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(Bardic Performance - 01/25/2009)
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01/25/2009: Bardic Performances by Chylder and Stafir. Log created by Chylder.

Ceremonial Room
[Exits: east]
Catamount is resting here.
(Light Green Aura) Dodge is resting here.
(Light Green Aura) Kykmi is here.
(Intense Light Cyan Aura) Cordir is here.
(Dark Red Aura) Kaira is resting here.

You tell Stafir (in common), 'I will perform it for everyone here so that you may hear it, after you're done of course.'.

Stafir tells you, 'that would be great! Do you want to announce it yourself?'.

You tell Stafir (in common), 'Sure'.

You say (in common), 'After Stafir goes, I would like to sing my favorite of mine for everyone.'.

Kaira smiles happily.

You say (in common), 'If there are no objections.'.

Stafir gossips (in common), '1 minute until the performance starts, in the Ceremonial Room. Be there, or be somewhere else.'.

14 players.

Gno [ Cl:25 Tg:16 Wa:25 ] Take, Mirthy Gnomey Acolyte Homey of Choice!
Hel [       Ma: 2       ] Astrid the Half-Elf Maiden
Elf [ Ra:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Orpik, Crimson Overlord of the Black Conclave.
Hum [       Wa:13       ] Catamount the Boy
Hum [ Bard:  18  14   8 ] Chylder, the Hawk's little songbird.
Hum [    Triat Weaver   ] Cordir, Lady of Fate.    *Abe*    10k Club.
Hum [ Bard:  15   8   3 ] Stafir, the incompetent -=Nexus=-
Hum [ Ra:11 Sh:21 Th:10 ] Kaira, Guard of the Black Conclave
Gno [    Cl:24 Wa:15    ] Kykmi, Angel's Choice Apprentice to Sacristy
Elf [ Th:12 Ra:30 Ma:30 ] Kaagor lets chaos make his Choice
Hlf [    Wa:27 Cl:30    ] Aslan Tsarran - Wyrm's Chosen Handmaiden
Ogr [    Tg: 1 Wa:12    ] Dodge: The Warrior    -+Nexus+-
Elf [ Or:22 Ra:30 Ma:30 ] Taint Ironheart, Royal Knight of Supreme Darkness
Dwa [      Demigod      ] Wylin can dig it!   _-Enforcers-_   *BEER*   -shout

Stafir bows suavely.
Stafir says (in common), 'Good evening, good evening. Anyone from out of town?'.
Stafir says (in common), 'Just kidding! But seriously, any Ogres here?'.

You giggle.

Kaira giggles.

Cordir sits down and thinks deeply.

Stafir says (in common), 'Ah, good. Did you hear about the Ogre Warriors who went hunting?'.

Stafir says (in common), 'OK, so these two Ogre Warriors are out hunting, and they run into this huge elk, which manages to seriously gore one of them, before the other clubs it to death'.

Kaira shakes her head.

Kykmi arrives from the east.
Kykmi beams a smile at Stafir.

Stafir says (in common), 'The fortunate Ogre sets up a mindlink to his hometown Shaman, and says "Kulp here, Shaman there?"'.

Stafir says (in common), ' "Yes, Kulp, Shaman here"'.

Stafir says (in common), '"Kulp need help, Kulp's friend got killed by big animal. What Kulp needs to do?"'.

Stafir says (in common), '"Well, first thing, you need make sure friend is really dead?"'.

Stafir says (in common), 'At which point the Shaman senses a thud, and a grunt'.

Stafir says (in common), '"Kulp is sure he dead now, now what?"'.

Stafir says (in common), 'but seriously folks, thank you for joining me tonight. Unfortunately, due to a lack of time I do not have an original performance for you, but nonetheless'.

You giggle in his presence.

Stafir says (in common), 'enjoy it, it is a wonderful song, written by a great Bard, and it goes a little something like this:'.

Kykmi grins mischievously at Stafir.

Stafir runs his hands through his hair, making it stick up in amazing angles.

Stafir pulls an orange pair of overalls out of his egg casing, and wears it over his clothes.

Stafir takes a deep breath and concentrates.

Stafir draws a rectangle in the air, which slowly materializes into something closely resembling a piano, but only the section with the keys shows.

Stafir starts playing the odd instrument, and an unnatural, yet pleasant sound emerges, almost as if it were synthesized from many other sounds.

Stafir sings, o/~ I love you whether or not you love me ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ I love you even if you think that I don't ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Sometimes I find you doubt my love for you, but I don't mind ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Why should I mind, Why should I mind ~\o.

Wylin steps out of nowhere with two full beer mugs in his hands.

Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.

Stafir sings, o/~ Can anybody love anyone so much that they will never fear ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Never worry never be sad ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ The answer is they cannot love this much nobody can ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ This is why I don't mind you doubting ~\o.

Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.

Stafir sings, o/~ And maybe love is letting people be just what they want to be ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ The door always must be left unlocked ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ To love when circumstance may lead someone away from you ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ And not to spend the time just doubting ~\o.

Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ What is Love anyway? ~\o.
Stafir sings, o/~ Does anybody love anybody anyway? ~\o.

Stafir bows suavely.

Kaira shows her approval by clapping her hands together.
Kykmi claps at Stafir's performance.

Stafir says (in common), 'Thank you'.

Kaira showers Stafir with confetti!

Cordir shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Kaira showers Stafir with confetti!

You clap at his performance.

Catamount gives a round of applause.

You say (in common), 'Wonderful!'.

Your effective level is 24

Wylin draws a cold, frosty beer for Stafir.

You smile happily.

Dodge disappears into the void.

Wylin drinks the last drop from his mugs, looks puzzled, and disappears instantly.

You say (in common), 'Is it my turn now?'.

Kaira nods.
Kaira shows her approval by clapping her hands together.
Kaira shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

You chuckle.

Chylder steps to the front of the room and turns around, facing the audience.

Stafir smiles happily.
Stafir nods.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'This is the first song I ever wrote, entitled Ogre Idol.'.
You say (in common), 'If some of you have heard it before, I apologize.'.

Chylder shifts in her stance, bringing a flute to her lips.
Chylder begins to play a quick, lively intro on the instrument.
Chylder sings, I've followed him for ages, trying to learn his tricks.
Chylder sings, Watching him chant and drum is where I get my kicks!
Chylder does a quick, spinning dance.

Cordir grins quietly.

Chylder sings, He's the best ogre around. He likes his ol' elf stew.
Chylder sings, But I think he's kinda partial to the elf he never slew.
Chylder dances again, grinning broadly.

Chylder sings, He wields it as a weapon, slinging it to and fro.
Chylder sings, But when it's time to sing, that little elf must go!
Chylder dances and plays, the flute covering a wide range of notes, the tempo quickening, then slowing again.

Chylder sings, From The Elfy Song to Ogre ballads, he's one we'll never top.
Chylder sings, I thrive on his performances and hope they never stop.
Chylder sings, He's won so many hearts, unusual for his kind.
Chylder sings, His manager is really lucky to have made such a find!
Chylder whirls, the flute's melody becoming more bold and energetic.

Cordir polishes her nails on her gown.

Chylder sings, So here's to my favorite Ogre! May his bardities never cease.
Chylder sings, And maybe some day soon we can, together, write a piece!

Kaira laughs.
Kaira grins evilly at Cordir.

Chylder dances around the room, playing a bouncy finish on the instrument.
Chylder stops playing and curtseys to the room.

You grin happily at Cordir.
Cordir smiles at you.

Stafir does the Ogrific Boogie.

Kaira shows her approval by clapping her hands together.
Kaira shows her approval by clapping her hands together.
Kaira shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

You giggle in Stafir’s presence.

Cordir says, 'Thank you, Chylder, I'd not heard that before'.

Stafir is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

Cordir says, 'I enjoyed it.'.

You say (in common), 'You hadn't???'.

Kykmi claps at your performance.

You grin happily.

Kaira showers you with confetti!
Kaira showers you with confetti!
Kaira showers you with confetti!
Kaira showers you with confetti!

Kaira hops around. Perhaps she's part frog?

You say (in common), 'Thank you, everyone. And thank you, Stafir, for letting me join in.'.
You smile at Stafir.

Stafir bows suavely.
Stafir says (in common), 'any time'.