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Latest revision as of 16:56, 24 April 2011

*                                                                            *
             Maurice (The Scrambler, The Lost One, Shadowfiend)

  One time travelling companion of Tynian the Life Giver, Maurice started 
  as a paladin fighting for the cause of good.  Not many care to speculate 
  what went wrong.  Some say he visited a strange dimension known as The 
  70's where he ran into an immortal by the name of Timothy Leary. Whatever 
  happened, his former glory as a champion of good now haunts him.  He often 
  roams the planes of this dimension plucking hapless adventurers who are 
  recalling, and casting them back to the prime material plane, not always 
  into friendly areas.  None know why he serves opposite of Tynian in this 
  dimension, but rumors have it that he is creating new lands where he might 
  regain his paladinhood, or perhaps just designed to torture adventurers 
  so he can feed on their pain.

*                                                                            *

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