Official Information:
Player Supplied Information:
- Nevyn will give any Bard he sees a spell or skill score or a spell crystal.
- When in combat, Nevyn is mean! He cycles through the following taunts:
- Nevyn says, 'My word, can't you do better than that?'
- Nevyn reaches over and pinches your nose!
- Nevyn yawns and says, 'Maybe you should go back to Camp Tolanrael...'
- Nevyn says, 'I really ought to charge for this lesson in combat.'
- Nevyn says, 'No need to be jealous, little one! You'll suck less one day!
- Nevyn laughs at you mercilessly.
Written by Cadee for her "Nevyn Quest", posted to the TFC Forums/Chosen of Fate subforum:
I followed Nevyn around for about 10 hours the other day and *think* I've finally got him figured out. I don't know where he starts from, but I first found him in Half-Elf Camp, so I'll start there. He starts performing around 7-9 PM, and performs until 3-4 AM, he then sleeps until 10am and the moves on. He usually sings four songs at each stop sometimes it is only three though.
His path is:
- Half-Elf Camp (Shanty)
- Loth-Llorien (Inn)
- Midgaard (The Grunting Boar)
- Dwarvenhold (Inn)
- Skor'lanis (Trading Post)
- Thistlerock (Inn)
- Hovelton (The Green Dragon)
- Mithas (Inn)
- Seaside (Inn)
- Aarakocran City (Worm Vender)
- Og (Rusty Nail)
- Then back to Half-Elf Camp (Occasionally he'll get a bit off track and stop at random places to 'practice').
He sings eight songs, always in the same order. They are:
1. 'I'm a Viking'
'Oh I come from Scandanavia with my helm upon my head', 'And I won't be going home again 'till all of you are dead!' 'I'm a Viking! For that's the thing to be!', 'There's no greater joy than fighting for a berserker like me!' 'Oh we had a raid the other night when everything was still', 'We waited until moonrise and came shrieking down the hill!', 'The blood was pouring down the streets the women ran and screamed', 'It was better fun than anyone could possibly have dreamed!' 'I'm a Viking! For that's the thing to be!', 'There's no greater joy than fighting for a berserker like me!' 'The loot we loaded on the ships was too great to be told', 'The slaves we towed behind on rafts for ballast we had gold!', 'We took home herds of cows and pigs we took home chests of jewels', 'Why should we work when we can loot from futile puny fools?' 'I'm a Viking! For that's the thing to be!', 'There's no greater joy than fighting for a berserker like me!' 'Oh we're hairy-chested fighters and we have no time for games', 'What we don't take back home with us we leave behind in flames', 'And if you see a Viking ship there's nothing you can do', 'Just kiss your wife and cross yourself and bid the world adieu!' 'I'm a Viking! For that's the thing to be!', 'There's no greater joy than fighting for a berserker like me!'
2.'Scarborough Fair'
'Are you going to Scarborough Fair',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'Remember me to one who lives there',
'She once was a true love of mine'
'Tell her to make me a cambric shirt',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'Without any seams or fine needlework',
'Then she'll be a true love of mine'
'Ask her to wash it in a dry well',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'Where never spring water nor rain ever fell',
'Then she'll be a true love of mine'
'Ask her to dry it on a flowering thorn',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'That never knew blossom since Adam was born',
'Then she'll be a true love of mine'
'Now he has asked me questions three',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'I hope he will answer as many for me',
'Then he'll be a true love of mine'
'Tell him to find me an acre of land',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'Between the salt water and the sea strand.',
'Then he'll be a true love of mine'
'Tell him to plow it all with a lamb's horn',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'And sow it all over with one peppercorn',
'Then he'll be a true love of mine'
'Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'And bind it all up with a peacock's feather',
'Then he'll be a true love of mine'
'And when he's finished with all of his work',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'Then send to me for that cambric shirt.',
'Then he'll be a true love of mine'
'Are you going to Scarborough Fair',
'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme',
'Remember me to one who lives there',
'For she once was a true love of mine'
3. 'Let's go Pike a Knight'
'Well in tourneys I constantly fall',
'To the knights count and dukes one and all',
'But in melees and wars I have dropped them in scores',
Cause in battles I fight with a nine-foot-long pike!'
'Oh oh oh let's go pike a knight.',
'Why die in some fair fight?',
'Let's go pike a knight and watch him crumble.',
'Wait 'til he's occupied then stab him in his side.',
'Oh let's go pike a knight.'
'The most awesome of dukes can be slain',
'If you wait 'til he's cleaving some knave',
'Then you quickly sneak in',
'Thrust your point through his chin',
'There's his face impaled right on the end of your pike.'
'Oh oh oh let's go pike a knight.',
'Why die in some fair fight?',
'Let's go pike a knight and watch him crumble.',
'Find some white-belted snob make a peer shishkabob',
'Oh let's go pike a knight.'
'Oh my shieldmen are lovely to see',
'All those fools up there protecting me.',
'While the shieldmen all fall I hide safe 'hind the wall.',
'Far away on the plight with my nine-foot-long pike.'
'Oh oh oh let's go pike a knight.',
'Why die in some fair fight?',
'Let's go pike a knight and watch him crumble.',
'He won't louse up your day if you're nine feet away.',
'Oh let's go pike a knight.'
'Something happened to me the last war',
'That's caused worry to this warrior',
'Out of nowhere I'm dead and as I turned my head',
'There's a duke and a knight killing knaves with a pike.'
'Oh oh oh let's go pike a knight.',
'Why die in some fair fight?',
'Let's go pike a knight and watch him crumble.',
'You've never had such fun reach out and pike someone.',
'Oh let's go pike a knight.'
4. 'Fly Dragon Fly'
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'Although this may upset you',
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'The Tyger's come to get you.'
'The tickling claws of cats they say',
'Make dragons catch their breath',
'A pussycat is on his way',
'Who tickles them to death.'
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'The Tyger's here to get you',
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'And pray he may forget you.'
'A dragon is designed to scare',
'His face drives foes in flight',
'But whoever saw a story where',
'The dragon slays the knight?'
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'Flee as if we let you',
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'The Tyger's here to get you.'
'Old Smaug was feared for miles around',
'He fought a one-worm war',
'A single archer brought him down',
'And we have brought a score.'
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'We have not come to pet you.',
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'The Tyger's here to get you.'
'Dragons have teeth and claws and things',
'And armor like a knight',
'And best of all great leather wings',
'For flying from a fright.'
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'Flee us if we let you',
'Fly Dragon Fly',
'The Tyger's here to get you.'
5. 'The Lament of Baron Marel'
'The Lament of Baron Marel - by Lord Tel.'
Nevyn strums his lute and sings,
'How fast the memories fade of mountain spring and forest glade.',
'How fast the memories die of your cradling arms and glittering eye.',
'How fast the rush of years while you are gone and I'm still here.',
'How fast time goes crawling while I feel the night wind calling.'
Nevyn strums his lute and sings,
'Call to me Call to me',
'Dwindling remnants of life.'
Nevyn strums his lute and sings,
'Call to me Call to me',
'Gleaming wetly on my knife.'
Nevyn strums his lute and sings,
'Call for I can not listen.',
'Call and watch the stars blood glisten.'
Nevyn strums his lute and sings,
'How long must I sit on this eternal throne a comfortless seat of earth and bone.',
'How long must I eternally waken alone with a soul I've forsaken.',
'How long must I eternally die with never a glimpse of the fiery sky.',
'How long must I listen to the eternal drum calling me forward though I fear to come.'
Nevyn strums his lute and sings,
'I come for I can not fear.',
'I come for my sin upon you dear.'
Nevyn strums his lute and sings,
'Come for the call does lie.',
'Come and let me die.'
Nevyn bows and says 'Thank ye!'
6.'A Grazing Mace'
'A grazing mace how sweet the sound that felled my foe for me...',
'I bashed his head he struck the ground and thus came victory.'
'My mace has taught my foes to fear that mace my fear relieved...',
'How precious did my mace appear when I my mace received.'
'Through many tourneys wars and fairs I have already come...',
'My mace has brought me safe thus far my mace will bring me home.'
'The King has promised good to me his word my hope secures...',
'I will his shield and weapon be when he gives me my spurs.'
'And when my mace my foeman nails that mortal strife shall cease...
'And we'll possess within our pale a life of joy and peace.'
'A grazing mace how sweet the sound that flattened a wretch like thee!',
'Whose head is flat that once was round done in by my mace....and me!'
'A grazing mace how sweet the sound that smites a foe like thee...’
'You're left there lying on the ground you've left the field to me’
7. 'The Sleeping Scotsman.'
'A Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair', 'And one could tell by how he walked he'd drunk more than his share', 'He stumbled on until he could no longer keep his feet', 'Then staggered off into the grass to sleep beside the street' 'A pair of young and lovely girls just happened to come by', 'And one said to the other with a twinkle in her eye:', ''You see yon sleeping Scotsman so strong and handsome built..', 'I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt?'' 'A ring-di-diddle-e-di do a-ring-di-diddle-i-day', 'I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt?'' 'They crept upon the sleeping Scotsman quiet as could be', 'And lifted up his kilt above the waist so they could see..', 'And there behold for them to view beneath his Scottish skirt', 'T'was nothing but what God has graced him with upon his birth!' 'A ring-di-diddle-e-di do a-ring-di-diddle-i-day', 'T'was nothing but what God has graced him with upon his birth!' 'They marveled for a moment then one said: 'We'd best be gone.', 'But let's leave a present for our friend before we move along!'', 'So as a gift they left a blue silk ribbon tied into a bow', 'Around the Bonnie Star the Scottish kilt did lift and show!' 'A ring-di-diddle-e-di do a-ring-di-diddle-i-day', 'Around the Bonnie Star the Scottish kilt did lift and show!' 'The Scotsman woke to Nature's Call and stumbled towards a tree', 'Behind the bush he lifts his kilt and gawks at what he sees!', 'Then in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes:', ''I ken na' whaur y'been m'lad but I see y'won First Prize!'' 'A ring-di-diddle-e-di do a-ring-di-diddle-i-day', ''I ken na' whaur y'been m'lad but I see y'won First Prize!''
'A Song of the Realm'
(written by Cordir at Madman's request.)
'Have you ever gone dancing in Lorien?',
Neath the sheltering arms o' The Tree?',
'Have you ever gone swimming in Midgaard?',
'Avoiding the Crocodile's teeth?',
'Have you e're slept b'neath a blanket o' stars',
'On the track of the Great Western Road?',
'Have you ever gone wand'ring through Hovelton',
'Havin' tea at each Halfling abode?'
'For the Realm is a treasure that's greater than gold',
'And each little piece is a gem. If I traveled for years',
'Until I grew old I'd just want to see it again!'
'For the Caverns of Drow are a bad place',
'And the Matrons cannot be called kind.',
'But if welcome you seek go to Harpers.',
'Where Miss Sally's pies are sublime.',
'Then like a bird like an Aara you'll fly',
'Through the canyons of that city old.',
'Then up to the Wastes and the Whitefrost',
'Where if it's not covered -- it's COLD!'
'The Ocean's green depths hide myriad things',
'Like cities and sharks that are white',
'Far safer to travel down to N'Kai',
'And endure the sleeping Dhole's bite!',
'No trip through the Realm can miss the Bazaar',
'And it's neighbor Dark Landru's keep.',
'Then down to the Vein of Tharlodin',
'Where you'll find the treasure is sweet!'
'For the Realm is a treasure that's greater than gold',
'And each little piece is a gem. If I traveled for years',
'Until I grew old I'd just want to see it again!'
'The Demon Realm is the nastiest place',
'This poor little bard he has gone',
'Though King Ebby was quite nice of a host',
'I'm glad that I wasn't there long!',
'But I cannot sing now of every part',
'Adventuring types should go see',
'But just let your footsteps go a'wandrin,
'You'll have fun just take it from me!'