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This is a collection of songs/performances by Drystan ep Aran, a bard (by profession, not class) of the Chosen of Fate. He was an extremely prolific writer, and performed many commissioned works. He was a regular at Bardic Circles.

Treehouse Cillidellia

Fateful Hour: 12/04/2001

Drystan says (in common), 'Tonight I have a song about but one place I have visited in my travels'.

Tranquility covers her mouth with her wing.

Drystan says (in common), 'Some of you may be familiar with it'.

Drystan says (in common), 'I certainly hope so, for you may miss some of the references otherwise'.

Drystan grins mischievously.

Drystan raises the violin.

Tranquility winks at Ysild.

Drystan says (in common), 'It is set to the classic and traditional tune of "Hotel California"'.

Gillfen snickers softly.

Tranquility grins mischievously.

Drystan sets the bow to the strings and begins to play.

Drystan says, 'Treehouse Cillidellia...'

A magical spring dries up.

Drystan plays the looooooong introductory tune.

Drystan sings, 'On a dark sandy seaside, cool wind in my hair,'

Drystan sings, 'Warm smell of some baked bread, rising through the air,'

Drystan sings, 'Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light,'

Drystan sings, 'My wings grew heavy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night.'

Drystan sings, 'Guido stood in the doorway, taking money as well,'

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan sings, 'And I was thinking to myself, this could be heaven or this could be hell,'

Noctus snickers softly.

Ysild snickers softly.

Drystan sings, 'Then I fought off the small sprites, and I found a lit way,'

Drystan sings, 'There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say:'

Drystan sings, 'Welcome to the Treehouse Cillidellia,'

Drystan sings, 'Such a lovely place (such a lovely place), such a lovely face,'

Drystan sings, 'Plenty of room at the Treehouse Cillidellia,'

Drystan sings, 'Every time of year (every time of year), you can find it here.

Drystan sings, 'The old queen she is twisted, she got the two oldest lens','

Drystan sings, 'She got a lot of pretty, pretty elves, that she calls friends,'

Drystan sings, 'How they dance in the courtyard, floating like a dream,'

Drystan sings, 'Some dance on the starlight, some dance on moonbeam'.'

Drystan sings, 'Then I asked of ol' Savah, 'Why do the sprites hate me so?','

Drystan sings, 'She said,' and then lifts his bow from the strings, stopping the music, and starts to speak with an elven accent...

Drystan says, Well, To tell you the TRUTH, those little buggers have a serious inferiority COMPLEX that they just can't get over, ya know?

Drystan says, ' "It's understandable, I suppose, when you look at glorious flawlessness that is ELVENKIND that they are constantly comparing themselves to."'

Tranquility laughs.

Ysild giggles.

Solaron ftells, 'I'm not, so that never happened'.

Drystan says, '"And speaking of ELVES, did I ever tell you about the TIME..."' and as the words trail off he begins to play once more.

Cha giggles.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Drystan sings, 'And still her voice it is going for-ever and a day,'

Drystan sings, 'Wakes me up in the middle of the night, just so she can say:'

Drystan sings, 'Welcome to the Treehouse Cillidellia,'

Drystan sings, 'Such a lovely place (such a lovely place), such a lovely face,'

Drystan sings, 'Were livin it up at the Treehouse Cillidellia,'

Drystan sings, 'Where the great oak grows (where the great oak grows), and the magic flows.

Drystan sings, 'Colored lights on the wood walls, the fine weaving on loom,'

Drystan sings, 'And she said "We're all just matchless things here, even better than you can assume,"'

Drystan sings, '"If you hunger to be here, be perfect and no less,"'

Ysild chuckles, evidently amused.

Drystan sings, '"Course the only way you'll manage that is as a feath-ered head-dress!"'

Drystan sings, 'Last thing I remember, I was running for the door,'

Ysild laughs.

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan sings, 'I had to find the passage back, to the beach I was before.'

Drystan sings, '"So long," said the Steward, "Glad to see you finally go,"'

Drystan sings, '"And should you speak to Wendell please say, move in non-elves no mo'!"'

Ysild laughs.
Tranquility laughs.

Drystan plays the last of the tune, then bows.

Gillfen shakes his head.

Ysild claps at Drystan's performance.

Noctus laughs.
Noctus is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

Gillfen says (in common), 'oh..'.

Tranquility giggles.

Gillfen says (in common), 'my.'.

Noctus throws confetti in the air!

Boromir claps at Drystan's performance.

Tranquility laughs.

Boromir claps at Drystan's performance.
Boromir claps at Drystan's performance.

Drystan says (in common), 'Thank you!'.

You clap your hands together.

Cha gives a round of applause.

You grin mischievously.
You say, 'well done!'.

Tranquility applauds Drystan's actions.

Cha giggles.

Gillfen says (in common), 'well done, and quite silly.'.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Indeed!'.
Tranquility laughs.

Drystan steps down from the dias and returns to a bench.

Tranquil's Night

Fateful Hour: 11/27/2001

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
(Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
Arwen is resting here.
(Dark Red Aura) Rath is here.
(Dark Red Aura) Slusk is resting here.
(Dark Red Aura) Maldobar is resting here.
Tranquility is here.
Katrana is here.
(Light Blue Aura) Aslan is here.
Noctus is here.
Drystan is here.

You say, 'I believe our first item is something Tranquility commissioned....'.

Cordir turns to Tranquility, asking her to explain.

Tranquility blushes.
Tranquility says (in common), 'explain?'.
Tranquility says (in common), 'um...'.
Tranquility laughs.

Drystan smiles happily.

Aslan smiles happily.

Tranquility says (in common), 'I asked Drystan to do a song for Noctus'.

Noctus blinks.

Tranquility grins and blushes furiously.

Noctus smiles happily.

You giggle.

Tranquility says (in common), 'So um...I think he was going to sing that'.
Tranquility smiles happily.

Drystan nods.
Drystan wields a violin.

Cordir gestures and a bright spotlight appears above Drystan's head.

Tranquility gives an immaculately beautiful long stem rose to Noctus.

Cordir takes a seat, and gives the bard her attention.

Tranquility kisses Noctus.

Drystan clean a bit of cough syrup off the violin.

Noctus kisses Tranquility.

Drystan says (in common), 'Though ill last week, I was practicing.'.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Slusk says (in common), 'this is like melrose place'.

Rath says (in common), 'quite Slusk'.
Rath says (in common), 'quiet'.

Slusk says (in common), 'ah ok'.

Drystan clears his throat.

You say, 'we encourage particpation, but please do so in character.'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Thank you, Rath.'.

Tranquility nods.

Drystan says (in common), 'I'd like to start by thanking Lady Cordir for her aid on this one'.

Your cheeks are burning.
You cough.

Aslan smiles happily.

You say, 'You're .. er... welcome.'.

Drystan says (in common), 'She and Ty knew the victi - er - subject better than I'.

You giggle.

Drystan says (in common), 'It was most helpful'.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Katrana smirks.

Noctus grins nervously.

Slusk stands up.

Drystan says (in common), 'She was also kind enough to provide a few lines, as well as the last stanza'.

Aslan chuckles at Drystan's joke.

Drystan grins wickedly at you.

You cough.
You say, 'did you have to tell them that?'.

Slusk arms dangle, as he dances to the sound of the violin..

Katrana laughs.

Drystan says (in common), 'I always give credit where credit is due'.
Drystan smiles happily.

Drystan says (in common), 'Now, to the tune of 'Silent Night.

Drystan begins to play the violin.

Drystan says (in common), 'Is 'Tranquil's Night.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Drystan plays a quick refrain of the chorus, then -

Drystan sings, 'Tranquil's night, holy knight,'

Drystan sings, 'Standing strong, armor bright,'

Drystan sings, 'Ever running to save the day,'

Drystan sings, 'Interposing 'tween Fate and harm's way,'

Drystan sings, 'Honor in voice and through dee-eed,'

Drystan sings, 'Honor in voice and through deed.'

Tranquility smiles happily.

You smile at Noctus.

Aslan smiles happily.

Arwen smiles happily.

Slusk shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Drystan plays a few lines.

Drystan sings, 'Tranquil's night, holy knight,'

Kamin claps at Drystan's performance.

Katrana smiles happily.

Drystan sings, 'Woven dreams, starry light,'

Drystan sings, 'Blade Reforged with nary a lapse,'

Drystan grins wickedly.

Drystan sings, 'Back to beat on some demon kneecaps,'

You giggle.

Drystan sings, 'Always the supergnome hee-ee,'

Aslan chuckles, evidently amused.

You giggle.
Arwen laughs.
You giggle.
Tranquility giggles.

Drystan sings, 'Always the supergnome he.'

Katrana laughs.

Noctus blushes.
Noctus snickers softly.

Aslan pats Noctus on his back.

Drystan chuckles as he plays.

Drystan sings, 'Tranquil's night, holy knight,'

Drystan sings, 'Weaver's quests, Triat's might,'

Drystan sings, 'Gaining respect from near and from far,'

Slusk stands up.

Drystan sings, 'He's a gnome that quite above par,'

Slusk dances a pas-de-une.
Slusk dances a pas-de-une.

Drystan sings, 'Loved by the folk of the Three-ee,'

Tranquility beams a smile at Slusk.

Slusk dances a pas-de-une.

Drystan sings, 'Loved by the folk of the Three.'

Slusk rests.

Tranquility grins happily at Drystan.

Drystan works his way up to the big finish.

Drystan sings, 'Tranquil's light, love of her life,'

Drystan sings, 'With a kiss, he delights,'

Drystan sings, 'Giving her the respect that is due,'

Kamin kisses Arwen passionately.
Kamin leaves west.

Drystan sings, 'Pledging oaths to always be true,'

Drystan sings, 'Vestal's Oath ever gone,'

Drystan sings, 'Thank gods that oath it is GONE!'

Katrana smirks.

You giggle.

Tranquility laughs.

Aslan grins happily.

Drystan bows deeply.

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan bows before Noctus.

Noctus claps at Drystan's performance.

Katrana gives a round of applause.

Drystan smiles happily.

Noctus hugs Tranquility.

You clap at Drystan's performance.

Tranquility applauds Drystan's actions.

Aslan says (in common), 'Drystan, I'll have to commission you for my wedding!'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Thank you!'.

Noctus kisses Tranquility.

Tranquility beams a smile at Noctus.

Rath mutters something under his breath.

Aslan claps at Drystan's performance.

Arwen shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Tranquility gives Drystan some gold.

Slusk says (in common), 'peechy!'.

Arwen claps at Drystan's performance.

Tranquility beams a smile at Drystan.

Drystan blinks.
Drystan smiles happily.

Noctus is seemingly stunned for a moment.

Slusk says (in common), 'encore!'.

Maldobar stands up.

Slusk shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Noctus says (in common), 'Thank you Drystan, Thank you Lady Cordir'.

The Great Chocolate Battle


The Inn
[Exits: west]
(Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
Drystan is resting here.
Phriti offers to sell you some dinner.

Drystan rummages for his violin.
Drystan says (in common), 'Ah'.
Drystan gets a violin from a sand robe.
Drystan says (in common), 'Was starting to worry. Couldn't find it'.

Drystan stops using a spiked whip.
Drystan wields a violin.

Drystan says (in common), 'Right then'.

Drystan says (in common), 'This was commissioned to be a humourous song about chocolate'.

Drystan says (in common), 'The question is, am I the only one who thinks any of it is funny'.

Ysild laughs.
Ysild is already amused.

Drystan is on flu/cold drugs and came up with most of it while half-alseep.
Drystan says (in common), 'That's the disclaimer'.
Drystan says (in common), 'Also, I haven't tested all the macros, so some lines may be funny'.
Drystan says (in common), 'As in, not right funny, not ha-ha funny'.

Ysild chuckles, evidently amused.

Drystan smiles happily.
Drystan says (in common), 'That all said.'.

Drystan says (in common), 'This be 'nother one of them story-song types'.

(snippage about drunk Dutchies and mortaging cats and various other things)

Drystan says (in common), 'Right.'.
Drystan says (in common), 'Ty, you missed the disclaimers'.
Drystan says (in common), 'But any suggestions you'all have would be appreciated'.
Drystan says (in common), 'Nice suggestions.'.

Tranquility smiles happily.
Ysild grins to herself. What IS she thinking about...?!
Tranquility laughs.

Drystan says (in common), 'Mean ones you can keep you yourselves'.
Drystan grins wickedly.

Tranquility says (in common), 'He *had* to clarify'.
Tranquility pouts.

Ysild nods in recognition to Tranquility.
Ysild grumbles.

Drystan says (in common), 'You've got Geasa, girl'.

You say, 'like any of us give mean suggestions?'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Wouldn't want to cause any problems'.

Tranquility gasps in astonishment.
Tranquility laughs.

You say, 'get ON with it!'.

Tranquility giggles.

Ysild is sure she can come up with some that aren't mean.

Drystan says (in common), 'Yeah, yeah'.

Ysild chuckles, evidently amused.

Drystan says, 'The Great Chocolate Battle...'

Tranquility grins wickedly.

Drystan clears his throat and begins to play.

Drystan sings, 'Oh, it happened long ago, in a land not far from here, that The Battle for that ol' brown gold took place,'

Ysild giggles.

Drystan sings, 'The champions of both sides would fight, and to the victor'd go the right to choose how all such things would future taste.'

Drystan sings, 'One side was steeped in darkness, so it called itself 'The Dark,' and it covered much the land like so much silk,'

Drystan sings, 'But the others were of lighter stock, and after some intriguing talk, they chose to simply call themselves 'The Milk.

Ysild snickers softly.

Drystan sings, 'Oh, they fought in the valleys and they fought on the mounds and they fought for bars and chips,'

Drystan sings, 'And they fought to choose the flavor true thatd pass their hungry lips!'

Ysild groans loudly.

Drystan just noticed the first problem with his macros.
Drystan grins wickedly.

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan sings, 'From the former came a troll, teeth like knives and eyes like coal, and the club he swung was bone from papa's thigh,'

Drystan sings, 'He was the heir and last in line, a situation he liked fine, 'cause Heir Shee's chance to rule was now quite nigh.'

Ysild groans loudly.

Drystan grins wickedly.

Drystan sings, 'His opponent was a flyer, an old aara thin like wire, and he scorned the use of any weapon made,'

Ysild says (in aarakocran), 'BAD Birdie'.

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan whispers 'Wait for it...'

Drystan sings, 'The art he chose was martial, of a style he felt partial, for Nest-Lee he was a black belt, seventh grade.'

Ysild is.
Ysild glares at Drystan.

Tranquility grins wickedly.

Drystan sings, 'Oh, they fought in the valleys and they fought on the mounds and they fought for bars and chips,'

Tranquility tells you (in common), '*laugh*'.

Drystan sings, 'And they fought to choose the flavor true thatd go with orange like pips!'

Tranquility snickers softly.

Drystan says (in common), 'That's the chorus, you see'.

Drystan sings, 'These two met on top a peak, at Mars' altar of which few speak, to consecrate the fight to soon be fought,'

Ysild gets it, yes.
Ysild pats Drystan on his back.

Drystan sings, 'And as they swore their one intent, they saw appear a golden cent, 'twas foil wrapped around the thing they sought.'

Ysild taps her claws on the floor.

Drystan sings, 'With cries of rage they did engage in such a clash to start an age and the battle now was joined in full,'

Drystan sings, 'So days flew by and blood flew far, and each took strikes designed to mar, but never was there seen a break or lull.'

Drystan sings, 'Oh, they fought in the valleys and they fought on the mounds and they fought for bars and chips,'

Drystan sings, 'And they fought to choose the flavor true theyd sip in tiny sips!'

Ysild chuckles, evidently amused.

Drystan sings, 'And that is why they never saw K'robbe, the man outside the law, who snuck on up to spy the fray first hand,'

Ysild pokes Drystan in the ribs.
Tranquility sits down and thinks deeply.

Drystan sings, 'Or noticed when he helped himself to the coin upon the shelf and left instead a thing both sides had banned.'

Ysild mutters, 'Carob.'

Drystan sings, 'At last Heir Shee he tried a kiss, meant to kill it sadly miss', and opened up the way for Nest-Lee's crunch,'

Ysild groans loudly.

Drystan sings, 'Stunned by the blow the troll dropped low and his fate he then did know as the aara struck the final punch.'

Drystan sings, 'Oh, they fought in the valleys and they fought on the mounds and they fought for bars and chips,'

Drystan sings, 'And they fought to choose the flavor true thatd stick to all their hips!'

Ysild laughs.
Tranquility laughs.

Drystan sings, 'Bloody but unbowed 'Lee took the coin left in the altar's nook, but when they touched he knew it was not right,'

Cordir gets out the tar, noting that Drystan self-supplies the feathers.

Ysild laughs.
Ysild cheers you on, confident that you will win.

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan sings, 'For twix' the golden foil wrap there was that nasty carob cr...ud that none called sane would ever want to bite.'

Tranquility agrees with you 100%.

Ysild GROANS at Drystan.

Tranquility laughs.
Tranquility says (in common), 'I agree'.

Drystan sings, 'The master howled in mad defeat, but swore someday the thief to meet, then left to find his brethren choco-lot,'

Drystan sings, 'And K'robbe watched from shadowed trees, bit the coin and snickered, 'Pu-leeze, the bestest way to eat this stuff is 'hot'!'

Drystan says (in common), 'Cause he stole it, you see'.

Drystan sings, 'Thus no flavor reigns supreme, from chocolate cake to fudge ice cream, and why the carob stuff is here to stay,'

Cordir looks for Boromir's corpse, for surely Drystan is channeling his ghost.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Drystan sings, 'And to show our lasting thanks for dear K'robbe and his pranks, we form his namesake in that gold today!'
Ysild snickers softly.

Tranquility laughs.

Drystan gets a chocolate bunny from a rattrap.

Tranquility grins wickedly.

Ysild thinks there should be a Battle of the Bards, pun songs only, between those two.

Drystan says (in common), 'Middle Dutch for rabbit is 'robbe.
Drystan says (in common), 'Little known fact, that'.

Tranquility applauds Drystan's actions.

Ysild says (in aarakocran), 'And whoever else gets motivated to join, of course'.

Tranquility smiles happily.

Ysild enthusiastically cheers Drystan to victory.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Very very good'.
Tranquility smiles happily.

You cheer him on, confident in his abilities.

Tranquility says (in common), 'I like'.

Drystan puts a chocolate bunny in a rattrap.
Drystan smiles happily.

You say, 'Bliss will pee herself laughing so hard'.

Drystan stops using a violin.

Ysild says (in aarakocran), 'Lovely job, just smashing, you should be thoroughly poked for it'.

Drystan chuckles, evidently amused.

Drystan wields a spiked whip.

Ysild pokes Drystan in the ribs.
Ysild pokes Drystan in the ribs.
Ysild pokes Drystan in the ribs.

Ysild nods in recognition to you.

Drystan says (in common), 'Okay, but first I need to perform it for the one who commissioned'.
Drystan says (in common), 'Then it can be shared'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
You say, 'who?'.

Drystan says (in common), 'The other chocoholic'.
Drystan says (in common), 'Marisa'.

Maynard The Mighty

Bardic Circle: 1/15/2002.

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
(16) A beer bottle has been left here.
(Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Artanis is here.
(Intense Light Green Aura) Xavier is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Tirayel is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Clue is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Tranquility is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Noctus is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Esariston is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Solaron is resting here.
Nobbs is resting here.
(Dark Blue Aura) Legolas is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Drystan is resting here.

Drystan says (in common), 'Tonight's presentation is being supported by the letter "F" and the number "8."'.

Tranquility laughs.

You blink.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Legolas laughs.

Esariston chuckles, evidently amused.

You snicker softly.
Cordir is tired... it took her a minute.

Drystan begins the play a quick tune with a southern drawl.

Solaron ftells, 'Don't make Solaron turn into SuperGrover, Drystan.'.

Drystan chuckles, evidently amused.
Drystan bows before you.

Tranquility smiles at you.
Tranquility ftells, '*laugh*'.

Drystan ftells, '*grin*'.

Drystan says, 'Maynard the Mighty...'

Esariston ftells, 'I'd prefer superelmo myself...'.

Drystan concentrates briefly on the tune.

Tranquility grins hugely.

Drystan sings, 'This...'

Drystan sings, 'is...'

Esariston ftells, 'or Supercookiemonster'.

Drystan sings, 'the...'

Drystan sings, 'story, of Maynard, the mightiest of men, oh at least that's what-a all them tales say,'

Drystan sings, 'He would fight anything, with his kick and his swing, but there's many a beast he'd never slay,'

You cant, '(all ya'll thieves might wanna turn off info for a bit)'.

Drystan sings, 'Well the truth be known, and it will be shown, ol' Maynard couldn'a done it alone,'

Drystan sings, 'He had his trusty Gerard, a bearer more than standard, who always made sure he got home.'

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'

Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the chance to be me. That's why I follow this man!"'

Drystan sings, 'Maynard got out a' bed, and took into his head, the idea to go kill Lestat,'

Drystan sings, '"Ere you go," said his man, "break your fast from this pan," and that, young Gerard thought, was that,'

Drystan sings, 'For in the eggs and the cheese, and on the ham - "Eat it, please" - was near 'nough garlic to kill,'

Drystan sings, 'But come the end of the day, with still no sign of the prey, Maynard knew the fangs ran from his skill.'

Drystan drops back into the chorus tune.

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'

Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the sights that I see. That's why I follow this man!"'

Drystan sings, 'The next up were the gnomes, in their underground homes, with their gems and their riches galore,'

Drystan sings, 'So Ger 'polished' the armor with grease from the larder, and then into the shin-guards he tore,'

Drystan sings, 'By the time 'nard marched out, his leggings were _stout_, but never did he notice the change,'

Drystan sings, 'He just fought through the hordes, and took all their hoards, though some of their slipping seemed strange.'

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'

Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the shiny money. That's why I follow this man!"'

Drystan sings, 'And then came the dragon, the acid-blasting dragon, that brought terror and death to the town,'

Drystan sings, 'Maynard'd been in the bath when the beast passed on its path, so he called for Ger's help to wash down,'

Tranquility snickers softly.

Drystan sings, 'But Ger doused him with lye, and when 'nard leapt with a cry, Ger stuck the man's sword in his han','

Drystan sings, 'Hence the tales you hear of the man with no fear who beat dragons wearin' naught but a tan.'

Tranquility giggles.

Drystan smirks and says, 'Well, a tan and the lye, which was basic so it neutralized the acid, you see...'
Drystan grins mischievously.

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'

You snicker softly.

Drystan sings, '"Maybe," says he, "for the chance at history. That's why I follow this man!"'

You cheer enthusiastically at the way things are going.

Drystan sings, 'At last the day is won, and it's time for some fun, as the town celebrates Maynard's deed,'

Drystan sings, 'With dancin' and feedin', and flirtin' and preenin', and barrel 'pon barrel of mead,'

Drystan sings, 'Finally Ger can sit back with a mug and relax, as he waits for the question to come,'

Drystan sings, '"Can it be? It is you! Are all the stories told true?" And smilin' he says to her, "Some..."'

Drystan goes to the chorus one last time.

Drystan sings, 'Gerard, Gerard, why do you do it? Why do you follow this man?'

Drystan sings, '"Truly," says he, "for the lovely groupies! That's why I follow this man!"'

Drystan stops using a violin.

Tranquility laughs.

Drystan bows deeply.

You snicker softly.

Legolas gives a round of applause.

You cheer him on, confident in his abilities.
You clap your hands together.

Nobbs gives a round of applause.

Drystan hops back to his seat.
Drystan smiles happily.

Noctus snickers softly.

Tranquility enthusiastically cheers Drystan to victory.

Noctus grins mischievously.

Legolas says (in common), 'Wonderful!!'.

Noctus claps at Drystan's performance.

Nobbs showers Drystan with confetti!

Drystan says (in common), 'Thank you, all!'.

Drystan says (in common), 'You are too kind.'.

Three Kisses

03/10/2002: The Wedding Reception of Tranquility and Noctus

Thaygar's Lost Temple
[Exits: east]
You feel as though you have stepped into the infinite Void, ebon
oblivion surrounding you in all directions. It is not cool here,
however. Instead, the darkness here is the searing calm at the
center of Hell. You stand on a circular floor comprised of obsidian
panels, suspended in the void.

Six pits form a hexagon on the floor, an altar at their center. Six
fires of midnight black flow out of the pits, flaring to the ceiling.

Flowing from the floor, a misshapen lump of obsidian reaches out like
an ebon hand.
(Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
( 4) A big bouquet of roses lies here.
( 2) A black lily rests here.
(Weak magic) A strong tiger lily appears to grow fearlessly here.
( 4) A flawlessly beautiful rose lies abandoned here.
( 3) An enormous ivory orchid lies here, forgotten.
A black orchid rests here.
( 5) A black rose rests here.
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Green Aura) Okk is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Ebonie is here.
(Light Blue Aura) Abe is here.
(Intense Light Red Aura) Bliss is here.
(Intense Dark Blue Aura) Tokugawa is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Boromir is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Tranquility is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Lanfear is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Mireya is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Nyx is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Noctus is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Clue is resting here.
Paco is resting here.
Ptarchyzk is here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Drazuk is here.
(Light Red Aura) Gunner is resting here.
(Dark Blue Aura) DragonBane is here.
(Light Blue Aura) Sleighty is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Garvax is resting here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Bridget is resting here.
Marisa is resting here.
Ihsahn is resting here.
(Dark Red Aura) Triston is resting here.
(Light Cyan Aura) Saruman is here.
(Dark Blue Aura) Legolas is resting here.
Natilena is here.
(Dark Red Aura) Silonch is resting here.
(Light Blue Aura) Belsambar is here.
(Light Blue Aura) Garland is resting here.
(Intense Dark Cyan Aura) Plato is here.
(Intense Light Green Aura) Artanis is here.

Cordir says, 'Drystan....'.

Drystan bows before you.
Drystan smiles happily.

Cordir says, 'If you would, please....'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Thank you, m'lady'.

Clue listens intently.

Ptarchyzk says (in common), 'uh oh.. he's gonna sing, isn't he?'.

Noctus wraps his arm around Tranquility and watches Drystan closely.

Mikki says (in common), '(he IS a bard)'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Well, it's no secret anymore that Noctus requested a little something for this occasion'.

You smile happily.
Cordir says, 'well, it DID win first prize...'.

Ptarchyzk snickers softly.

Tranquility smiles happily.
Tranquility beams.

Boromir ftells, 'peace and quiet?'.
Boromir ftells, ':) '.

DragonBane says (in common), 'someone needs to cast mute Now!'.

Cordir ftells, '.. a good link...'.

Drystan says (in common), 'And though it has been shown about a bit, according to the guild rules I still have to - that is, Get to perform it'.

Tranquility growls at DragonBane. Better leave the room before the fighting starts.

Drystan smiles happily.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Listen to the bard sing'.
Tranquility says (in common), 'and learn'.
Tranquility beams a smile at DragonBane.

Drystan strums his lute.

Belsambar utters the words 'silence'
Belsambar grins happily at Drystan.

Drystan says, 'Three Kisses...'

Drystan begins to play slowly.

Drystan sings, 'He first gifted a rose, single and red, as the sky just began to glow,'

Tranquility wraps a wing around Noctus and listens.

Drystan sings, 'The poem he recited was one of love delighted, and then gently he kissed her lips,'

Drystan sings, 'Electric in its feeling, contact barely broken,'

Drystan sings, 'May you never forget the tender words then spoken...'

Drystan glances over at Noctus and strums the lute.

Ptarchyzk cants, 'Triston.. now you can bang your drum slowly! Drystan is playing slowly... :>'.

Drystan sings, 'If rain does threaten, be as shelter for each other,'

Drystan sings, 'If cold ensnares you, be as warmth for one another,'

Noctus beams a smile at Drystan.

Drystan sings, 'For should the path grow rough, she will never let you fall...'

Drystan sings, 'See them standing there, worlds away, as she looks into his eyes again,'

Tranquility blushes as she sees Noctus here.

Drystan sings, 'With nary a word, each knows they are heard, and their lives begin to spin,'

Drystan sings, 'Intertwining each their pasts, weaving just one morrow,'

Drystan sings, 'May the texture be strong, and the pattern clear of sorrow...'

Drystan glances over at Tranquility and strums the lute.

Drystan sings, 'If rain does threaten, be as shelter for each other,'

Drystan sings, 'If cold ensnares you, be as warmth for one another,'

Drystan sings, 'For should the path grow rough, he will ward you best of all...'

Noctus stares dreamily at Tranquility.

Drystan sings, 'And their lips still meet, love ever green, as she wraps her wings about him tight,'

Drystan sings, 'It is 'thank you,' and 'you're welcome,' for every new sensation, and for everything that's gone so right,'

Drystan sings, 'Companion of surprises, Vestal Oath remover,'

Drystan sings, 'May your hearts be light, and stay so through your future...'

Tranquility blushes.

You get (Sealed) the Inviolate Oath of a Vestal from bag made from Nyx hide.

Ebonie giggles.

You whistle appreciatively.

Tranquility coughs.

Drystan grins mischievously at you.

Noctus snickers softly.

Boromir ftells, '*wonders who will wear the pants amougnst those two.. and wonders if Tranquity will share* *wicked grin* '.

Drystan looks to the newly wedded couple, smiles, and strums the lute.

Drystan sings, 'If rain does threaten, be as shelter for each other,'

Tranquility hides behind Noctus.

Drystan sings, 'If cold ensnares you, be as warmth for one another,'

You put (Sealed) the Inviolate Oath of a Vestal in bag made from Nyx hide.

Garvax ftells, 'hehe'.

Drystan sings, 'For should the path grow rough, together you will stand tall...'

Drystan quietly plays the last refrain once more, then lets the strings hum to silence.

Drystan picks up a handy glass and raises it toward Tranquility and Noctus.

Ebonie shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Lanfear shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Ebonie shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Drystan says (in common), 'A toast!'.

You cheer Drystan on, confident in his abilities.

Tranquility hugs Drystan.

Saruman shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Drystan says (in common), 'To Tranquility and Noctus...'.

Garland is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

Drystan says (in common), 'May the Goddess protect you, and sorrow neglect you, and bad luck to the one that doesn't respect you!'.

The Tuskin Guard

Performed at the 03/05/2002 Bardic Circle

Drystan says (in common), 'It comes from Aran, and is passed along from generation to generation'.
Drystan says (in common), 'that each group of fledglings may learn it.'.
Drystan says (in common), 'If they pay attention in class, that is'.

Drystan pokes Tranquility in the ribs.

Cordir braces herself.

Drystan smiles happily.

Tranquility stares at the sky.

Belsambar sits down and thinks deeply.

Drystan begins to play.

Drystan says (in common), 'I give to you...'.
Drystan says, 'The Tuskin' Guard...'

Tranquility grins mischievously.

Belsambar remembers sleeping in class many times...

Drystan concentrates on the music for a moment, then:

'They leapt into the air on long feathered wings with a fair and favoring breeze,'
'Pacing as one to the captain they'd run, to soar out over the seas,'
'To soar out over the seas, young ones, to battle in air and on lan','
'And they would be known everywhere they were flown as the Saviors of Aran.'

Drystan strums the lute.

'Born mere boar in the jungles below, they were ready to take any fight,'
'Told by the Seer we needed them here they chose to side with our might,'
'They chose to side with our might, young ones, on the crater and in the san','
'Yes, that choice alone made sure they'd be known as the Saviors of Aran.'

Drystan strums his lute, concentrating carefully on the music.

'But we needed them up in the sky as our Guard that then we could bring them to fore,'
'So the spirits of flight were bound to them tight, and thus sprung the great wings of lore,'
'Thus sprung the great wings of lore, young ones, crafted of feathers light tan,'
'As from the mind of a bard, there stood the winged Tuskin' Guard, the Saviors of Aran.'

Drystan smiles out at the audience as he plays.

'Valiant were they 'gainst ogres and bats, true champions at every turn,'
'Their only true flaw was their anger so raw - that patience they never could learn,'
'That patience they never could learn, young ones, at last caused their tragic last stan','
'For far out at sea flew a dragon deep gree', that was charged by those Saviors of Aran.'

Drystan quiets the strings of the lute and lowers his head in a brief moment of silence.
Drystan lightly touches the boar tusk he wears and raises his head, a devilish glint barely visible in his eyes.
Drystan slowly begins to sing a capella.

'That night there were wings...'
'And dark crispy bacon...'
'Not quite rat pie...'
'But not that bad tastin'...'

Drystan strums his lute once more.

You groan loudly.
Drystan grins mischievously.
Tranquility snickers softly.

'Driven to rend they had fought to the end, in a battle they never could win,'
'In a battle they never could win, young ones, so remember whenever you can,'
'The flying pigs by our side who never would hide, for they are ever the Saviors of Aran!'

Drystan bows with a flourish.

Crater Divin Throg

Drystan starts to fiddle again, slowly at first and then speeding up.

Drystan says (in common), 'As I was saying, 'fore I was so rudely interrupted.'.

Drystan says (in common), 'Crater-Divin' Throg...'.

Drystan sings (in common), 'The elders tell a tale 'bout an ogre in Aran, it's the oddest that you ever did hear,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'He came a-huntin' for some hides, a little meat besides, and the chance to cause a little bit a' fear.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'He prowled 'round the crater with the smile of a 'gator, a-waitin' for some poor bird to land,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'But for an hour an' a half we just watched and we laughed at the grunt there with the club in his hand.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'Then the anger grew quick in that fool with the stick and soon it was too much to bear,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'So he made up a plan, as best such can, and he charged at us birds in the air!'

Drystan sings (in common), 'Crater-Divin' Throg.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'Crater-Divin' Throg.'

Tranquility taps her feet in time to the fiddle.

Drystan sings (in common), 'It was five hun'red stone of screamin' flesh and bone that leapt down the crater that day,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'And with a furious cry that shook the sun in the sky he took a swing at all in his way.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'But the trip down was fast, with the wind whippin' past, for the plan was less than sound,'
Drystan sings (in common), Cause though he missed every fine-feathered critter he saw, he sure didn't miss the ground.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'What few wits he had must have bounced pretty bad in that cavernous thing of a skull,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'As when he came to, the one thing he Knew, was that Mama - she was a gull!'

Drystan sings (in common), 'Crater-Divin' Throg.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'Crater-Divin' Throg.'

Cordir giggles.
Katrana smirks.

Drystan sings (in common), 'Well, he took to rat pie like one born to fly, and his nest was a thing to behold,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'But he never could glide like the aara outside, though he jumped 'til the hells grew cold.'

Cordir giggles.

Drystan sings (in common), 'Then finally one day, why? Who's to say, he leapt off the cliffs by the sea.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'The still form below the waves took 'way slow, as the current hauled off such as he.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'Yet the rumor is now, and don't ask me how, but ol' Throg he came to once more,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'And now he has fame, and absolute claim, as the tallest of gnomes in Gla-Shor'!'

Drystan sings (in common), 'Crater-Divin' Throg.'

Katrana giggles.
Belsambar snickers softly.
Cordir giggles.
You laugh.
Wylin smiles happily.
Cordir is so excited that she cheers just for the hell of it.
Cordir enthusiastically cheers Drystan to victory.

Drystan sings (in common), 'Crater-Divin' Throg.'
Drystan sings (in common), 'So there it is, my friends, the tale of Throg, the ogre who tried to take wing,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'And though it's over, be glad, 'cause you never, ever had to listen to _him_ try to sing.'

Belsambar says (in common), 'hehe'.
Katrana smiles happily.
Drystan smiles happily.

You applaud his actions.

Artanis grins happily.
You laugh.
Katrana applauds Drystan's actions.
Wylin shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Drystan finishes fiddling with a flourish.
Drystan bows deeply.

Feather Light

Drystan says (in common), 'For you, Tranquility'.
Drystan bows before you.
Drystan says (in common), 'A song of wind and feathers'.

You smile at him.

Drystan says (in common), 'Feather-light'.

Drystan hums a moment, and then -

Drystan sings (in common), 'The call of quill-fluff,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'Twirlin' on high,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'A touch, like mist,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'And gone again...'

Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Lee,'
Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Luu,'

Ebonie misses a beat, but recovers quickly.

Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Lee,'
Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Luu...'

Drystan hums a bit more to the music.

Drystan sings (in common), 'The dash of flight,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'In light-gray form,'

Ebonie speeds the tempo up a bit.

Drystan sings (in common), 'The sight of life,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'And gone again'

Drystan grins wickedly at Ebonie.
Ebonie nods in recognition to Drystan.
Drystan follows along.

Tranquility smiles, tapping her toes on the floor in time with the music.

Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Lee,'
Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Luu,'
Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Lee,'
Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Luu...'

Drystan hums, speeding things up yet again.

Drystan sings (in common), 'The cup of wings,'
Drystan sings (in common), 'Old friends so dear,'

Ebonie struggles to catch up.

Drystan sings (in common), 'All gusts of warmth,'

You giggle.

Drystan sings (in common), 'And here to stay...'

Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Lee,'

Ebonie looks a bit out of breath.

Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Luu,'
Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Lee,'
Drystan whistles (in aarakocran), 'Tuu Ra Luuuuuuuuu!'

Drystan waves Ebonie to the finish.

Ebonie whistles (in harmony). 'Tuu Ra Luuuuuuuu!'

Tranquility claps her wings together with glee.

Drystan applauds Ebonie's actions.
Ebonie strikes a final chord.