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*                                                                            *
                        The Search for Grimdale's Gold

   Legend had it that Grimdale, ancient king of the dwarves, had a hidden 
   store of gold...the only clue being the key which he held in his hand 
   and would not speak about. Madman was amused and announced a Quest to
   the mortals of the world: "Find what the key opens, and great honors 
   will be yours!" Brave adventurers came by the dozens to seek the gold,
   and many died or gave up the quest. But one strove onward to seek fame
   and glory...battling the spirits and Grimdale himself, he took possession
   of the key. Puzzling over its secrets, he fought battles, risked sure
   death by drowning in the flooded tunnels, risked life and limb on all
   manner of tortures, until at long last he stumbled upon the door the 
   key opened... This brave soul was Cerebus...ask him what drowning feels
   like sometime, and perhaps he will tell you the story of his quest for
   Grimdale's Gold during which he experienced it for himself.

*                                                                            *

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