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Corri's Triat Mastery Quest

The Precursor

Participants: Corri, Szordryn, Mistyfier.

Log is on: 1-15-2009-10-59-pm.txt

The Lower Hall
[Exits: east south west]
This hallway must have been built by giants! It is huge! Then
again, there are more than a few giants that belong to The Guild, so
it may just be so. There are doors to your left, and right leading to
other places in the guild designed to serve the needs of all
(Dark Blue Aura) Mistyfier is here.
Corri is here.
(White Aura) Rebecca the Bold wants to make the world a better place.

Szordryn laughs at Mistyfier mercilessly.

Corri grins wickedly.

Mistyfier nods at himself; he must be getting senile.

An unusual aura flows around Corri.

Corri says (in common), 'mute!'.

Mistyfier says (in common), 'nice!'.

Corri says (in common), 'lots of words'.

Corri wirnkles her nose at the scroll, peering around her curiously.

Corri gives the hard scroll to Mistyfier.

Mistyfier says (in common), 'you didn't mark it!'.
Mistyfier says (in common), 'what level?'.

Corri blushes.
Corri says (in common), '25'.

Shadows flow into the room from every corner.

Mistyfier says (in common), 'o man'.

Mistyfier gives a pair of banded mail sleeves to Corri.

Szordryn snickers softly.

Mistyfier puts the hard scroll in a ball of mastodon dung.

Rebecca shivers, looking not so bold after all.

#### [Mistyfier tells Corri (in common), 'you seem to have something happening to you :P']

Szordryn nods in recognition to Rebecca the Bold.
Rebecca the Bold looks around, startled.

Szordryn makes Rebecca the bold say '..'.

Mistyfier says (in common), '.'.

Corri blinks.

Szordryn says (in common), '....'.

Szordryn nudges Corri impatiently.

Corri says (in common), '..m?'.

#### [Corri tells Szordryn (in common), 'you nudged ! grins']

>Corri reads note 22
[ 22] Cordir: Mastery
Thu Jan 15 20:12:46 2009
To: all
In the most ancient of days, when the world was young,
One named Thaygar, a flame-handed Giant, won Immortal
rank. To him was granted the Glory of knowledge of an
ancient truth: the Triat. 
Within the Lore of the Triat, there exist challenges,
designed to test the Initiate upon the anvil of life,
blood and spirit:  These ritae are known as Trials of 
Triat Mastery. Few have dared to undergo such torment
as the Trials bring - their names are legend.
One has stepped forward who seeks to forge themselves
anew. The Triat has heard. The Triat will answer. 
Initiate, prepare yourself, for the Trial comes soon.

Szordryn nudges Corri impatiently.

Mistyfier is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

The shadows seem to coalesce around Corri.

Mistyfier blinks.

The shadows seem somehow, horribly, disturbingly.. alive.

Mistyfier says (in common), 'I think we'll wait :)'.

Corri runs her hand across a shadow, curiously.

The shadow is cold to the touch: deathly cold.

Corri yanks her hand back with a *yawrl*, and frowns.

The Shadows whisper, 'The Triat has heard.' 
The Shadows whisper, 'The Triat will answer.'
The Shadows whisper, 'Prepare, Initiate.'

Mistyfier grins happily at Corri.

Szordryn sits down and thinks deeply.

Corri o's, with a startled long blink.
Corri's smile gradually curls upward.
Corri says (in common), 'Oo, questing.'.

Corri shifts slightly from foot to foot then.
Corri draws a funny looking rune in the air.

  8 players.
Gno [    Th:30 Sh:30    ] Lily, guardian Seer of the harbour.
Hum [ Ra:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Corri the poky little puppy
Gno [ Sh:22 Wa:22 Th:22 ] Chueco, Twisted Angakok of the Nashite Magi
Hel [       Ma:14       ] Chalen litters the landscape with corpses - his.
Elf [      Demigod      ] Boromir is the Master of the Nexus
Hum [    Wa:30 Cl:30    ] Mistyfier wanders with purpose thinking of FoLK of past
Hel [ Ra:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Szordryn, Warden of the Black Conclave
Elf [       Ma:11       ] Alas: found a path   Nexus

Corri tells Szordryn (in common), '... when i was fates harbinger, the sign of hte end - .. i reached level 50. Before its end.'.
Corri tells Szordryn (in common), 'thus qualified me for a triat mastery quest'.
Corri tells Szordryn (in common), '...cirth said he was proud *grins quietly*'.

Szordryn tells Corri (in common), 'triat mastery quest eh'.
Szordryn tells Corri (in common), 'what do u get for it?'.

Corri tells Szordryn (in common), 'entertainment, unknown reward.'.
Corri tells Szordryn (in common), 'or if you ask corri isntead of her player...'.

The Shadows whisper, 'There is no prize, save the journey itself.'

Szordryn snickers softly.

Corri tells Szordryn (in common), '*tilts her head curiously* ... I hadn't really thought about it'.

Szordryn giggles.
Szordryn says (in common), 'my reward is sleep'.

The Shadows swirl, and the image of a battle-scarred man appears.
He puts his hands to his hips, and regards Corri.

Corri sizes up the apparition.

The Stormreaver speaks, saying, "I have but one piece of advice. Prepare."
The shadows swirl up once more, and the vision of this individual is swept away.

Corri chews absently at her lip, distracted.

The Shadows swirl up a third and last time, forming the shape of a spider.

The spider says (in old-common), 'Let the time and place of the ritae be named by the Initiate. Send word. The Three will come.'

The shadows rush outward, and disappear once more.

(End scene.) 

The Offering

12:00-ish PM System Time, 01/24/09

Note: This is a multi-perspective log, which has been woven together to try and sum up the experience of as many who were present, as possible. It contains tells and ftells provided by several individuals.

In The Loom of the Weaver
[Exits: up]
You are surrounded on all sides by the massive beams of the loom which..
well... somehow seem much bigger from the inside than it appeared on the
outside. The air is dead calm, with no movement whatsoever, yet you can
hear the sound of a wind rustling against the threads above you. A sense
of peace flows over you like a soft blanket of warmth, instilling you
with a sense of safety and well-being.
A delicious magic mushroom is here.
( 2) (Artifact magic) A ball made of bright yellow light is here.
(Intense Light Red Aura) [[Isolas]] is here.
[[Corri]] is here.
[[Ptarchyzk]] is here.
(Light Red Aura) [[Rincewind]] is resting here.
(Light Purple Aura) [[Rubi]] is resting here.
(Light Purple Aura) [[Ylang]] is resting here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) [[Rhyki]] is resting here.
(Light Purple Aura) [[Teva]] is resting here.
(Light Purple Aura) [[Anavrin]] is resting here.
(Hide) [[Abel]] is resting here.
[[Cirth]] is here.
[[Nyx]] is here.
[[Kestra]] is resting here.
(Intense Light Purple Aura) [[DarkClaw]] is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) [[Gertrude]] is resting here.
(Intense Dark Cyan Aura) [[Boromir]] is here.

#### [Nyx tells Ptarchyzk (in common), 'Jah says "Hi" :) I suppose I do, too']

Isolas utters the words, 'summon'.
Orgrim arrives suddenly.

''Teva ftells, 'damn its spammy'.''
''Rubi ftells, 'i know'.''
''DarkClaw ftells, '*grin* Used to do this a LOT.'.
Ylang looks at Cordir.

Cirth tells Corri (in common), '*smiles warmly* I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress before'.

Boromir says, 'All present must eat and drink until full and then disable all food and drink triggers'.
Boromir says, 'Also please disable all auto-triggered spells like detect, shield etc'.
Boromir says, 'All taking part in the ceremony will be visible to those present'.

Corri grins mischievously to Abel's scowl.

> Look Corri:
At first glance, you are struck by the impression of youth. Energetic blue eyes
shine outward, reckless and engaging. Fine wisps of copper curls frame delicate
cheekbones, and she pushes the hair tolerantly out of the way. The rest of her 
hair is haphazardly braided into two loose cords, the rough and brushy ends just 
tickling her shoulders as the curls escape their plaiting at every turn. A dark 
ribbon lays across her neck, creating a sharp border between chin and clavicle.
Behind her neck, the velvet of the ribbon is smeared by five pale lines of dust.
She pushes yet another escaping curl back behind her ear, sleeve tugging back at
the motion to show a few tattooed ash leaves sneaking into view at her wrist. As
you find further opportunity to study her, you realize there is an aged and well
weathered tree etched across her entire back. Branches are drawn along each arm, 
a scattering of leaves flowing wistfully across her forearms. What you are able
to see of her ankles shows the ends of the roots, carefully snaked from her hips
and tumbled around her calves down to the soles of her feet. Carried proud upon
her back, a majestic Ash looms inked in black, earthy brown, and shades of muted 
green.the roots, her hair has begun to grow out a pale white.
Corri won't win any beauty contests.
Corri is in perfect health.

Corri is using:
<worn on body> an elegant green dress
<worn about body> a white fur cloak
<worn about waist> (Moderate magic) (Woven) a nine-stranded embroidered belt

Corri tells Orgrim (in common), 'glad you could come!'.
Orgrim bows before Corri.
Orgrim tells you (in halfling), 'happy to attend'.

Rhyki utters the words, 'immunity'.

''Corri tells Isolas (in common), '****hug****'.''
''Isolas tells you, '*hug*'.''

''Ylang ftells, 'glad I logged on :)'.''
''DarkClaw ftells, '*nodnod* Me too!'.''

''Boromir tells Cordir, 'shall I?'.''

Rubi looks at Cordir.
Rubi looks at Corri.

''Corri tells Szordryn (in common), 'ok, last chance if you want ot make it.'.
''Szordryn tells Corri (in common), 'fightin [Edited: An Anathema]'.''
'''Szordryn tells Corri (in common), 'er was, anyways :)'.''

Cordir nods in recognition to Boromir.

DarkClaw says, 'Is Montyhaul not coming?'.

Boromir says, 'We gather today to hear the words of the Triat, as they challenge one among us.’

Rincewind looks at Corri.

Boromir says, 'In respect of the importance and sacredness of this rite, we ask certain courtesies of those here.’
Boromir says, 'Please refrain from eating or drinking, or use of spells during this time.’
Boromir says, ''(Translation: Please disable your triggers until you leave here today!)''.

Rincewind says (in common), 'You look ravishing Corri.’

Corri looks at Rincewind.

Cordir gazes at each of those assembled and nods.

She lifts her hands upwards.

With a thundering roar that shakes your bones, the Pattern becomes visible to you.

Your mind reels at the alien majesty of it: all lives, all places, all things - interwoven, one.

Her face twists in grief for a moment, one hand reaching out...

Acknowledging all the Threads of those no longer within the Realm, severed forever.

DarkClaw misses these types of gatherings.

She bows Her head a moment in silence, remembering.

Cordir nods slightly, Her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Softly, She whispers, 'We are here, not for the past, but for the future.'

The Lady gathers her composure.

Ylang nods.

Cordir says, ‘There is one who has petitioned for Mastery. There are requirements and traditions, however, to be upheld.’

Cordir turns to Boromir.
Cordir says, ‘You, who were once my Councilor and Taoiseach... speak of the Initiate.’

Boromir steps forward to the right side of Cordir looking unusually serious .. even solemn.

Boromir says, 'Lady Cordir, Corri has met all the requirements of .. and therefore is qualified to quest for a Triat Mastery..’

Boromir continues 'She has demonstrated all the attributes needed of one seeking Triat Mastery.’

Boromir states 'Knowledge'.
Boromir states 'Kindness' .
Boromir states 'Strength'.
Boromir states 'Balance'.

Boromir bows deeply.
Boromir steps back.

The Lady nods in acknowledgement to Boromir, then bows Her head.

Softly, She whispers, 'The Triat is. Was. Will ever be.'

Cordir continues quietly, 'Its Path is one of Perseverance, of Chaos, of Learning.'

Cordir says, ‘Within the Triat Faith, are challenges known as the Trials of Triat Mastery. This does not mean that upon completion, one has 'mastered' the Triat - rather, it is a journey of self-discovery, and self-mastery. The Trials can serve as an anvil and forge: removing impurities within, and providing a firm foundation upon which to become something more.’

Corri glances back to Boromir as he steps back, a smile to her expression as copper tipped curls bounce around her face.

Boromir smiles at Cordir.

Cordir says, ‘There are many reasons that individuals make the decision to undertake a Trial of Triat Mastery. A need to challenge the self. A wish to face the unknown. A need to prove themselves worthy of specific roles or responsibilities, such as Ordainment.’

Cordir pauses a brief moment, and a very, very evil smile flashes over her lips.
Cordir says, ‘and in the words of Thaygar... An inner desire for pain and anguish. '.
Cordir grins evilly.

Cordir says, ‘Each individual finds themselves at this cusp for their own unique reasons. But know this: This is sacred. What is sacred, must be pure - pure in flesh, pure in mind, and pure in spirit.’

Ylang giggles.

Cirth ponders Thaygars widsom.

''Teva ftells, 'this would suck if you was lagging'.''
''Teva ftells, 'your screen would never stop moving lol'.''

The Hermit steps forward.
He scowls at all who are present save one.
Shuffling over to the Initiate, he looks at her, silently.
The Hermit gets a bundle of sage from a ball of mastodon dung.
The Hermit utters the word, 'fire.'
The sage begins to smolder.
... The stench seems... unusually bad. 
Your eyes begin to water uncontrollably, and you fight the urge to cough.
The Hermit passes the sage over the Initiate, smudging her.
He pauses, them waves it at the insect clinging to one lock of her hair.
He nods.. then glares about the room again, for good measure. 
His image wavers, then seemingly fades into the sage smoke, disappearing.

DarkClaw feels the negativity dissipate.

''Rubi ftells, 'i normally hate RP.. but this is kinda neat'.''
''DarkClaw ftells, '*nodnod*'.''

Cordir says, ‘Throughout the Ages, few have been willing to look that deeply within: Perhaps they feared what they would find in their own heart and soul. Among those who have had the courage are names of legend. In the first Age, five mortals were successful. 
Typhon - Ebon Triat Master of the Fifth Circle, and his fellow Ebon: Ivarr the Disenchanted, Pestis - Mistress of Pestilence, Cordir the Ebon Bard, and the fourth, whose name is lost to us.’

Cordir says, ‘In the Third Age, Mastery was once again sought:'.

The Lady smiles at One who stands silently nearby, shrouded in darkness.

Cordir says, ‘Nyx, Faileas Dhan - the Weaver's Shadow. First Chosen, Ordained, Taoiseach.’

She gestures, and you see the image of a battle-hardened gnome with a ready smile.

Cordir says, ‘Noctus - the Nachtwatch. Beloved of Tranquility. Ordained. Taoiseach.’

The image of a proud elf appears, garbed in gold and scarlet, his weapon bloody.

Cordir says, ‘Kaldred Kandrelle - beloved of Aslan. Ordained. Taoiseach. '.

Ebon flames wreathe the image of a tiny gnome wielding terrible forces of nature.

Cordir says, ‘Katrana the Grand Shamaness - Ascended Incarnation of the Wyld. Beloved of Solaron.’

Cordir says, ‘Eight have been successful. Of those few who have made the attempt... '.

Her voice softens and says, 'Several have failed: Huey. Adso. Gregar. Tranquility. Solaron. DarkClaw.'

The Lady's demeanor becomes stern.

Cordir says, ‘There is no shame in failure. Only in not taking up the quest with a true heart. Corri, do you take up these tasks with a open heart? Ready to learn what lessons the Triat may reveal to you?’

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Corri says (in common), 'I stand ready, the will mine.’

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, ‘Very well, then.’

Cordir looks at Corri.
Cordir nods slowly.

Cordir says, ‘There is one who wished to speak to you today, Corri, but was unable to attend. They asked that their spirit be allowed to speak in their stead.’

A pillar of blue fog rises into being. 
An image of the Wyrm's Ordained emerges from its depths.
He speaks: 'Love and duty call me forth. I would speak of the ways of my Lady.'
He continues: 'Clue, Incarna of the Wyrm. I have followed other Paths since She faded..'
He pauses for a moment, the loss plainly written on his face.
He continues: 'But it was She who showed me the way.'
The Wyrm's Ordained says, 'The Triat Path...well, it's confusing for us who walk it, much less anyone else...'
He smiles, then continues: 'But.. the essence is this: The Wyrm teaches us to grow. To take chances.'
He adds, almost as an aside, 'You'd be amazed what you can learn when you're wandering around lost.'
His image wavers, and he looks distressed. The image fades, leaving only his voice.
'I'm sorry. I can't continue... Others can tell you more.'

Cordir glances at Boromir.

Boromir says, 'The Wyrm is ... The relentless pursuit of learning and self-improvement. Personal growth and achievement is the path of the Wyrm. Like the World-Serpent that devours its own tail, they actively seek Knowledge by finding New Places, enjoying New Experiences, and meeting new People.’

Cordir smiles.
Cordir says, ‘Thank you.’

Boromir bows deeply.

Cordir says, ‘Some have said that the Tasks of the Wyrm are the simplest aspects of the Trial.’
Cordir smiles slightly evilly.

Cordir says, ‘I would not have it said that anything of your Trial was .. simple. Exploration is a key element of the Wyrm, and thus, you will explore - to a level of detail that you have not undertaken thus far. Your tasks are three.’

Cordir says, ‘The first: Dreams are the stuff of mortal kind. You are bid explore your Dreams.’
The room about you grows hazy, indistinct.  

Cordir says, ‘Travel to the Dream Realm, and make record of its pathways and its denizens.’

Cordir says, ‘The second: Earth is your foundation. You are bid explore its opposite.’

The air grows moist and humid, yet crackling with the scent of lightning.

Cordir says, ‘Travel to the Ocean. Explore its breadth and width and depths. To the extent possible by mortals, make a record of its pathways and its denizens.’

A huge wave explodes into the air!
The Lady smiles wickedly.

Cordir says, ‘The third: Reality is what we make of it. Step outside the world of earth and air.’

You hear the distant laughter of a King and his Princes.

Cordir says, ‘Travel to the Demon Realm. Walk the Strands of Matter and the Dark Void. To the extent possible by mortals, make a record of its pathways and its denizens.'

DarkClaw smiles happily.

Cordir says, ‘Corri, do you understand these tasks as set forth before you?'.

Ylang is overawed.

''Rubi ftells, 'intense..'.''

Corri steps forward, exchanging a glance in turn to Rincewind, Abel and Kestra - before focusing fully once more to Cordir.

Corri says (in common), 'I understand the tasks'.

Cordir says, ‘Corri... do you *accept* these tasks, as granted by the Wyrm?'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Corri inclines her chin, then dips it forward in formal half-bow.
Corri says (in common), 'I accept them.’

Ylang gasps in astonishment.

Rincewind stands up.

Cordir turns to the Rogue.

Rincewind steps forward.

Look Rincewind:
The man before you embodies the word 'imposing.' His body has been shaped by
thousands of battles over the decades, like a sword honed and formed on the 
anvil of evil. His head is cleanly shaven, a complex series of dark patterns
inked upon the bare flesh. The marks travel the span of his neck to disappear 
under the well-worn, combat-scarred armor he wears but glimpses can be seen on 
his hands, the bits and pieces hinting at a more complex whole. Blazoned upon 
his sleeves are the symbols of Lord Nash and Isolas, Phantom of Nashite, his
chosen Deity. His loyalty is unquestioning. 
He does not speak as he notices your stare, but returns it silently. There is a
demonic madness in his eyes, a rage and lust for violence, that is a blunt
gauntlet thrown down to any with the courage to pick it up. His loyalty, once given,
is boundless. His ferocity, undoubted. Any who oppose him, his God's will or 
harm his loved ones, perishes.
Rincewind is in perfect health.

Rincewind is using:
<worn around neck> (Potent magic) a Necklace of Fangs
<worn on body> a tight-fitting black tunic
<worn on head> a sheer black stocking
<worn on legs> some skin-tight black pants
<worn on feet> some soft soled black boots
<worn on hands> some skin-tight black gloves
<worn about body> a white fur cloak
<worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a reinforced leather belt

Rincewind says (in common), 'The challenges of the Wyld will no doubt be of particular difficulty for our initiate, as its ways are unfamiliar to her. The Wyld teaches us change, chaos, death. It bids us to embrace its ways to better understand ourselves and the ever changing world we live in. Only through answering the call of the Wyld can we see and accept the ultimate truths we find '.

Rincewind nods solemnly towards Corri.
Rincewind rests.

Cordir nods in recognition to Rincewind.

Gnorman is gathering info on Corri.

Cordir looks at DarkClaw.

Corri tells Gnorman (in common), 'we are at the loom of the weaver. if you make the zone, maybe a cleric can summon you in - its already half through.'.

DarkClaw says, 'May the Elements not only be your obstacles, but guide you as well, Corri, and help you to grow.’

#### [Ptarchyzk tells Nyx (in common), 'so.. yer a big bald guy with an earring, eh? Mr Clean?']

Cordir pauses a moment, to allow Corri to accept the blessings of the Immortal, and the words of her friend.

Corri moves forward to Rincewind at his solemn expression and formal words. She meets his gaze.

Corri's expression never loses the weight of its seriousness.

Corri ruffles Rincewind's hair playfully.

Rincewind smiles at Corri.

Corri's eyes, however, twinkle. She smiles to Darkclaw with a wink, then returns her attention to Cordir.

Cordir smiles at Corri.
Her aura shifts, taking a more crimson hue.

Cordir nods in acknowledgement to the Rogue.

Cordir says, ‘Wyld's tasks generally involve specific challenges of combat - but the tasks I set before you are not simply scrappy little fights in the Temple Courtyard or Arena. I set three plus three tasks upon you in the Name of the Wyld.’

Cordir says, ‘First: There is a sacredness that you have long held yourself apart from. I bid you seek out three women of power and magic and (un)holiness and obtain a specific object as proof of your conquest.’

Cordir says, ‘specifically: Slay the High Priestess of Jester Night, and retrieve her obsidian dagger. Slay Myrrhine, the Matron of House Velalisier, and retrieve the Amulet of the Chosen. Slay the Lady of the Tower, and retrieve the White Rose. Should you lose the tokens, they must be regained and retained through the end of your Trial.’

Cordir says, ‘in addition..’

Cordir smiles cruelly.

Cordir says, ‘I bid you slay three vampires. One must be of Sanguinna: one of the Brothers, Bezil, or Khan - acknowledging Cirth's roots.’

DarkClaw frowns.

Cirth raises an eyebrow.

Cordir says, ‘One must be a Guardian Vampire - acknowledging my own Past. '.

Cordir says as an aside to Corri, 'Ask later, and I will tell the tale.'

Cordir says, ‘And the last... Must be a mortal, of your own choosing - acknowledging the growing lessons between you and your mentors.’
Cordir nods in the direction of the Rogue and the Hermit.

Cordir says, ‘Whether or not this death is voluntary, is between you and your chosen Prey.’
Cordir says, ‘Do you understand these tasks in the Name of the Wyld?'.

Corri's nostrils flare outward.

Rhyki grins happily.

Corri's eyes stray to Cirth, and she inclines her chin and dips it this time to him.

Ylang comforts Cirth.

Corri says (in common), 'I understand.’

Corri stubborns the words.

Cordir says, ‘And Corri... do you *accept* these tasks in the name of the Wyld?'.

Cirth nods solemnly at Corri.

Corri's smile curls upward slowly at his solemn return, and she answers now easily.
Corri says (in common), 'I accept the Wyld given tasks.’

Cordir nods.

Nyx steps forward.

Rhyki utters the words, 'summon'.
Gnorman arrives suddenly.
Rhyki rests.

The shadows seem to swirl and deepen at the corners of your vision.
Within the gloom, a glittering appears, like moonlight on spiderwebs.
A midnight sprite glides out of the glittering darkness, and pauses, hovering.
The ebon shadows shiver for a moment, and a thin, dark-clad figure emerges.

Nyx bows before Cordir.

Gnorman rests.

Szordryn gossips (in common), 'nicest who list i've seen in a long time...’

< who
 24 players.
Elf [       Cl: 8       ] Synne the Elf Maiden
Hum [       Cl: 9       ] Dalycia the Girl
Hum [       Sh:30       ] Drauglin for those about to rift we salute you
Gno [ Th:24 Wa:30 Sh:30 ] Gnorman Bates
Elf [    Ma:20 Ra:18    ] Rubi Tuesday.          *KotE*
Hum [ Ma:16 Th:30 Wa:30 ] Ptarchyzk is poky-er than Corri
Elf [    Ma:23 Ra:23    ] Ylang O. Ylang, Sylph Maiden  |AIR|*ebrithil*|IPS|
Dwa [    Wa:30 Cl:30    ] Rhyki yer so fine, yer so fine you blow my mind
Hum [    Ra:26 Ma:30    ] Anavrin, sees himself in the *Water*
Hum [    Ra: 9 Ma:18    ] Kestra.
Gno [    Wa:24 Cl:30    ] Teva Ebbinwhat, Blood-Stained Hurricane of KotE
Hel [ Wa: 8 Th:15 Ma:16 ] Cirth the Pale. Kindred Reaver.
Hum [  Lesser  Goddess  ] DarkClaw: Deloi, Vindr, Brisingr, Adurna - Gath!(ERF)
Hel [ Ra:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Szordryn, Warden of the Black Conclave
Elf [      Demigod      ] Boromir is the Master of the Nexus
Elf [    Wa:23 Ma:20    ] Biwarem, Guard of the Black Conclave
Elf [ Wa:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Abel the grubby, grumpy Hermit..
Hum [ Th:30 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] Rincewind, Cadre Rogue of the Nashite Magi.
Hum [ Ra:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Corri the poky little puppy
Elf [      Demigod      ] Isolas Starleaf, Phantom of the Nashite Magi
Hel [ Cl:22 Th:21 Ra:21 ] Gertrude when it is all said and done Nexus
Hel [       Th: 5       ] Nyx: Ebon Messenger of Fate.
Ogr [    Sh:17 Wa:15    ] Orgrim, Vile Marauder of the Nashite Magi. [BOC]
Hum [    Triat Weaver   ] Cordir: Ebon Bard, Triat Master. Weaver|Wyrm|WYLD

Nyx nods in recognition to Corri.

Nyx says (in common), 'It has been said that the Weaver's Sacrifice is the most arduous of the challenges put before one seeking Triat Mastery. Know that this is truth.’

Cordir does not speak, but Her eyes glitter.

Corri's arms raise in bumps beneath her cloak as she tends to Nyx's words.

Nyx says (in common), 'Though posed by Alak-Nacha, this aspect of Triat Mastery requires change, growth, and perseverance ...for She demands nothing less than that which defines you. She has torn away voices, silence, and rage. She has taken solitude, shadows, and intimacy. She has claimed pride, race, and power. And yet, the Sealer of Souls accepts only that which is willingly offered. Refuse Her challenge and She will leave you whole and unscarred. But agree to Her terms...’

Nyx says (in common), 'Agree to Her terms and you will redefine yourself, find strength where you have never sought it before, and learn who you truly can be.’

The surrounding light ebbs, as if suddenly overwhelmed by nightfall.
The Weaver's Shadow silently melts into the growing gloom.
The darkness seems to flicker eerily, like a spiderweb in moonlight.
A faint purplish light dances within the shadows for a moment, then is gone.
The light slowly returns to normal.

''Nyx tells Cordir (in common), 'Very nice :)'.''

Cordir nods in acknowledgement of Her Shadow.

Corri stands perfectly still.

''Rubi ftells, 'this is crazy! why would someone volunteer to do this?!'.''

Cordir takes a step towards Corri, and offers Her hands.
You note, however, they are shaking slightly...
The Lady's ebon gaze looks deeply into Corri's.

''Cordir tells Corri, 'take my hands?'.''

Corri lets out a slow, even breath between pursed lips and raises her hands to match.

Cordir takes Corri's tanned hands into her own pale grasp.

The room goes very still, the air unmoving, as if the world held its breath. 
The Loom shudders around you, as She calls upon Her full Aspect. 
The Pattern shifts in response, trembling as a spider's web might, when a fly bumbles into it. 

The Weaver lifts her head, and regards you with a thread-filled gaze of ebon black.

Cordir says, ‘Corri... You have spent your entire life, denying a part of yourself. You bear the mark of the earth, an Ash etched upon your flesh, but that flesh is mortal. Human. Long have you turned away from your heritage, and sought only the sunshine and dew. Weaver demands sacrifice in the name of self-knowledge.’

Cordir asks, ‘...are you prepared to hear what is required? The tasks already set before you are mighty and fearful.’

Ptarchyzk looks at Corri.

''Boromir tells DarkClaw, 'your task is to fix Boromirs typos '. (HAD to include it!)''
''DarkClaw tells Boromir, 'HA! Good luck with THAT one! ;-)'. (HAD to include it!)''
''Boromir tells DarkClaw, 'she would turn it down :)'. (Yes, ANYONE would!)''

Gertrude blinks.

Ylang shivers uncomfortably.

Isolas pulls his cowl down tightly, hiding his face from the light.

Corri offers, tone soft (in common), "My blood is red."..
Corri smiles, fleetingly, then nods simply in reply.
Corri says (in common), 'I am'.

Cordir nods.

Teva quaffs a vial of a shimmering elixir.
Teva invokes recall magic.
Teva disappears.

Cordir says, ‘Corri, The Weaver demands much of you. I demand that you embrace your humanity, your mortality... And to help you better understand your own Winter - That time of darkness of the spirit. These sacrifices will also assist you in understanding the spirit of one who is dear to you. He has made himself a part of your world: Now, you will join his.’

Cordir says, ‘To whit: for the duration of the quest, the following restrictions are in place.’

Cordir says, ‘First: Turn away from the garish light of day. You may actively travel only during hours of night. You may not sleep out of doors at any time. All slumber must be taken within the noisesome grasp of the city, indoors.’

Cordir says, ‘Second: As you have marked your flesh with your tree... You will take a mark upon your flesh acknowledging the place in which your roots take hold. He has been your life for centuries. Acknowledge him.’

Cordir looks at Cirth.

DarkClaw smiles happily.

Cordir says, ‘Third: As you have held yourself apart from others for so long, denying anything that would impinge your freedom... I bid you learn what it would mean if you truly were apart. For the duration of your Trial, you are denied touch. No physical contact of any kind may be initiated by you. '.

DarkClaw winces. Ouch!

Cordir says gravely, repeating herself: 'Of. Any. Kind.'

Cordir says, ‘Corri, do you understand these Tasks on behalf of the Weaver?'.

Rincewind suddenly remembers to breathe.

Boromir looks at Corri awaiting her response.

Cirth stands perfectly still.

Cordir maintains her grasp on Corri's hands, waiting silently.

DarkClaw tries to imagine a Corri without hugs or ruffling.
DarkClaw shudders from the sheer thought of it.

Gertrude gasps as she realizes what Cordir did.

Kestra nods.

Corri's eyes grow narrow with consideration of the tasks, though she answers easily 'I understand them'.

Cordir says softly, simply, 'You understand them. But... do you *accept* them?'

Boromir looks at Corri awaiting her response.

In The Loom of the Weaver
[Exits: up]
You are surrounded on all sides by the massive beams of the loom which..
well... somehow seem much bigger from the inside than it appeared on the
outside. The air is dead calm, with no movement whatsoever, yet you can
hear the sound of a wind rustling against the threads above you. A sense
of peace flows over you like a soft blanket of warmth, instilling you
with a sense of safety and well-being.
A delicious magic mushroom is here.
( 2) (Artifact magic) A ball made of bright yellow light is here.
(Light Red Aura) Rincewind is here.
Ptarchyzk is here.
Gnorman is resting here.
(Light Red Aura) Orgrim is here.
Cirth is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Rhyki is resting here.
(Light Purple Aura) Anavrin is here.
(Intense Light Red Aura) Isolas is here.
Corri is here.
(Light Purple Aura) Rubi is resting here.
(Light Purple Aura) Ylang is resting here.
(Hide) Abel is resting here.
(Hide) Nyx is here.
Kestra is resting here.
(Intense Light Purple Aura) DarkClaw is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Gertrude is resting here.
(Intense Dark Cyan Aura) Boromir is here.

A calm breeze swirls about Corri, reassuring her.

Corri's jaw clicks as she chews her teeth together, unnoticed. A fey, stubborn smile begins - lips together.
Corri's smile curls upwards, and she squeezes Cordir's hands gently in reply.
Corri says (in common), 'I accept them.’

Ptarchyzk disappears into the void.

DarkClaw smiles happily.
Boromir nods.

Cordir nods slowly.
Cordir says, ‘very well. Tasks have been given.’
Cordir says, ‘Tasks have been understood. Tasks have been accepted.’

''Kestra tells Cirth (in common), '*looks silently at you* wow.'''

Cordir says, ‘The Trial has been offered. When you are ready to begin your Trial..’

==The After-Offering-Chatter: Interrupted by An Anathema==

An acrid smell comes from nearby. (x many, duplicates deleted.)

Ylang has goosebumps.

Cordir says, ‘Indicate it by a change of your title, to "Triat Initiate"'.

Hot air rushes over you.

< whoz: People near you: (An Anathema), Ptarchyzk, Rincewind, Cordir, Gnorman, Orgrim, Cirth, Rhyki, Anavrin, Isolas, Corri, Rubi, Ylang, Abel, Nyx, Kestra, DarkClaw, Gertrude, Boromir>

Hot air rushes over you. (duplicates deleted)

The air is really charged today eh? (duplicates deleted)

Corri makes a 'back up a little' motion to Abel as the acrid smell gets stronger.

Boromir closes the loom.

The air is really charged today eh?

The loom opens.

Cordir says, ‘(ah, the obligatory idiot behavior by an unwelcome guest.)'.
Cordir says, ‘(it wouldn't be a Triat RP without one.)'.
Cordir says, ‘(how kind of (Anathema’s name) to continue the tradition.)'.

Boromir chuckles, evidently amused.
Rincewind nods in recognition to Cordir.
Ptarchyzk snickers softly.
DarkClaw nods.
Rhyki snickers softly.

Ylang sighs loudly.
Ylang says (in common), 'figures'.

Nyx tells Cordir (in common), '*snicker*'.

Rhyki nods.

Rincewind says (in common), 'Nice to go down in history as the bad apple eh..’

Boromir says, 'matches the class he wants to get rid of'.

Cordir says, ‘Corri... you have stepped upon a Path. I wish you luck on your journey. This rite... has ended. I bid all relieve their hunger and thirst and go their separate ways'.

DarkClaw thanks Cordir heartily.

Boromir says, 'drink up!'.

((Several pages of eating, drinking, ‘shroom-making, and spelling up deleted for brevity’s sake))

Kestra smiles happily.

Boromir says, 'wheres the buffett?'.

Cirth licks his dry lips.

Ylang applauds Corri's actions.

Corri lights the incense formally as she markes the rite ended.
Corri lights a stick of incense and holds it.

Rubi laughs.

< who corri
2 players.
Hum [ Ma:16 Th:30 Wa:30 ] Ptarchyzk is poky-er than Corri
Hum [ Ra:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Corri the poky little puppy

Ptarchyzk shakes out his hammock, dislodging any produce that may be lurking there, then kicks back to relax.
Ptarchyzk rests.

Rincewind beams a smile at Corri.

Kestra throws confetti in the air! 

A stick of incense goes out.

Ylang says (in common), 'wow, what a banquet!'.

Isolas steps back into the shadows.

Rincewind disappears suddenly.

Rubi says (in common), 'hungry people!'.

Gertrude hugs Corri.

''Cordir tells Corri, '... ooc: Whatcha think?'.''
''Corri tells Cordir (in common), '****GRINS***** '.''

DarkClaw says, 'Corri...you have the support of the Keepers. Should you ever need to...vent...’

DarkClaw grins mischievously at Corri.

Corri hugs Gertrude.

Gnorman looks at Cordir.

Corri says (in common), '..thank you, Darkclaw'.

Ptarchyzk says (in common), 'not just them..’

Gertrude disappears suddenly.

Boromir appears amidst the mists of the Nexus: the mists swirl and are gone.

Rhyki hugs Corri.
Corri squeezes Rhyki fondly.

Boromir beams a smile at Corri.

Rubi says (in common), 'no contact....?'.
Rubi pokes Corri in the ribs.

Corri says (in common), 'once i put initiate in my title'.

Boromir says, 'once she starts'.

Ylang says (in common), 'I'm in awe that you accepted these trials, Corri'.

Corri beams a smile at Rubi.

Rubi says (in common), 'ooooooh'.
Rubi blushes.

DarkClaw says, 'She has not officially said she's started yet.’

Ptarchyzk looks for a bit of grey haze to make a dramatic exit with..
Ptarchyzk shrugs.
Ptarchyzk says (in common), 'oh well.’

DarkClaw grins mischievously.

Corri says (in common), 'i have - a few touches I need to dole out before I begin'.

Anavrin bows before Corri.

Abel snickers softly.
Abel pokes Cordir in the ribs.
Abel pokes Cordir in the ribs.

Gnorman hovers his finger over Corri's forhead in a 'haha, i'm not touching you kinda way'. But you know, friendly-like.

Ylang grins mischievously.

Rubi giggles.

Corri's eyes settle to Cirth with mischevious grin.
Corri says (in common), 'and you are allowed to initiate touch, just not me..’

Matthias gossips (in common), 'whats the occasion?'.

Kestra smiles happily.

Ptarchyzk utters the words, 'portal'. The air shimmers as Ptarchyzk creates a portal here.

Gnorman says (in gnomish), 'i know!'.
Gnorman says (in gnomish), 'being silly'.

Abel pokes Cordir in the ribs.

Corri winks at Gnorman.

Cirth smiles slightly.

Gnorman hugs Cordir.

Corri says (in common), '...you?'.

Gnorman cheers Cordir on, confident that she will win.

Kestra utters the words, 'detect invis'.

Abel says (in common), 'me too! ;poke cor'.
Abel snickers softly.

Kestra pokes Corri in the ribs.
Kestra giggles.

Corri says (in common), 'ACK nuuuuuuu'.

Anavrin disappears suddenly.

Cordir is kinda wondering at all the poking going on.

Corri says (in common), 'to get it out of my system...’

Boromir says, 'see if she still exists'.
Boromir grins happily.

Corri says (in common), 'argh! he hid!'.

Abel blinks.

Corri follows her nose.

(End Scene)

The After-Offering-Chatter: Speaking with Nyx

Corri says (in common), 'before I begin the quest...’ Corri sidles over, and catches Cirth's hand with a quiet smile. Corri says (in common), '...Nyx.’

Cirth meets Corri's gaze.

Nyx seems to raise a single eyebrow under his mask.

Corri's smile curls quietly.

Nyx can make himself scarce.

Corri says (in common), 'did you know that it was you that cause me to fear the Lady?'. Corri shakes her head. Corri says (in common), 'you are welcome'.

Nyx says (in common), 'Me?'.

Corri nods in recognition to Nyx.

Nyx says (in common), 'How so?'.

Cordir listens, curious.

Corri grins quietly, hand idly tracing across the back of Cirth's hand. Corri says (in common), 'your triat mastery sacrifices'. Corri says (in common), 'do you remember them?'.

Cordir glances at Her Shadow, with a smile. .. an evil smile.

Nyx says (in common), 'They aren't precisely the kind of thing one forgets'. Nyx grins wickedly.

Cirth smiles slightly, finding strength in the contact.

Boromir nods.

Nyx might forget the path to Safehaven from the Guild... but not those.

Boromir chuckles, evidently amused.

Boromir ruffles Nyx's hair playfully.

Corri says (in common), 'I felt.. she had stolen who YOU were... your identity, your self.’ Corri grins in wry memory.

Nyx says (in common), 'I feel the Weaver's sacrifices are the most important part of the trial.’

Corri says (in common), 'in truth, I remember warning Cirth about joining with her, after I learned of it.’ Corri grins to Cordir.

Cirth nods in recognition to Corri.

Boromir says, 'nyx is a nice guy'. Boromir says, 'sheesh'.

Nyx says (in common), 'They transcend lists of musts and must nots'.

Cordir nods in recognition to him.

Nyx says (in common), 'Losing the shadows did force me to redefine myself'. Nyx says (in common), 'But I like to think I'm better for it.’ Nyx grins wickedly.

Cordir says, ‘You were more of the sum of your lurky bits.’

Nyx says (in common), 'Eloquently put.’

Nyx bows before Cordir.

Cordir chuckles.

Corri chuckles, evidently amused.

Cordir says, ‘Corri really has no idea what she missed, having Me do the ceremony.’

Nyx says (in common), 'Plus I did end up getting to know many more people that way.’ Nyx snickers softly.

Cordir says, ‘Just think, if Thaygar himself had been able to do it...’

Cirth shivers uncomfortably.

Cordir says, ‘exploding fish, dissolving body parts, bloodfire, soulcords, etc...’

Nyx says (in common), 'Oh, now those were the days.’

Cirth ponders the possibilities with an inward smile.

Nyx says (in common), 'The squamous, squamous days.’

Cordir tries vainly to hide a snicker.

Nyx says (in common), 'Yep. The Lady is all peace and balloon animals compared to Thaygar'.

Boromir laughs.

Cordir nods.

Corri says (in common), 'I've never met him, never seen him... only heard tales'.

Boromir says, 'as Boromir I wouldn’t know'. Boromir says, 'as others .. I would'. Boromir smiles to himself.

Cordir says, ‘Thaygar, my Ebon Master, was one very twisted, strange individual.’

Corri says (in common), 'oh..’

Boromir nods.

Corri's hand squeezes, and she turns.

Cordir says, ‘It's said that his quest for Immortality and Siren's hand drove him completely insane.’ Cordir says, ‘I tend to agree.’

Corri says (in common), 'Cirth...’

Cirth says (in common), 'Yes, Ash...’

Boromir says, 'straight line was measured by a pretzel'.

Corri says (in common), 'we had spoken, at the ents... that if you said the word...’ Corri says (in common), 'I would quit. But I realized something.’

Cirth nods slowly.

Corri says (in common), 'when I was watching you pick bark from your teeth, in fact'. Corri's smile flashes, fleetingly.

Cirth raises an eyebrow.

Nyx seems to raise a single eyebrow under his mask.

Cirth snickers softly.

Corri says (in common), 'I thought to myself... its not a good idea to get you used to eating tree-things.’

Cordir coughs.

Corri grins, mischievously.

Cirth says (in common), 'Agreed'.

Corri tries valiantly to ignore the cough, eyes twitching in merriment. Corri says (in common), '..then later...’

Cordir frowns ever so slightly. Perhaps you just imagined it.

Boromir smirks.

Corri says (in common), 'I got cut.’

Cirth says (in common), 'It's a filthy habit'.

Corri says (in common), 'and saw blood drip. Not that thats new... but i realized'.

Corri says (in common), 'Not -sap-. Blood. I'm not a tree. '.

Corri says (in common), 'and it suddenly seemed strange to identify with one, to be more concerned, even idly, when you fought ents..’

Cirth nods slowly trying to follow your reasoning.

Corri says (in common), 'then when I watched you drain the life out of an elven lady.’

Corri says (in common), 'when i thought to begin this... it was to learn more about you. and I was content to quit on your word...’

Corri says (in common), 'but after that....’

Corri's head shakes slowly.

Cirth clenches your hand in his.

Corri says (in common), 'I have to see this through. I will it. '.

Boromir says, 'the idea is to be around at the end'. Boromir smiles happily.

Corri tells Cordir (in common), 'argh, i'm going to have to set up all kinds of triggers to prevent myself from accidently touching!!'.

Cirth seems both proud and fearful at the same time. Cirth says simply,'Ok.'

Cordir says, ‘Corri... I'm proud of you.’

Corri tells Cordir (in common), 'you did an incredible job.... incredible. Thank you so much. We’ll gossip more later about it!!'.

Cordir says, ‘I was rather afraid you'd simply say, 'Yes. I understand. Get away from me, you crazy bitch..

Nyx throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Boromir laughs.

Cirth snickers softly.

Boromir throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Cirth chides Cordir.

Corri says (in common), '... I might still mention the latter, before this is done'.

Cordir snickers softly. Cordir nods. Cordir says, ‘fair enough'. Cordir says, ‘I *am* a crazy bitch.’

Boromir nods.

Nyx snickers softly.

Cirth says (in common), 'You're making her do all sorts of dangerous things'.

Boromir smirks.

Nyx says (in common), 'But a lovable one'.

Cordir says, ‘I am, Cirth.’

Nyx hugs Cordir.

Boromir coughs.

Cordir smiles at Nyx.

Corri smiles wryly, reluctantly uncurling her arms from around Cirth.

Boromir whistles a little tune to himself. Boromir smiles at himself.

Nyx points out how much he's relaxed since his Mastery thingy.

Cordir says, ‘be well, all.’

Nyx waves goodbye to Cordir.

Cordir nods in recognition to Nyx.

(end scene)

The Acknowledgement

[ 12] Cordir: Mastery
Sat Jan 24 17:32:49 2009
To: all

In the most ancient of days, when the world was young,
One named Thaygar, a flame-handed Giant, won Immortal
rank. To him was granted the Glory of knowledge of an
ancient truth: the Triat. 

Within the Lore of the Triat, there exist challenges,
designed to test the Initiate upon the anvil of life,
blood and spirit:  These ritae are known as Trials of 
Triat Mastery. Few have dared to undergo such torment
as the Trials bring - their names are legend.

One has stepped forward who seeks to forge themselves
anew. The Triat has heard. The Triat has answered.

The individual known as Corri has received, indicated 
she understood, and accepted various Trials on behalf 
of each Aspect. 'Initiate' she has named herself. The 
Trial has begun.  

Hunt well, little one, for the Three are watching.