Trig sentinel mob

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trig_sentinel_mob is a Extended Trigger Before Move trigger. It only allows PCs holding an item with specific vnum to pass through given exit.


Q <room vnum> <door direction> trig_sentinel_mob <obj vnum> <success msg or -1> <fail msg or -1> <mob vnum or -1> <flags>

Field Description
Room vnum Room to apply the trigger to
Door direction The direction of the door to apply the trigger to
Number Direction
0 North
1 East
2 South
3 West
4 Up
5 Down
Object vnum The item that must be held to satisfy the trigger and allow PC through
Success string vnum -1 - No success message
#STRINGS vnum with success message
Fail string vnum -1 - No failure message
#STRINGS vnum with failure message
Mob vnum vnum of sentinel mob
-1 - No sentinel mob
flags Specifies options that alters the operation of the trigger. Add modifiers together:
1 - If mob is missing from room, do not allow access
2 - If the mob is missing, display no message
4 - Throw PC out of room on fail
8 - Use says for messages
16 - Allow Immortals past trigger unconditionally.


Q 1200 1 trig_sentinel_mob 1234 1200 1201 3300 3 * In room 1200, trigger to east