Laujar (XXXVII) | |
Created | June 2, 2017 |
Status | Active |
Race | Elf |
Classes | Ranger |
Mud Contributions:
Current Description:
Hiding in the shadows a closer look reveals a tall elf who appears to have been living rough in the forests. Its hard to judge his age and abilities. He seems to hold himself like a wild cat or wolf. Neither graceful nor powerful but seems to be ready to move. Could it be in attack or defence? He could be from an ancient time when the world was more wild … or he could be young and fresh and naive.
You meet his gaze and can see he has suffered much but lives on. Has passed through despair to find hope and wisdom. There is a depth in those eyes that you find it hard to pull your attention away from. Then he breaks the trance with a wry grin and a twinkle passes across his face. You are left with all your questions unanswered and more doubts than certainty. Who IS this Elf? Where has he come from? Why does he hide in the shadows? He does not seem to be a threat? Is he dangerous or a friend? Or will my own actions determine the answer to those questions?
Those that know him and respect him find him loyal and fun. If you can catch him quickly before he disappears back into the shadows he loves to dance and have fun.
However those that bring disrespect and dishonour leave with nothing or even less.
WHO Lists:
12/??/96 : Elf [ Ma: 9 Th:10 Ra:15 ] Laujar thinks Death dances well enough [Veladorn] 02/08/04 : Elf [ Ma: 5 ] Laujar Lagmaster wonders where house veladorn is? 03/20/04 : Elf [ Ra: 6 Ma: 9 ] Laujar needs bricks and mortar for house veladorn 03/29/04 : Elf [ Th: 5 Ma: 9 Ra: 9 ] Laujar is back dancing with death .. again & again 03/31/04 : Elf [ Th: 7 Ma: 9 Ra: 9 ] Laujar does the Veladorn dance *Shadow Demon* 04/04/04 : Elf [ Ma:10 Th: 9 Ra: 9 ] Laujar is still dancing with death *acid etched* 04/23/04 : Elf [ Ma:15 Th: 9 Ra: 9 ] Laujar dances round house Veladorn N@KED!! 04/30/04 : Elf [ Ra:13 Th: 9 Ma:15 ] Laujar follows his own path..opps lost again *blush* 05/13/04 : Elf [ Th:10 Ra:15 Ma:15 ] Laujar is dancing with death again *veladorn* 10/18/04 : Elf [ Th:15 Ra:15 Ma:15 ] Laujar is still Veladorn ;)
Character History:
Laujar's return? -:
Passing through incarnation after incarnation in another world living in the wild searching for his lost daughters he has now returned again in his 37th incarnation in this world. Laujar starts the long climb to prove his worth in a world changed by the passage of time. He aims to rebuild the House Veladorn and continues living for the loyalty of good friends and giving loyalty in return. Know this … it is your own actions that will determine how Laujar responds to you. He cares little for your beliefs, aura, or which God you follow. It is your individual actions that will determine if you become his friend or foe. He hopes that you come with respect and honour for him and his friends so he can take pleasure in returning it 3 fold. However bring disrespect and dishonour and expect to leave with nothing or even less.
The first life -: Born in another time and another world. An ancient world still in flux between the void and the bipolar world of matter and non matter ... of good and evil. A world where these judgements ... these presumptions ... were still forming. Anything was possible and all it took was imagination for it to form. Much of the memories and even the names of places and people are lost through life upon life in an endless cycle but that curse will be spoken of later. What Laujar can remember as an Elven child was living in the forest and playing with the wild animals. The jaguar and wolves ... his friend. He grew older and found love with one of his childhood companions. A fair Elven maiden. They had plans to build a treehouse of their own and hunt and fish. Life was peaceful and seemingly idyllic. They started a family and had two young girls. But the gods, two brothers, where in turmoil. They mostly ignored the mortals and instead enjoyed great games of power and struggle between themselves. They called themselves good and evil but they were just names. They were both merciless and uncaring.
The great suffering -: One day Laujar returned home from hunting to find the whole forest, their home, the animals … all destroyed. His love barely alive... Spoke her last breaths of the gods games. Of how they had simply been fighting with each other and had laid waste to their home. Of how one had taken their daughters threatening to rift the children solely as sport and to taunt the other who was feigning to care. All just a pointless game to the gods. His daughters were still alive, prisoners in the gods houses. Laujar gathered all the elves and animals and with forceful words convinced them to join him in a hopeless assault on the gods homes to try to rescue his children. In a world where imagination could still create anything he had nothing left to loose. The gods were intrigued. What was it that would drive these mortals to thrash their lives so hopelessly against the gods will. Perhaps out of arrogance, they accepted a duel with Laujar. Hand to hand combat in forms fashioned to that of the Elves. While they would not risk their immortality they took on forms of similar statue to the Elves of the forest. However thinking that this new game would be won so short against this frail mortal who only had a single fleeting life they cursed Laujar that he would live thousands of lives to be reborn and never die and thus perpetuate the game for their prolonged enjoyment. And so the duel began. The gods had underestimated the passion and wrath they had created with their indifference. Laujar crashed against them both like a force they had never imagined. They soon started to realise they where lost. The game would be over but they would not be the victors. Their pride and arrogance betrayed them. They had never been hurt or beaten before and the reality of it came as a shock to them. They looked to each other in despair. Rather than suffer this embarrassing they decided to break the rules and risked the transformation back into their immortal forms mid fight so they could squash this mortal. It was a disaster. Laujar struck a final deadly blow at the critical time in their transformation and the gods half mortal half immortal lost their grip on their partly formed world and were sucked back into the void.
Suffering transforms -: At first this seemed like a victory to the mortals. To the elves, the jaguar, the wolves and A great cheer went up. But in one last grasp for the world they where creating the gods snatch for their homes and dragged them into the void with them. Laujar's children where dragged in the void with them. The rejoicing transformed into lamentation and Laujar withdrew into a numb daze. To make matters worse soon the half done world started to weather and crumble around them. The elves all started to blame Laujar. He was forced to roam the forests. Unwelcome in the settlements. Years passed and he tried to end his own suffering but found he could not die. His mortal body may be broken but he would be born again. Most of the knowledge and skills lost but a constant and unkillable thread that never allowed him to escape his past suffering. He traveled for millennia searching for an escape. Crossed into other worlds. Still no escape. He found the undead, the lost souls, the vampires and pleaded with them as a last resort to end his mortal suffering. Hearing they had defied death but also had ended life he offered himself to them so they could try to end him once and for all. But still their ancient magic could not undo the curse the gods had inflicted upon him. While others fell to the vampires Laujar remained untouched. A little anemic but still mortal and still suffering. In a bizarre paradox he was cursed with being an eternal mortal, passing through life after life with no escape. Some of his friends, the forest cats and wolves, stood by him and brought him back from the brink of despair. They taught him the wisdom of nature. The truth that all is suffering and as soon as one accepts it then not only does the suffering seem to diminish but it transforms into a stillness, a concentration, and understanding that there is in fact no difference between suffering and pleasure, there is no good and evil. Underneath all is the constant and everlasting … it. That which is. In constant flux, transforming from one state to the next but never passing. Neither good nor evil. Neither pleasure nor suffering. While his love, his children, his world had seemed to pass away what had actually occurred was nothing more and nothing less than a transformation. Suffering was just a label applied to it, in the same way good and evil are labels and judgement applied to it. Opportunity would be an equally applicable label. Out of a world where imagination could create anything, all seemed lost but in truth wisdom was born.
New lives in fertile fields -: But Laujar still had his mortal form to care for. Through many incarnation he continued his journey across great oceans and forest. Living with the wild beasts, apart from all Elves and other races. Visting far away places in search of any sign of his daughters. Until one day in the younger years of a new incarnation he came to a peaceful glade in the forests. A quiet elf was their and spoke softly to Laujar. Laujar never learned his name. He guided Laujar to the trees of Loth-Llorien and the portal to the guild hall. At first is was uncomfortable for Laujar having spent unknowable time alone in the forests with his animal friends. Wendell helped Laujar through the guild refugee program to find a home in Loth-Llorien. In a world of equipment and attachment Laujar found it hard to adjust and passed through several more brief incarnations. He met and spoke with some of the Gods of this new world and while he found them to be completely different to the world he had suffered in he could never fully trust any God again. He believes that they are, like him and all others, full of imperfections, however they simply have more power to force their will upon mortals who fear pain and death. Laujar has no fear of pain or death. Pain is just another label applied to suffering, applied to "it", that which is and ultimate death seems out of his reach. While he respects these Gods as individuals it is for these reasons he could never join one of their followings and worship.
House Veladorn, a welcome home -: In one of his earlier incarnation in this world while wandering alone in the woods he made friends with Talen and Marisa. The half-elf outcast whom he could relate to and his charming bride to be. Both became great and loyal friends. They introduced him to the House Veladorn and he was finally able to start to settle in to a family of loyal friends who supported each other to be their best. Great adventures with great people in a time of exploration and world firsts. A little hamstrung by primordial interference (really really bad internet from Australia and subsequently lag like you would not believe hahaha) he joined many a great battle or special occasion often despite his not so grand statue of the time. However again the call of the forest came to him and he spent many long years traveling alone. Searching for any sign of his daughters lost to the void. Passing through incarnation after incarnation ... now returned again in his 37th incarnation in this world and still with the underlying tread of suffering, despair, and hope that binds him to eternal mortal life upon life he starts the long climb to prove his worth in a world changed by the passage of time. He aims to rebuild the House Veladorn and continues living for the loyalty of good friends and giving loyalty in return. Let me restate so that their can be no doubt in your minds ... KNOW THIS … it is YOUR own actions that will determine how Laujar responds to you. He cares little for your beliefs, aura, or which God you follow. It is your individual actions that will determine if you become his friend or foe. He hopes that you come with respect and honour for him and his friends so he can take pleasure in returning it 3 fold. However bring disrespect and dishonour and expect to leave with nothing or even less.
- Laujar was a member of Veladorn
- Laujar was present at The Wedding of Syla & Pyros and when Marisa and Talen Wed.
- Laujar appears in Kaern's log of Sparring, Old Skool Style
- Laujar is referred to in Kaern's Inquiring Minds Want to Know About: Kaern!
- Laujar was present in The Death of the Guildmaster and many other great battles ... often for nothing more than moral support (ie. corpse pickerupera) for trusted friends well beyond his tender years. In this case his duties thwarted by a hungry ranger when Erond was sliced, diced and then his corpse steaked and eaten!! before Laujar could grab it.
- Laujar was thanked by Tynian in the Version 3 Launch Thank You Notes.
- Laujar has lost his link....
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