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Led By Tamar
Alignment Chaotic Good
PK Model Sword
Ordained Mortals Azeworai
Allies Tripper

Following Description / FINFO:

Tamar, leader of the Dreamwalkers, Intermediate Power of the Sword.
Following's self-perceived alignment: Chaotic Good.
The followings of Tripper, Robert, Plato are considered allies.

Brief following description:
The Dreamwalkers are a non-aggressive following emphasizing personal growth,
friendship, and enjoyment of the game. Followers are encouraged to be an
example of good in the world, and to look for the good within themselves
and within others. How this is done is the decision of each individual.


* Elf [ Th:10 Ma:15 Ra:12 ] Drizzt, 2.x elf in a 3.x world. (Dreamwalker)
* Elf [ Th:11 Ra: 9 Ma:15 ] Crinos The Puffed Corn Cheeze Snack of DreamWalker

Requirements for Entry

Additional Notes

From the following website, hosted on http://dreamwalkers.wox.org/entry.html:
The Dreamwalkers are a non-aggressive, good-aligned following emphasizing personal growth, friendship, and enjoyment of the game. This is a following for those who are unafraid, and willing to stand up for their beliefs without imposing them on others against their will. We follow Tamar, the goddess of serenity, mistress of dreams. She encourages her followers to be an example of good in the world, and to look for the good within themselves and others.

The Vision - A Message from Tamar:
I chose a chaotic good alignment for the Dreamwalkers, despite the fact that some might think neutral sentry might have been more appropriate, because I want my followers to be able to make their own decisions about whether or not to attack someone, and not have that enforced by code. And, of course, because we are NOT neutral sentry, we are chaotic good and of the sword =) Although I personally do not like pking, and discourage it where I can, followers are free to pk those they are justified against.
The people I would like to see (and do see) in my following are persistent, independent, and helpful. They are strong willed and passionate, people who really care about what happens to themselves and to others. They are people that don't always agree with others, and that are not afraid to give their opinion and act on their beliefs.
They are not sheep, going with whatever looks best or safest at the time. They are not cowards, afraid to play when they are the only good aligned character logged on. They are individuals, and I have faith in them.
I believe in looking for the good in myself, my followers, and others, and in accepting people for what they are and for what they are not. Part of what this means is that I have no issue with anything someone else believes. I may or may not believe the same thing myself, but I recognize that each person's belief is true and valid for that individual. I do not like it when people are lumped into a group and judged or stereotyped, for good or for ill. I prefer to consider each person as the individual that they are, and that they have the potential to become if they desire.
Remember, you are the only one who knows what is best for you, and how you would be happy.
I wish you well,