Gloom Blackflame | |
Created | 2005-ish |
Status | Inactive |
Race | Dwarf |
Classes | Cleric Warrior |
Last Seen | 2011 |
Followed | Katrana Cordir Isolas |
Mud Contributions:
Current Description:
WHO Lists:
02/12/2005 : Dwa [ Wa:11 Cl:14 ] Gloom Blackflame. 04/12/2005 : Dwa [ Wa:13 Cl:14 ] Gloom Blackflame. Free Agent. 06/21/2005 : Dwa [ Wa:13 Cl:14 ] Gloom Blackflame seeks his place within the Pattern 06/21/2005 : Dwa [ Wa:13 Cl:14 ] Gloom Blackflame. The Hound, the Preacher. Fate. 02/10/2006 : Dwa [ Cl:18 Wa:17 ] Gloom Blackflame. The Hound, the Preacher. Fate.
Character History:
Discussing Geasa: 06/21/2005
You say, 'Geasa'.
You say, 'Did you pick some?'.
Gloom says (in common), 'Oh, yeah, I got a couple.'.
You nod.
You say, 'lets hear em'.
Gloom says (in common), '1) I will NEVER attack anyone unless YOU set me on them.'.
You say, 'So a blade, then?'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
Gloom says (in common), 'More than that, heh. '.
Gloom says (in common), 'Blades have some freedom.'.
Gloom says (in common), 'I want to be more of a hound.'.
Cordir smiles wryly.
Gloom says (in common), 'I don't do crap unless you tell me.'.
Gloom smirks.
Gloom says (in common), 'But when you tell me... heh.'.
You say, 'I'm gonna wanna restring one of your neck items.....'.
Cordir grins evilly.
Gloom says (in common), 'I can do some pain.'.
Gloom shrugs.
Gloom says (in common), 'Still trying to decide on 2 and 3. Not sure what fits anymore, trying to think.'.
Gloom mutters something under his breath.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'Always honor your vows to Katrana, by greeting the mud with a hail to the Wyldess, Weaver and Wyrm? To sacrifice three objects to Katrana each day?'.
Gloom says (in common), 'You, my dear Lady, are a genius.'.
You say, 'Aren't I just?'.
Gloom says (in common), 'Indeed!'.
You grin mischievously.
You say, 'now, is that one, or two?'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
Gloom says (in common), 'That's 2!'.
Cordir was kinda counting it as one.
Gloom says (in common), 'Dammit'.
Gloom bursts into tears.
You throw back your head and cackle with insane glee!
Gloom says (in common), 'Ok, ok.'.
Gloom sits down and thinks deeply.
Gloom says (in common), 'I will always be at a loss for my third geas. How's that one?'.
You ponder the question.
You shake your head.
Gloom sighs loudly.
You say, 'Naw, I'm thinking not.'.
Gloom says (in common), 'That one really called to me. '.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'To perform CRs for newbies?'.
Gloom says (in common), 'You mean actually help the squealing little things?'.
Gloom shivers uncomfortably.
Gloom says (in common), 'You drive a hard bargain. '.
You say, 'Well, you could have fun trying to encourage them to embrace Chaos and Change, and dry sac it themselves once you give it to them'.
Gloom says (in common), 'Oh, well, that works then!'.
Gloom says (in common), '#3=(like 4 lines up)'.
Gloom tries to break dance, but nearly breaks his neck!
You say, 'I think you could have some fun with the Extremist Fundamentalist Wyldling Evangelical.'.
Gloom says (in common), 'I believe I could have an extreme amount of fun. :p'.
You say, 'Borneo wrote a zone for another mud that had political monk gnomes running around trying to overthrow the local monarchy.'.
Gloom laughs.
You say, 'they would chant and bang a gong and cry out that the end times were near!'.
You say, 'I don't know why, but that sort of flashed into my head for Gloom'.
Gloom says (in common), 'I like it. '.
You grin mischievously.
You nod.
You say, 'Then Doom and Gloom we shall have.'.
Gloom is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.
- I will NEVER attack anyone unless ordered specifically by Cordir, acting as her Hound.
- I will honor my vows to Katrana by greeting the world with a Hail to the Wyldess, Weaver and Wyrm, and will sacrifice three objects to Katrana’s glory each day.
- I will perform CRs for newbies whenever possible, but will counsel them to embrace Chaos and Change, and dry sac it themselves once it has been restored to them. (Extremist Evangelical Fundamentalist Wyldling)
Player Provided Information:
Personal Timeline:
06/21/2005 : Gloom tells Cordir, 'Aiding newbies sucks, there's not many of them around. :p'. And later... Gloom tells Cordir, 'Ugh, forgot about the hometown items. Darn you. '. 12/02/2007 : [ 13] Gloom: Magi: Rymel and Bane / Sun Dec 2 10:12:41 2007 / To followers of: Cordir / They attacked me today. I have logs. When asked why, they said 'Because we wanted to' or some such. - Gloom.
Player Information: