Bardic Circle 01-15-2002

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Includes performances by: Drystan ap Aran, Solaron, Artanis, Nobbs, Xavier, Esariston, Tranquility, Ysild


7 players.
Elf [ Ra: 9 ] Tirayel, Cordir's fated dancer
Aar [ Sh:23 ] Drystan ep Aran, feathery bard for hire. *Cordir*
Hum [ Wa:28 Cl:30 ] Clue RigelsWife: FATEd Weaver Priestess. [Cordir]
Hum [ Ma:19 Ra:20 Th:20 ] Galatea's Fate is a Fish with Puffy Eyes <Paython>
Elf [ Wa:25 Cl:27 ] Solaron: Acolyte of Fate. (Cordir) -Blade-
Gno [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Noctus Chosen Blade of Fate *Tranquility*Cordir*
Hum [ Ma: 7 Th: 9 ] Esariston: Wandering Servitor of Fate -Cordir-

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]

You gossip, 'The Bardic Circle, hosted by the Chosen of Fate, is about to start in the Amphitheater'.
You gossip, 'Anyone who wishes to attend, may, so long as you can behave civilly.'.

Legolas gossips (in common), 'Cool!'.

Drystan arrives from the west.
Legolas arrives from the west.

Drystan smiles happily.
Drystan hugs you.

Tirayel ftells, 'I'm multi-tasking - will be fairly distracted :)'.

Drystan rests.

Sirena tells you (in common), 'I'd like to come, but I don't know where the amphitheatre is.'.

Esariston prays, 'uhm...actually, I decided I can do this wholly on my own emotes, the magic thing'.

Solaron ftells, 'I'm nearly dozing, which is multi-tasking of a sort, as well.'.

Nobbs arrives from the west.
Nobbs rests.

You ftell, 'would someone give directions to the amphitheater to sirena'.

Drystan gets a violin from a sand robe.
Legolas gets a sand robe from a violin.
Nobbs gets his pipe from an egg casing.
Nobbs lights his pipe.

Drystan says (in common), 'Nice violin'.
Drystan grins mischievously.

Nobbs blows a few circles in the air.

Legolas grins happily.

Solaron arrives from the west.
Sirena arrives from the west.

Solaron rests.
Solaron bows before Sirena.
Drystan grins mischievously.
Sirena smiles happily.
Sirena thanks Solaron heartily.

Legolas says (in common), 'you'd think the theatre was big enough to see from the courtyard'.
Legolas says (in common), 'but, no one can ever find it'.

Esariston arrives from the west.
Noctus arrives from the west.
Tranquility arrives from the west.

Galatea quietly snaps her fingers and a 2-story bong appears out of thin air.

Nobbs beams a smile at Noctus.
Tranquility hugs Esariston.

Galatea says (in common), 'oops'.

Tranquility hugs Galatea.
Galatea looks completely innocent.
Galatea hugs Tranquility.
Tranquility smirks at Galatea's saying.
Tranquility laughs.
Tranquility thinks looking is as close as Galatea will get.

Nobbs carefully cleans and refills his pipe.

Legolas says (in common), 'that was quick, nobbs'.

Nobbs blushes.

Galatea says (in common), 'so what's this circle business'.

Solaron says (in common), 'It's a gathering of friends.'.
Solaron says (in common), 'We swap stories, share songs, jokes, riddles.'.

Clue arrives from the west.
Clue rests.

Galatea starts moshing lightly into pple standing nearby.

Legolas says (in common), 'can we share food too? i'm STARVING!'.

You say, 'are we ready to begin?'.

Drystan gets a slice of rat pie from a canvas bag.
Legolas drinks water from a magical spring.
Noctus utters the words, 'create food'. A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
Drystan drops a slice of rat pie.
Drystan gets a slice of rat pie from a canvas bag. Drystan drops a slice of rat pie.
Noctus utters the words, 'create food'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
Drystan gets a slice of rat pie from a canvas bag. Drystan eats a slice of rat pie.
Noctus utters the words, 'create food'. A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Legolas says (in common), 'rat pie doesnt sound good'.

Noctus utters the words, 'create food'. A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Drystan says (in common), 'Packed with nutrients'.

Legolas gets a Magic Mushroom. Legolas eats a Magic Mushroom.
Legolas gets a Magic Mushroom. Legolas eats a Magic Mushroom.

Tranquility snickers softly.
Tranquility nods in recognition to Drystan.

Legolas says (in common), 'Thanks!'.
Legolas says (in common), 'ewww on the pie stuff'.
Legolas says (in common), 'yuck'.

You say, 'Please NOD when you are ready to begin.'.

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
( 2) A delicious magic mushroom is here.
( 2) A slice of rat pie looks tempting.
( 2) (Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Clue is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Tranquility is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Noctus is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Esariston is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Galatea is here.
Sirena is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Solaron is resting here.
Nobbs is resting here.
(Invis) (Dark Blue Aura) Legolas is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Drystan is here.

Drystan nods.
Nobbs nods.
Sirena nods.
Galatea nods.
Solaron nods.

You gossip, 'Last call for guests... we're about to begin.'.

Tranquility eats a Magic Mushroom.

23 players.
Dwa [ Sh:20 Th:17 ] Sleighty Lhyrghechoffe, Forever Tiger
Elf [ Cl:23 Ra:20 ] Tolven, Child of the Ashen Moon
Dwa [ Cl:18 ] Pheonix Dwarven Mushroom. Wisdom is an infinite study
Aar [ Sh:24 Th:22 ] Tranquility, Hand-Maiden to Cordir. *Noctus*
Hum [ Demigoddess ] Cordir: Fate Reborn.
Elf [ Ra: 9 ] Tirayel, Cordir's fated dancer
Hum [ Wa:11 ] Harbinger.
Dwa [ Cl:30 ] Artanis, Vending Machine of Wisdom {CoE-TLR} *Teeka*
Elf [ Verin Abbil ] Kain, Malla Ul'Jabbuk Elg'Selvatar d'lil Veldrin.
Ogr [ Wa: 6 ] Krongler.
Elf [ Ra:21 Th:17 Ma:23 ] Legolas, Servant of Tamar
Aar [ Sh:23 ] Drystan ep Aran, feathery bard for hire. *Cordir*
Hum [ Wa:28 Cl:30 ] Clue RigelsWife: FATEd Weaver Priestess. [Cordir]
Hum [ Ma:19 Ra:20 Th:20 ] Galatea's Fate is a Fish with Puffy Eyes <Paython>
Gno [ Druid ] Teluin, Druidic Knight of Wisdom {DDRU} *Mish*
Hel [ Cl:10 ] Sirena, Ferocious Cuddling Kitten
Elf [ Wa:25 Cl:27 ] Solaron: Acolyte of Fate. (Cordir) -Blade-
Hum [ Ma:15 Ra: 9 ] Isitititis, Elak Vampyr Trollpacka of Nattblad
Gno [ Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Noctus Chosen Blade of Fate *Tranquility*Cordir*
Hum [ Ma: 7 Th: 9 ] Esariston: Wandering Servitor of Fate -Cordir-
Gno [ Th: 5 Sh:11 ] Nobbs the Gnome, walking the path of the Wyrm.
Gno [ Wa:12 Sh:14 Th:11 ] Glathrorn: the world is abGNOMEal

It is 1am on Zoardryn the 15th, the month of the Deities' Wrath, in the year 2512.
TFC started up at Mon Jan 7 18:50:06 2002 \ The system time is Tue Jan 15 19:13:03 2002

Galatea will go get some booze.
Legolas a bit crowded.

Drystan says (in common), 'Well, fine. If no body wants my pies, I'm not offended'.
Drystan says (in common), 'Not at all'.

Galatea leaves west.

Drystan gets a slice of rat pie.
Drystan gets a slice of rat pie.
Drystan eats a slice of rat pie.
Drystan eats a slice of rat pie.

Legolas says (in common), 'Ewwww'.

You say, 'I was sooo hoping one of the Dawnbringers would be here'.

Drystan says (in common), 'More for me.'.
Drystan grins mischievously.

Noctus snickers with you about your shared secret.

Tirayel arrives from the west.

Legolas says (in common), 'hey, i like them'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'I met one today, Lady'.

Legolas says (in common), 'well, i like the "Idea" of dawnbringers'.
Legolas says (in common), 'some of the people in there are questionable...'.

You say, 'Shall we begin?'.

Solaron nods.
Nobbs nods his head in agreement.

You smile happily.

Drystan nods.
Tranquility nods in recognition to you.

You say, 'Welcome, Chosen, friends, and guests.'.

Solaron ftells, 'If a random string of letters pops up, my head hit the keyboard. '.
Drystan ftells, 'heh'.
Esariston ftells, '*chuckle*'.

You say, 'This is the bardic circle, hosted each month by the Chosen of Fate'.

Noctus ftells, '*grin* *shake* Might be my head as well :)'.
Solaron ftells, 'heh'.

You say, 'An open circle, in which any can participate for the enjoyment and amusement of all.'.

Tranquility ftells, '*snicker*'.

Esariston pets the small black cat on his shoulders before fading into seeming nothingness in the shadows near the door.

Legolas has begun to sing. Have you considered fleeing?

You say, 'Ty, would you open the circle?'.

Tranquility steps forward.
Tranquility says (in old common), "Greetings, and welcome all."
Tranquility says (in old common), "We gather today in friendship."
Tranquility says (in old common), "We invite everyone to eat and drink to their fill at this time."
Tranquility says (in old common), "We eat together and quench our thirst as one, to satisfy that which would distract us from those speaking."

Tranquility utters the words, 'create spring'. A magical spring flows from the ground.

Clue stands up.
Galatea arrives from the west.

Clue utters the words, 'create food'.
Esariston drinks water from a magical spring.
Esariston drinks water from a magical spring.
Clue utters the words, 'create food'. A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
Galatea drops a bottle of beer. (x9)

Clue gets a Magic Mushroom. Clue eats a Magic Mushroom.
Clue utters the words, 'create food'. A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Drystan drinks water from a magical spring.
Nobbs gets a bottle of beer.

Sirena drinks water from a magical spring.

Galatea gets a bottle of beer from an egg casing. (x3)
Nobbs drinks beer from a bottle of beer.
Clue gets a Magic Mushroom.
Clue utters the words, 'create food'. A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
Galatea drops a bottle of beer. (x3)

A magical spring dries up.

Clue gets a Magic Mushroom.
Galatea gets a bottle of beer from an egg casing. (x2)
Galatea drops a bottle of beer. (x2)

Tranquility says (in old common), "Once we begin, please refrain from eating, drinking or casting spells that are not absolutely necessary.
Tranquility says (in old common), "ooc: Please disable your triggers for food, water and spells at this time."

(more beer is dropped)

You ftell, 'please let me know when you're done flinging beer bottles around'.

Tranquility says (in old common), "With that, please grant your attention to those before us. Thank you for attending today."

Galatea ftells, 'okie i'm done'.

Legolas says (in common), 'does this meana my duties as an id'er are withdrawn for now?'.
Solaron nods in recognition to Legolas.

Tranquility curtseys gracefully.

Legolas says (in common), 'Whoo hoo!!'.

Tranquility nods in recognition to Legolas.
Tranquility laughs.
Tranquility says (in common), 'Thank you again, all'.

Nobbs hiccups loudly. Maybe he had too much to drink?

Legolas doesnt have to do ids.. doesnt have to do ids!!

You smile happily.

Tranquility steps back and sits beside Noctus.
Tranquility rests.

You say, 'In a tradition started in previous Bardic Circles...'.
You say, 'I'd like to ask our own Bard if he would begin the performances.'.
Cordir turns to Drystan.

Tranquility grins mischievously at Drystan.
Drystan grins mischievously.

Galatea stands up.

Drystan gets up from his bench.

Galatea utters the words, 'create spring'. A magical spring flows from the ground.

Clue grins impishly drystan.

Drystan says (in common), 'I'd be honored'.

Galatea drinks water from a magical spring.

Drystan says (in common), 'Most honored'.

Galatea sleeps.

Nobbs showers Drystan with confetti!

Drystan says (in common), 'I don't have a choice, do I?'.
Drystan grins mischievously.

Galatea wakes and stands up.
Galatea rests.

You ponder the question.
You shake your head.
You say, 'Nope.'.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Drystan hops up under the light.

Tranquility ftells, 'Agreed Lady'.
Tranquility ftells, ':)'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Righty, then'.
Drystan smiles happily.
Drystan says (in common), 'This assumes I have something, of course'.

Drystan stops using a flanged battle mace.
Drystan wields a violin.

Nobbs gives a round of applause.

Drystan twangs.

Legolas twangs?

Tranquility sits down and thinks deeply.
Tranquility raises an eyebrow at Drystan.

Drystan says (in common), 'Tonight's presentation is being supported by the letter 'F' and the number '8..

Tranquility laughs.
You blink.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
Legolas laughs.
Esariston chuckles, evidently amused.
You snicker softly.

Cordir is tired... it took her a minute.

Drystan begins the play a quick tune with a southern drawl.

Solaron ftells, 'Don't make Solaron turn into SuperGrover, Drystan.'.

Drystan chuckles, evidently amused.
Drystan bows before you.
Tranquility smiles at you.

Tranquility ftells, '*laugh*'.
Drystan ftells, '*grin*'.

Drystan says, 'Maynard the Mighty...'

Galatea stands up.
Galatea leaves west.

Esariston ftells, 'I'd prefer superelmo myself...'.

Drystan concentrates briefly on the tune.

Tranquility grins hugely.

Drystan sings, 'This...'
Drystan sings, 'is...'

Esariston ftells, 'or Supercookiemonster'.

Drystan sings, 'the...'
Drystan sings, 'story, of Maynard, the mightiest of men, oh at least that's what-a all them tales say,'
Drystan sings, 'He would fight anything, with his kick and his swing, but there's many a beast he'd never slay,'

You cant, '(all ya'll thieves might wanna turn off info for a bit)'.

Drystan sings, 'Well the truth be known, and it will be shown, ol' Maynard couldn'a done it alone,'
Drystan sings, 'He had his trusty Gerard, a bearer more than standard, who always made sure he got home.'
Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'
Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the chance to be me. That's why I follow this man!"'

Galatea ftells, 'err sorry everyone I gotta leave soon and i wanna random a bit right now'.

Drystan sings, 'Maynard got out a' bed, and took into his head, the idea to go kill Lestat,'

You ftell, '*blink*'.

Drystan sings, '"Ere you go," said his man, "break your fast from this pan," and that, young Gerard thought, was that,'
Drystan sings, 'For in the eggs and the cheese, and on the ham - "Eat it, please" - was near 'nough garlic to kill,'
Drystan sings, 'But come the end of the day, with still no sign of the prey, Maynard knew the fangs ran from his skill.'

Galatea ftells, 'l'.

Xavier suddenly attracts all bugs in the room with his unexpected presence.

Drystan drops back into the chorus tune.
Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'
Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the sights that I see. That's why I follow this man!"'

Tranquility blinks at Xavier, seemingly stunned.

Drystan sings, 'The next up were the gnomes, in their underground homes, with their gems and their riches galore,'
Drystan sings, 'So Ger 'polished' the armor with grease from the larder, and then into the shin-guards he tore,'
Drystan sings, 'By the time 'nard marched out, his leggings were _stout_, but never did he notice the change,'
Drystan sings, 'He just fought through the hordes, and took all their hoards, though some of their slipping seemed strange.'

Artanis tells you (in dwarven), 'eek i know its abit late, but may I come join the circle? - I had to help pheonix with a mm :)'.
You tell Artanis, 'yes, c'mon in'.
Artanis arrives from the west.
You tell Artanis, 'drystan's just halfway through the first song'.
Artanis tells you (in dwarven), 'nod'.

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'
Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the shiny money. That's why I follow this man!"'
Drystan sings, 'And then came the dragon, the acid-blasting dragon, that brought terror and death to the town,'

Legolas is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

Drystan sings, 'Maynard'd been in the bath when the beast passed on its path, so he called for Ger's help to wash down,'

Tranquility snickers softly.

Drystan sings, 'But Ger doused him with lye, and when 'nard leapt with a cry, Ger stuck the man's sword in his han','
Drystan sings, 'Hence the tales you hear of the man with no fear who beat dragons wearin' naught but a tan.'

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan smirks and says, 'Well, a tan and the lye, which was basic so it neutralized the acid, you see...'
Drystan grins mischievously.

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'

You snicker softly.

Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the chance at history. That's why I follow this man!"'

You cheer enthusiastically at the way things are going.

Drystan sings, 'At last the day is won, and it's time for some fun, as the town celebrates Maynard's deed,'
Drystan sings, 'With dancin' and feedin', and flirtin' and preenin', and barrel 'pon barrel of mead,'
Drystan sings, 'Finally Ger can sit back with a mug and relax, as he waits for the question to come,'
Drystan sings, '"Can it be? It is you! Are all the stories told true?" And smilin' he says to her, "Some..."'

Drystan goes to the chorus one last time.

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'
Drystan sings, '"Truly," says he, "for the lovely groupies! That's why I follow this man!"'

Drystan stops using a violin.

Tranquility laughs.

Drystan bows deeply.

You snicker softly.
Legolas gives a round of applause.
You cheer him on, confident in his abilities.
You clap your hands together.
Nobbs gives a round of applause.

Drystan hops back to his seat.
Drystan smiles happily.

Noctus snickers softly.
Tranquility enthusiastically cheers Drystan to victory.
Noctus grins mischievously.

Legolas says (in common), 'Wonderful!!'.

Noctus claps at Drystan's performance.
Nobbs showers Drystan with confetti!

Drystan says (in common), 'Thank you, all!'.
Drystan says (in common), 'You are too kind.'.

You ftell, 'what does sleighty want, ty?'.

Drystan smiles happily.

You smile happily.

Legolas draws a cold, frosty beer for Drystan.

Esariston smiles from within his shadows at the song.

Nobbs gives Drystan some gold.

Legolas giggles.

You say, 'And who is next, to provide entertainment for us all?'.

Drystan smiles happily.
Drystan bows deeply.

Solaron ftells, 'Wonderfully done, Drystan... your performances always seem to outshine the rest.'.
Tranquility ftells, '*snicker* Merely to talk'.

Drystan bows before Nobbs.

Legolas says (in common), 'more dragons!'.

Sirena gives a round of applause.
Tirayel applauds Drystan's actions.

Drystan ftells, 'Why, thank you, Solaron :)'.

Cordir looks around the room for a volunteer.

Drystan chuckles, evidently amused.

Solaron says (in common), 'Good luck finding an act to follow that.'.

Tranquility agrees with Solaron 100%.

You ponder the question.

Solaron says (in common), 'I've got an invisible friend who can juggle..'.

You say, 'You, then, Sir Elfie'.
You nudge him.

Solaron says (in common), 'Ha!'.

Tranquility laughs.

You nudge him.

Solaron sits down and thinks deeply.
Solaron is afraid Cordir is serious.

You nod.
You say, 'quite'.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Solaron sighs loudly.
Solaron nods.
Solaron hops towards the spotlight.
Solaron considers running for the door.

The spotlight unerringly beats down on the elfie's head.

Drystan snickers softly.

Legolas shoots the light with an arrow!

Solaron says (in common), 'Soo....'.

Noctus laughs.

Esariston gets ready to block the doorway with a foot need be.

Solaron says (in common), 'This little ditty goes to the tune of a song called "Mambo Number 5".'.

You giggle.

Drystan grins mischievously.

Solaron says (in common), 'It's not quite finished, but here's the first verse.'.

Tranquility grins mischievously at Esariston.
Tranquility listens.

Drystan prepares to take notes.

Solaron says (in common), 'One! Two! Three, four, six!'.
Solaron says (in common), 'We Dawnbringers are a bunch of...!'.

You cough.
You poke him in the ribs.

Noctus taps his feet.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Solaron says (in common), 'We like to put Fate in our title..'.
Solaron says (in common), 'Tirant says he loves Tranquility...'.
Solaron says (in common), 'But he really shouldn't oughta.'.
Solaron says (in common), 'He'll get smacked into next year,'.
Solaron says (in common), 'we've got four Blades to kick his rear,'.

Esariston smiles to himself with silent agreement.

Cordir mutters, 'oh dear'

Tranquility giggles.
Noctus snickers softly.
Tranquility beams a smile at Solaron.

Solaron says (in common), 'we've got Katrana, Noctus, Solaron, and Taibh'.

Galatea ftells, 'blower?'.

Drystan snickers softly.

Solaron says (in common), 'along with Cordir to tan their hides,'.

Esariston glances at the rift-slate.

Solaron says (in common), 'Little bits of Tirant on the floor,'.
Solaron says (in common), 'Pieces of Dantareth, oh no more,'.
Solaron says (in common), 'Bits of Maximus would be nice,'.

Noctus chuckles, evidently amused.
Cordir giggles despite herself.
Tranquility laughs.
Clue fades into the void.

Solaron says (in common), 'Or killing Azkral once, (*smack* *scream* Noctus!) er.. now twice.'.

Drystan grins mischievously.
Noctus grins mischievously.
Esariston wonders if Clue is voiding to get aways from the atrocious singing.

Solaron says (in common), 'That's all I've written.'.

Tranquility snickers softly.
Drystan gives a round of applause.
Tranquility hugs Solaron.

Solaron hops timidly back into place.

Noctus shows his approval by clapping his hands together.
Sirena is so excited that she cheers just for the hell of it.

Tranquility says (in common), 'WEll, I happen to love it'.

You giggle.
You say, 'oh dear'.

Noctus pats Solaron on his back.
Nobbs disappears into the void.

Tranquility stares at the sky.
Tranquility says (in common), 'but thats me'.

Solaron grins mischievously.
Solaron thanks Tranquility heartily.

You say, 'its going to be one of THOSE bardic circles....'.

Drystan snickers softly.
Esariston smiles happily.

Solaron says (in common), 'I can take pity.'.

Clue has returned from the void.

Tranquility nods in recognition to you.

Solaron grins mischievously.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Indeed'.
Tranquility says (in common), 'bah!'.
Tranquility accidentally, of course, baps Solaron with her wing! Oops!

You say, 'especially considering the little ditty that Ty and I worked on together'.

Tranquility grins mischievously.

Esariston raises an eyebrow.

Drystan says (in common), 'Oh, know'.

Noctus closes the void and hangs a 'Closed' sign upon its' door.

Solaron says (in common), 'If it has to do with those elven women from my younger years, I swore, they all said they were over 50.'.

You snicker softly.
You shake your head.
Tranquility laughs.
You say, 'no....'.
Tranquility pats Solaron on his back.

Solaron says (in common), 'Oh, um.'.

You say, 'but I think we'll save it for later.'.

Tranquility says (in common), 'did you ask for ID?'.
Tranquility grins mischievously at Solaron.

Solaron pokes Tranquility in the ribs.

You say, 'Xavier, how about you next?'.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Solaron says (in common), 'Ruining my alibi.'.

Xavier says, 'Still working'.

Tranquility sniffs sadly at the way Solaron is treating her.

You nod.
You say, 'fair enough'.

Galatea ftells, 'what lvl is Kain?'.

You say, 'Artanis?'.

Artanis says (in dwarven), 'uhh, Im trying to decide whether or not this is too rude..'.

Galatea ftells, 'DAMN'.
Galatea ftells, '1lvl below my range thingie'.

Artanis scratches his head.

You ponder the question.

Noctus ftells, 'What's wrong?'.
Clue ftells, 'that's total of levels, not eff'.

You say, 'well, there are Imms present who can and would smite you if it isn't.'.

Tranquility ftells, 'She is busy out, instead of here.'.

You say, 'so let that be your guide.'.

Tranquility ftells, 'so much concern herself with Kain's level'.
Solaron ftells, '*shake* He's eff 45.'.

Artanis says (in common), 'hehe its crude, no swaring or anything'.

You ponder the question.

Noctus ftells, 'ah ok'.

You say, 'run it by xavier.'.

Galatea ftells, 'you said it wasnt mandatory'.
Tranquility ftells, 'it is not'.

You say, 'Tirayel, are you performing tonight?'.

Galatea ftells, 'I love you guys though so my spirit is there with you'.
Solaron ftells, '*smirk*'.
Solaron ftells, '*pat*'.
Tranquility ftells, '*laugh*'.

Tirayel says (in common), 'I don't have an act prepared...'.

Solaron says (in common), 'Want to borrow my invisible friend?'.

Tranquility ftells, 'Galatea, my friend, my dear, I don't believe that for even an instant, but you random :)'.

Tirayel says (in common), 'and will need to be leaving soon I'm afraid'.

Galatea ftells, '*ponder* I hope you didnt say that about me Noctus boy'.
Tranquility ftells, 'it must be ... very important to you to do so :)'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Juggle monkies.

Esariston silently begins gathering energy for when his show comes up.

Drystan smiles happily.

Galatea ftells, 'wha?'.

Tirayel says (in common), 'but I'll always try to entertain '.

Tranquility ftells, 'He did'.
Tranquility ftells, 'do not call him a boy'.
Galatea ftells, 'you dont believe that i love you?'.
Galatea ftells, '*sulk* *sulk*'.
Galatea ftells, '*ignore ftell*'.
Tranquility ftells, 'Ahh, then it was a different one. You must have picked something else up'.

Tirayel says (in common), '(with slow fingers)'.
Tirayel says (in common), 'if You ask <smile>'.

You say, 'perhaps you could ready something'.
You say, 'and we can come back to you?'.

You say, 'go ahead, Artanis.'.
You say, 'your evil joke passed the censors'.

Tranquility ftells, 'I do not disbliever your caring Galatea'.

Artanis laughs.
Artanis says (in common), 'Ok'.

You roll your eyes.

Galatea ftells, 'you do to - you just said so'.

Artanis says (in common), 'What did Mr.Spock find in the toilet?'.

Tranquility coughs.

Solaron says (in common), 'KLINGONS!'.

Artanis says (in common), 'The captain's log'.
Artanis chuckles, evidently amused.

Solaron says (in common), 'Oh, I was so close.'.

Tranquility hides her head under her left wing.
Cordir holds her nose.
Drystan rolls his eyes.

Artanis chuckles, evidently amused.

Nobbs has returned from the void.
Nobbs coughs.

Artanis says (in common), 'woo made u return from void :)'.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'is anyone ready?'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'I'd like to do a song as well..'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'after this'.

You say, 'nobbs?'.
You say, 'I believe Artanis is done.'.

Nobbs nods.
Artanis nods.

You say, 'Go ahead.'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'it's called: The Ballad of Sir Osis'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'it goes like this:'.
Nobbs coughs.
Nobbs says (in common), 'His mithril armor burnished bright,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'One gauntlet black, the other white.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'His helm alive with brilliant light,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'His longsword danced with flame.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'This hero faced his greatest test'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'This battle would complete his quest.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The shield he carried bore his crest'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Sir Osis was his name!'.

Galatea ftells, '*HUG* Aslan'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'For courage and for strength he prayed,'.

Drystan ftells, 'Hi, Aslan '.
Aslan ftells, 'My normal ISP isn't working, my apologies for my tardiness.'.
Tranquility ftells, 'Greetings Aslan'.
Aslan ftells, 'TRANQUILITY!'.
Galatea ftells, 'Asla be tardy'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'To Cordir, the god who he obeyed.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'His trust and faith would give him aid'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'He would not fight alone.'.
Nobbs says (in common), '"For honor, and for Cordir!", he roared,'.

Aslan arrives from the west.
Aslan blushes.
Aslan curtseys gracefully.
Tranquility ftells, '*smile* Good to see you too'.
Noctus ftells, 'Hiya Aslan'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'And leapt to battle for his lord.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Opposing that unholy sword,'.

Tranquility hugs Aslan.
Tranquility beams a smile at Nobbs.

Galatea ftells, 'BLEH'.
Galatea ftells, 'KAIN SUX'.
Tranquility ftells, 'Did he attack you?'.
Galatea ftells, 'didnt have a chance to'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'He charged to match his own.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'And locked in battle, toe to toe,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'He stood against his mortal foe,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Exchanging blow for deadly blow,'.

Galatea ftells, 'but he did summon me'.
Tranquility ftells, 'He seems to have it in for you'.
Galatea ftells, 'i cant random now'.
Tranquility ftells, 'I do not know why'.
Galatea ftells, 'they all do'.
Galatea ftells, 'I dont either'.
Galatea ftells, 'my best item is a 2dam ring'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'A small and savage war.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The damage done by each was vast'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'He knew his health was failing fast.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The next exchange might be the last'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'He could not stand much more.'.

Tranquility ftells, '*smile* Well, I am sure they think they have their reasons.'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'And yet he vowed he would not yield.'.

You ftell, 'guys...'.
Galatea ftells, 'i guess they just dont know that'.
Tirayel ftells, 'Sorry to show & blow folks, but RL is calling and I must answer - <wave> <hugs>'.
You ftell, 'could we keep it down on ftell, so the hour can be enjoyed?'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'He stood his ground, and raised his shield,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'To win or die upon this field'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The fateful moment neared.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'And in his rival, there was doubt.'.

Galatea ftells, 'fine'.
Galatea ftells, 'although i dont believe that's fair'.
Tranquility ftells, 'Galatea, love you dearly. Shut up.'.
You ftell, '*raise* You don't think what's fair, Gal?'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'Afraid that he might lose this bout,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The man of evil's nerve gave out'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The coward disappeared.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'His masquerade of honor gone,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'With craven guile, this evil spawn'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Did soon return, to battle on'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Most foully did he fight.'.

Galatea ftells, 'yes if the hour is mandatory then it should be said so'.
Galatea ftells, 'if it's not then i should be able to use ftell'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'But at our hero's side now stood'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The valliant Flaming Fools, who would,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'United on the side of good,'.

>noftell galatea - FTELL revoked.

Solaron ftells, 'It's not mandatory. You're not here, obviously. But we do like to keep ftell at a minimum.'.
Galatea prays, 'that's even less fair'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'Prove steadfast in their might.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Courageously, they joined the fray,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'And only Nobbs ran away.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'At last the party won the day,'.

Noctus grins mischievously.
Tranquility giggles.

Nobbs says (in common), 'And killed the wicked beast.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Remember well, and heed this tale'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'The noble hearted will not fail.'.

Aslan grins mischievously.

Tirayel ftells, 'Gala: no one is going to force you to attend, but many would like to get to Role Play more this hour than usual, and chatter on the following channel makes'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'For in the end, the good prevail,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'And evil will be greased.'.

Galatea prays, 'i thought you're the kind of goddess who likes to be corrected sometimes'.

Nobbs bows deeply.
Solaron shows his approval by clapping his hands together.
Drystan smiles happily.

Galatea prays, 'guess i'm wrong on that'.

Tranquility claps her wings together with glee nobbs.
Clue applauds Nobbs's actions.
Sirena applauds Nobbs's actions.
Drystan applauds Nobbs's actions.

Solaron says (in common), 'Wonderful!'.

Nobbs blushes.

Tirayel ftells, 'it hard for the rest'.

Aslan beams a smile at Nobbs.

You clap at his performance.
You say, 'well done!@'.

Artanis showers Nobbs with confetti!
Tirayel enthusiastically cheers Nobbs to victory.
Noctus shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Solaron says (in common), 'I know someone who's been listening to our Bard Drystan.'.

Tirayel bows before you.
Tirayel waves happily.
Tirayel leaves west.

Tranquility giggles.
Noctus enthusiastically cheers Nobbs to victory.

Galatea gossips (in common), '*pout* nobody likes me'.

Solaron ftells, 'I must take my leave as well. '.

Drystan says (in common), 'Very nice'.
Drystan smiles happily.

( Galatea quits )

You ftell, 'Be well, both of you.'.

Solaron says (in common), 'I apologize to those I will miss.'.

Ness gossips (in common), '?'.

Clue ftells, 'Be Well, Tir and Sola'.

Solaron bows deeply.

Cordir notes Legolas's death at the hands of an Anathema.

You wince. Ouch!
Tranquility hugs Solaron.

Solaron hugs Tranquility.

You say, 'when did Legolas leave?'.

Aslan ftells, '*smile* Later :)'.

Drystan waves goodbye to Solaron.
Solaron hugs Noctus.
Solaron hugs you.
Solaron grins mischievously.

You smile happily.

Esariston says (in common), 'when Sola started singing'.

You hug Solaron.

Solaron mutters to Esariston.
Solaron snickers softly.
Solaron grins mischievously.

Esariston says (in common), 'he teleported himself out'.
Esariston ftells, 'later Sola'.

You smile happily.
You say, 'who wishes to be next?'.

Xavier steps discreetly into the light, trying to attract little to himself and encourage the asylum of those present.

Esariston steps out of the shadows.
Esariston is glowing with a slight nimbus as he bows.

You say, 'Esariston, would you mind letting Xavier go next?'.

Tranquility beams a smile at Esariston.

Esariston says (in common), ' would be my pleasure'.

You ftell, 'Hello, Ysild!'.

Xavier says, 'I have traversed the realm, peering into the lives of the mortals.'.

You nod in recognition to him.

Drystan smiles happily.

Ysild ftells, 'hi. omw :)'.
Drystan ftells, 'Ack! Ysild?!'.
Noctus ftells, 'Evening Ysild'.
Tranquility ftells, 'Greetings Ysild'.
Aslan ftells, '*blush* Sorry, I must depart, I've got to take my sister to her soccer practice.'.

Esariston says (in common), 'I am not quite through gathering enrgy as yet anyway'.

Xavier says, 'I have seen the greed which infests the realm '.
Xavier says, 'which I have only recently been allowed to be aloof of.'.

Drystan ftells, 'Uh... I gotta run and stuff'.
Noctus ftells, 'Take care Aslan :)'.
Ysild arrives from the west.
Ysild hugs Drystan.
Aslan curtseys gracefully.
Ysild ftells, 'No you don't :P'.
Tranquility ftells, 'I must step afk for a moment myself'.

Xavier says, 'I often seclude myself after my travels, as an God I can spend eternity thinking for time matters little.'.

Esariston tries to fade into the sshadows but gives up as he's now glowing.

Xavier says, 'Escaping from the world, living with my bugs swarming, I spent a time wondering why currency is necessary, why it drives mortals so.'.

Aslan curtseys gracefully.
Aslan leaves west.
Tranquility ftells, 'be well, those that are departing'.

Xavier says, 'Is it an expression, a tool of greed? Or is it a ruler used to measure ones life against another.'.
Xavier says, 'From this currency comes bonds, ties which inextricably bind one to their place, their position.'.
Xavier says, 'Currency prevents evolution of your true self, it is no small wonder that upon striving immortal ascension,'.
Xavier says, 'I was required to give up my mortal possessions.'.
Xavier says, 'When that perfect hand of Tynian passed my soul from mortality to perfection, I realized many a thing.'.
Xavier says, 'But this piece I give to you, struggling, yearning masses of adventurous mortals.'.
Xavier says, 'Do not substitute your soul's evolution and progression with the meager trappings of life.'.
Xavier says, 'When you reach your enlightened state, be it in the near future, or in the distant, such things pertain below minisculey.'.
Xavier says, 'Materialism binds you, use it for necessity.'.
Xavier says, 'Life is a caravan of gnomes tramping through an un-perverted path.'.
Xavier says, 'Materialism is the friction that slows the wagons, the counterbalance of life.'.

Noctus grins mischievously.
Ysild snickers softly.

Xavier says, 'Beware that life does not become the friction for your materialism'.
Xavier steps into the swarm of bugs, bowing gently.

You smile happily.
Ysild smiles happily.
Drystan smiles happily.
Noctus grins mischievously.

You say, 'Thank you for sharing that insight, Lord Xavier'.

Drystan says (in common), 'True spoken'.

Sirena enthusiastically cheers Xavier to victory.

Xavier nods in recognition to you.

Ysild claps at Xavier's performance.
Esariston smiles happily.
Noctus snickers softly.
Nobbs nods.
Noctus gives a round of applause.
Clue applauds Xavier's actions.

Noctus says (in common), 'Always the gnomes huh ;)'.

Nobbs giggles.

Esariston says (in common), 'of course the's all their fault'.

You smile happily.

Noctus flips Esariston over his shoulder.

Nobbs stands up.
Nobbs flips head over heels.
Nobbs rests.

Noctus says (in common), 'Oops'.
Noctus grins mischievously.

You say, 'Esariston, are you ready?'.

Noctus lets go.

Esariston says (in common), 'yes...I believe I have the energy necessary now'.

The light, still flickering with a few wandering bugs, wanders over to Esariston.

Esariston steps up into the light.
Nobbs dodges a spark shooting from Esariston.

Esariston says (in common), 'This is a ritual I have spent long time meditating to remember'.
Esariston says (in common), 'the purpose is to discover my true-name, and reveal the identity of my companion'.

You smile happily.
Drystan raises an eyebrow.

Esariston smiles as a soft 'meow' comes from somewhere within his cloak.

You say, 'a noble effort indeed.'.

Drystan prays, 'I like this'.

Noctus beams a smile at Esariston.

You [GS] tell Drystan, '*grin*'.

Esariston closes his eyes and points at the floor...a lance of fire shoots out, tracing runes of sapphire fire into the floor.
Esariston slowly inscribes a tight circle about himself before cutting off the fire from his fingertip.
Esariston checks the runes and nods.
Esariston slowly begins weaving an intrcate pattern of light as soft words issue from his mouth...the language is ancient, but hard to decipher.
Esariston releases a wave of energy into the floating light-pattern and a gateway forms to an unknown level of the void.
Esariston opens his eyes as three shadow forms appear in front of him, fists to shoulders.
Esariston stands feet apart as the Shadowes impart golden energy to him and retreat back through the void.

Tranquility blinks and keeps watching.

Esariston twists his hand in a gesture that transforms the gate into a doorway...a dull red light shines through.
Esariston begins muttering in an unknown language once more and sends a bolt of energy into the doorway.

Nobbs has returned from the void.
Nobbs rubs his nose.

Esariston glows and raises off of the ground, spasms wracking his body as he utters a single word. 'Cerestice'

Tranquility sits down and thinks deeply.
Clue blinks.

Esariston screams and banishes the gateway, before landing and expending his final enrgy into a bolt that hits the fire on the floor.

The black cat on esariston's shoulder's disappears...
A woman is seen briefly... with ice blue hair, silver eyes flecked with molten copper...
Clad in a flowing violet silk gown of an elegant and timeless style...
As her image fades, the words ...
'Vestiraeth - soul wanderer of the Shadowvoid' ...
echo through your mind in a soft soprano...

Esariston sighs and collapses to the floor as the fire-runes vanish without a trace.

Drystan checks on Esariston's health.
Noctus smiles happily.
Esariston smiles weakly, and slowly stands.

For the slightest breath, you see a midnight flicker... then the void-vision disappears fully.

Tranquility looks at Esariston.

Cordir lays a gentle, healing hand on Esariston's shoulder.
Cordir utters the words, 'Give Strength'.

Esariston says (in common), 'from here on out, I shall call myself of the name 'Cerestice.

Drystan nods.
Noctus says (in common), 'Congratulations!'.
Nobbs gives a round of applause.
Ysild claps her wings together.

You smile happily.
You hug Esariston.

Drystan says (in common), 'Congratulations, indeed.'.

Tranquility hugs Esariston.

Drystan smiles happily.
Drystan says (in common), 'That looked kinda risky from this end'.

Esariston bows and steps down to melt into the shodaows towards the rear of the room once more.

Xavier offers his services as a Zapper if infestuous pests in return for the tale.

Esariston says (in common), 'it is very is why I needed my Shadowes to gather energy for me'.
Esariston smiles wryly.
Esariston says (in common), 'I stood the chance of summoning a very...terrible...demon there...'.

Nobbs winces. Ouch!

Esariston says (in common), 'but I also have yet to meet a conjured demon I couldn't control either'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
You say, 'indeed?'.
You say, 'Let us hope you never meet Deamhan's father.'.

Drystan raises an eyebrow.
Drystan nods.

Xavier snickers at the thought of Esariston trying to control a Sagacious Bug Zapper.

Tranquility shudders from the sheer thought of it.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'let us also hope you never accidentally summon Deamhan, either.'.

Esariston says (in common), 'yes...when I was still learning the Arts, even if I couldn't summon the demons my master could, I could control things that were beyond him'.

You say, 'I am not certain exactly WHERE or WHEN he is...'.
You say, 'but I imagine he is there by choice.'.

Esariston sits down and thinks deeply.

You smile happily.

Esariston says (in common), 'You shall have to tell me of him sometime Lady, I am unaware of that demon'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Has pointy teeth.'.

Nobbs says (in common), 'I know a few short songs they sing back at the Inn in Thistlerock, which are rather funny..'.

Cordir begins to speak, but chokes back a laugh or cough, it is hard to tell.

Ysild grins mischievously at you.

Xavier says, 'Such choices, when infringed upon, create eternal friction which will be reaped from the hide of the bold fool.'.

You say, 'He ....'.
You say, 'we were wed.'.

Esariston says (in common), 'and so do my distant relatives...pointy teeth don't bother me Dry'.
Esariston smiles happily.
Esariston says (in common), ''.

You nod.

You stop using the scintillating sapphire amulet.
You stop using the glinting jade amulet.
Cordir turns her throat to the side, where pale scars gleam upon her throat.

Esariston winces. Ouch!

You wear the scintillating sapphire amulet around your neck.
You wear the glinting jade amulet around your neck.

Nobbs shivers uncomfortably.
Nobbs drinks beer from a bottle of beer.

Esariston says (in common), 'ahhh...a Vampire...That is quite...different'.

You say, 'Deamhan is the son of Magda of the Half Elf camp, and one of the Demon Lords'.
You say, 'Whose name I shall not speak aloud.'.

You ftell, 'would someone pick up a beer and give it to xavier'.

Ysild gets a bottle of beer.
Esariston gets a bottle of beer.
Ysild gives a bottle of beer to Xavier.
Xavier gets a bottle of beer.
Xavier drinks beer from a bottle of beer.
Xavier drinks beer from a bottle of beer.
You smile happily.

Esariston looks at a beer and takes a slow sip.

You say, 'Ysild.... are you ready to join the Circle and provide us entertainment?'.

Esariston grimaces and mutters 'Tis nothing like a good tankard of Ale or Mead...or perhaps a glass of wine...'

You ponder the question.
You say, 'actually'.

Ysild says (in aarakocran), 'In a moment please, Lady [must check on RL dog who needs to go out :> ]'.

Nobbs scratches his head.

You say, 'Lets see if we can do our collaboration'.
You say, 'Ty and I worked on something together....'.

Esariston says (in common), 'I do not know birdspeech Brethren :)'.

Ysild eats a pipeweed bread.

You say, 'Ready, oh birdie?'.
You hug Tranquility.

Tranquility smiles at you.
Tranquility hugs you.

Ysild says (in common), 'At your pleasure, Lady, though if you and Clue want to perform first I don't mind'.

The lights dim.
70's disco groove fills the Amphitheater.
A large mirror ball appears in midair, casting rainbows over everyone.

Noctus snickers softly.

Ty appears appears, dressed in a white polyester tuxedo with wide lapels.

Xavier turns down his glow.

Drystan chuckles, evidently amused.

Nobbs boogies.

Tranquility strikes a pose mid-stage, one hand up and pointed high, one hand down, pointed low.

Noctus blinks.

The Disco Birdie grabs up the microphone, and sings (in a very high voice), "It's just your... "
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', you tell us all lies yeah"

Noctus stares dreamily at Tranquility.

The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', Blue's just a disguise"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', catch Fate if you can"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', was your skill just DAM?"

The Disco Birdie winks at her audience and croons, "Maximus, you'll never know"
The Disco Birdie croons, "What it feels like to R-P"
The Disco Birdie smirks wickedly and croons, "Oh Tirant, you talk too much.."
The Disco Birdie belts out, "Go run and fetch yourself some E-X-P!!"

An image of the aforementioned 'blue' appears, trying frantically to gain attention.

Drystan grins mischievously.

The Disco Birdie dives into the chorus, boogying a la Lanfear.
The Disco Birdie wiggles her booty in fine 70's style.

The Disco Birdie sings, "With all your Smack talkin' "

Clue snickers softly.
Noctus snickers softly.
Nobbs jives.

The Disco Birdie sings, "Arcanes are reborn, yeh"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Dawn aint good, this I warn"
The Disco Birdie sings, "A pretty new aura, a pretty new name"
The Disco Birdie sings, "It's just your Smack talkin',"
The Disco Birdie sings, "all night and all day, oh no"

The Disco Birdie puts on a terribly serious expression, stares into the camera, and struts like John Travolta
The Disco Birdie makes the famous 'pouty lips face'

The Disco Birdie croons into the microphone, "Oh "DB's" they aint lawful good,"

Esariston whistles appreciatively.

The Disco Birdie croons, "Treating folks oh so cruel..."
The Disco Birdie croons, "but with no Just they're all stuck,"
The Disco Birdie croons, "Standing in Recall like a love-struck fool"

The Disco Birdie struts and wiggles across the stage, singing, "With all your ..."
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', now gossip's a mess, yeah"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', on-mud you regress"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', act just like a child, yeh"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin', disliked and reviled"

The drum beat and electric guitar picks up for the grand finale.
The lights pulse on the mirror ball, making it painfully bright.

The Disco Birdie sings,"And all your smack talkin'"
The Disco Birdie sings, "it crosses a line, yeh"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin' it's nearly a crime"
The Disco Birdie waggles her finger reprovingly.
The Disco Birdie sings, "And if there's somebody"
The Disco Birdie sings, "you mock with their name"
The Disco Birdie sings, "It's all that Smack talkin' "
The Disco Birdie sings, "we're above that game.."

The Disco Birdie puts on some old style disco groove-moves.

The Disco Birdie sings, "Smack talkin' "
The Disco Birdie sings, "Claiming you're Fate yeah"
The Disco Birdie sings, "Little games, just trying to bait"
The Disco Birdie sings, "No-body believe what you say"
The Disco Birdie sings, "It's just your Smack talkin', "
The Disco Birdie sings with a grin, "So have a nice day..."

The Disco Birdie turns and struts to the left, waving good bye over her shoulder.

Nobbs gives a round of applause.

The Disco Birdie boogies off stage and the lights dim and the music fades.

Tranquility grins mischievously.

Ysild is so excited that she cheers just for the hell of it.
Drystan is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.
Noctus laughs.
Clue is so excited that she cheers just for the hell of it.
Artanis laughs.
Noctus is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.
Drystan applauds Tranquility's actions.
Tranquility giggles.
Drystan gives you a round of applause. You MUST'VE done something good!
Esariston chuckles, evidently amused.

Nobbs does a backflip.

Artanis says (in common), 'good ol disco birdie'.

Xavier gives a round of applause.
Ysild says (in common), 'Huzzah!'.
Drystan smiles happily.
Sirena gives a round of applause.
Nobbs drinks beer from a bottle of beer.

Clue rests.

Artanis says (in common), '*Wave all* gtg, bye =)'.

You hug Tranquility.
Tranquility curtseys gracefully for you.

Noctus waves happily.
Artanis bows deeply.
Tranquility hugs you.
Artanis leaves west.

You smile happily.
Tranquility beams a smile at Xavier.

You say, 'Ready, Ysild?'.

Ysild stands up and shakes her feathers into place.
Ysild says (in common), 'This piece is just a weeee bit different in tone from the last performance'.
Ysild grins mischievously.

Ysild says (in common), 'It is not of my own composing. It was written a very, very long time ago'.
Ysild says (in common), 'by one beginning on the path of wisdom, as I am attempting to do with my shamanic studies and by the Lady's grace'.

Ysild hums a simple melody.

Ysild says (in common), 'Wisdom is sweeter than honey, brings more joy than wine'.
Ysild says (in common), 'illumines more than the sun, is more precious than jewels'.

Tranquility ftells, 'I must depart my friends. Much as I wish to stay, I have a bedtime story to read elsewhere.'.
Tranquility ftells, '*hugs* to you all'.

Ysild says (in common), 'She causes the ears to hear and the heart to comprehend.'.
Ysild says (in common), 'I love her like a mother, and she embraces me as her own child.'.

You ftell, 'shall I bring you to the guild?'.
Drystan ftells, '*wave* :)'.
Tranquility ftells, 'Please'.
Clue ftells, 'Be Well, Ty'.

Tranquility disappears suddenly.

Ysild says (in common), 'I will follow in her footprints and she will not cast me away'.
Ysild hums the end of the melody.

Esariston ftells, 'farewell Ty'.

Ysild bows and sits down.
Ysild says (in common), 'Short, but to the point'.

You smile at her.

Ysild grins mischievously.

Drystan smiles happily.
Clue claps at Ysild's performance.

You say, 'simple and eloquent'.
You say, 'it reminded me of my heartsib'.

Drystan applauds Ysild's actions.

Ysild says (in common), '(ooc, from a 1000 B.C. Abyssinian account of the meeting between King Solomon and Makeda Queen of Sheba)'.
Ysild bows before you.

You smile happily.

You say, 'lets see....'.
You say, 'Clue?'.
You say, 'did you wish to participate?'.

Clue says (in old-common), 'unfortunately, i have nothing planned (again) *sigh*'.

You poke her in the ribs.
You say, 'Then perhaps Nobbs would perform on your behalf.'.

Ysild thinks Clue could do the hula.

Nobbs nods.
Nobbs sings (in common), 'do'. re mi.
Nobbs scratches his head.
Nobbs says (in common), 'I have a few songs from an Inn I hang out'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'One goes:'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'There once was a lady from Bree '.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Whose limericks went to line three, '.
Nobbs says (in common), 'And never went farther. '.
Nobbs rubs his nose.
Nobbs blushes.

Ysild enthusiastically cheers Nobbs to victory.

Xavier leaves west.
You snicker softly.

Nobbs says (in common), 'There once was a man on the floor '.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Whose limericks went to line four. '.
Nobbs says (in common), 'He'd start up the trend, '.
Nobbs says (in common), 'and then it would end. '.

Drystan chuckles, evidently amused.
Nobbs flips head over heels.
Ysild enthusiastically cheers Nobbs to victory.
You snicker softly.
Clue giggles.
Noctus grins mischievously.

Nobbs says (in common), 'There once was a man from the Styx'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Whose limericks went to line six.'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'He never did know'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'How far they should go,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'And never did bother to fix'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Them at all.'.

Drystan snickers softly.
Nobbs scratches his head.
Ysild claps at Nobbs's performance.
You giggle.

Nobbs giggles.
Nobbs says (in common), 'and the last one is for later in the evenings:'.
Nobbs blushes.
Nobbs says (in common), 'It's called 'Fluid Druid'.'.

Ysild snickers softly.
Noctus thinks now would qualify as later in the evening.
Ysild nods in recognition to Noctus.

Nobbs says (in common), 'I once heard a young woman druid,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Tell her priest it was rather too fluid,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'When he looked her askance,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'And she noticed his glance,'.
Nobbs says (in common), 'Said "The pudding you fool, don't be stupid."'.

Ysild grins mischievously.
Nobbs blushes.
Drystan chuckles, evidently amused.
Noctus grins mischievously.
Nobbs steps down.
Ysild applauds Nobbs's actions.

Noctus says (in common), 'Well as you can see Thistlerock has good ale ;)'.
Noctus claps at Nobbs's performance.

Nobbs drinks beer from a bottle of beer.
Drystan snickers softly.
You grin mischievously.
You smile happily.
Drystan applauds Nobbs's actions.

You smile happily.
You say, 'Anyone else with entertainment for the night?'.

Noctus says (in common), 'Not me sorry'.
Nobbs stares at the sky.

You smile happily.
You say, 'Then... if no one has anything else...'.
You say, 'I will declare the Circle to be closed....'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Noctus smiles at you.

You nod.

>noftell galatea - FTELL granted.

You ftell, 'The hour has ended. Thank you all for your participation'.
You ftell, 'I'm stepping afk for a little while to make Abe some dinner'.

Clue thinks to herself ... "i must be sure to plan something for the next one."
You nod in recognition to Clue.

(End Log)