Smudge - Level 5 Bard Review

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7 players.

Hum [    Triat Weaver   ] Cordir, Lady Stormreaver, Patroness of Bards
Ogr [ Bard:  30  30  30 ] Eathor, Crimson Ninja Rockstar of the Nashite Magi.
Hum [ Ra:16 Cl:18 Tg:15 ] Chemosh, *Lost*
Gia [ Sh:22 Tg: 9 Wa: 9 ] Lexapro is one Lost pill.
Dwa [ Bard:  11  10   4 ] Smudge the Dwarf
Elf [ Bard:  30  30  30 ] Aoide Mathwin, Ebon Bardling. Triat Master. (HUNT)
Hum [    Demigoddess    ] DarkClaw:Honorary Hooligan of the Lost -=Belgarion=-

A black widow spider moves unexpectedly at the edge of your vision, then disappears.

Eathor gossips (in common), 'Evening, Lady Cordir.'.

Smudge gossips (in common), 'Hello, Cordir!'.

You gossip, 'Good evening, Eathor'.

You gossip, 'Hello, little bard whom I have not yet met.'.

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
(Invis) (Light Red Aura) Eathor is resting here.
(Charmed) (Light Red Aura) The rotting, animated corpse of the minstrel drools on you.
(Light Red Aura) Smudge is resting here.
(Light Red Aura) Aoide is here.

The Pattern fades into wisps of darkness, scattered about the chamber.

Aoide gossips (in common), 'Evening, Lady Weaver'.

Smudge gossips (in common), 'I am Smudge, pleased to meet you. Would you like to hear a performance?'.

You gossip, 'My Bard. Blessings of the Three upon you.'.

Aoide smiles happily.
Aoide curtseys gracefully for you.

You say, '.. and yes. I would.'.

Aoide enthusiastically cheers Smudge to victory.

Cordir glances at the minstrel's sad remains.

Aoide shudders from the sheer thought of it.

> l zombie
A decaying, rotting corpse has been animated here for some unknown,
evil purpose.
The zombie is in perfect health.

Smudge gossips (in common), 'Anyone who wants to watch, please join us in the Amphitheater'.

Eathor smiles happily.

The zombie groans at the sight of you.

What's bothering you?

Cordir moves over towards the zombie and cups its decaying chin in her hand, gazing into its dead eyes.

The zombie drools on himself.

Smudge waits for the crowd to come.

Cordir tilts her head to one side, regarding it.

//\**/\\ : Bardic performance in the Amphitheatre. Your presence is requested.

DarkClaw emerges from a thick layer of mist as it dissipates and seeps into the ground, a soft whisper filling the area.

You smile at DarkClaw.

Aoide curtseys gracefully to DarkClaw.

Smudge says (in common), 'This is a worthy crowd'.
Smudge says (in common), 'I shall begin'.

DarkClaw smiles happily.

Cordir releases the zombie and glances sharply at Smudge with a slight frown.

Smudge says (in common), 'I'd like to welcome everyone to my performance tonight. Thank you for coming!'.

The zombie groans loudly.
The zombie drools on himself.

Cordir seats herself at a stone bench, listening.

Aoide says (in common), 'Smudge, couldn't you have ditched the zombie?'.
Aoide says (in common), 'he's gross'.

Smudge says (in common), 'Oh don't mind him. I got confused earlier after memorizing a score and cast the wrong spell.'.

Cordir lifts one hand, ready to immolate the room.

Smudge says (in common), 'He has been following me around, but appears to be completely torpid'.
Smudge says (in common), 'Anyway, I hope you're all excited because tonight I have a real treat for you...'.
Smudge clears his throat.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'Old McDonald had a farm'.
Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'E-I-E-I-O'.

Aoide snickers softly.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'And on that farm he had a _____'.
Smudge looks around at the audience with an excited look on his face awaiting a response.

You say, '.. spider.'.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'E-I-E-I-O'.

Aoide says (in common), 'big white truck!'.

The guardian spider arrives from a puff of smoke.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'With a spin spin here and a snip snip there'.

Eathor bows before the guardian spider.
The guardian spider grovels before Eathor.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'Here a snip, there a spin, everywhere a snipspin'.

DarkClaw chuckles at Smudge's joke.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'Old McDonald had a farm'.
Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'E-I-E-I-O'.

The zombie groans loudly.
The zombie twitches nervously.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'Old McDonald had a farm'.
Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'E-I-E-I-O'.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'And on that farm he had a _____'.

The guardian spider stands up.

Eathor says (in common), 'zombie'.

DarkClaw says, 'Tiger'.

Smudge looks around at the audience with an excited look on his face awaiting a response.

DarkClaw laughs at Eathor mercilessly.

A tiger shark arrives from a puff of smoke.

Eathor grins evilly at DarkClaw.

You frown.

Smudge says (in common), 'TIGER!... shark.'.

Eathor snaps his fingers.

The zombie groans loudly.
The zombie's head raises slightly and one of his arms twitches.

Cordir covers her mouth with her hand, to conceal a snicker.

Smudge is so caught up in his song that he fails to notice.
Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'E-I-E-I-O'.
Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'With a RAWR here and a gurgle there'.

DarkClaw laughs.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'Here a RAWR, there a gurgle, everywhere a RAWRgurgle'.

The tiger shark attempts a RAWR!

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'Old McDonald had a farm'.
Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'E-I-E-I-O'.

The zombie's eyes roll forward and a cognizant glint flickers in them.

Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'Old McDonald had a farm'.
Smudge sings (slightly off tune), 'E-I-E-I-O'.

The zombie's eyes focus directly on Smudge as he twitches slightly.

Smudge pauses momentarily with a disoriented look on his face.
Smudge shakes his face and attempts to continue his song.

Smudge mumbles (surprisingly in tune), 'And on that farm'.

DarkClaw says, 'Uh oh'.

The zombie twitches nervously.

Smudge's eyes glaze over as he slumps forward.
Smudge drools on himself.

The zombie coughs.
The zombie says, 'ENOUGH.'.
The zombie straightens his posture and looks around the room momentarily.
The zombie sighs loudly.

DarkClaw chuckles at the zombie's joke.

The zombie gestures to Smudge.

You say, 'By the Pattern..'.

l zombie
A decaying, rotting corpse has been animated here for some unknown,
evil purpose.
The zombie is in perfect health.

The zombie says, 'WHAT A WASTE.'.

l smudge

You see nothing special about him.
Smudge is in perfect health.
Smudge is using:
<used as light>     (Weak magic) (Glowing) some phosphorus lichen
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) the dark pewter ring
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) (Humming) the bright citrine ring
<worn around neck>  (Potent magic) a Minor Amulet of True Seeing
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) the hazy fire opal amulet
<worn on body>      (Moderate magic) clouded leopard skin
<worn on head>      (Moderate magic) a studded leather cap
<worn on legs>      (Moderate magic) the Pact to the Triat
<worn on feet>      (Moderate magic) a cloven horseshoe
<worn on hands>     (Moderate magic) a pair of spiked knuckles
<worn on arms>      (Invis) (Moderate magic) (Glowing) Midnight Black Bracers
<worn as shield>    (Moderate magic) a druidwood buckler
<worn about body>   (Moderate magic) the assassin's cape
<worn about waist>  (Moderate magic) a quilted cloth sash
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the glazed copper bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a leather wrist guard
<wielded>           (Powerful magic) (Heathen) (Humming) a jeweled onyx dagger
<worn with pride>   the Ebon Sigil Odegra
<worn with pride>   the Ebon Sigil Odegra

DarkClaw looks at Smudge.

The zombie says, 'I am sorry it took me so long. Allow me to introduce myself'.
The zombie says, 'I am Dogubey, the greatest bard you have never heard of.'.
The zombie says, 'Unfortunately my life was ended prematurely, but through a twist of fate I have made my way back to spread my work across the realm.'.
The zombie looks around the room.

The zombie says, 'Now where were we? Old McDonald? Sure, I guess, but HIS version will simply not suffice.'.

You say, 'Fate does tend to be twisted that way.'.

The zombie coughs.

The zombie sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm.'

The guardian spider leaves west.

The zombie sings, 'E-I-E-I-O'.
The zombie sings, 'And on that farm he had a dyslexic cow'
The zombie sings, 'E-I-E-I-O'.
The zombie sings, 'With an oom-oom here, and an oom-oom there'.

DarkClaw raises an eyebrow at the zombie.

The zombie sings, 'Here an oom, there an oom, everywhere an oom-oom'.
The zombie sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm.'.
The zombie sings, 'E-I-E-I-O'.

The zombie sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm.'.
The zombie sings, 'E-I-E-I-O'.
The zombie sings, 'And on that farm he had a nymphomaniac pig'
The zombie sings, 'E-I-E-I-O'.

You say, 'I beg your pardon...?'.

The zombie sings, 'With a boink boink here, and a boink boink there'.

Eathor snickers softly.

Cordir raises her hand, ready to immolate the room again.

DarkClaw laughs.

The zombie sings, 'Here a boink, there a boink, everywhere a boink boink'.
The zombie sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm.'.
The zombie sings, 'E-I-E-I-O'.

The zombie chuckles to himself slightly and takes a bow.
The zombie says, 'Thank You!'.

Smudge groans loudly.
Smudge drools on himself.

Aoide claps hesitantly.

Cordir begins to realize why it is she has never heard of Dogubey.

The zombie smiles happily.

Aoide says (in common), ''.

DarkClaw grins evilly.

The zombie growls at you. Hey, two can play it that way!

You say, 'I'm afraid that I cannot grant Bard Council to the zombie.'.

The zombie says, 'I will show you otherwise'.

Cordir waits.

The zombie says, 'That is fine, however we tend to be tied together'.

The zombie pokes Smudge in the ribs.
The zombie smiles happily.

###Smudge has earned Bards' Council approval for level 5.

DarkClaw says, 'Grats, Smudge!'.

The zombie pokes Smudge in the ribs.

DarkClaw claps at Smudge's performance.

The zombie says, 'Smudge, you may level now'.
The zombie says, 'Eat first.'.

Aoide says (in common), 'Yes..congratulations? And..Dogubey too, I suppose.'.

Smudge drools on himself.
Smudge gets a steaming bowl of savory crawfish etouffee from bag made from cityguard hide.

DarkClaw nudges Smudge with a booted foot.

Smudge gets a steaming bowl of savory crawfish etouffee from bag made from cityguard hide.
Smudge eats a steaming bowl of savory crawfish etouffee.
Smudge eats a steaming bowl of savory crawfish etouffee.
Smudge drinks water from a watering can.

###Smudge has advanced to level 5.

DarkClaw enthusiastically cheers Smudge to victory.

The zombie tells you, 'Thank you, on his behalf :)'.

###Smudge has advanced to level 6.
###Smudge has advanced to level 7.

You say, 'nicely done, Smudge.'.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
A tiger shark slowly fades out of existence.

Smudge drools on himself.

The zombie says, 'Thank you'.

DarkClaw says, 'Okay, bedtime for this old vamp.'.
DarkClaw says, 'Goodnight, everyone.'.

You say, 'good night, Star'.

DarkClaw grins and bares her fangs. Tendrils of fog rise from the ground, twisting their way up and around her form to shroud it from view.

Eathor disappears into the void.

Aoide says (in common), 'Night, DC'.
Aoide says (in common), 'bedtime for me too'.
Aoide says (in common), 'Congratulations, Smudge'.
Aoide says (in common), '..I think'.

Aoide eyes the zombie warily.

The zombie bows before Aoide.

Aoide leaves west.

Eathor sighs loudly.
Eathor nods in recognition to Smudge.
Eathor bows deeply.
Eathor waves happily.

You wave.
Eathor leaves west.

Smudge disappears into the void.

The zombie leaves west.

Smudge has returned from the void.
Smudge sits down and thinks deeply.

Cordir points west.

Smudge leaves west.

Smudge arrives from the west.
The zombie arrives from the west.

You say, 'he went that away'.

The zombie spanks Smudge playfully.

Smudge looks at the zombie.
Smudge looks at the zombie.
Smudge looks at the zombie.

Gheorghe arrives from the west.
Gheorghe rests.

Gheorghe enthusiastically cheers Smudge to victory.

You say, 'Hello, Bard.'.

Gheorghe says (in common), 'hello'.

Smudge beams a smile at Gheorghe.

You say, 'Are you here to perform for me?'.

Gheorghe says (in common), 'congrats on your levels Smudge'.

The zombie says, 'Thank you'.
The zombie says, 'I've got to be going now'.

Gheorghe says (in common), 'Sadly, I have nothing prepared at this time'.

The zombie bows deeply.

You nod in recognition to him.

Smudge drools on himself.
Smudge groans loudly.

You say, 'very well'.

The zombie waves happily.

Smudge leaves west.
The zombie leaves west.

Gheorghe says (in common), 'I was coming to say hello and congratulate the small one'.
Gheorghe stands up.

You say, 'good bye...'.

Gheorghe smiles happily.
Gheorghe waves happily.
Gheorghe bows before you.
Gheorghe leaves west.