Qeiri | |
Created | March 18, 2003 |
Status | Inactive |
Race | Halfling |
Hometown | EmDeeVille |
Classes | Warrior Thief |
Last Seen | November 3, 2006 |
Followed | Cordir |
Mud Contributions/Notes
[ 11] Qeiri: Azeworai killed me tonight
Sun May 22 23:10:12 2005
To followers of: Cordir
greetings from a seldom seen muggle (my hide works well *giggle*)
as the subject says, Aze killed me tonight ... he gave me back
a few things, including my weapon, egg casings and boat-ring
sorry to lose your TS and other things you gave me, Lady C;
i didn't see it coming, he attacked as i left the Temple and
was invis until he attacked
[ 6] Qeiri: Golson killed me
Mon Nov 21 23:34:55 2005
To followers of: Cordir
he gave me back my weapon and jewelry and bags
but not much else
maybe this has something to do with why
i tend to stay away so long ...
Current Description:
WHO Lists:
03/18/2003 Hlf [ Wa: 2 ] Qeiri the Halfling Girl 03/25/2003 Hlf [ Wa: 8 ] Qeiri the Halfling Girl 03/30/2003 Hlf [ Th: 2 Wa:10 ] Qeiri, Halfling Girl, seeks a place in the Pattern 03/30/2003 Hlf [ Th: 2 Wa:10 ] Qeiri: Fate's little female halfling muggle 04/06/2003 Hlf [ Th: 8 Wa:10 ] Qeiri: Fate's little female halfling muggle 08/05/2003 Hlf [ Wa:22 Th:23 ] Qeiri, Fate's HANDy little female muggle 12/04/2003 Hlf [ Th:27 Wa:22 ] Qeiri, Fate's HANDy little female muggle 01/13/2004 Hlf [ Th:27 Wa:22 ] Qeiri, Fate's HANDy little female muggle 01/15/2005 Hlf [ Wa:23 Th:27 ] Qeiri, Fate's HANDy little female muggle *T2MQFC*
Character History:
Qeiri says (in halfling), '1) I will not attack or steal from any halfling, except by an order from Lady Cordir or her elders.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), '2) I will endeavor to learn the ways of the thief by refraining from using the "loud" channels, gossip, shout, yell.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), '3) I will learn both Charity and Theivery, by stealing from the Rich and giving to those who don't have.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), '4) I will place a burden of hardship on myself by eating nothing but the Loganberry Pastries sold by Ruby in EmDeeville.'.
03/30/2003 - Joining The Chosen of Fate
Grand Entrance
[Exits: east down]
You stand in an ivory and ebony colored marble room. The hushed
tones of the room give a sense of what is to come. You see a
plaque hanging in mid-air.
Qeiri is here.
A soft breeze flows through the chamber.
Qeiri leaves down.
The Pit
[Exits: east up]
(Weak magic) (Glowing) A pair of sleek boots seems to emanate a magical aura.
A pit for donations dominates the room.
Qeiri is here.
Something sparkles like moonlight on waves, just at the edge of your vision.
Seemingly midair, a spiderweb unfolds, weaving into existance.
Qeiri looks around in wonder.
Its sole occupant is a black widow spider who pauses in her labors.
The spider says, 'Greetings, Petitioner.'
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'hello, Guardian'.
The spider says, 'The Lady asks that you attend Her in Her bower.'
Qeiri curtseys gracefully.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'kindly inform her i'm on the way'.
The Sanctuary of Fate
[Exits: north up]
A small weaving loom is barely visible amidst the trees.
Qeiri is here.
(Hide) A distressingly large, shiny black spider weaves webs here.
Ihsahn arrives from the north.
Ihsahn smiles happily.
A pale shaft of moonlight appears by the willow.
The Lady steps out of the light, appearing before you.
You say, 'Hello, Qeiri'.
Qeiri's eyes go wide at this magic.
Qeiri curtseys gracefully for you.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'hello, Lady'.
Aviendha arrives from the north.
You say, 'Thank you for answering My request to come here so that we could speak.'.
You ftell, 'Guys, not sure who has heard, but I've been _really_ ill for the last few days.'.
You ftell, 'I could use some help with the ceremony for Qeiri.'.
Ihsahn ftells, 'Ouch :('.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'i am ever at your call'.
Qeiri curtseys gracefully.
You ftell, 'She's been waiting since Thursday, when I got sick. :-('.
Aviendha ftells, 'What do you need?'.
You ftell, 'Avi, could you ask her about her quest?'.
You ftell, 'Ihsahn, could you ask about her Geasa?'.
Aviendha ftells, 'nods'.
Ihsahn ftells, 'Sure'.
The breeze plays upon the instrument slung across the back of one of Fate's bards.
The Guardian shifts slightly... but it couldn't have been... dancing... surely not.
Ihsahn grins mischievously.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'Lady, should i switch to common for the benefit of any who don't know halfling?'.
You ftell, 'do folks know Halfling?'.
> c comprehend Ihsahn
Aviendha ftells, 'Could I get a comprehend Ihsahn'.
> c comprehend Aviendha
You say, 'They'll understand.'.
Aviendha ftells, 'Ask about all parts to the quest? '.
You ftell, 'The cities to start'.
Aviendha ftells, 'okies'.
You ftell, 'she and i have already talked about the newbie helping'.
Aviendha ftells, 'Gotcha'.
Aviendha ftells, 'go now? *blush*'.
A soft drumbeat flows out of the darkness, mimicing the steadiness of your heartbeat.
You ftell, 'please :-)'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'Qeiri, as a bard I must travel this entire realm seeking to teach those of my ways, you had to do almost as such'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'Traveling to eight racial hometowns'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'And bringing back a token from each'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'Have you done this?'.
Aviendha raises an eyebrow.
You ftell, 'once she answers, could you ask her who her sponsor is, Ihsahn?'.
Ihsahn ftells, 'Nods'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'i must admit i have not, yet'.
Aviendha nods slowly.
You ftell, 'ok... go ahead and ask about sponsorship, then, Ihsahn?'.
Ihsahn says (in common), 'Have you the sponsorship of one of the Chosen, Qeiri?'.
Aviendha looks to Ihsahn.
Ihsahn says (in common), 'And if so, who is it?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'before i continue, i must ask for penance for breaking one of my geasa ...'.
You say, 'You're not bound to geasa until you are accepted.'.
You say, 'if you have been holding by them before joining, that is commendable, but not required'.
Aviendha ftells, 'Ihsahn hit me with a comprehension, please:)'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'thank you Lady'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'MS Star has said she would sponsor me to Lady Cordir'.
Ihsahn nods.
Ihsahn says (in common), 'Very good. Could you tell us the Geasa you have prepared to swear to?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), '1) I will not attack or steal from any halfling, except by an order from Lady Cordir or her elders.'.
Ihsahn nods.
The Guardian murmurs, 'Witnessed.'
Ihsahn says (in common), 'Witnessed...'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'Witnessed'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), '2) I will endeavor to learn the ways of the thief by refraining from using the "loud" channels, gossip, shout, yell.'.
The Guardian murmurs, 'Witnessed.'
Ihsahn nods.
Ihsahn says (in common), 'Witnessed'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'Witnessed'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), '3) I will learn both Charity and Theivery, by stealing from the Rich and giving to those who don't have.'.
The Guardian murmurs, 'Witnessed.'
Ihsahn smiles happily.
Ihsahn says (in common), 'Witnessed'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'Witnessed'.
Ihsahn ftells, 'What's next?'.
You ftell, 'and yes, its rich (mobs)'.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'The Pattern whispers of a fourth oath...'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), '4) I will place a burden of hardship on myself by eating nothing but the Loganberry Pastries sold by Ruby in EmDeeville.'.
You nod.
You say, 'Witnessed.'.
Ihsahn says (in common), 'Witnessed'.
Aviendha says (in common), 'Witnessed'.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'and which did you violate, while awaiting this meeting?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'a halfling thief in my hometown stole a sizable amount of gold from me ... i got a detect to find him and killed him to get my gold back, that i might have e'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'that i might have enough to dual'.
> frown
What's bothering you?
You say, 'and how will you avoid breaking your geas if this situation arises again?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'by finding other ways to regain my losses'.
You nod.
Qeiri eats a loganberry pastry.
Qeiri eats a loganberry pastry.
Ihsahn smiles happily.
You say, 'I pray the taste of those pastries does not become a burden'.
Aviendha snickers softly.
You say, 'You've certainly met the level requirement'.
You say, 'and the title requirement'.
You say, 'And I have silently watched you aiding the young, and can bear personal witness to that.'.
Cordir touches a small piece of parchment sticking out of a scroll case on her belt.
You say, 'I also have your history.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'unless Ms Ruby puts something acrid in one, i don't expect that to happen'.
You say, 'Though you spoke but briefly... and I would like to know more.'.
You say, 'I look forward to seeing your growth...'.
You say, 'The requirement of the cities is to prove knowledge. You do not have tokens...'.
You say, 'but can you prove your knowledge in other ways?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'perhaps i can piece together enough of the tales told around the hearth to do so, if that is allowed?'.
You nod.
You say, 'certainly'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'the city of Nydia is said to have a magnificent fountain, and to be home to, perhaps, the eldest woman, a Grandma Shon'.
Cordir mutters softly, 'and a tougher ole bitch can seldom be found, outside this temple...'
You cough.
Ihsahn chuckles, evidently amused.
You say, 'please, continue.'.
Aviendha snickers softly.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'the cave city, Kuroth, is said to have a much-varied vegetable garden, whith things that shouldn't grow inside a cave'.
You nod.
You say, 'my home city, for a time.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'it is also home to a manaical mage, called Sendres '.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'the port town of Safehaven, is ruled by an even-handed Council of Elders, and has several shops where one can by marvelous ELven magic'.
You nod.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'the elven city, Cilla..'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'Cilladellia'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'is patrolled by sprites, and has columns of air? that lift and lower citizens and visitors'.
You nod.
Cordir hates those annoying things.
Aviendha says (in common), 'And a most confusing hometown at that.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'and some delicious blackberry bushes'.
Aviendha grumbles.
Ihsahn smiles happily.
Qeiri smiles happily.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'the minotaur castle is ruled by King War'loov, who is advised by his aide, Nemdor'.
Cordir's face clouds over for a moment, remembering her mortal death there, and the great loss it brougt.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'from listening to an ogre who was sitting in the kitchen of the Guild, i learned that Og sells such things as pickled elves ear'.
Ihsahn frowns.
Ihsahn nods.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'and jerked human flesh *shudder*'.
You say, 'rather inhospitable of them'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'that ogres apparently find palatable'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'i'm told that the human capital, Midgaard, for all its racial intollerance, allows peddlers and merchants from almost every race'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'and that its leather shop is practiaclly unrivalled'.
You nod.
You ftell, 'how many cities is that?'.
You ftell, '6?'.
Ihsahn ftells, '7 I believe, not sure though'.
Aviendha ftells, 'I can scroll back'.
You ftell, 'if you woudn't mind?'.
Aviendha ftells, '7'.
You say, 'And the last you would tell us of?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'and, of course, my hometown Emdeeville, boasts Ruby's bake shop and Taeter's whatnots'.
You nod.
You say, 'That is eight'.
You say, 'And I accept these tales and anecdotes as proof of your knowledge'.
Ihsahn nods.
Aviendha nods.
Ihsahn says (in common), 'Your broad knowledge of the realm is most impressive, Qeiri.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'i hope to actually visit many or all of these places as my abilities increase'.
You say, 'The tenth requirement, not listed on the Entry Quest Runes, is that you able able to call a Chosen of Fate on the phone.'.
You say, 'You've done so... specifically, myself.'.
You say, 'And shown yourself someone I believe is completely trustworthy and able to maintain the standards I seek in the Chosen'.
Ihsahn smiles happily.
You say, 'Although DarkClaw is not here to witness it..'.
You say, 'Do you wish to join at this time?'.
You say, 'Or do you wish to wait until her arrival in the Realm?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'i do, if you'll have me'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'tho i'm sure she'd be thrilled to witness it for herself'.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'So ... yes, to now? '.
Cordir is easily confused at the moment, what with painkillers and all.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'yes'.
You giggle.
You nod.
You say, 'Now indeed, then.'.
Aviendha smiles happily.
You ftell, 'would each of you emote that you step forward and lay a hand on her shoulder?'.
You say, 'would you give me your hands, then?'.
Aviendha takes a step forward and lays a hand carefully upon Qeiri's shoulder.
Ihsahn steps forward and places his hand on Qeiri's shoulder.
Qeiri kneels in front of the Lady and places her hands between hers.
The light from Aviendha's and Ihsahn's aura seems to intensify.
Cordir holds Qeiri's hands cupped between Her own.
You say, 'Qeiri, do you swear to obey the laws of this Realm and the lawfully given instructions of its Immortals?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'without question, yes'.
You say, 'Qeiri, do you swear to obey My laws and the lawfully given instructions of my Ordained and my Council?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'again, without question, yes'.
You say, 'Qeiri, do you swear to obey the dictates of your own concience and heart, and never be afraid to speak up when you feel wrong is being done?'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'i will do that also'.
You nod.
You say, 'Then I ask you to give Me your oath of Worship.'.
Qeiri says (in halfling), 'give you more than worship, i offer you and your Chosen all that i am'.
You smile happily.
Qeiri now worships you!
The aura of the Lady and her Chosen flows down over Qeiri.
> You have accepted Qeiri into your following.
You ftell, 'welcome, Qeiri'.
Aviendha ftells, 'Welcome!'.
Ihsahn ftells, 'Welcome, Qeiri!'.
You hug her.
Qeiri ftells, 'thank you, Lady and all'.
Cordir helps Qeiri to her feet.
Qeiri is overwhelmed by the feeling of "family" here.
Player Provided Information:
Personal Timeline:
03/18/2003 - ### Qeiri: New character entering game
03/30/2003 - Qeiri joins the Chosen of Fate (see above)
01/06/2007 - Qeiri is #11 on the LQ Rank, with 1870 points.
Player Information: