Timeline of Racial History
Written by Nayr the Wise
(original source http://www.fastq.com/~rholmes/timeline.html)
The most accepted method of measuring the centuries on TFC is the one used by the Humans. They measure time from the creation of Humankind, or Years of Humanity. Elves use Years from the Formtaking among themselves, but usually adopt the method used by whichever race they are speaking with. Dwarves use Years of Life, a reference to their long-ago creation by Tynian, The Life Giver. Halflings have kept the Dwarven system. Ogres and Aarakocra do not have a formalized system, refering to the number of years ago, for recent events, and giving names to events that they wish to remember. Gnomes also have no system, as the concept of years is one that is new and unimportant to them, living as they do in the unchanging darkness, without seasons or days. Minotaurs and Giant-Kin have taken the conventions of the Humans with which they originated.
Through intermingling of the three main systems some general conventions of notation have evolved. Dates are expressed as a number followed by an abbreviation for the system involved. This is a Y or a YB, for Years or Years Before, respectivly, followed by the letter of the particular system. These letters are H for Humanity, F for Formtaking, and L for Life. Thus, YH refers to the years following the creation of Humans, and YBH refers to the years before.
Major Events in the History of TFC
YBH (Years Before Humanity)
YH (Years of Humanity)
3000 | The Formtaking (Elves create themselves) (3018 YBH) |
2900 | |
2800 | |
2700 | |
2600 | |
2500 | |
2400 | |
2300 | |
2200 | |
2100 | Trolls and Giants created by the dreams of IvoryTiger (Aprox.) |
2000 | |
1900 | |
1800 | Dwarves Created by Tynian (1888 YBH) |
1700 | Gnomes, Goblins and Kobolds created by Urdlen |
1600 | Citadel founded (1670 YBH) |
1500 | |
1400 | War of the Spawn (1492-12 YBH) |
1300 | Dwarvenhold founded (1388 YBH) |
1200 | |
1100 | Aarakocra created (Aprox.) |
1000 | Ogres created by Maurice (1000 YBH) |
The Crossing (Elves come to the northern continent) (1085 YBH) | |
Loth-Llorien begun as a central meeting place | |
900 | |
800 | |
700 | Elves find Dwarvenhold (778 YBH) |
600 | Elves return to southern (685 YBH) |
Dwarves go to the southern, with the Elves | |
Dwarves split. Half go west, half go east, with Elves (675 YBH) | |
EmDeeVille founded (674 YBH) | |
500 | Malenest founded |
Dwarves of EmDeeVille become Halflings (Aprox.) | |
400 | |
300 | |
200 | |
100 | |
1 | Maurice creates Humans |
Earlier dates are YBH, later are YH
100 | The first Orc clans are seen |
Ghost Town founded (150 YH) | |
200 | Thalos founded (251 YH) |
Amyklai founded, as a fishing village (253 YH) | |
300 | Attempt at breeding Giants as slaves, Giant-Kin created |
Giants and Giant-Kin escape while being transported | |
Skor'lanis leads the escape, and founds Skor'lanis (392 YH) | |
400 | Minotaurs created by mages of Thalos |
Amyklai grows, deep-sea fishing begun | |
500 | Southern continent found (521 YH) |
Altibia founded (522 YH) | |
Southshire founded (580 YH) | |
600 | The Kuroth Expedition (612 YH) |
EmDeeVille discovered, mild trade begun | |
The Fortress founded (614 YH) | |
Caves of Kuroth founded (616 YH) | |
700 | |
800 | Gla-Shorn's Realm founded |
900 | |
1000 | Maurice leaves the realm. Chaos abounds |
Ghost Town falls to plague, Maurice scorns it | |
Amyklai falls to Captain Vahzlune (1003 YH) | |
Thalos falls to the Minotaurs (1004 YH) | |
Midgaard founded by refugees from Thalos (1005 YH) | |
Mithas founded by Minotaurs of Thalos (1005 YH) | |
Mahn-Tor founded by Minotaurs of Thalos (1006 YH) | |
Altibia falls to the Evil One (1007 YH) | |
Intercontinental sea travel is lost by Humans | |
Thoras is corrupted, common becomes the new Human tongue | |
High Tower of Sorcery Founded (1010 YH) | |
1100 | Aarakocra of Aran find Gla-Shorn's Realm, trade begun |
Seaside founded (1142 YH) | |
Half-Elves become a true race, and not a novelty | |
1200 | Captain Tiber sails to the southern continent(1218-22 YH) |
Safehaven founded (1221 YH) | |
Seaside grows from a fishing town to a port | |
Intercontinental sea travel reopened | |
New Altibia founded (1280 YH) | |
EmDeeVille discovered again, more mild trade | |
1300 | Ofcol Founded (1312 YH) |
Mayor Rasputin expels the Elves from Midgaard (1340 YH) | |
Half-Elf Camp founded in Haon'Dor (1340 YH) | |
1400 | Half-Elves sail to southern continent(1403 YH) |
Nydia founded (1404 YH) | |
Great Western Road built (1425-8 YH) | |
1500 | Jon Keyotay goes bargain hunting (1513-18 YH) |
Lineaoth Valley founded (1518 YH) | |
Thistlerock Founded, Kobold Mine, Goblins | |
1600 | The Isle is founded (1642 YH) |
Bandobras Took, vortex traveler, founds Hovelton (1681 YH) | |
1700 | |
1800 | Malenest Raided by Orcs, Refounded (1807 YH) |
1900 | Harper's Landing Founded (1907 YH) |
To convert from YH (Years of Humanity) to YF (Years from the Formtaking), add 3018 (e.g. 1312 YH, the year Ofcol was founded, is 5330 YF). To convert in the other direction, subtract 3018. To convert from YH to YL (Years of Life), add 1888 (e.g. 251 YH, the year Thalos was founded, is 2139 YL). To convert from YL to YH, subtract 1888. If, when converting, you get a negative number, remove the sign and adjust from Years to Years Before (e.g -1234 YH becomes 1234 YBH).