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Revision as of 17:03, 24 April 2011

*                                                                            *
                         The TFC Explorer's Society

Entry into the select band of mortals who make up the society's membership
is achieved in three ways. First, when a new area is installed on the MUD,
the first player to find the area and a given item within it wins the
quest and automatic entry into the ranks of the society. The second method
relates to deeds done. If a player has shown themselves as exceptional in
word, deed, or action in their handling of the challenges faced on the
MUD, they may be admitted to the society in a special ceremony. The third
method is to discover a hidden game feature in a special quest to find
that feature. Members of the society are recognized by the medal they are
expected to wear at ALL times. 

                              The Membership

Galvin               Ramza               Quartus                   Modrid
Coount               Siobhan             Lancelot                  Zentar
Trencher             Syrinx              Hedonist                  Gygnor
Ozymandius           Ryu                 MissFit                   Rishana
Nina                 Jaator              Eriq                      Kaern
Daelin               Jonah               Darker                    Kahlan
Beelzebub            Dalaran             Furnock                   Noctus
Kaltar               Tylorn              Zakarious   (Graveyard & Tinkers)
Drystan              Oook                Dyr                       Ink
Garvax               Orpik               Faile                     Luckyboy
Arella               Ylang               Linkin

*                                                                            *

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