Palin D’Henoke | |
Weaver’s Apprentice Servant of Fire | |
Created | 1997 |
Status | Inactive |
Race | Human |
Hometown | Midgaard |
Classes | Mage Warrior Thief |
Followed | Pyros Cordir |
Partner | Lee |
Mud Contributions:
Current Description:
“How may I serve?” The low voice from right behind you is startling, making you jump. You whirl, weapons at the ready, to assess any threat.
The man before you raises a hand in a gesture of peace, showing his own blades sheathed. He seems oddly familiar... but where once an aura of crimson glowed darkly, now indigo gleams. Black robes have been exchanged for supple leathers dyed a deep blue hue, embossed in a pattern of silver spiderwebs which trail down his limbs.
“Palin D'henoke, Servant of Fate,” he murmurs, sketching a quick if elegant bow. He brushes back a lock of pure white hair that has escaped the intricate braid that binds its fellows, and smiles wryly at your surprise, displaying that his sense of humor, at least, is unchanged. In tucking away the errant lock, he inadvertently reveals a dark scar at the pool of his throat. Its shape is instantly recognizable - the Talisman of Fire, burned forever on his skin. Surrounding it, however, encompassing and complimenting its shape, is a swirling tattoo of indigo light; his Covenant to the Chosen - which fully embraces all that he has been, and whispers of his future.
Again he bows, acknowledging your realization, and returns your gaze calmly.
Palin D'henoke, Servant of Fire and Fate – Written by Cordir, Revised 9/7/02
"How may I assist?"
The man before you tilts his head to one side, awaiting your answer. He has the demeanor and easy stance of one who has wandered this realm for countless Ages, seen new continents form, traveled long lost paths, worshiped ancient gods that have not wandered the heavens in centuries. His eyes are the color of newly mined tourmalines, with a shifting blue-green shade that is almost mesmerizing. The secrets they hold...
"Palin D'henoke, Blade of Fate, and Apprentice to the Lady Weaver" he murmurs, sketching a quick if elegant bow that makes the silver web-like embroidery that decorates the supple leather garb he wears glint in the light. He brushes back a lock of pure white hair that has escaped the intricate braids that binds its fellows, long since bleached by the power of the magics he wields and shapes. In tucking away the errant lock, he inadvertently reveals a dark scar at the pool of his throat. Its shape is the legendary Talisman of Fire, burned forever on his skin. Encompassing and complimenting its shape, is a swirling tattoo of indigo light; his Covenant to the Chosen - which fully embraces all that he has been, and whispers of his future.
Again he bows, acknowledging your realization, and returns your gaze calmly.
WHO Lists:
Hum [ Ma:12 Wa:11 ] Palin of the Black Robes 03/16/1997 Hum [ Ma:16 Wa:15 ] Palin: Only YOU can start Forest Fires *grin* 05/10/1997 Hum [ Wa:15 Ma:21 ] Palin: Only YOU can start Forest Fires *Guardian* 05/27/1997 Hum [ Ma:22 Wa:22 ] Palin D'henoke, Webweavers Apprentice, Seer of Fate 08/31/1999 Hum [ Wa:22 Ma:24 ] Palin D'henoke, Webweavers Apprentice, Seer of Fate 10/19/1999 Hum [ Wa:23 Ma:24 ] Palin D'henoke, Webweavers Apprentice, Seer of Fate 12/12/1999 Hum [ Wa:23 Ma:24 ] Palin D'henoke, Webweavers Apprentice, Seer of Fate 12/31/1999 Hum [ Th: 3 Ma:24 Wa:25 ] Palin D'henoke, Webweavers Apprentice, Seer of Fate 08/21/2001 Hum [ Th: 9 Ma:24 Wa:25 ] Palin D'henoke: Weaver's Fated Apprentice *Taoi* 10/02/2001 Hum [ Th:10 Ma:24 Wa:25 ] [Palin D'henoke: Weaver's Fated Apprentice *Taoi* 10/16/2001 Hum [ Ma: 1 ] Palin the Boy (The Day of the Backup) 06/01/2002
Character History:
My hopes that this message finds you well. I have attempted to script a brief account of my life. Please bear with me for I am penning this only hours after learning of my dear Mother's demise to the hands of rogues wishing to take her purse.
I was born to Thomis and Merianne of the House D'henoke, a lesser house located in the southern outskirts of Midgaard. My life growing up was pampered. I got only the best of everything. Life as I remembered it was good until one Autumn day when I was fourteen. That is the day that my Father was assassinated by a rival House wanting to gain stature over us. It is also the day when my life turned upside down. My Mother, stricken with grief, withdrew from reality not wanting to accept the all too real fate that had become my Father. Seeing what this House had done, not only to my Father but to my Mother as well, I swore revenge.
I had always had a fascination with and a propensity toward the Mystical Arts. Roughly three months after my Fathers untimely death I began apprenticing under a Mage by the name of Gerar. For three long years I studied tirelessly until I was finally able to master enough of the craft to set out on my own. Of course my ultimate goal was to avenge my Fathers death and to do that I needed to learn more about the world and the secrets it contained. I spent the next part of my life adventuring and gaining the vital skills I would need to achieve my goal.
On one particular adventure I met a Cleric named Volos in a tavern. He was there drinking ale and flirting with the wenches serving him. There was a dark mystery about him that intrigued me. I sat on the stool next to him and struck up a conversation, which was a challenge in itself since he had consumed quite a bit of ale. We got to talking about our lives and I told him the story of my quest. Upon hearing my story, a gleam appeared in his eyes that was not there previously. He told me that he could help me realize my goal. This raised my spirits greatly so I asked him how he could help. He told me to meet him in the Guild at midday and he would explain then.
As the sun reached its apex the next day I met Volos in the Guild. Looking a tad hung-over, he began asking me questions in a hushed voice. After I had answered his questions to his satisfaction, he then told me of his Lord, Pyros, God of Fire. The more I heard the better it sounded; promises of power beyond my wildest dreams. This was what I needed to fill the empty void in me and, at the same time, fulfill my promise to see my Father’s death accounted for. I eagerly requested an audience with Pyros.
Three days later I was awoken by a strange voice in my head asking if I still sough to meet with Pyros. Feeling a little silly, I said yes out loud. In the next instance I was standing before a larger than normal Elf bathed in Fire. Realizing that I was standing before Pyros himself, I quickly dropped to one knee. I then listened to His expectations of His followers. After agreeing to these requirements and explaining my reasons for wanting to serve Him, He agreed to let me worship Him. Upon receiving his Talisman of Fire and a few other objects of power, I felt I was ready to finally set forth towards my goal.
Shrouded under the cloak of invisibility, I entered the estate of my nemesis undetected. I confronted the Lord of the Manor and a heated exchange ensued. Once my rage had reached its breaking point I lashed out with my Magic and slew the Lord but not before he could call the guards. A fierce battle commenced and to this day I don't think I have been more frightened for my life. Though with each kill I gained more confidence. One by one I fought with the guards and one by one they fell to my Magic. With each death cry I began to hunger for more. When there were no more adversaries I looked around at what I had done and grinned. This, I realized, was what it felt like to have power and I wanted more of it.
Killing became my life, until today. When I discovered that my Mother, whom I hadn't spoken with since the day I chose the path of evil, had died to the hand of someone just like me, a person seeking power and wealth, shocked me beyond what I thought possible. Her death made me realize that I have killed someone else's Mother and caused them the same grief that I am feeling now. That is when I made up my mind to help people rather than kill them. I want to better myself spiritually and the best way I can think to do that is by sharing my knowledge with others.
I would like to thank you for taking the time out of what I am sure is a very busy day to read this letter. Please know that leaving Pyros is not a decision that I made on a whim. He has been very helpful to me and has taught me a great deal but it is time for me to move on.
- Palin was the ninth person to join the ]]Chosen of Fate]].
- Palin was a member of the Taoiseach.
- Palin is referenced in the fiery-red strand in the Threads of the Tapestry.
- Palin granted forgiveness to the Anathema that slew him, welcoming Jet Starvo as a brother into the Chosen of Fate.
- Palin requested to be Cordir’s second Ordained when she reached Lesser Goddess, but by that time, had become mostly inactive.
Player Provided Information:
Cordir 11/22/2011 |
Palin and his (RL) wife Helati were a pleasure to have in Fate. He served in the role of "Weaver's Apprentice" - and he took pleasure in teaching new mages their skills and abilities. He was another 2x'er that I was thrilled to have in the following, as I met him first as a mortal, when he worshiped Pyros. |
Personal Timeline:
Mon Feb 5 2001 / To: all / Way back I had done something that eating at me for a while. I had killed Palin who follows Cordir....and I pledge from this day on to treat all Fate like my own brothers and sisters, to never attack or harm, any Fate member for the rest of my mortal life. Thank you and I hope Palin forgives me, Jet Starvo, Old Tank of the Old Arcanes.
Wed Feb 7 2001 / To: all / As Fate would have it, I came into the realm today after being
gone for quite some time. I just happened to read Jet's note while I was here. Jet, I accept your apology and pledge. It was a very long time ago and I would like the animosity between Fate and yourself to be dissolved. - Palin D'henoke, Webweavers Apprentice, Seer of Fate.
10/5/01: Palin gains cant - Th: 5\Ma:24\Wa:25.
10/15/01: Palin of Fate reaches Th:10\Ma:24\Wa:25.
10/18/01: Palin reaches Th:11 Ma:24 Wa:25.
12/07/01: Palin rejoins Fate.
08/12/02: Palin and Drazuk are named Blades of Fate.
09/06/02: Palin reaches Th:17 Ma:24 Wa:25.
9/21/02: Palin of Fate ascends to Th:18\Ma:24\Wa:25, and 1600 hours of play.
09/29/02: Palin D'henoke ascends to Th:19\Ma:24\Wa:25.
10/7/02 - Palin reaches level 20 thief.
10/14/2002: Palin ascends to Th:21\Ma:24\Wa:25.
Player Information:
- Palin was married to Helati de-Orilig in RL.