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05/08/2006: Log by Cordir.

Syla juggles a bottle of fine whiskey.

Syla says, 'Wonder where this came from'.
Syla says, 'Wow I've got all sorts of junk'.

Syla puts the power of Schwartz in a can in a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla puts steak made from last shred of Khore's decency in a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

You throw back your head and cackle with insane glee!

Syla rummages.

Syla says, 'ooooh!'.

Syla gets Pyros' leash from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.
Syla giggles.
Syla says, 'I forgot about his leash. That must mean Gup's leash is around somewhere.'.

You giggle.

Syla says, 'TADAH!'.
Syla gets Gup's leash from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla continues to rummage.

Syla misses Gup terribly.

Syla says, 'I have so much junk - hehe. That's because I don't have an active following, so I can carry around all this junk'.

Syla says, 'See those things are cool. :)'.

Syla gets a stuffed bunny from bag made from Gup hide.

Syla giggles.
Syla says, 'I've got a stuffed bunny. heheh.'.

Syla gets a strange, yet cute, Sylaberry from basket of the fanged plant beast's stalks.

Syla gets one of Syla's cooties from basket of the fanged plant beast's stalks.

Syla gets the heart of Borlan from basket of the fanged plant beast's stalks.

You get the heart of Fennoch from (Tattooed) (Writhing) The Covenant of the Chosen.

You say, 'borlan the quartermaster'.
You say, 'he's around'.

You get the marks of a vampire's Kiss from (Tattooed) (Writhing) The Covenant of the Chosen.

Syla juggles Khore's last marble.

Syla says, 'hehe.'.

You say, 'khore gave me these'.

You get Nati's lost brain from (Tattooed) (Writhing) The Covenant of the Chosen.

Syla says, 'oh my fern!'.

Syla gets a mortal-eating fern from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla gets a pair of sharp vampire teeth from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla says, 'OH here they are.'.

You say, 'from when I was mortal'.
You stop using a side-slit gown of storm blue silk.
You wear a French Maid's Outfit on your body.

Syla whistles appreciatively.

Syla says, 'Hm. my costume isn't quite as cool'.

You say, 'that's what I used to wear when cleaning madman's office'.

Syla gets a white sheet with two eyeholes from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla stops using a scarlet suede vest.
Syla wears a white sheet with two eyeholes on her body.

Syla giggles.
Syla is a ghost.


Cordir eeps!

Syla says, 'There are some fetters that go with it someplace..'.

Syla gets a big bottle of aloe vera from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.
Syla drinks slime mold juice from a big bottle of aloe vera.

Syla says, 'eww'.

Syla says, 'ooo'.
Syla gets a piece of wedding cake from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla gets the Bag o' Wedding Goods from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla gets @>-->-- from the Bag o' Wedding Goods.
Syla stops using The eye of the beholder.
Syla holds @>-->-- in her hands.

Syla gets A string of black pearls from the Bag o' Wedding Goods.
Syla says, 'awww...'.

You say, 'did you ever see the full set of wedding restrings I made?'.

Syla nods.

You say, 'a 'good' set in white and a 'goth' set in black?'.

Syla says, 'I vaguely recall seeing that at some point.'.
Syla chuckles, evidently amused.

Syla nods.
Syla says, 'Yeah, I remmenber'.

Syla gets A fire opal cuff-link from the Bag o' Wedding Goods.
Syla gets a simple iris from bag made from Queen Sylette hide.
Syla gets a fire flower from bag made from Queen Sylette hide.

Syla says, 'hehe!'.

Syla stops using The eye of the beholder.
Syla holds a fire flower in her hands.

Syla says, 'ouch - this is hot.'.

You say, 'awww'.

Syla gets a fabulous prize from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla says, 'This is my Who List Accomplishment prize.'.

Syla gets un sombrero de fiesta from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla stops using a wreath of fire flowers.
Syla wears un sombrero de fiesta on her head.

You say, 'un sumbrero!'.

Syla gets a morris handkerchief from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

You say, 'ai ai ai!'.

Syla says, 'And this! Which I never knew what it was for in the first place.'.

Syla stops using (Wiggling) a green garter snake.
Syla wears a morris handkerchief around her left wrist.

You say, 'for morris dancing'.

Syla smirks.
Syla says, 'Maybe I could rob a bank with these two items.'.

Syla gets a letter of reference from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.
Syla says, 'Oh, here it is.'.

Syla says, 'In case I need to find a new job.'.
Syla says, 'Nayr wrote me a letter of reference.'.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'what Nayr wrote about me is unpublishable'.
You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Syla says, 'hehehehe.'.
Syla says, 'Oh I wish you could read this note - it's so cute.'.
Syla puts a letter of reference in a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.
Syla says, 'Well, he isn't here any longer - so I guess that letter might be out of date.'.
Syla says, 'Let's see, what else do I have.'.

Syla says, 'This bag is full of lights.'.

Syla gets a ball of bright blue light from bag made from Ashtaroth hide.
Syla gets a ball of bright red light from bag made from Ashtaroth hide.
Syla gets a ball of bright purple light from bag made from Ashtaroth hide.
Syla gets a ball of bright blue light from bag made from Ashtaroth hide.

Syla giggles.

You say, 'you do collect some weird shit, dear'.

Syla gets a sign that says "NO MEN" from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.
Syla says, 'This was a present from Nalya.'.

You giggle.
You say, 'what a wonderful thing!'.

Syla gets the guidebook from a silken, scarlet letter, 'S'.

Syla says, 'I thought so - which is why I still have it.'.

Syla gets a daisy chain from basket of the fanged plant beast's stalks.

Syla says, 'Interesting...'.
Syla sits down and thinks deeply.

Syla gets a bright red berry from basket of the fanged plant beast's stalks.
Syla chuckles, evidently amused.

Syla says, 'There is so much junk in this basket.'.
Syla says, 'All food stuffs.'.

Syla says, 'Although I don't know what the daisy chain is all about.'.

Syla sits down and thinks deeply.
Syla gets the Mark of Mirth from bag made from Gup hide.
Syla giggles.

Syla gets a panther's claw from bag made from Gup hide.
Syla says, 'oooo'.

Syla gets a Blazing Star from bag made from Gup hide.

Syla gets the Holy Cross of the Templars from bag made from Gup hide.

Syla whistles a little tune to herself.

Cordir wonders what THAT was doing in there.

Syla gets a pillow from bag made from Gup hide.

Syla smirks.
Syla says, 'Like I said - I'm sortof a packrat.'.