socials, including: Silence throws his head back and his chest heaves up and down . . . you guess he's laughing. Silence hops up and down with his mouth open, you can only assume he is trying to cheer.
  • Non sequitors out the wazoo, including: Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* remember sin is the most important meal of the day'.
  • Signature emotes, including: Silence flexes his fingers in a way that makes you nervous, you suddenly have an urge to count your bags.
  • REALLY bad spelling.

Current Description:

Hel [       Th: 2       ] Silence the Half-Elf                                     October 11, 2001
Hel [       Th: 4       ] Silence needs con                                        October 11, 2001
Hel [       Th: 5       ] Silence silence needs con badly                          October 11, 2001
Hel [       Th:10       ] Silence got splattered, needs donations                  October 13, 2001
Hel [       Th:13       ] Silence is a magic casting madman                        October 15, 2001
Hel [       Th:13       ] Silence hides in the dark                                October 16, 2001
Hel [       Th:14       ] Silence says "hello darkness my old friend"              October 17, 2001
Hel [       Th:14       ] Silence, Magice user of Dark.                            October 19, 2001
Hel [       Th:14       ] Silence uses Dark Magice!                                October 19, 2001
Hel [       Th:18       ] Silence is a despised darkling, will someone love me?    October 29, 2001
Hel [       Th:19       ] Silence uses a night light in the darkness               October 31, 2001
Hel [       Th:20       ] Silence is looking for 3str, -svs, da on wrist *dark*    November 1, 2001
Hel [       Th:21       ] Silence is looking for a 1wis wwp *Dark*                 November 2, 2001
Hel [       Th:24       ] Silence looking for dex3 non metal arms *dark*           November 11, 2001
Hel [       Th:25       ] Silence HATES SLEEVES!!!! *DARK*                         December 1, 2001
Hel [       Th:25       ] Silence gets with his woman in the Dark                  February 6, 2001
Hel [       Th:25       ] Silence tries to reset his zmud in the dark              February 15, 2002
Hel [       Th:25       ] Silence waits for you in the dark                        February 26, 2002
Hel [       Th:25       ] Silence the ghost magnet of Dark                         February 27, 2002
Hel [       Th:26       ] Silence Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark.             March 20, 2002
Hel [       Th:27       ] Silence the Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark          April 28, 2002
Hel [       Th:27       ] Silence has been given the ability to speak by telnet    March 14, 2003
Hel [       Th:28       ] Silence the Lusty Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark    April 29, 2003
Hel [       Th:28       ] Silence made a new enemy today *dark*                    April 29, 2003
Hel [       Th:29       ] Silence Lustful Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark      May 10, 2003
Hel [       Th:30       ] Silence Bionic Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark       May 11, 2003
Hel [    Dark Bandit    ] Silence Bionic Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark       May 16, 2003
Hel [    Or: 3 Th:30    ] Silence is the Dark Bandit . . . I swear                 May 17, 2003
Hel [    Dark Bandit    ] Silence the most annoyingest thief ever! *dark*          May 26, 2003
Hel [    Dark Corpse    ] Silence hopes noe one necroports to him *dark*           May 30, 2003
Hel [    Or: 6 Th:30    ] Silence is operated by strands of Darkness               June 10, 2003
Hel [    Or: 6 Th:30    ] Silence is also a verb . . . *DARK*                      June 13, 2003
Hel [       Th:30       ] Silence the newbie confuser *dark*                       September 25, 2004
Hel [       Th:30       ] Silence- Inventory Relocation Expert  *DARK*             October 10, 2004
Hel [       Th:30       ] Silence is afk in the dark                               November 17, 2004

Character History:

Silence gossips (in common), '(out of char) i roleplay my char, he is mute. *in sign* luckily all of you understand sign :)'.
Saruman gossips (in common), 'But.. how can blinded people 'hear' you then?'.
Cordir ftells, 'Silence is the most talkative mute on the planet'.
Dalaran auctions (in elven), 'i would love to bid on Silences stuff, but unfortunately i cant understand sign :('.

Famine auctions (in common), 'I don't speak finger, Silence..'.
Famine auctions (in common), 'well..I know what the one finger means.'.

Cordir gossips, 'I swear by all that is holy, Silence, you are the NOISIEST mute I have EVER met.'.
Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* no no no, not noisy, just really . . . handsy'.

Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* im asleep at mish'.
Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* i was at mish, i assume im still their'.
Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* i cant wake up'.
Qeiri ftells, 'Silence is talented, if he can sign while asleep'.
A large sign appears above Silence's head, which reads, "WORLD'S NOISIEST MIME"
Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* ack signs are attacking me!!!'.
Dalaran cants, 'you know silences (in sign) roleplaying on gossip is so pathetic, how the hell is he hearing gossips anyway'.
Dalaran cants, 'err misstell'.
Silence cants, 'mutes can hear'.
Tynian says, 'The expert speaks!'
Silence cants, 'im mtue not deaf'.
Bliss cants, 'It's gossip...word of mouth...spreading like wild fire through the realm'.
Dalaran cants, 'ah i see your dumb not deaf'.
Bliss cants, 'Some use sign language to gossip!'.
Silence cants, 'and the reason you can understand me is that i have the spell Hands cast on me'.
Silence cants, 'its much like the spell tongues'.
Boromir cants, 'which means you cant steal until you have Fingers cast on you :) '.
Dalaran cants, 'bored now'.


  • Silence posted ideas on a variety of topics, including supporting the creation of piercings, tattoos, and thief language skills and the ability to ID at level 30. He also proposed a 'fighting arena' in which single characters could enter and fight pre-set mobs for exp and prizes, as well as a way for mortals to tell what the online time of Immortals was. Others included a ranger ability to 'find water,' a thief ability to 'find doors,' and a mage ability to 'enchant armor.' Yet more ideas were posted on the ability to quit in one's god temple, being able to buy restrings from shoppies, changes to Hide, a thief ability called 'secret messages' (he didn't know about cant just yet), "Russian Roulette Food", items that made you gain additional exp when killing mobs, channels for allies, posting notes to specific classes, Mute for warriors,exp for successful steal attempts, necrophagia, making corpses last longer, a way to post notes to followings other than your own, changes to spells for Neutral clerics, a Hop social, 'planting' items invisibly on victims, a 'steal' ranking, Who Ally and Who Enemy, ... the list was endless. (It was his habit to post ideas while he was sleeping to regen while exp'ing.)
  • One of Silence's ideas (Dated October 28, 2004) MIGHT have been the inspiration for the Games of Chance / gambling code! [ 13] Silence: gambling / Thu Oct 28 23:59:23 2004 / To: all / Feedback by Tynian, Mon Dec 27 04 17:42:36: read. / I think it would be neat if there were areas where we could play NPC's and PC's in betting games from simple things like 50 gold black jack to 500 gold poker hands even more complex things like betting on who might win an arena fight or who will win the current mobhunt. :) Silence, Dark inventory relocationist

Player Provided Information:

Personal Timeline:

10/11/2001: Silence is created. Silence gossips (in common), 'i boogie very quielty'.
10/16/2001: Silence joins the Dark, giving his worship to Kerriariadne. Silence gossips (in common), 'its kinda
embarassing when your invisable and your oponenet is blind and they still land a hit on you'. ### [Somewhere, Silence will figure this out if it kills him (and judging from other reactions it just might)]
10/17/2001: Silence gossips (in common), 'i like reading long books becuase they go on forevfer, its like havign friends'.
10/19/2001: Silence begins his 'mute' rp, and responds to being listed on a 'visible threat report' with: Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* are you really afraid of a mute?'. Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* i prefer the term "fun-loving" to evil :)'.
11/02/2001: Silence levels to 21 thief and gains a train.
11/11/2001: Silence dies to a giant pudding, and he CR's himself.

01/08/2002: Silence gossips (in common), 'its silence's random junk sale, with mad mad mad prices, i must be mad to sell things at these prices'. ### [Somewhere, Silence pantamimes dieing a tragic death to lack of food]
02/26/2002: Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* mute half-elf power'. Tranquility ftells, 'Got this on info: [Somewhere, Silence signs - i think you should have godly sandals]'.
02/27/02: Silence is slain, without provocation, by Sian of the Dreamers.
04/16/02: [ 23] Silence: Thieves Guild / Tue Apr 16 14:57:12 2002 / To: all / I plan on starting an alliance of thieves. It will be open to any person regardless of age, race, or religion. the only requirements is that the person is at least level 8 and is a level 6 thief. anyone that applies and follows the rules will be accepted. The reason to join the thieves guild is that members do not steal from each other. they may attack and kill each other, but they do not steal. they might steal from others in your religion but not you. the guild will be a very simple web page listing the names of its members and maybe thief tips in the future if you wish to join send an email to donjuandemiko@yahoo.com Title is "Thieves guild" and include your character name and levels for example "JohnQpublic 30 thief 20 fighter 10 mage" Thank you for your time. Silence, the Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark. Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* im all pink . . . i feel so . . . feminine'.
07/23/2002: Silence cants, 'is it up yet'. Silence cants, '*and no comments about things i hear from my girlfriend*'.


03/27/2003: [ 18] Silence: online locater service by myself / Wed Mar 26 22:34:42 2003 / To: all / After much consideration i am offering my services as a profesional teller of those online for a small feel I will be more than happy to tell you if the person you seek is online or not by using my patented "who" 5000 technology I will be able to locate your intended playere with a 98% acuracy and let you know if they are online just give me a tell and 1k and the information is yours. / Silence, Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark and offical Who 5000 technology user
03/28/2003: Silence shares with the world (via note) that he died due to plague, recounting his final moment.
03/29/2003: Silence reposts his Thief Guild note.
04/29/2003: Silence is PK'd by Thrall of the Rose. To raise money to buy back his gear, Silence auctions (in common), '*in sign* selling immunity from my talents, give me a tell'.
05/10/2003: In response to a story Oook was telling on gossip: Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* this better end with some sort of sexual double entant or im gonna be disapointed'. // (After kissing all the women in the room) Silence signs - my lips are some of the greatest tips a woman can recieve, all that talking of your tires them out, mine are always at full strength. // Silence is attacked by Valgar and Loto, with Valgar getting in the killing blow. // ### [Somewhere, Silence makes the international sign for -give me my money-]
05/11/2003: Silence reaches level 30.
05/15/2003: Silence is Ordained by Kerriariadne as the "Dark Bandit." Shortly thereafter, he is PK'd by Solaron. The reason given was "a Darkling killed my friend Grale." As a result, Bliss Hexes all of the Wyld Hunt, and all of those who name Hunt as their friend.
05/26/2003: Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* im not evil im mis understood :)'. At Cordir's request, Silence comes to help out a lost newbie.

09/08/2004: Silence bad recalls to Demon Realm and dies to a Fire Demon. Then again to a Shadow Demon. Then to Orpik.
09/15/2004: Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* im lookign forward to the midgaurd chocalate revolt'. Silence gossips (in common), '*in sign* in a stunning political move 'Schwartz said (in common), 'C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me. Schwartz gossips (in common), 'I'm working my constituents'.
10/11/2004: Silence posted a note about helping newbies, and expressing his disgust about those who would loot a newbie corpse. This sparks a series of smack-talk notes, led by Solaron, who feels that "After all, if we sat down and separated newbies from non-newbies based on skill, you'd still be a newbie." Notes are posted by Jaerith, Judge, Anandunaiss, Wunk, Solaron, and Dart.

October 10, 2005: Silence announces via board note to followers of Kerriariadne that he 'has a monkey' and is back.
October 30, 2004: Silence posts his retirement note.
[ 18] Silence: I think I have to admit to myself that my mudding days are over
Sun Oct 30 20:12:10 2005
To followers of: Kerriariadne
i've loved being in dark
In my 11 years of playing this game
Silence has been my favirote character
and I mean this in no way as a simple pleasentry but Dark has been my favirote following so far
and I think in total, combining all my characters, i must have followed at least 20 gods by now
and Silence has been in dark since like level 20, so in a lot of ways in my mind without dark silence wouldn't have been as much fun
If the mud picks up again I might come back
but right now it is just no fun wandering around with no one to steal from
so I plan to check in every now and then, but mostly I'm retired
-Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark
-All your bags are belong to Dark

Player Information:

Silence's player lived in Florida.