Official Information:
Player Supplied Information:
- Nearly every mob (or player character for that matter) has a chance of becoming a Ghost upon death.
- The Undisturbingly Lyrical will prevent mobs killed by a bard from spawning a Ghost.
Tips for Dealing with Ghosts of Unusual Size:
(Collected from the Chosen of Fate website, written in 2003. Some elements may be out of date.)
- When a ghost is more than five levels above your cleric level, *do not* try to turn them. You have about a 1 in 10 chance when they're 6/+ levels higher than you, and the percentage goes down fast from there.
- Ghosts' physical damage is less than the mob it spawns from. It doesn't have the AC bonuses of the original mob, or the strength level for +dam/+hit, but it DOES have the original mob's dex.
- Ghost-killers are either high dex clerics or shamans with tons of saves.
- Ghosts will not teleport themselves out of combat on the last round if you can get them to LESS than 25 hit points - otherwise, they'll teleport instead of fleeing.
- Never fight a ghost alone. You'll wind up feared. While a cleric of shaman can flee and cast remove fear on themselves, this is still dangerous as PKers look for opportunities like this.
- Ghosts won't cast *every* round, but they are most likely to cast on the first round. That's why your tank needs to have really high saves more than any other quality, including damage, etc. Mages shouldn't bother tanking a really big ghost unless they have grotesque amounts of saves.
- "Pink" ghosts are infinately more vulnerable than not, since their AC is already bad and this makes it even worse. Chill touch is also useful, as its cumulative vs mobs.
- It is always useful to have an Amulet of Steadfastness. Fear is what kills faster than anything else while a ghost. While you're feared, your hit roll is crap.
- Never take a big ghost to Midgaard. You're putting a sign on yourself for Pkers, and who wants to be near Slue when confused?
- If you are drained, with no way out, log off. Don't sit and get drained. The drain can't kill you, but plague can, and fast.
- If you're going to fight a ghost, dispel it. Even though they're not sancted, it takes away some of their stealth and drops their pass door (so you can hide in a room to regen). If you're lucky, you can take a ghost up in the air over MG, dispel it, and it will fall (or at least get stuck for a while).
- If you're in over your head, there's a few things to do. If you have mana, darkness will disconnect the ghost from you and it will stop hunting, at least most of the time. If you're low on mana, blind the ghost (either with blynd or blindness), then jump out. This usually buys you several ticks to recover.
- Ghosts usually take a tick or two to find you if you move between guild and your home town. If you're desperate, run back and forth between them and try to rest or sleep for a tick on either side. Do this enough, you can usually regen to full (or at least get enough mana to darken).
- For ghosts closer to your own level, hide and/or invis will usually shake them. If you're above L25 in Ranger or Thief, hide will work most of the time in fact, though you may have to sit through a tick or two of being drained until hide settles in. *DO THIS ONLY IN A SAFE ROOM*. Preferably your hometown temple.
- "Haunt" is a keyword for ghosts and can cause problems depending on the zone your're in. Learned this the hard way...there is a distinct difference between half-elf maid and ghost of the Lighthouse Keeper when typing "k ha", and ghosts sneak so you won't always see them enter a room. As always, be careful when using shortened mob names with kill.
- Alarm for "haunt" in the room you're fighting in if you really want to use "ha" as a mob target and there are ghosts around. This will reduce the chances of hitting one accidently dramatically.
- On the plus side, ghosts carry gold 80% of the time, sometimes quite a bit for their relative level. A good golding technique is to hit Skull Top after the mud's been up for a week or so. Large mages randoming there will leave dozens of ghosts behind just waiting to be harvested by the enterprising gold seeker.