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Notes: As the fifth requirement for joining the Chosen of Fate, Cordir did a one on one interview. While it changed over the years, the essence of it remained the same. Here’s an example of one such conversation with Sarai.

Log is on: 7-20-2006-9-10-pm.txt

You say, 'we haven't really done the interview as of yet.'.

Sarai says (in common), 'ahh..yes'.

You say, 'well, then, shall we chat?'.

You create a silver weaving shuttle out of thin air!

> unlock up

  • Click*

You open the pattern.

Somewhere in the Pattern
[Exits: down]

Sarai arrives from below.

You close the pattern.
> *Click*

Cordir hops out of character.

You say, 'Howdy'.

Sarai curtseys gracefully.

You say, 'You may (or may not) know, my name's Beth.'.
You say, 'I conduct this interview out of character -- '.

Sarai says (in common), 'oh..nice'.

You say, 'whether you respond OOC is up to you.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'I take this opportunity to chat a bit about my mud philosophy'.
You say, 'and style of Imming.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'As a RL, honest to goodness chick, that comes with both the good and the bad'.
You say, 'I'm temperamental as all get out...'.
You say, 'and I have a HORRIBLE memory'.
You say, 'but, i'm also very passionate, creative, and protective of my people.'.

Sarai smiles happily.

You say, 'I look at Fate as extended family - I've met a huge number of my folks, or talked to them on the phone, etc.'.
You say, 'we know about each other's lives, and we care about each other'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'I'm not saying you have to become part of a touchy feely hippy commune thing'.

Sarai sniffs sadly.

You say, 'but .. in general, Fate folks care about each other as _people_'.

You say, 'I don't accept players I wouldn't enjoy sitting down in my living room and doing table top gaming.'.

Sarai says (in common), 'I understand'.

You say, 'I've put over eleven thousand hours into TFC, and I very very nearly lost it all because of a dumb mistake'.
You say, 'where I acted with my heart and not my head, and more with my hormones rather than any level of common sense.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'I don't expect folks to be perfect, but I do expect folks to _try_.'.
You say, 'there's only a few rules that I will hold people's feet (and ass) to the fire on'.

Sarai smiles happily.

You say, '1) I don't care who else you play - what happens in fate, what you learn in fate, stays in Fate.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'that means, you don't learn that so and so exp's in Druid Sanctuary, and then hunt them as your PK'er there.'.
You say, 'that's REALLY REALLY hard..'.
You say, 'but..'.
You say, 'I demand it.'.

Sarai says (in common), 'I understand'.

You say, 'Rule #2) Fate's been around for longer than any other fol, other than Conclave.'.
You say, 'I ask that the way you act when you're playing your Fate character doesn't ever bring shame to the years of work put in by the following.'.

Sarai nods.
You say, 'if you want out, just ask. Don't ever feel you need to act out to get out, if you decide that's what you want.'.

You say, 'Rule #3: I don't give orders very often, but when I do, I need them to be obeyed immediately.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'you can question later, but jump if I say frog - because it's _important_ and might mean a follower's life.'.
You say, 'I make it very clear when I'm giving orders that need action, so you won't ever have any doubts'.

Sarai says (in common), 'I can appreciate that'.

You say, 'they're in CAPS.'.

Sarai says (in common), 'heh'.

You say, 'like, "GET TO SAFE NOW, ALL!"'.
You say, 'it won't be dumb stuff like, "Sac me some fruit! Or Die!"'.

Sarai says (in common), 'I rarely have fruit..so that is good'.

You say, 'The last time I punished a follower, was for making RL threats against another member of the fol, and insulting him.'.

You say, 'I don't generally like fruit. Chocolate's a better offering. Or hot chocolate. or tea.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'In general, I can put up with a lot.'.
You say, 'Fer gosh sakes, I have Belsambar and Rufus.'.
You say, 'and that can get a little whacky sometimes.'.

>Grantsight set for Myst.
Elf [ Fianuis Dhan ] [LN][ Cordir] Myst, Bladed Child of Fate.

Sarai says (in common), 'yeah..bels can take his toll on your ears'.

You nod.
You say, 'there's times I've threatened to take away his ftell. :-)'.

Sarai laughs.

You say, 'I _encourage_ people to RP, but I don't _require_ it.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'If a RP is going on, I ask folks to be silent on Ftell, so as not to interrupt. If you don't wanna attend, that's fine, but..'.
You say, 'respect those that do, and keep interruptions to a bare minimum.'.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'what else?'.
You ponder the question.

Myst arrives suddenly.

You say, 'Oh.'.

Myst smiles happily.

You say, 'Myst has to kill you before you can join.'.

You ponder the question.

Sarai sniffs sadly.

Myst says (in common), 'yes, myst likes that part'.

You say, 'Oh, wait, that's the Evil rules, and we didn't go evil.'.

Myst sniffs sadly at the way you are treating her.
Myst says (in common), 'tease!'.

You nod in recognition to her.
You say, 'aint I just?'.

Myst tickles you - hee hee hee.
Myst says (in common), 'how is my pet doing?'.

You say, 'Other rules -- no cussing publicly - if you need to, use Ftell, and keep it to a minimum and never directed at a fellow follower in seriousness.'.
You say, 'If you have an Alt that's an Anathema, and I assume everyone does, these days...'.
You say, 'If you choose to play a Blade..'.

Myst whistles a little tune to herself.

You say, 'I expect you to do the job - and go after those who have attacked the Chosen.'.
You say, 'Or don't take up the job - and that means NO pk aggression of any kind.'.
You say, 'it's an all or nothing thing.'.

Sarai says (in common), 'there's plenty of anathema I'd love to smash '.

You say, 'With Anathema, we do not trade with them, we do not speak to them if not neccessary, we don't sell to them, spell them up, etc.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'but if you've played TFC for more than ... say... 2 days, most folks know that part.'.
You say, 'If you give your word - keep it.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'If you lie or break your oath, I take it as a direct insult to me and a stain on my honor I have to address.'.
You ponder the question.

You say, 'Please be willing to teach others in the fol what you know.'.
You say, 'Try and exp with fellow followers, and allies.'.
You say, 'NOT ignore them, and grumble about how much you want to kill them.'.

You poke Myst in the ribs.

Myst says (in common), 'I help followers'.
Myst says (in common), 'I do not trust allies :P'.

You say, 'Isolas and I have talked long and hard about our alliance'.
You say, 'and it is very frustrating to us both that our fols don't value the alliance the way we do.'.

Sarai says (in common), 'Myst doesn't love nashites?'.

You say, 'I don't care if people are Nashite, if they're Solarites, if they're Peanutheads.'.
You say, 'I - and my following - treat everyone the same, unless they're Anathema.'.

Myst tries to be nice.

You poke Myst in the ribs.

You say, 'that's the way it's supposed to be, anyway'.

Sarai says (in common), 'I like peanutheads'.

You say, 'they're best when dry roasted.'.

Sarai nods.

You ponder the question.

You say, 'what else does Sarai need to know, Myst?'.
You say, 'what did you not know, that you had to find out the hard way?'.

Myst says (in common), 'that you pretty much know anything we do wrong'.

Sarai nods.

Myst says (in common), 'so might as well tell you first :P'.

Sarai is honest.

You say, 'I'm a big ole meanie, and I won't tell folks stuff off mud that I can't tell them on mud.'.
You say, 'I won't say when to attack people, or what imms are on, so don't bother asking.'.

Sarai nods.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'I like restrings.'.
You say, 'I like to make restrings.'.
You say, 'I like to give people quests for restrings.'.
You say, 'and I like restrings to STAY in the fol.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'if I give you extra nice gear, please give it back if you don't need it - don't let it out of the fol'.
You say, 'we don't PK much - it isn't our focus - so we don't tend to have the kind of gear floating around that a PK fol does.'.
You say, 'that's just simple economics.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'For those who are Blades, I have some of the best praytrigs set up in the whole game.'.
You say, 'Bliss, Thor, Tripper, Boromir, Isolas...'.
You say, 'they all use my set, to some degree.'.

Myst says (in common), 'also, she is the best support god I've ever worked under'.
Myst says (in common), 'quick little cuddle goddess'.
Myst says (in common), 'triggers pretty much for afk use or if something happens while she isn't watching'.

You smile at Myst.

You ponder the question.

You say, 'I'd rather folks not die.'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'it is distressing'.
You say, 'I also have carpal tunnel'.
You say, 'so if I ftell to use pray trigs...'.
You say, 'that's my quiet way of sayin I am hurting'.
You say, 'and Not Typing Is Good.'.

Sarai nods.

Myst says (in common), 'sarai causes my goddess pain?'.

You say, 'I'm also very much of the opinion I'd rather spend 30 mana for 4 spells..'.
You say, 'than 300 for a CR'.
You say, 'the ability to help manage mana is important'.

You say, 'right now, I have 700.'.
You say, 'that's down, since I lost Greater'.

Myst prays, 'mana'.
You [GS] tell Myst, '693 of 700'.

Sarai says (in common), 'we'll get it back'.

Sarai pokes Myst in the ribs.

Myst says (in common), 'sarai plays 24/7'.

You say, 'And since I gave Isolas some of my best gear when he Immorted'.

You ponder the question.

You say, 'If you have a negative opinion of my RL honey, Abe, keep it to yourself.'.

You ponder the question.

You say, 'We have a diverse group in Fate: '.
You say, 'christians, muslims, pagans, witches, athiests, etc.'.
You say, 'We have gays, straights, bi, etc.'.
You say, 'I don't ask you to embrace other people's views, but I ask that you respect their right to their viewpoint'.
You say, 'you always have the right to disagree -- nicely.'.
You say, 'everyone has the right to be treated with respect'.

Sarai nods.

You say, 'except Belsambar, who must be mocked and teased at every opportunity'.
You say, 'er, strike that last part.'.

You ponder the question.

Sarai says (in common), 'he gets plenty of that anyways :P'.

You say, '(sorry, it's late, and I'm operating on very little sleep, so a bit more silly than ususal.)'.

Myst laughs at you mercilessly. Hmmmmph.

You say, 'Contrary to popular belief, I **DO** have a sense of humor...'.
You ponder the question.

Myst hasn't seen it.

You say, 'though I keep it in the dark for special occaisions.'.

> c 'change sex' myst

Myst laughs at you mercilessly. Hmmmmph.
Myst says (in common), 'ok, i have now!'.

You say, 'it's rather like a mushroom, really.'.

Cordir smiles innocently at Myst.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'that's about all I can think of.'.
You say, 'that covers everything I can think of'.

You say, 'Do you have any questions?'.

Sarai says (in common), 'Sounds reasonable '.

You say, 'about my expectations, following rules, dos/don'ts?'.

Sarai says (in common), 'none I can think of..seems pretty straight forward'.

You say, 'Myst?'.
You say, 'anything I didn't cover?'.
Myst says (in common), 'don't think so'.

You say, 'Okies.'.

> unlock down

  • Click*

You open the pattern.

Myst says (in common), 'cept that he must obey the ordain at all times, no question asked'.

Sarai leaves down.

You snicker softly.

The Sanctuary of Fate
[Exits: north up]
A small weaving loom is barely visible amidst the trees.
Sarai is here.
Lanae, Cordir's avatar, is here.
(Hide) A distressingly large, shiny black spider weaves webs here.

You close the pattern.

Sarai laughs.