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(Shadows & Madness)
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Revision as of 14:35, 14 November 2011

Notes: This series of logs was from January 2009. Cordir had retired the prior year, and I was stopping by for a series of visits, missing the mud. This was my second or so day back. Unfortunately, there’s a log missing between the first and second ones provided here. This is the meeting of Cordir and Violaine, some hard self-realizations for Cordir, and the dreadful madness that comes to an immortal when they lose all of those who believe in and give worship to them.

Side Note: The conversation about sleep between Cordir and Isolas would spark another RP, over two RL years later.

Key Players in the story: Cordir, Isolas, Violaine, Rincewind.

The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
This gigantic structure fills visitors with an overpowering sense of awe and
no small degree of trepidation. Massive walls of a gray stone reach skyward.
Sharply angular windows of a clear crystal vault upwards, taking over the top
third of the tower's elevation and curve to form the roof far above. Starlight
cascades down through the rotunda's clear ceiling, no matter the hour and
clearly lights the area.

Dominating the Tower and drawing the eye is an azure-hued circle inlaid upon
the floor. Strange sigils and wards are inset along its perimeter, and one can
almost see the flow of power they channel. Wards below and sky above provide
full illumination for the chamber, swathing it in an eerie magelight.
(Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

You hear a soft knock.

Cordir tells Isolas, 'May I come in?'.

Cordir smiles happily.

Cordir says, ‘Hello'.

Isolas says, 'Hi there. How are you?'.

Cordir smiles happily.
Cordir says, ‘I'm well. It was lovely chatting with Mistyfier just now, so I'm in rather of a good mood.’

Isolas smiles happily.
Isolas says, 'Excellent'.

Cordir says, ‘How are you and your Magi?'.

Isolas says, 'We are well'.

Cordir says, ‘Glad to hear it.’

Cordir tilts her head to one side, thinking a moment.

Isolas raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘I'm a little embarrassed at how good it feels to be told I was missed.’

Isolas says, 'Why?'.

Cordir says, ‘I guess I've been of the mind that only my Chosen and you would notice my absence.’

Isolas says, 'Oh'.

Cordir nudges Isolas sharply with her elbow.

Isolas raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘you're just quiet.’

Isolas says, 'I often am'.

Cordir says, ‘Thought I'd check to see if you'd gone to sleep :)'.

Isolas shakes his head.
Isolas pulls his cowl down tightly, hiding his face from the light.
Isolas says, 'Not in a long, long time.’

Cordir takes a step back.
Cordir says, ‘I'm.. sorry.’

Isolas raises an eyebrow.
Isolas says, 'No need. I find little reason to sleep.’

Cordir says, ‘You aren't able to sleep anymore?'.

Isolas says, 'No need'.

Cordir murmurs, 'To sleep... perchance to dream...'
Cordir says, ‘Dreams can be nice, sometimes. Even for the immortal.’

Isolas says, 'I've nearly forgotten the feeling.’

Cordir starts to speak, her face happy, then pauses, and the expression fades.
Cordir says, ‘I was going to tell you that your hammock is still there, but...’
Cordir smiles again, not quite so happily.

Isolas says, 'It is alright.’

Cordir says, ‘unfortunately, I am a gypsy with no home or hammock to offer.’

Isolas says, 'You are welcome here'.

Cordir mutters, 'landless trash, it seems.'
Cordir says, ‘It's a nice tower, but it really does need a hammock.’

She pauses a moment and thinks, then asks, ‘forgive me.’

Isolas raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘it's not for me to say what your home needs.’

Isolas chuckles, evidently amused.
Isolas says, 'You're fine'.

Cordir says, ‘and now that I think of it, you've never shown me your quarters, so you could have an entire swath of them, for all I know.’

Isolas says, 'I don't have any up there, either'.

Cordir says, ‘well, then, perhaps more sleep _might_ be achieved if you actually _had_ a place to sleep... I could be making a bit of a leap there, but... it seems to be logical...’

Isolas says, 'I do, just no hammock'.

Cordir smiles slightly and says, ‘Well. Then.. er.. I'll leave your ... sleeping... arrangements alone, and mind my own business.’

Isolas says, 'It's a small balcony around the top. I have a bed.’

Cordir nods and says, ‘they are useful things, beds. Generally a wise thing to have.’

Cordir's lips twitch, as if she was trying very hard not to smile.

Isolas says, 'Comes in handy sometimes.’

Cordir says, ‘Indeed. Or so I have heard. That they can be handy. Sometimes.’

Isolas snickers softly.

Cordir says, ‘At least, that's what the rumors say.’

Isolas says, 'Yes indeed. Rumors.’

Cordir nods solemnly.
Cordir says, ‘but really, one can't believe every rumor you hear.’

Isolas nods, considering.

Cordir says, ‘So.’

Isolas says, 'So!'.

Cordir says, ‘now that we have determined that you do, in fact, have some sort of means of sleeping... er, or place in which sleeping could, theoretically, occur.. why don't you take advantage of it?'.

Isolas shrugs.

Cordir says, ‘is it just sort of a moral statement?'.

Isolas says, 'I'll sleep when I'm dead.’

That slight smile appears again.

Cordir says, ‘Isolas, I hate to tell you this..... but you're a Phantom. Or so I keep being told.’

Isolas says, 'Good point. Still though, no sleep.’

Cordir says, ‘now I think you're just being obstinate.' She nods to herself.

Isolas grins evilly and says, 'Perhaps.’

### Violaine: Entered Game
who Violaine
1 player.
Hum [ Th:12 Ra:15 Sh:15 ] Violaine, Evil Enchantress of the Nashite Magi.

Cordir says, ‘I really can't imagine such a thing. You? Obstinate? Never.’

Isolas grins evilly.

Violaine arrives from the north.
Violaine kisses Isolas.
Violaine hugs Isolas.
Isolas beams a smile at Violaine.
Isolas kisses Violaine.

Cordir blinks.

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, oops!'.

Isolas says, 'Hello, my love.’

Violaine bows before Cordir.
Violaine says (in common), 'I'm sorry, I didn't realize you weren't alone...’

Cordir says, ‘This must be Violaine, whom I have heard so much of.’

Violaine blushes.

Cordir says, ‘Please excuse me, then.’

Violaine shakes her head.

Isolas says, 'This is her, indeed'.

Cordir says, ‘I do not wish to intrude.’
Cordir dips a curtsey to the room.

Violaine says (in common), 'Please, stay!'.
Violaine bows before Cordir.
Violaine smiles at Cordir.

Cordir pauses a moment, looking indecisive.

Violaine says (in common), 'It's nice to meet you!'.

Isolas smiles happily.
Isolas says, 'Stay.’

Violaine shakes Cordir’s hand.

Cordir glances at Isolas, questioningly.

Violaine smiles happily.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, ‘very well then. I thank you for your welcome.’

l violaine
You see nothing special about her.
Violaine is in perfect health.

Violaine is using:
<used as light> (Weak magic) (Glowing) some phosphorus lichen
<worn on finger> (Invis) a ring of power
<worn on finger> (Moderate magic) the glittering star sapphire ring
<worn around neck> (Powerful magic) a Minor Amulet of Health
<worn around neck> (Artifact magic) a Major Amulet of True Seeing
<worn on body> (Moderate magic) a quilted cloth peasant shirt
<worn on head> (Moderate magic) a studded leather cap
<worn on legs> (Moderate magic) a pair of studded leather pants
<worn on feet> (Potent magic) a pair of quilted cloth slippers
<worn on hands> (Moderate magic) a pair of quilted cloth formal gloves
<worn on arms> (Moderate magic) a pair of fur armlets
<worn about body> (Moderate magic) a quilted cloth sash
<worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a heavy cloth sash
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a studded leather wrist guard
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the odd jasper bracelet
<wielded> (Powerful magic) (Humming) a Mourning Star
<wielded off-hand> a greatclub
<worn with pride> (Red Aura) a black spider silk baldric

Cordir makes a scolding tsk tsk sound at Isolas.

Isolas raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘what, no lovely gifts for your lady?'.

Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine looks at Violaine.

Cordir says as an aside to Violaine, 'He's horrid that way.'

Isolas says, 'As you'll recall, I am completely incapable in the wording department'.

Cordir whistles a little tune, then coughs, and glares at Isolas.

Violaine says (in common), 'Actually, he gave me a great gift... This TS, so I won't get killed so easily.’

Violaine smiles happily.

Cordir says, ‘And to think you were trained by me?!'.
Cordir tsk tsks again.

Isolas chuckles, evidently amused.

Violaine gets a dozen long-stemmed red roses from bag made from Violaine hide.

Cordir smiles happily.

Violaine says (in common), 'And these :)'.

Cordir says, ‘well, there you go.’

Violaine smells a dozen long-stemmed red roses.
Violaine says (in common), 'And they never die!'.
Violaine dances a pas-de-une.

Isolas grins evilly.

Violaine puts a dozen long-stemmed red roses in bag made from Violaine hide.

Isolas kisses Violaine's hand. How continental!

Violaine blushes.
Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir smiles quietly.

Violaine squeezes Isolas fondly.

Violaine says (in common), 'So, Cordir, how are you doing?'.

Cordir says, ‘It's delightful to see you together.’

Isolas smiles happily.

Cordir says, ‘I am .. well, I think.’

Violaine smiles happily.

Cordir says, ‘Though...’

Cordir gets a slightly odd look in her eyes.

Violaine raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘While I knew _of_ you.. I'm having a very odd sense of ...’

She pauses for a moment to think.

Cordir says, ‘I've thought of him as MY family for so long...’

Violaine looks at Isolas.
Violaine looks at Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘I come face to face with the reality that there's a woman in his life that DID NOT ask my permission first!'.
Cordir grins wickedly.

Isolas snickers softly.

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, dear, I'm... I didn't realize'.

Cordir says, ‘To explain, I treated those in my following as if they were very much under my protection. If a man was interested in one of my ladies... or a lady interested in one of my fellows...’

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir says, ‘They had to get through an interview with me, so I knew that their intentions were dis.. er.. honorable.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, well, I completely understand!'.

Cordir grins slightly.

Violaine says (in common), 'I am willing to attempt the examination'.
Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir glances at Isolas, her expression gentle.

Isolas grins evilly.

Violaine curtseys gracefully for Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘Isolas is someone that has been a friend, longer than many others I have known.’

Isolas smiles at Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘And I pray that he has finally found someone who is everything that he needs.’

Violaine nods in agreement.
Violaine says (in common), 'I hope the same thing... I try to be!'.

Cordir says, ‘well, I can't really grill you with him standing right here!'.

Violaine giggles.

Cordir says, ‘And I can't really send him out of his own temple... So where shall we chat?'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Isolas says, 'I can leave!'.
Isolas steps back into the shadows.

Cordir giggles.

>at isolas look
The Temple of Lord Nash
[Exits: none]
This huge hall's exact size is not discernible by standard measurements.
The many buttresses and arches form a tracery of shadowy dimness. The floors
and walls are covered in slabs of polished stone, apparently obsidian with
swirls of purplish basalt. Much magic has evidently been placed here, for an
evil darkness seeps from the walls and floor, making the whole chamber seem
uncomfortable and nerve-racking. In the center of the hall is a large plaque
sitting on an ornately carved pedestal.
(Glowing) A statue of Lord Nash stands before you in utter perfection.
(Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

Violaine says (in common), 'Well, so he can'.
Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine closes the archway.
Violaine smiles happily.

Cordir says, ‘So. What are your intentions?'.

Cordir says, ‘and no, Isolas, you can't listen.’
Cordir scolds him wherever he is.

Isolas pouts.

Violaine snickers softly.

Violaine says (in common), 'Well, Lady Cordir, I have the best of intentions, of course... I'm sure everyone says that... But, honestly, Isolas is the love of my life. I never thought I'd find someone like him. It still seems sort of... impossible.’

Cordir says, ‘Tell me about yourself, if you wouldn't mind?'.
Cordir says, ‘He is quite amazing.’

Violaine smiles happily.

sno violaine
Busy already.

Cordir says, ‘Where are you from?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'Well... I grew up in Midgaard, but had no brothers or sisters'.

Cordir nods.

Violaine says (in common), 'I wish had... but, then again, my parents fought most of the time, so maybe it's better that I didn't.’

Cordir blinks.

Violaine says (in common), 'My father was pretty awful to both my mother and I as I got older'.

Cordir says, ‘I ... know that feeling well.’

Violaine says (in common), 'And after he went away, I did too.’

Cordir nods.

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh? I'm sorry to hear that. :('.

Cordir says, ‘And is your mother still living?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'Yes, although she's moved into the forest west of Midgaard. She doesn't like city life.’

Cordir nods.

Violaine says (in common), 'She seems very sad and distant... We don't really talk much since I left to study shamanism.’

Cordir nods, listening.
Cordir seats herself at one of the benches.
Cordir says, ‘I have had no contact with my mother since I left Southshire at a very young age.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Well, early in my studies, I happened to meet Isolas somehow... come to think of it... I don't remember how'.

Violaine says (in common), 'None at all? Do you know if she's still alive?'.

Cordir says, ‘She is centuries dead. I am ... old.’

Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine looks at Cordir.

Cordir holds up a lock of silver hair, saying, 'It isn't just from magic use.'

Violaine says (in common), 'You're very beautiful for someone who is purportedly "old"!'.

Cordir shakes her head, saying, ‘it's just the aura, dear.’
Violaine grins evilly.

Violaine says (in common), 'When I first left home, I felt really lost'.

Cordir nods and says, ‘it's hard to make your own way in the world, especially if you do so at a young age.’

Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘my heart-sib, Jahiliya, was one of the first and greatest of the Shaman. I never really understood the lure of it, but it meant a great deal to her to walk that path.’

Violaine says (in common), 'I think the spiritual nature of this path is what drew me in... I was looking for something'.

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.

Violaine says (in common), 'Do you know what I mean?'.

Cordir says, ‘I am very spiritual about my desire for clean sheets, indoors, with a comfy feather bed and no bugs crawling around. Except those I keep.’

Violaine grins evilly.

The archway opens.
Rincewind arrives from the north.
Rincewind says (in common), 'oops'.

Cordir smiles happily.

Violaine beams a smile at Rincewind.

Rincewind says (in common), 'private?'.

Violaine hugs Rincewind.
Violaine nods in recognition to Rincewind.

Cordir says, ‘Hello, Rincewind'.

Cordir says, ‘I'm grilling her about her intentions'.

Rincewind bows deeply.

Cordir grins mischievously.

Rincewind leaves north.
The archway closes.
Violaine blushes.

Cordir giggles.

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir says, ‘boys get so terrified when women are talking...’
Cordir says, ‘DON’T THEY, Isolas?'.

Cordir glares about the empty chamber and taps her foot impatiently.

Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine says (in common), 'It's very endearing :)'.

Cordir grins mischievously at Violaine and nods, saying, ‘it is'.

Cordir says, ‘Odd, that I don't mind spiders, but other creepy crawly sorts of critters...’ She shudders.

Violaine grins evilly and says (in common), 'Well, spiders have their web skills going for them...’

Cordir says, ‘its...’

Violaine says (in common), 'Other bugs... are just slimy. Plus, spiders eat other bugs!'.

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir says, ‘very strange talking to someone who ...’
Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir looks rather humbled.
Cordir says, ‘Has no idea who I am.’

Violaine shakes her head.
Violaine smiles happily.
Violaine says (in common), 'I'm sorry!'.

Cordir says, ‘Spiders are.. er.. were... one of my symbols. I had a rather large black widow that guarded my temple. She liked to threaten to eat Isolas.’

Violaine giggles.

Cordir says, ‘She said she liked the flavor of elf in particular.’

Violaine says (in common), 'What did she actually eat?'.

Cordir says, ‘You're the first person who has ever asked that question... in five thousand years.’

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir says, ‘She didn't really _need_ to eat. She was magical, as I Summoned her into being. But when she did have need... She drank of my blood.’

Violaine says (in common), 'I apologize if I ask too much... I know I’m a bit too curious, sometimes.’

Cordir says, ‘Ask anything that you wish. Without exception.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh. Wow.’

Cordir says, ‘You are beloved of Isolas. There is nothing you cannot ask of me.’

Violaine blushes.

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir says, ‘I don't think you quite realize how ...’

Violaine says (in common), 'Thank you...’

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir says, ‘No. You don't.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Hmm?'.

Cordir says, ‘it will take time for you to realize… But that's ok. He has nothing but time.’

Violaine says (in common), 'What is it?'.

Cordir smiles happily and says, ‘such a realization must come from within. Provided externally, it has no meaning or depth.’

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir says, ‘You will come to know it for your self.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Yes, but.. How will I know when I do?'.

Cordir says, ‘You will know. Just like in the stories. You will know. Isolas has something about him that is unique in this world. He loves with his entire heart.’

Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘This, by the way...’

Violaine says (in common), 'I already know that is true..’

Cordir says, ‘is where I get very scary and intense, and let you know that should you break that heart...’

The chamber seems to grow a smidge darker.

She shrugs slightly.

Cordir says, ‘but that's melodramatic.’
... if true.

Violaine shrinks back a tiny bit.

Cordir shrugs slightly.
Cordir says, ‘I'm not scary any more. I'm powerless in this world.’
Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir says, ‘well, as powerless as any bard ever is, anyway.’

Violaine purses her lips slightly, thinking.
Violaine says (in common), 'Lady Cordir...’

Cordir says, ‘Yes, Violaine?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'You have a great amount of power where it counts... regardless of your status in the realm...’

You chuckle.

Violaine says (in common), 'And that is the power to influence my love, Isolas'.
Violaine says (in common), 'That makes me fear you! But, Isolas also loves you, which makes me love you, too'.

Cordir says, ‘I do not doubt that Isolas would allow me to speak my mind.’

Violaine says (in common), 'So, what can I do?'.

Cordir says, ‘But i do doubt that he would change his mind of you based on anything I would say.’

Violaine says (in common), 'I know there's no reason for you to trust me, but I hope you will come to, in time.’

Violaine bows before Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘I have never trusted easily and I have always guarded that which I considered 'mine'... and I never really 'let go' of Isolas, even when he became an Immortal in his own right.’

Cordir says, ‘My Chosen...’

Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘And of all of them, he held a very dear place in my heart, for his unquestioning loyalty and devotion and care.’

Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘Part of why I'm so damned protective of him, though he's a grown elf, and perfectly capable of his own merry and madcap adventures.’

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir says, ‘So... do you plan to wed? Have children?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'Of course, I understand completely. If our positions were flipped, I would feel the same way.’

Cordir says, ‘I would imagine...’
Cordir looks in your direction - not *at* you, but somehow... *through* you...
Cordir says, ‘yes, you've already felt the blade of those who would strike at him through you, haven't you?'.

Violaine sighs quietly and looks away.
Violaine says (in common), 'It doesn't bother me.’

Cordir says, ‘that comes with loving someone who is Immortal, especially one whose beliefs are at odds with those of others in the realm.’

Cordir says quietly, 'Get used to it.'

Violaine looks at Cordir.
Violaine says (in common), 'To me, it's a badge of honor'.

Cordir says, ‘It will happen. Often. You will be insulted. He will be insulted in front of you.’

Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘It is part and parcel of loving an immortal. My own love was abused daily in such a fashion...’

Violaine says (in common), 'Your own love?'.

Cordir says, ‘though they had considerable less success in killing him.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Who was he?'.

Cordir says, ‘I have been married twice, and courted a third time, though we could not wed as my second husband simply faded and did not divorce me. Both my second husband and my courier were targets. Deamhan An-Shalach, my second husband and father of my daughter… and Abender Stormreaver, my beloved. My first husband was a mortal, and the wedding was annulled about 2 seconds after it occured by Molo. But that is a long story in and of itself.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, dear.’

Cordir grins.
Cordir says, ‘one of the advantages of being this old. Lots of stories.’

Cordir says, ‘how old are you?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'I am 212 years old...’

Cordir says, ‘Without exaggeration, I am six thousand years older.’

Violaine whistles appreciatively.
Violaine says (in common), 'Wow! If I ever need womanly advice, I hope you'll understand if I come to you'.
Violaine smiles at Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘I ...’
Cordir looks kerflummoxed.
Cordir says, ‘Haven't ever really been asked for womanly advice. I'm sort of a failure at that sort of thing, honestly.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, I don't believe that!'.

Cordir says, ‘Now, I write a beautiful wedding ceremony... and sew clothes to DIE for...’
Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir says, ‘but ...’
She shrugs.

Cordir says, ‘speaking of which... Tell Isolas that should you ever wed... that he is to remember to get you the wedding clothes from Lord Tokugawa.’

Violaine smiles happily.
Violaine says (in common), 'Special clothes?'.

Cordir says, ‘indeed: a lovely set in white, and another in black.’

Violaine blushes.
Violaine says (in common), 'I never usually wear anything fancy...’

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.

Violaine says (in common), 'If Isolas asked me to marry him... I would probably just die anyway'.

Cordir says, ‘So...’

Violaine smiles at Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘You're a shaman, estranged from your family... and young...’

Violaine nods.

Cordir says, ‘You say your intents are honorable...’

Violaine nods.

Cordir says, ‘and that you are willing - indeed, that you have - died for him. Will you _live_ for him?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'I must live first for Lord Nash, of course'.

Cordir frowns just slightly.

Violaine says (in common), 'Isolas wouldn't have it otherwise, believe me...’

Cordir smiles just slightly.
Cordir says, ‘indeed?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'And neither would Lord Nash, I am sure of it. But part of living for Lord Nash is my love and support for Isolas'.

Cordir nods and makes a 'hmm.' sound.

Violaine says (in common), 'To which goes all my time and energy!'.

Cordir says, ‘Interesting. I was .. once upon a time... Nashite.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Really? You're... not anymore?'.

Cordir says, ‘I was excommunicated when I married Deamhan Al-Shalach, who was not Nashite.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, dear...’

Cordir says, ‘Much to my surprise.’

Violaine says (in common), 'The excommunication, or his non-Nashite status?'.

Cordir says, ‘Surprise for the excommunication... not that he wasn't nashite.’

Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine nods.
Violaine says (in common), 'Is love forbidden, or just marriage?'.

Cordir says, ‘He and I had known each other for a very long time, and I was a fledgling immortal, about to become a Demigoddess, so... we had to exchange oaths sooner rather than later. There have been 'mixed' couples in the past. It has generally always ended badly.’

Violaine nods quietly.

Cordir says, ‘Marriage is, I am certain, forbidden. Love? That depends on who you ask. Did you know that there was once a Good Nashite deity?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'What happened after your excommunication?'.

Cordir says, ‘I Ascended to Immortality, and rather than being a Nashite goddess, I found another Path.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Yes, I've heard stories of Gryphon, but I never knew him.’

Cordir says, ‘or, rather, it found me.’

Cordir smiles in delight.

Violaine smiles at Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘Gryphon was a good friend. I served him as his Silver Witch. He helped me escape Molo's.. clutches.’

Violaine says (in common), 'That's the funny thing about your path, you can't really avoid it, can you?'.

Cordir nods.

Violaine looks down.

Cordir says, ‘true enough'.

Violaine says (in common), 'I... heard about that incident, as well.’
Violaine looks up at you sadly.
Violaine says (in common), 'I'm sorry that that happened to you...’

Cordir says, ‘You are well versed, then, in my history. Sorry that I left the Black Conclave? Or that I was kidnapped and brainwashed into it in the first place?'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Violaine says (in common), 'Well, I meant about your first marriage...’
Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir says softly, 'Keller Amberlin D'Augustine..'

Cordir smiles happily.

Violaine says (in common), 'What was he like?'.

Cordir says, ‘All of the men I have loved over the centuries have been ... interesting characters.’

Cordir says, ‘Passionate.’
Cordir smiles at the play on words.

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir explains, ‘his god, Tel, was the god of Passion, and Keller was his Paladin. Keller was a Duke's son.’

Violaine whistles appreciatively.
Violaine says (in common), 'Wow'.

Cordir says, ‘He was raised to the nobility in Southshire, where I was born.’

Violaine says (in common), 'He sounds like quite a man!'.

Cordir says, ‘He was raised a Paladin. it was his core. He was also an officious idiot sometimes. Also at his core.’

Cordir smiles wryly.

Cordir says, ‘But there I was, a broken, wounded thing... and it was his nature to try and heal.’

Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine says (in common), 'Aren't we all part idiot? :)'.

Cordir says, ‘indeed.’

Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘So... despite his oaths, and despite mine, we did love one another for a time. Despite my being Ebon. Despite him being a Paladin. Despite all the odds.’

Cordir looks away.
Cordir says, ‘It was ... interesting.’

Violaine tilts her head, watching you quietly.

Cordir says, ‘I was just a very very young thing then. Far younger than you. And very foolish.’

Violaine says (in common), 'I don't think love is foolish...’

Cordir says, ‘Molo enjoyed tormenting Keller by putting me in dangerous places, just to see Keller try and save me.’

Violaine frowns.

Cordir says, ‘Sometimes love is exceedingly foolish. Just ask me how many weddings of DarkClaw's I have witnessed. :) '.

Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine says (in common), 'DarkClaw's own weddings?'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir nods.

Violaine grins evilly.
Violaine says (in common), 'I didn't know she was married!'.

Cordir says, ‘REPEATEDLY!!'.

Violaine giggles.
Violaine rests.

Cordir says, ‘So.. I noticed you keep steering the conversation on me. But this is about me grilling you.’
Cordir scolds Violaine.

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, right, I'm sorry!'.

Cordir says, ‘Don't think I didn't notice!'.

Violaine says (in common), 'I'm just interested to know you!'.
Violaine smiles at Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘well, it sounds like you know more about me, than I do of you.’

Violaine says (in common), 'I just haven't lived enough life yet... you've probably heard it all, already'.

Cordir says, ‘honestly, other than a bit of gushing that he's happy... Isolas hasn't told me much of anything ABOUT you.’

Cordir looks around for that elf to scold.

Violaine giggles.
Violaine says (in common), 'There's not much to me, really and truly... I love Isolas, and I love my Magi family...’

Violaine says (in common), 'And I live to serve him, and them.’

Cordir looks at you in silence for a moment.
Cordir takes a breath, and releases it slowly.
As she does so, her aura seems to lessen greatly in intensity.
.. as if she was deliberately attempting to set aside the Immortal presence, and simply be.

Violaine says (in common), 'Are you okay, my Lady? Do you need anything?'.

Cordir says, ‘Violaine... I haven't ever said these words out loud. To anyone. Ever.’

Violaine looks at you.

Cordir says, ‘You hold in your hands the heart of someone...’
Cordir says softly, 'That I have .. and do... love... very deeply. I am ... greatly overjoyed... to know that he finally has a love who is free to love him, care for him, and be all that he needs.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, Cordir, I'm sorry, I didn't know... I --'.
Violaine looks away.
Violaine says (in common), 'I don't know what to say, I feel like I'm intruding....’

Cordir says, ‘Don't.’

Violaine says (in common), 'I just sort of came along, and'.

Cordir says, ‘You are what he has needed. Someone who can give him their whole heart. Just know what a gift you have. And treasure it.’

Violaine says (in common), 'But you love him, and he loves you, what happened?'.

Cordir says, ‘Life happened.’
Cordir smiles wryly.

Violaine frowns sadly.

Cordir says, ‘Our lives were ... complicated.’

The archway opens.
Homicide arrives from the north.
Homicide bows deeply.

Violaine blushes.

Cordir says, ‘hello there'.

Violaine beams a smile at Homicide.

Homicide grovels in the dirt before Cordir.

Violaine hugs Homicide.
Homicide winks at Violaine.

Cordir says, ‘would you mind excusing us? We're just having a girlchat'.

Homicide says (in common), 'sure'.

Cordir says, ‘thank you'.

Homicide blushes.

Cordir says, ‘I apologize'.

Violaine beams a smile at Homicide.

Homicide says (in common), 'guess I’m not invited with girl chat'.

Violaine tells Cordir (in common), 'homicide is a girl too ;)'.

Homicide frowns.
Homicide looks at Homicide.

Violaine says (in common), 'No, dear, it's not that'.
Violaine hugs Homicide.
Violaine squeezes Homicide fondly.

Cordir says, ‘no, not that'.

Homicide leaves north.

Violaine grins evilly.

Violaine says (in common), 'Cordir...’
Violaine takes your hand and squeezes it gently.

Cordir says, ‘... Just treasure what you have.’
Cordir says, ‘Take care of him.’

Cordir squeezes your hand in return.

Violaine looks you in the eyes.
Violaine says (in common), 'I promise, I will, always.’

Cordir says, ‘he deserves it, so much. Just love him. Unreservedly.’

Violaine nods in recognition to Cordir.

Cordir mutters something under her breath, you can't quite make out...
But it sounded suspiciously like, 'To hell with Nash.'

Violaine says (in common), 'I've heard some... stories....’

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
Cordir says, ‘what kind of stories?'.

Violaine says (in common), 'About other women.. Not you, of course. I hear only wonderful and lovely things about you.’

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks. She says, ‘well, he did have a fan club of elfchicks that followed him around, in his swashbuckling mortal days.’

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir says, ‘And there were a few others... One in particular...’
Cordir spits out the name, 'Erian'.

Violaine says (in common), 'From what I've heard, some women he has loved.. weren't so nice to him.’

Violaine winces. Ouch!
Violaine says (in common), 'Errm, yeah. That one.’

All that set-aside power and aura? It comes back in a rush of rage when she speaks that name.

Violaine sighs sadly.
Violaine says (in common), 'Yes, I don't like to speak or hear of her, either. I only brought it up because... I know he deserves love on top of love to make up for all that horribleness.’

Cordir nods and says, ‘He does.’

Cordir pauses for a moment, then nods, as if to herself.
Cordir says, ‘And... honestly... I have to include myself in the ranks of the horribleness. I have hurt Isolas more deeply than many.’

Violaine says (in common), 'He's never said anything to that effect...’

Cordir says, ‘Without ever intending, but... nonetheless. My actions have caused him a great deal of pain over the years.’

Cordir says, ‘Be his world.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Is that possible if he is mine?'.

Cordir says, ‘it is.’

Violaine sits down and thinks deeply.
Violaine says (in common), 'I will do everything in my small power to be what he needs'.

Cordir says, ‘That. That's it exactly. If both parties in a relationship are doing all in their power to make the other happy... everyone wins.’

Violaine says (in common), 'My constant hope is that it is enough... that it will continue to be enough.’

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir says, ‘The greatest wisdom I can share.. is that men need three things in life to be happy. Food. Sex. And loyalty.’

Violaine sits down and thinks deeply.

Cordir says, ‘not necessarily in that order.’

Violaine smiles happily.
Violaine says (in common), 'I think I can handle that!'.

Cordir grins mischievously.

Violaine says (in common), 'Cordir... would it be out of line for me to ask you for a small favor?'.

Cordir says, ‘if it's within my power to grant... go ahead and ask.’

Violaine says (in common), 'I was just hoping.. that, if he ever seems unhappy... would you tell me? I think it's in his nature to hide that from me. And that sort of leaves me at a disadvantage'.

Cordir says, ‘... it is... and if I were to do so... it would cause more problems than it would mend.’

Violaine sighs.
Violaine says (in common), 'You're probably right.’

Cordir says, ‘he gets moody sometimes, yes. He questions himself constantly.’

Violaine nods.

Cordir says, ‘YOU have to be his constancy. YOU have to be his rock. As he will be yours.’

Violaine nods quietly.
Violaine says (in common), 'I will do it.’

Cordir says, ‘You could have no finer man in this entire Realm.’

Violaine says (in common), 'Oh, well, I know that's true :)'.
Violaine blushes.

Cordir says, ‘And I say that without a shadow of doubt and without reserve.’

Violaine says (in common), 'He's my favorite person in the whole realm.’

Cordir nods.
Cordir says simply and quietly, 'Mine, too.'

Violaine looks up at you and smiles slightly.
Violaine says (in common), 'I'm happy we finally met.’

Cordir says, ‘And I, as well.’
Cordir coughs.
Cordir says, ‘And Isolas, you might as well come back. We're done talking about you... for now.’

Violaine grins evilly.

Isolas says, 'Not to interrupt, but I'm getting ultra-paranoid about what's going on in here'.

Cordir smiles happily.

Violaine grins evilly.

Isolas steps out of the shadows.

Cordir says, ‘Well, I suppose we might have to permit you to be in your own Tower...’

Isolas smiles happily.

Violaine giggles.
Violaine hugs Isolas.

Isolas says, 'Done with the inquisition?'.

Violaine squeezes Isolas fondly.

Isolas beams a smile at Violaine.

Violaine beams a smile at Isolas.

Cordir says, ‘For now.’

Violaine grins, looking slightly afraid.

Isolas brushes a hand over Violaine's cheek and kisses her tenderly.
Isolas says, 'She didn't talk you out of being with me, did she?'.

Violaine grins evilly.

Cordir turns to Violaine with a curious expression on her face.

Violaine says (in common), 'Don't be silly...’
Violaine pokes Isolas in the ribs.

Isolas grins evilly.

Violaine cuddles Isolas.

Isolas holds Violaine close, resting his head against hers.

Cordir says, ‘.. please excuse me.’

<exits and goes to: >
End of the Granite Cavern
[Exits: south down]
This is the Last Bore, the tunnel that connected the Plaza to the
black caverns of N'Kai. Strong winds howl here, flowing into small
holes in the ground. The source of the winds is a mystery - there
SHOULDN'T be any wind ... yet it rages like a storm here ...

A Marker Slab has been erected in the center of the room.
The Sigil Draktha floats in the air here, warding the cave below.
(Invis) (Light Red Aura) Phasing in and out of visibility, a larval polyp flies through the air.

(time passes)

<exits and goes to: >
Thaygar's Lost Temple
[Exits: east]
You feel as though you have stepped into the infinite Void, ebon
oblivion surrounding you in all directions. It is not cool here,
however. Instead, the darkness here is the searing calm at the
center of Hell. You stand on a circular floor comprised of obsidian
panels, suspended in the void.

Six pits form a hexagon on the floor, an altar at their center. Six
fires of midnight black flow out of the pits, flaring to the ceiling.

Flowing from the floor, a misshapen lump of obsidian reaches out like
an ebon hand.

<invis 72>

Cordir tells Violaine, '.. don't feel bad. Love him. With all your heart.’

Violaine tells Cordir (in common), 'I do, and I will... but I don't want to hurt you, either!'.

Cordir tells Violaine, '*gently* .. I.. am not your concern. '.

(long pause)

Isolas tells the Immortals: Come out, come out..

> at isolas look
The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
This gigantic structure fills visitors with an overpowering sense of awe and
no small degree of trepidation. Massive walls of a gray stone reach skyward.
Sharply angular windows of a clear crystal vault upwards, taking over the top
third of the tower's elevation and curve to form the roof far above. Starlight
cascades down through the rotunda's clear ceiling, no matter the hour and
clearly lights the area.

Dominating the Tower and drawing the eye is an azure-hued circle inlaid upon
the floor. Strange sigils and wards are inset along its perimeter, and one can
almost see the flow of power they channel. Wards below and sky above provide
full illumination for the chamber, swathing it in an eerie magelight.
(Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

> go to isolas

... wherever I am?

Cordir says, ‘is that how it goes?'.

Isolas says, 'Why did you go?'.

Cordir says, ‘I needed to.’

Isolas smiles at Cordir.
Isolas says, 'I think Violaine feels she upset you.’

Cordir smiles wryly.
Cordir says, ‘I need to get over myself. And you two looked like you missed one another and needed some time.’

Isolas says, 'I have nothing but time.’

Cordir says, ‘but time with your lady love is a precious thing. I'm assuming that was you watching over her shoulder the entire time we spoke, was it not?'.

Isolas says, 'You said I was not allowed to watch.’

Cordir says, ‘someone was.’

Isolas raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘I checked twice. She was 'busy'.’

Isolas says, 'I see.’

Cordir says, ‘I assumed it was you.’

Isolas says, 'It was.’

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, ‘better you than someone else.’
Cordir smiles wryly.

Cordir says, ‘Well. I should probably be going.’

Isolas raises an eyebrow.
Isolas says, 'Why?'.

Cordir says, ‘because you have things to be doing, and.. such.’
Cordir smiles happily.

Isolas raises an eyebrow.
Isolas says, 'No I don't.’

Cordir says, ‘Well, you should.’

Isolas says, 'Like?'.

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks.
Cordir says, ‘Oh, you know.. Nashite sorts of things. Brooding and lurking. Scaring peasants. Something.’

Isolas says, 'I don't want you to, but if you must.’

Cordir says, ‘well, those seemed like very pressing sorts of things. Besides. She doesn't visit often. Spend time with your lady.’

Cordir smiles happily.
Cordir says, ‘Be joyful.’

Isolas sighs loudly.

Cordir lays a hand lightly on your cheek, smiles, and vanishes.

(end scene)

Notes: there were a few sessions worth of interactions that the logs were lost, unfortunately. In them, Cordir became more and more withdrawn and erratic, affected by both the shock of Isolas’ relationship with Violaine and a deep sense of loss there, and the absence of the worship of her followers. She began spending a great deal of time in Thaygar’s temple, refusing to speak to anyone except Corri.

Thaygar's Lost Temple
[Exits: east]
You feel as though you have stepped into the infinite Void, ebon
oblivion surrounding you in all directions. It is not cool here,
however. Instead, the darkness here is the searing calm at the
center of Hell. You stand on a circular floor comprised of obsidian
panels, suspended in the void.

Six pits form a hexagon on the floor, an altar at their center. Six
fires of midnight black flow out of the pits, flaring to the ceiling.

Flowing from the floor, a misshapen lump of obsidian reaches out like
an ebon hand.

Isolas steps out of the shadows.

Cordir says, ‘Hello, Isolas.’
Cordir continues scrubbing the stone floor.
Cordir pauses in her work and looks up at you.
<look Isolas>

Cordir says, ‘I ran a trivia contest earlier today. All Nashite trivia.’

Isolas says, 'Oh yeah?'.

Cordir says, ‘None of the Nashites could answer any of the questions, save for 1 question.’

Isolas says, 'Impressive work.’

Cordir says, ‘That was Rincewind, who knew I was the only Nashite Immortal ever excommunicated. I was ... somewhat disappointed.’

Cordir scoots over a bit, and scrubs a new bit of dusty floor.

Isolas says, 'What were some of the others?'.

Cordir says, ‘The names of followings... immortals... Laws of Nashite as espoused by Gryphon.. I think I asked six or seven questions. A non Nashite answered 5'.

Isolas says, 'Ah. Too bad. I'm sure I could've dominated'.

Cordir says, ‘Entirely likely.’

Cordir moves to another spot and scrubs the floor.

Isolas says, 'Well… You seem busy.’

Cordir says, ‘nothing else to do.’

l self

Shadows seem to flow and shift around her, like a sentient fog, partially 
obscuring the Lady Weaver from view. Only quick glimpses, here and there,
can be seen: the flowing length of her silvery hair, the storm-blue color
of her silken gown, the bloody silver weapon sheathed at her waist... and
those eyes: a dark azure, illuminated from within by strands of light - a
web, a Pattern, a painful remembrance of things that have been, awareness
of things yet to come, and most regretted and painful: knowledge of things
that will never be.

Cordir says, ‘it's not like I've anything else to do.’

Isolas says, 'You're welcome to sit in my Tower.’

Cordir says, ‘It is far more likely that you have people to take care of.’

Cordir shivers and says, ‘That ... Is probably not for the best. As I said earlier..’

Cordir carefully keeps her tone neutral. ‘I think it best if I stay out of the way.’

Isolas says, 'Out of the way of what? Out of the way of conversing with me? Out of the way of being my friend?'.

Cordir says, ‘How would it make your Lady feel, to walk into her home and see me there?'.

Isolas says, 'She did it two days ago'.

Cordir says, ‘Or your followers? I *am* the Excommunicate, after all.’

Isolas says, 'Like they give a shit. You are a guest in my home because I want you there.’

Cordir scrubs harder.

Isolas says, 'Fine.’

Cordir says, ‘Isolas.. I … Yes. You should go.’

Isolas says, 'But if you don't want to be around me, it's courteous to say something and not just make excuses.’

Cordir turns her face away, and shadows billow up around her.

Isolas steps back into the shadows.

at isolas l
The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

Cordir sobs bitter tears, and scrubs at the stones.

<Go to dhole>
The Chamber of the Dhole
[Exits: none]
You have fallen into an immense chamber, easily hundreds of
meters across. Frighteningly, the chamber is full, as great
coil upon coil of a titanic, slumbering beast shift. Horrid
ichor coats the walls, while this beast roils, the sleeping
guardian, the great Dhole ...
Torpid, shifting, the Great Dhole waits for the day it can rise again.


< Go to casement >
An Oversized Window Casement
[Exits: east]
The window casement is just big enough for you to step into, or perhaps to
take a seat in on the plush velvet cushion that has been placed along the edge
of the casement. Strangely though, the cushion looks as though it has never
been used. The gleaming hardwood is beautifully carved with figures of strange
and wondrous creatures from far off lands. The lingering scent of dust from the
room to the east tickles your nose.
A richly colored stained glass window is half open.
A tiny spider spins its web.


<Go to Temple>

Thaygar's Lost Temple
[Exits: east]
You feel as though you have stepped into the infinite Void, ebon
oblivion surrounding you in all directions. It is not cool here,
however. Instead, the darkness here is the searing calm at the
center of Hell. You stand on a circular floor comprised of obsidian
panels, suspended in the void.

Six pits form a hexagon on the floor, an altar at their center. Six
fires of midnight black flow out of the pits, flaring to the ceiling.

Flowing from the floor, a misshapen lump of obsidian reaches out like
an ebon hand.

Cordir returns to her kneeling position on the floor and scrubs.

Isolas steps out of the shadows.

Cordir shivers.

Cordir says, ‘Hello again.’

Cordir turns her face away, so that you will not see her scrub at her eyes.
Cordir focuses on the floor, scrubbing the stones. The wash water is crimson.
Cordir scoots over a bit, and scrubs a new spot.

Cordir does not look at you, but asks quietly, 'How may I be of service, Isolas? What is it you want of me?'

Isolas says, 'Who the hell are you that you're asking me how you can be of service? Are you kidding me? Is that who you are? Is that what we've become?'.

Cordir says, ‘I don't know what I am any more, Isolas. I don't know who I am.’

Isolas says, 'You're scrubbing the floors of a dead guy's temple.’

Cordir says, ‘HE ISN'T DEAD.’

Isolas says, 'Oh really? Show me where he's living?'.

Cordir says, ‘He just...left.’

Isolas says, 'What the hell is going on here?'.

Cordir babbles, ‘There's a portal. In N'Kai. It leads to a long passageway. You got through that passageway, there's another portal. It goes to another world. He showed me. I've been there.’

Isolas says, 'We're as close as family, you and I. And now suddenly, I'm getting nothing from you. I was going to just be angry with you, but I deserve more than that. I want to know what the hell is going on.’

Isolas's eyes flash with angry passion and fire.

Cordir says, ‘I... You deserve everything in the world. And I pray that Violaine can give it all to you.’

Isolas says, 'well she can't. She can't give me you. She can't give me what you and I had and have.’

Cordir flinches.

Cordir says, ‘She's your lover.’
Cordir says, ‘she's your beloved. She'll be your wife. There is not room for three people in a life together.’

Isolas says, 'But she's not my Cordir.’

Cordir moans in pain, and shivers.

Isolas kicks your floor washing things over roughly and pulls you to your feet.

Cordir cries out, startled, but stands quietly, not fighting you.

Isolas firmly places a hand on your cheek, his eyes burning into yours.
Isolas says, 'You are something in my life that no other woman can fill.’

(( You tell Isolas, '(you better Look at my current desc, then)'.
Isolas looks at you.))

Your description is:
Shadows seem to flow and shift around her, like a sentient fog, partially
obscuring the Lady Weaver from view. Only quick glimpses, here and there,
can be seen: the flowing length of her silvery hair, the storm-blue color
of her silken gown, the bloody silver weapon sheathed at her waist... and
those eyes: a dark azure, illuminated from within by strands of light - a
web, a Pattern, a painful remembrance of things that have been, awareness
of things yet to come, and most regretted and painful: knowledge of things
that will never be.

Isolas says, 'And I don't know what's going on with you, but I'm not going to settle for anything less than you actively in my life'.

Cordir says, ‘Violaine can be much more to you than I can be.’

Isolas says, 'Why do you keep comparing yourself to her? What aren't you telling me?'.

Cordir screams, ‘DAMNIT'.

<Cordir goes invis>

Someone shivers.

Isolas's aura flares and crackles with intensity.

Someone shivers and suffers.

> invis 70

Cordir releases the shadows around her, a fraction.

Cordir shivers.

Cordir says, ‘Do you know how I came to have this scar?'.

Cordir touches her chest.

Cordir says, ‘I got it, when I broke Oath with Thaygar. I had sworn to him that I would not speak to Keller Amberlin D'Augustine.. Because Keller was oathed to a woman named T'far... they were engaged. I broke my oath. It nearly cost me my sanity. My life. It cost me Thaygar's respect. It set in motion a path that changed the lives of dozens. I won't be an Oathbreaker again.’

Cordir twists the ring upon her finger, clinging to it almost as if she were drowning.

> look isolas

Cordir says, ‘I will stay out of your life. I will leave you to Violaine. You deserve to be happy. To have someone to love and to hold. You _deserve_ that... happiness'.

Isolas says, 'And you expect me to be happy by you cutting me out of your life?'.

Cordir says, ‘You don't understand.’

Cordir slides over to the Ebon Hand, and curls up within its protective grasp.

Isolas says, 'No, I don't. And yet you won't allow me to, either.’

Cordir looks up at you, wonderingly.
Cordir says, ‘You don't know, do you?'.
Cordir makes a sound that is half laugh and half sob.

Isolas watches you expectantly, his aura dark.

Cordir shakes her head and says, ‘No. It need not be said. It's better that it isn't. No oaths broken.’

Cordir rises from the Ebon Hand, and moves back to where she was scrubbing, staying an arm's length away out of grabbing range.

Cordir kneels back on the floor, and removes a small curved blade from her belt.

Cordir slices open her arm and watches with detachment as the blood begins to spill to the floor.

Cordir begins scrubbing once more.

Isolas watches you, his features returning to their normal paleness.

Isolas replaces his cowl over his head, covering his face from light.

Cordir continues scrubbing singlemindly, murmuring softly under her breath.

  • shut up cordir shut up cordir shut up *

Isolas folds his hands in front of him and closes his eyes.

A soft rumble of thunder is heard in the distance.

Cordir doesn't seem to notice the sound. Her movements are nearly mechanical.

Tears splash down her face, to join the blood on the floor, unnoticed, swept along by the scrub brush.

### Tfar: Connected

Lightning flashes all around for a moment, the thunder louder.

> who Tfar
1 player.
Hel [ Th:10 Ma:22 Ra:24 ] Tfar is bouncing about the Nexus with glee

Cordir screams.

Cordir says, ‘OH DEAR GOD, not her...’
Cordir shudders in horror.

Isolas simply fades from sight without words or sound, rather than stepping into shadows.

Cordir shivers.

Cordir rocks back and forth, whimpering and sobbing.

Cordir throws the scrub brush away, heedlessly.

Cordir screams in pain, rocking back and forth.

### Tfar has quit.

( pause )

Cordir remembers how to breathe.

> at isolas l
The Temple of Lord Nash
[Exits: none]
This huge hall's exact size is not discernible by standard measurements.
The many buttresses and arches form a tracery of shadowy dimness. The floors
and walls are covered in slabs of polished stone, apparently obsidian with
swirls of purplish basalt. Much magic has evidently been placed here, for an
evil darkness seeps from the walls and floor, making the whole chamber seem
uncomfortable and nerve-racking. In the center of the hall is a large plaque
sitting on an ornately carved pedestal.
(Glowing) A statue of Lord Nash stands before you in utter perfection.
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

<Cordir goes invis, and enters the room where Isolas is standing, then drops the invisibility.>

Cordir says, ‘... does he take away the pain?'.

Cordir gestures at the statue.

Isolas continues kneeling, his eyes shut.
Isolas says, 'Lord Nash hears my prayers.’

Cordir says, ‘he never much acted on mine.’

Isolas says, 'Only He decides if I am worthy of his grace.’

Cordir walks up just behind you, a handsbreadth away, but not touching.
Cordir says, ‘You are worthy of far more.’

Cordir steps back, and murmurs, 'I'm forbidden this place, by Molo. I should go and leave you to your prayers.'

<She leaves, and flits about the world, not staying in one place for very long: Thaygar’s temple, the Chamber of the Dhole, A Peaceful Glade, and finally…>

An Oversized Window Casement
[Exits: east]
The window casement is just big enough for you to step into, or perhaps to
take a seat in on the plush velvet cushion that has been placed along the edge
of the casement. Strangely though, the cushion looks as though it has never
been used. The gleaming hardwood is beautifully carved with figures of strange
and wondrous creatures from far off lands. The lingering scent of dust from the
room to the east tickles your nose.
A richly colored stained glass window is half open.

A tiny spider arrives from the east.

Cordir smiles at the tiny spider through her tears.

A tiny spider leaves east.

<Cordir goes invisible and goes to where Isolas is>

The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

The wards in the Circle flare.

Isolas stares at the Circle, watching it swirl and flare.

Isolas whispers, 'Decide if you want to be in my life or not. It is that simple.'

Her voice comes from across the chamber: "And if I am... is that fair to Violaine?'

> invis 70

Cordir says, ‘I am trying... so desperately... to do the right thing this time.’

Isolas says, 'Decide if you want to be in my life or not. It is that simple.’

Cordir's eyes look hollow and haunted, red-rimmed from tears, and she shakes as if with a fever.

Cordir closes her eyes, and whispers, '... yes.'

Isolas says, 'Then stop running.’

Cordir says nothing, but sits huddled on the floor, her arms wrapped around her knees. Iso... I have fucked up so many things in my life. So many things... and hurt others.. hurt you in doing so, so many times... I am trying so hard not to hurt you.’

Cordir rocks back and forth slightly.

Isolas says, 'the only way you hurt me is by abandoning me.’


Cordir lays her head on her knees. Her shoulders shake, and you hear her breath, ragged.

Isolas sits next to you.

Cordir whispers, 'aint we a miserable pair..'

Isolas says, 'You mean so much to me'.

Cordir says, ‘.. and you, to me.’

Isolas rests against you lightly.

Cordir shivers.
Cordir says softly and carefully, 'It is very hard for me to think straight when you are touching me.'

Cordir adds quickly, 'it is very comforting, and ..'
Cordir pauses, shivering.
Cordir says, ‘'It’s just.. hard to think..

Isolas straightens up without words.

Cordir releases her knees with one hand, and sets it on the stone floor.
It isn't touching you, but it's close enough that your auras flow over one another.

Cordir seems to breathe a little more easily.

Cordir says, ‘.. i can't give you advice on her. Please be okay with that.’

Isolas says, 'That's more than okay.’

Cordir nods says, ‘ok.’

Cordir looks up suddenly, and meets your eyes, fiercely.
Cordir says, ‘I AM NOT GOING TO MARRY YOU TWO.. and you can't make me.’

Isolas says, 'That's alright.’

Cordir shivers.

Isolas says, 'I'm sure the Lich would. Or Tynian.’

Cordir winces, then nods and whispers, 'I can't do that.'


Cordir says in a shaky tone, 'You aren't talking.'

Isolas says, 'I'm just.. breathing.’

Cordir nods and says, ‘Breathing is good.’


Cordir lays her head back down her knee, and says quietly, 'This is gonna be really hard.'

Isolas nods.

Cordir says, ‘Please know... i wasn't trying to hurt you. I was trying to do the opposite, and somehow NOT hurt you.’
Cordir says, ‘I was trying to protect you.’
Cordir says, ‘and failing miserably.’
Cordir says, ‘again.’
Cordir says, ‘still.’

Cordir shifts her weight back on one hip, so that her aura overlaps yours.

Isolas slips an arm around you.

Cordir shivers.

Cordir starts to protest, but falls silent without uttering a word.

(long pause)

Cordir says, ‘we are a pair of idiots, you know that, right?'.

Isolas raises an eyebrow.
Isolas says, 'Why's that?'.

Cordir says, ‘we just are.’

Isolas says, 'Alright..’

Cordir lays her cheek on your arm.

Isolas relaxes a bit.

(long pause)

Isolas sighs quietly.

Cordir says, ‘yes?'.

Isolas shakes his head.

Cordir sighs.

Isolas turns to you.

Cordir says, ‘hmm?'.

Isolas says, 'You sighed.’

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, ‘trying to figure out how to be close without being too close.’

Isolas says, 'You will have to find that out. I am afraid I will scare you away if I make moves.’

Syla hugs Cordir.

Cordir says carefully, 'moves?'

Isolas says, 'I could lay down in here, my arm around you, watching the stars above, because I am secure in myself and my relationship with Violaine.’

Isolas says, 'But I know you would not like that.’

Cordir makes an odd sound, half laugh, half not.
Cordir says, ‘not like it.’
Cordir shakes her head in disbelief.
Cordir murmurs, 'idiots.'

Isolas says, 'I suppose I should go.’
Isolas retracts his arm carefully.

Cordir looks at you for a long moment in silence.
Cordir says, ‘This is your home. I should go, if there is leavetaking to occur.’

Isolas says, 'You are as welcome here as I am'.

Cordir stands, and takes a step away.
Cordir says, ‘I'll say good night, then.’
Cordir smiles slightly.

(end scene)

Notes: The following day.

You hear a soft knock.

Isolas tells Cordir, 'Come in'.

The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

Cordir says, ‘Hello, Isolas.’

Isolas says, 'Hello'.

Cordir smiles quietly and says, ‘I was here earlier… I hope you don't mind me taking you up on the invitation while you were out.’

Isolas says, 'Not at all'.

Cordir says, ‘does the day find you well?'.

Isolas nods and says, 'Yourself?'.

Cordir says, ‘well enough.’

Cordir sits upon one of the benches nearby.
Cordir looks down at her wrists.
Cordir says, ‘I ..’

She turns her face away for a moment, and mumbles, embarrassed, 'I had to go to Thaygar's temple, but... it wasn't for very long.'

Cordir says quietly, 'I was able to pull myself out of it, after only a little while.'
Cordir shivers.

Isolas considers, then nods again.

Cordir says very quietly, 'You.. know of that part of my mortal days?'

Isolas raises an eyebrow and says, 'Of your time with Thaygar?'.

Cordir says, ‘When...’ She swallows hard, then says, 'When He left.'

Isolas says, 'Ah' and nods.

Cordir folds her hands in her lap and stares at them saying haltingly, 'I hate feeling... broken. I know I shouldn't go there. I know I shouldn't do those rituals. I just… Can't seem to help it. I should be happy. I shouldn't need some self-mutilation ritual to feel happy.’

Isolas watches you.

Cordir looks down at her bony, gaunt wrists, plucking at the cuts. She takes a long, slow breath, visibly trying to relax and stay present and centered, and moves her hand so that it hides the cuts, instead of picking at them.

Isolas moves and sits next to you.

Cordir breathes easier as your aura brushes hers.
Cordir visibly seems less... tremble-y.

Isolas slips an arm around Cordir as she begins to tremble less.

Cordir makes a soft, barely audible sound, and closes her eyes. She relaxes a bit more, laying her head on your shoulder.

The trembling stops completely.

Isolas smiles to himself as your head touches him.

    1. Rincewind: Entered Game

< 1 player.
Hum [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Rincewind, Demonic Rogue of the Nashite Magi.

Rincewind tells Cordir (in common), 'only back for a sec'.
Cordir[GS] tells Rincewind, 'nodnod'.
Rincewind arrives from the north.
Rincewind bows deeply.

Rincewind says (in common), 'unfortunately I cannot stay long, I am simply looking for someone'.

Cordir sits up abruptly, nodding in acknowledgement to Rincewind.

Rincewind says (in common), 'I'll return soon though'.

The fever-like trembling begins again almost instantly.

Rincewind says (in common), 'Who's sick?'.

Cordir holds her hands in her lap, to still their shaking and says quietly, 'Me.'

Rincewind says (in common), 'got an itch?'.

Cordir shakes her head.

Rincewind says (in common), 'nervous?'.

Cordir says, ‘Somewhat. But..’

Rincewind says (in common), 'need a fix?'.

Cordir smiles sadly.

Rincewind comforts Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘I think sick is the best word for it.’

She shivers.

Cordir says, ‘Yeah. I'm sick. I need to go.’

Rincewind says (in common), 'Why do I feel like this is more of an emotional illness..’

Rincewind nods.

Cordir flashes a glance at Isolas, mutely asking forgiveness.

Thaygar's Lost Temple
[Exits: east]
Flowing from the floor, a misshapen lump of obsidian reaches out like
an ebon hand.


    1. Rincewind: Quit


Cordir shivers.


Cordir tells Isolas, '*whispered* ... i am scared.’

Isolas tells Cordir, 'Of Rincewind?'.

Cordir tells Isolas, '*softly* no. of me.’

Isolas steps out of the shadows.

Cordir shivers and says, ‘i hate feeling like this.’

Cordir looks up at you, her eyes hollow.

Isolas pulls you against him, holding you comfortingly.

Cordir gasps like a drowning person thrown a rope, and holds you tightly.

Hot tears immediately spill on your shoulder, but she makes no sound.

Cordir says, ‘i hate this i hate this i hate this... feeling broken.’

Isolas strokes your hair comfortingly.

Cordir's breathing calms.

Cordir says softly, 'People told me all the time that Thaygar was stark raving mad. Is that what I am, now?'

Isolas leans his face toward your ear and immediately replies, 'No.'

Cordir whispers, 'is it going to get better? is this going to stop?'
She shivers.

Isolas says, 'I promise, it will.’

Cordir hides her face more deeply against your shoulder. 'Promise?'

Isolas nods silently.

She speaks hesitantly, her voice troubled and broken. "Why is this happening to me?"

Cordir says, ‘is this what happens to gods that give up their people? they go mad?'.

Isolas contemplates for a moment.

Isolas says, 'This is happening to you.. because.. you feel. And not even we immortals can get around that sometimes.’

Cordir says, ‘I feel ... like a crazy, broken girl of twelve, just escaped from daddy's clutches and living off ducks in Midgaard... or like when Thaygar left, and madman destroyed his temple with me still in it... Iso, I'm six thousand years old... why do I feel so ...’

She shrugs helplessly, unable to find a word to encompass the breadth of the feeling.

Isolas says, 'Age does not dull the desire we are born with. It hones them and can make them more intense with time'.

Cordir says quietly, barely above a whisper, 'Thank you, for helping me. I disgust myself right now.'

You hear her thoughts clearly, though she does not speak out loud: I don't want to live, when it’s like this.

Isolas continues stroking your hair, holding you a bit closer protectively, subconsciously.

Cordir makes a small sound, almost a whimper, and nestles against your shoulder, holding you tightly.

The shivering slowly fades, almost in time to the beating of your heart.

Cordir takes a long, shuddering breath, and releases it slowly. She whispers, 'Thank you.'

Isolas nods silently again.

Cordir whispers, '... You'd be proud. I didn't cut myself that time.'

Isolas says, 'Thank you. For resisting.’

Cordir shakes her head in self-loathing and says hesitantly, 'It’s... really hard for me to let you be the one taking care of me. Even after all these years of friendship. I know that sounds silly. I keep being worried you're going to be horrified or disgusted, and leave.’

Isolas says, 'You spent countless times taking care of me.’

Cordir says, ‘and yet marveling at your patience.’

Isolas says, 'I will never leave your side. I will always be here whenever you need me.’

Cordir says softly, 'thank you.' She pauses a moment, then whispers, ‘please... take me away from here?'.

Isolas takes your hand in his very gently.
Isolas steps back into the shadows.

The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
This gigantic structure fills visitors with an overpowering sense of awe and
no small degree of trepidation. Massive walls of a gray stone reach skyward.
Sharply angular windows of a clear crystal vault upwards, taking over the top
third of the tower's elevation and curve to form the roof far above. Starlight
cascades down through the rotunda's clear ceiling, no matter the hour and
clearly lights the area.

Dominating the Tower and drawing the eye is an azure-hued circle inlaid upon
the floor. Strange sigils and wards are inset along its perimeter, and one can
almost see the flow of power they channel. Wards below and sky above provide
full illumination for the chamber, swathing it in an eerie magelight.
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

Isolas utters the word, 'summon'.
A swirl of shadows billows up out of nowhere.
Cordir appears suddenly.

Cordir takes a shaky breath, and nods. She says, ‘thank you.’

Isolas releases your hand gently.

Cordir nods and breathes a sigh of relief.
She looks a bit wobbly, and quickly glances around for the nearest spot to sit.

Isolas seats you on his throne, gently letting you down.

Cordir blinks, startled, and makes a sound of protest. 'Not here.'

Isolas says, 'Yes.’

Cordir tries to stand.

Isolas says, 'Sit.’

She falls back.
Cordir murmurs, 'bossy.'

Isolas smiles slightly.

Cordir tries to smile, and murmurs, 'I see your plan now. Get back at me for all those orders over the years while I’m weak and can't bossy back.’

Isolas kneels next to the chair, watching your health.

Cordir says, ‘I see your evil plan, Nashite schemer.’
Her tone is light, joking.

Isolas says, 'I'm sure it wouldn't do me any good once you feel better.’

Cordir says, ‘no, probably not.’
Cordir says, ‘Iso... I’ve no business sitting here. Please... let me sit somewhere else? It’s.. not.. '.

Isolas retrieves a chair from the conference table.

Cordir searches for the right word.
Cordir says, ‘proper.’

Isolas says, 'You may sit there if you wish.’

Cordir says, ‘not... rejecting. Please understand. I just... ' She blushes slightly, 'Don't want to piss off anyone who walks in. it would look a little funny. Rincewind already thinks me some sort of freak.’ She bows her head slightly, letting her hair hide her face. You hear her murmur, 'and I'm not too sure he isn't right.'

Isolas watches you.

Cordir lifts her head with effort and looks at you. 'Please don't go quiet on me.'

Isolas simply places a hand on your arm.

Cordir smiles slightly, and nods, her head drooping back down once more.
She whispers, 'gods, I am tired.'

Isolas says, 'You need rest.’

Cordir half-laughs, 'I feel like I've gone a round with the Dhole.' She reaches down and pulls her legs up into the chair, then shifts so she's leaning over one armrest, towards you.

Isolas smiles into your eyes.

Cordir curls up with her head on your arm.
Cordir whispers, 'so tired.'

Isolas strokes your hair, encouraging sleep.

Cordir makes a small, kittenish sound of pleasure and weariness. She closes her eyes, and her breathing slows.

(hours pass)

She murmurs something inaudible.

(hours pass)

Her breathing slows to the point where it is nearly undetectable... But strangely, the pulse in her throat matches the timing of yours, beat for beat.

(hours pass)

She moves slightly, nuzzling your hand, and murmurs something inaudible.

The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

Isolas slips his arm out from under you, replacing it with a more comfortable pillow.

Cordir shifts slightly, making a soft sound of protest, but then slides back into unconsciousness.

(hours pass)

Cordir murmurs something inaudible, then falls silent again.

(hours pass)

Cordir shifts slightly, her brow furrowing, as if from a bad dream.

Isolas notices, stroking your hair again to calm you.

Cordir makes a sound of contentment, and stills.

(hours pass)

Isolas pulls a blanket over you, then sits and watches you.

As you move away, her pulse seems to drop.

Isolas reaches out, placing a hand atop yours.

Cordir sighs almost inaudibly, murmurs something, and her fingertips twitch slightly.

At the renewed contact, you realize her skin tone is actually getting better - less the dull and gaunt it has been.

(hours pass)

Isolas fades, and is gone.
At his departure, Cordir fades into translucent invisibility, hidden from mortal eyes.

(very long pause)

Boromir looks at you.

(long pause)

A tall elven figure appears out of mists suddenly swirling about. keen-edged sword in one hand, a rose in the other....

The tall elven figure places a flawlessly beautiful rose in Cordir's hands in a gesture from times past..

The figure steps back into the mists, fading into the nothingness like the mists themselves

Cordir shifts in her sleep, and the rose falls to the floor of the Tower.

(very long pause)

Isolas steps out of the shadows.
Isolas returns to his place next to you, replacing his hand on yours.

Cordir murmurs and shifts in her sleep.

Isolas watches you, but is distracted by a flower on the floor.

It appears to be a rose in full bloom, from the southern lands.

Isolas studies it then looks around for the owner.

Isolas leans closer and whispers, 'Cordir?'.

She stirs slightly at your voice. She stretches somewhat, within the confines of the throne, unconsciously seeking closer contact with your hand.

Cordir mumbles something incoherent, and slowly reaches up to brush the hair out of her face.

Isolas smiles, watching, and says, 'How are you feeling?'.

Cordir blinks slowly and asks, ‘how... long was I asleep?'.

Isolas says, 'Awhile.’

Cordir blushes, embarrassed.

Isolas says, 'you needed your rest.’

Cordir glances around to see if anyone saw her in that state. She struggles to sit up, and pull the blanket tighter around her shoulders. She rubs her eyes and murmurs, 'dreams...'

She smiles at Isolas, who returns it.

Cordir says softly, 'thank you.'
Cordir looks at you, her expression serious. 'I think... I may owe you my life.'

Isolas says, 'Then we're even.’

Cordir glances away, embarrassed. 'And entirely possibly my sanity.'

Isolas says, 'I owe you mine many times over.’

Cordir blinks, and asks, ‘howso?'.

Isolas says, 'How many times have you saved me over the years?'.

Cordir pauses and thinks. 'I don't know. I don't think as many as you are thinking.'
She looks over at you and smiles lopsidedly, then pushes on the arm of the throne to help her to sit upright.

Isolas smiles at you.

The rose on the floor catches her eye, and she blinks, then frowns slightly, asking, ‘Where did that come from?'. She glances at you, and quirks an eyebrow.

Isolas says, 'I don't know. It was here when I returned.’

Cordir sits for a moment and thinks, then says, ‘I have no idea. I had several odd dreams... at least... I think they were dreams...’

Isolas raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘Rincewind was giggling and waving a bottle around... and...’ She wrinkles her brow, looking puzzled. ‘It almost looks like one of the roses from Sanguinna.’

Isolas says, 'It is possible.’

Cordir says, ‘Boromir used to bring me them when he was there, after I saved his ... helped him out of a sticky situation.’

She shrugs, and pulls the blanket tighter around her shoulders with one hand, the other not leaving the armrest, beneath yours.

(long pause)

Cordir glances at you and smiles, but says nothing.

Isolas smiles.

Isolas says, 'How was your rest?'.

She pauses a moment to think before answering. ‘I know I dreamt at a couple points.. I thought we had a conversation at another... I'm still a little fuzzy on just how long I was .. like that.’

Cordir looks like she isn't sure if she should call it 'sleep'

Isolas says, 'Awhile.’

Cordir ponders a moment, then asks you gravely, 'Lord Phantom, would you like your throne back?' She *almost* succeeds at hiding the teasing in her voice. *almost*

Isolas says, 'You look better in it than I do. You stay'.

Cordir frowns slightly and shifts uncomfortably. ‘I'm not much of one for thrones, you know that.’ She pauses a moment, tilts her head to one side, and thinks, then asks, ‘Is.. er... was it my imagination, or was it part of a dream, or... did you somehow _summon_ me here?'.

Isolas says, 'You must've dreamt it.’

Cordir sits upright in the throne, and leans forward on one elbow towards you. The other hand remains where it was. She blinks slowly, the nods thoughtfully.

Isolas says, 'You and I were in Thaygar's temple and you asked that I take you out.’

Cordir says, ‘Okay. I must have.... but...’

Isolas says, 'And I took your hand and brought you here.’

Cordir considers this explanation, and visibly accepts it as the one that makes the most sense.

Chueco arrives from the north.
Chueco bows before Isolas.
Isolas nods in recognition to Chueco.
Chueco says (in gnomish), 'I havent seen him'.

Cordir whispers the word, 'Invis.'

Chueco says (in gnomish), 'Is he still on, or just invis?'.
Chueco gossips (in gnomish), 'a tell from Hiro if on please'.

Hiro gossips (in common), 'afk a sec'.

Chueco sighs loudly.

### [Hiro tells Chueco (in common), 'mean is ok.']

Her attention is caught by the stains on her wrist, where it rests on your throne.
Cordir frowns slightly, tracing the marks with one fingertip.

### [Chueco tells Hiro (in gnomish), 'and I know about being a nashite']

The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.
Chueco is here.

Chueco leaves north.
Chueco arrives from the north.

Cordir blinks slowly at the gnome running madly about.

Isolas says, 'Chueco, could you please excuse me for a moment? I need the temple.’

Isolas creates a slender silver key out of thin air!

Chueco nods.
Chueco bows deeply.
Chueco leaves north.

Isolas closes the archway.
Isolas locks the archway.

Isolas returns to fully attending to you.

Cordir pauses a moment and thinks, then says gravely, 'You're nicer than me, when it comes to that. Very polite.’ She pauses, and then continues somewhat vaguely. ’Oh. Rincewind. He was grumpy earlier. He couldn't get in. He banged on the doors. Before my ... nap. Not during.’ She still seems a little fuzzy about timeline.

Cordir says, ‘Did you need to be talking to the little gnome?'.

Isolas says, 'Hmm'.
Isolas shakes his head.

Cordir says, ‘I can go. Really.’

Isolas says, 'Hiro is doing that.’

Cordir tries to rise, but gets tangled in the blanket.
She manages to get her legs untangled and onto the floor.

Isolas says, 'Please, stay.’

Cordir stops her battle with the blanket and looks over at you.
Cordir says, ‘okay. But I really can't sit here for eternity, you know...’
Her tone is light, gentle, teasing.

Isolas says, 'I fail to see why not.’

Cordir says, ‘well, for one thing, I'll get dusty. For another, it would be very confusing to everyone… and most importantly, I think your fiancée might seriously wonder.’ On the last, her tone is soft and grave.

Isolas says, 'I suppose you're right. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.’

Cordir smiles gently, almost tenderly.
Cordir says, ‘.. thank you…again.’

Isolas smiles at you.

Cordir says softly, 'I was in a bad place, wasn't I?'

Isolas says, 'You were.’

She nods silently, but her hand curves upward, under yours, to press against your palm.

Isolas hesitantly touches, noting your sensitive hands.

Cordir closes her eyes, and her hand shakes for a moment, then stills.

The expression on her face grows quizzical.

Cordir blinks slowly. 'That's... odd.'

Isolas raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says simply, 'I didn't Read your Pattern.'

Cordir looks at you.

Isolas looks back, then at our hands.

Cordir says, ‘.. hi...’

Cordir gently withdraws her hand, and sets it in her lap.

Isolas says quietly, 'Hi..’

Cordir says, ‘I keep wanting to say thank you again.’

Isolas says, 'No thank you required.’

Cordir says, ‘it just feels appropriate.’

Cordir yawns unexpectedly and stretches, then blushes. ‘You'd think I'd not be sleepy.’

Isolas smiles slightly and says, 'It's good to see you rested.’

Cordir says, ‘after sleeping for ... what... days? weeks?'. She verbally prods you for specifics, her tone curious.

Isolas says, 'Awhile'.

Cordir looks a smidge grumpy at your continued vagueness, but shrugs. ‘I really should find somewhere to sleep. I can't continue to do that here.’ She pats the arm of your throne. ‘Someone might use me as a doorstop or coat rack.’ She pause a moment, then continues more quietly. ‘I don't want to go to Thaygar's temple. I'm not ...’ She glances at her arm and whispers ‘I don't think it would be a good idea.’

Isolas says, 'But where else would you go?'.

She shivers a bit.

Isolas says, 'This is my home. And you are my.. Cordir.’

Cordir says gently, 'Isolas...' She pauses, then continues. ‘I'll find somewhere. Perhaps one of the more peaceful, out of the way gardens. Or with the Dhole. But I can't stay here indefinitely. It's just not... proper. Its disruptive for your people, it's disrespectful to Violaine.’

Isolas sighs loudly.

Cordir pulls away the blankets with renewed determination. ‘And besides, it causes strange rose wielding apparitions to appear at odd times.’ She stands, albeit a smidge wobbly, then reaches down and catches up the blanket, wrapping it around her shoulders.

Cordir says softly, 'Thank you. Again. For everything.'

Isolas considers.
Isolas says, 'can I come with you?'.

Cordir blinks and asks, ‘Why?'.

Isolas says, 'I'll be here alone..’

Cordir says, ‘This is your place. Your home.’

Cordir glances at the locked door.

Isolas says, 'And I'll be the only one in it..’

Isolas creates a slender silver key out of thin air!
Isolas unlocks the archway.
Isolas opens the archway.

Cordir says, ‘thank you.’

Cordir says, ‘I don't think it's entirely right for you to do so. But I won't tell you no, either. You've earned that decision of your own accord.’ She wraps the blanket more firmly around her shoulders.

(Cordir leaves north, and walks the mortal pathways to:

Outside the West Gate of Midgaard
[Exits: north east south west]
You are standing outside the ponderous walls of the human city of Midgaard,
the total mass of the walls giving the entire area a certain presence. To
the north and south is the Great Western Road, constructed by the humans to
serve as their main trading route. To the west a trail meets a river, crosses
it via a small foot bridge, and then heads into Haon'Dor forest.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

You ponder the question.

Isolas arrives from the east.
Isolas leaves south.

Cordir pauses and thinks for a moment, glancing down the path to see where he is headed. Seeing him in a dark forest, she continues traveling to: )

A Peaceful Glade in the Deepwood
[Exits: north east south west]
This shady glade is pleasantly quiet and peaceful. You can hear the
gentle sounds of flowing water to the north and east. You feel
at rest here.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

Cordir rests.

>at isolas l
On the Catwalk
[Exits: east west]
You are outdoors on a catwalk between the turrets of the eastern and
western towers. There is a 40 foot drop to the north and south. You have
a fabulous view of the surrounding countryside, which consists of a bleak
wilderness. At the east end of the catwalk is a small opening leading
inside the eastern turret. At the western end, a strange mirror-like portal
leads into the western turret.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

Cordir curls up under the blanket.
Cordir makes a pillow of her arm, and lays her head down.


>at isolas l
The Tower of Sorcery
[Exits: north]
(Invis 71) (Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.

At Isolas> You hear her whisper, more with your mind than with your ears: *good night*.

(end scene)