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Latest revision as of 16:59, 24 April 2011

*                                                                            *
                              The Great Quest

 Tynian looked down at the mortal plane one day and thought, "I shall create 
 a Quest". Not just any quest, but a one never seen before in all the world. 
 Concocting a fiendish challenge with the help of Madman and IvoryTiger, he 
 challenged the mortals to take up his quest for a great prize. 6 mortals 
 embarked on the test of time, all 10 hours of it, and giving it their all 
 they went from one end of the world to the other through every trick and 
 tactic they had ever devised in their lives, seeking to defeat Tynian and 
 claim the quest prize. They came up slightly short, but their tenacity and 
 selflessness in taking up the challenge was recognized, and Tynian bestowed 
 gifts upon the questers...if you happen to spy one of these mortals - Jerald, 
 Syrinx, WlAg, Nalya, Anwar, and Cerebus - carrying around the Sceptre of MUD 
 Knowledge, ask them the story of "The Great Quest"...then sit back as you are
 in for QUITE a tale...

*                                                                            *

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