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(this log's from solaron's point of view, and has been heavily edited, believe it or not :P)

Khore gossips, 'Ok, the game works like this.'.
Khore gossips, 'Those with fewest points first.'.
Khore gossips, 'You will be brought into a room with 10 ducks.'.
Khore gossips, 'One of these ducks will probably kick your butt and spit out
your remains.'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'laugh'.
Khore gossips, 'If you attack this duck, I will laugh, and you will die.'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Leif gossips (in dwarven), 'heh'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'That's absolutely hilarious hehe'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'sweet! can we lose xp?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'i have to see this'.
Khore gossips, 'Eight ducks don't do much at all.  They're just ducks.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'that's only 9...'.
Khore gossips, 'One duck will possess a "credit."'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'hehe!'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'whee'.
You gossip (in common), 'nonpeekable? :p'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'will it be a big one?'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'nebecanduckeezer'.
Khore gossips, 'This final duck, the credit possessing duck, will be a weak
Khore gossips, 'The person with the most credits wins the prize.'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'he'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'i thought there was only one credit?'.
Khore gossips, 'A beefy health amulet, a 40kg flameproof bag, and a nice
unenchanted weapon, blunt or pierce.'.
Judge gossips (in common), '*heh'.
Khore gossips, 'The rule is this.'.
Khore gossips, 'You enter the room.  You will "k x.duck" where x is a number
between 1 and whatever.'.
Khore gossips, 'If you do anything else.  Peek.  Spell, anything.'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'con?'.
Khore gossips, 'I'll let the superduck eat you, and you forfeit all your points.'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Khore gossips, 'No conning.'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'crud'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Sweet''.
Khore gossips, 'Everyone understand?'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'so I can't rift them?'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Yup'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'I understand'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'duckin roulette!'.
Khore gossips, 'If you die, you get your corpse back.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'aye'.
Azeworai gossips (in halfling), 'nodnod'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'c 'rif' 3.duck example?'.
Khore gossips, 'And I may or may not fix your experience depending on how
amusing it was to watch you die.'.
Someone gossips, 'Full or empty? :P'.
You gossip (in common), 'By credits you mean points, yes?'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Khore gossips, 'Inventory flagged items should be handed to me prior to
choosing a duck.  They'll be replaced if you die.'.
Khore gossips, 'By the way, if the superduck kills the other ducks, that
doesn't count.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'oh man lol'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Wow, he's a bully huh?'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), '*wiggle*'.
Khore gossips, 'Ok, relax people.'.
Khore gossips, 'You won't lose your precious EQ, ND/NR, or whatever.'.
Khore gossips, 'You'll get it back.'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'um..if Solaron dies can i have his corpse pretty
Khore gossips, 'Sheesh!  No sense of adventure!'.
Khore gossips, 'You're all fatalists!'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'lol'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Can i fight the superduck after it's all done
and said?'.
Khore gossips, 'Visualize a weak duck, not the superduck.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Solaron?! Die?! I've only died once today.'.
Khore gossips, 'Ok, I'm prepping the ducks of death.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Khore, I've been visualizing weak ducks in my mind
for years. I'm ready.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), '*gulp*'.
Antiesa gossips (in common), 'Aflac!'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'in mind or the mirror?'.
You gossip (in common), 'I was flexing, not visualizing. :('.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'That duck's dynamite!  Run away run Away!'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Come to me Duck Dodgers!!!'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'I want me some ducksauce!'.
Lycron gossips (in common), '*squeezes his rubber duckie*'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'i just wanna watch a duck kill people'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'nod, what pond we meeting at?'.
You gossip (in common), 'I've gotta get rid of my bad mojo. :( I just know
I'm gonna get superduck somehow'.
Khore gossips, 'one sec'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'make the duck a shaman mob!!!'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, give me a name of a person with 1 point.'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'Azeworai'.
Khore gossips, 'Aze, are you ready?'.
Khore gossips, 'Remember the rules.'.
Azeworai gossips (in halfling), 'yes'.
Khore gossips, 'Yay!'.
Khore gossips, 'Azeworai has chosen the duck of death!'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'cackle'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'wheee'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'WOOT!'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'lol'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'that was quick'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'HAHA'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'so does that duck go poof now?'.
You gossip (in common), 'First person chose the superduck. That doesn't bode
well for us.'.
Khore gossips, 'No, that duck stays, it just gets shuffled around a bit.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'Ahh'.
Khore gossips, 'Azeworai, you ok?'.
Azeworai gossips (in halfling), 'yep'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'so we do this until someone finds the duck with
the credit?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'or your all dead'.
Qualin gossips (in common), ':)'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'Qualin does not die'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'lies'.
Khore gossips, 'One second, ducks being reset and Azeworai debruising his ego.'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'ok, take me in there so I can kill me a Duey'.
Azeworai gossips (in common), 'that was fun'.
Qualin gives you a long and passionate kiss.
Qualin says (in common), 'kiss me for good luck'.
Khore gossips, 'AZeworai, did I give you back the right corpse?'.
Khore gossips, 'Cause I just ate a few.'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Azeworai gossips (in common), '*wink* ponder'.
You say (in common), 'I...'.
You say (in common), 'I love you.'.
You snuggle him.
Qualin hops around. Perhaps he's part frog?
You say (in common), 'You'll do fine. Make papa proud.'.
Qualin grins evilly.
Judge says (in common), 'I will have nightmares now'.
Judge shudders from the sheer thought of it.
Azeworai gossips (in common), 'well the corpse i got now is empty and i think
it was that way when i got it:>'.
Khore gossips, 'Okay, that's the right one then.'.
Azeworai gossips (in common), ':)'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'So who's next?'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, who's the next victim?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'Fisrad'.
Khore gossips, 'Er, contestant!'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'Fisrad is next'.
Khore gossips, 'Thank you, Fisrad, are you ready?'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'I am'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'bye Fisrad'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'HAHAHA! Youre going to die, Fisrad!'.
Khore gossips, 'Fisrad has chosen a normal duck. :('.
Khore gossips, 'Thanks for playing, Fisrad :)'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'did he still die?'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'Thanks for having me'.
Eara gossips (in elven), 'Duck? -confused-'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'I want you'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'nonono he was suppose to die!'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Novis gossips (in common), ':('.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, Next?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'Antiesa is up'.
Khore gossips, 'Antisea, are you ready?'.
Antiesa gossips (in common), 'Yes, Sir.'.
Armalag gossips (in common), 'Quack!'.
Khore gossips, 'Antiesa Has survived!'.
Khore gossips, 'But alas, no credit.'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'darnnit'.
You gossip (in common), 'wohoo!'.
You gossip (in common), 'At least you lived!'.
Khore gossips, 'Thanks, Antiesa!'.
Antiesa gossips (in common), ':)  I heard the devil ducks chating your name Sol'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, my next victim!'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'leif, it's your turn!'.
Khore gossips, 'Leif, are you ready?'.
You gossip (in common), 'Me too, Antiesa. :('.
Armalag gossips (in common), 'does Syla know of the duck games?'.
Khore gossips, 'Silence, you!'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'ok'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'i am'.
Khore gossips, 'Hehe'.
Draco says (in common), 'duck duck grey duck'.
Khore gossips, 'I forgot about Syla's problem with Ducks.  Don't tell her. :('.
Novis gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'perhaps i'm confused'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'But we can ONLY k duck and sit'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), '?'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Can we link, quaff brights?'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'That jazz?'.
Khore gossips, 'Leif's duck was a dud! :('.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Should we encounter the mega duck?'.
Leif gossips (in common), 'stupid duey'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'haha'.
Khore gossips, 'You can, but then I'm liable to help out the poor duck.'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Hehe'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Azeworai gossips (in common), 'told you tiber!'.
You gossip (in common), 'The poor, defenseless killer duck with big, sharp
fangs. :('.
Leif gossips (in common), 'i was hoping to get the uber one'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'The duck is trying to claw me, i think i'd like
to link it :P'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, who's up next?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'Totian good luck!'.
Totian gossips (in elven), '*clap*'.
Khore gossips, 'Tot, you ready?'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'indeed'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'thats all the 1 point people'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'gogo Totian'.
Khore gossips, 'Totian draws a blank!'.
Totian gossips (in elven), '10 xp tho!'.
Khore gossips, 'Hehe'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'whee'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'hehe cheers'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, is that it for the single pointers?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'yes'.
Khore gossips, 'Okay, you guys with two points.'.
Khore gossips, 'You have a choice.'.
Khore gossips, 'You get two chances in the duck room.'.
Khore gossips, 'Or...'.
Khore gossips, 'You get once chance... with double the credits.'.
Khore gossips, 'And double the death.'.
Khore gossips, ':>'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'hmmm, I'll take 2 duckies'.
Judge gossips (in common), '2 ducks on the pond :)'.
Khore gossips, 'Lycron, your room will have two ducks with credits.'.
Khore gossips, 'And two ducks with mouths salivating for your spleen.'.
Khore gossips, 'I hope you choose the latter.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'this should be interesting'.
Khore gossips, 'Lycron, are you ready?'.
Lycron gossips (in common), '*nod*'.
Khore gossips, 'Good luck!'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'gos bye Lycron'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'I like the duck log on the forums!'.
Khore gossips, 'Hehe'.
Khore gossips, 'Lycron... has chosen... unwisely.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Qualin gossips (in common), '*laugh*'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'I rifted it!'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'oh dear'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'lol'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'silly Lycron'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'darn brother is no good luck, went with my brother's
age... his b-day is tomorrow'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'I'll just give him a slap I guess :-P'.
Antithesis gossips (in common), 'Save the pity story for the whores, Lycron.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'okay, I guess I'm ready for 2 duckie'.
Khore gossips, 'That's yours Lycron.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'someone stole it'.
Lycron gossips (in common), '*sigh*'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'run away invis person run away'.
Khore gossips, 'Rubicant, you just donated all your gold to Lycron.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'ick'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'heh'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'I was hoping it was solaron that took it'.
You gossip (in common), 'then Rubicant says 'give it back' and Lycron does!
You gossip (in common), 'I take all, Lycron!'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Allies :)'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'umm, no it was the circlet for my lost xp'.
Khore gossips, 'Lycron'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'yes sir?'.
Khore gossips, 'That was it, you spent you two points already.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'oh man'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'stupid duck'.
Khore gossips, 'Sorry if you are unclear.'.
Khore gossips, 'Your points go towards the numebr of credits in the room.'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'ahh, woops'.
Khore gossips, 'Course, the chance of death also increases.'.
Khore gossips, 'But otherwise, what fun is it? :P'.
Lycron gossips (in common), ';-)'.
Khore gossips, '(For me).'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, next!'.
Khore gossips, 'Who else has 2 points?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'bye judge'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Haha'.
Khore gossips, 'Judge, you ready?'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'hip hip'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Yup'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'thats all for 2 pointers too'.
Khore gossips, 'AW!'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'WHEE!'.
Novis gossips (in common), '!!!'.
Totian gossips (in elven), '*clap*'.
Khore gossips, 'I just realized that since now, with the way we're playing...
you can only ever get one credit...'.
Khore gossips, 'Anyone who ends up with a credit is eligible for the tiebreaker
You gossip (in common), 'That's what had me wondering, heh.'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Whooot'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, who has 3 points?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'Qualin and Tiberius'.
Khore gossips, 'Qualin, you ready?'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'aye aye, cappin'.
Khore gossips, 'For you three pointers, there are two death ducks, and 3 with
Qualin gossips (in common), 'Awww'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'so really you have a 50% chance of hitting anything
other than a dud'.
Khore gossips, 'One of the ducks with credits has two credits.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'oooo'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'thats the one i want'.
Khore gossips, 'Very good, Qualin.  You are a smurt guy.'.
Khore gossips, 'Are you ready?'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'didnt you already ask? :P'.
Qualin disappears in a mushroom cloud.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'I'll take his credits'.
Khore gossips, 'Hit a duck!'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Khore gossips, 'Qualin hit a dud :('.
Novis gossips (in common), ':('.
Khore gossips, 'Novis, who else was there?'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'that duck was rigged! it sacced all when i attacked
Novis gossips (in common), 'Tiberius i want a steak of a duck :P'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Right on bro ;)'.
Khore gossips, 'Tib, you ready?'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Ready Captain'.
Khore gossips, 'Stop sancting yourself, it ain't gonna save you.'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Dang'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'blah'.
Khore gossips, 'Tib hit a dud too '.
Khore gossips, ':('.
Novis gossips (in common), ':('.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'I made the steak for ya Novis!'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'what if nobody gets anything?'.
Novis gossips (in common), ':)'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'I got a credit :P'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'then judge wins'.
Lycron gossips (in common), 'oops I wasn't watching'.
Khore gossips, 'Last one is Solaron'.
You gossip (in common), 'judge wins if i don't get a credit '.
Lycron gossips (in gnomish), 'posted log on forums'.
You gossip (in common), 'which means judge wins i think'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'wha?'.
Khore gossips, 'It's all you Sol.'.
Khore gossips, 'Sol, you have 4 credits.'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'good luck sol'.
Khore gossips, 'Currently, there are 2 ducks of death.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'can I try too?:D'.
Khore gossips, 'And 3 with credits.  One has two credits.'.
Khore gossips, 'Oh, myre's back.'.
Khore gossips, 'Yeah, mYre, you're after sol.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'sorry I had to go so soon'.
Khore gossips, 'Sol.'.
You gossip (in common), 'yessir'.
Khore gossips, 'You can either choose to use your credit to give ANOTHER duck
two credits'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), '*would like to fight the death duck after this is
all over!*'.
Khore gossips, 'In which case you pretty much win outright.'.
Khore gossips, 'Or you can give another duck ONE credit.'.
Khore gossips, 'And increase your chances of getting a credit.'.
Khore gossips, 'Either way, you get a third duck of death.'.
Khore gossips, 'Them's the shakes.  Make your decision.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'any chance that I can win any prizes?:P'.
You gossip (in common), 'Just gimme 3 ducks of death and another duck with ONE
Myre gossips (in common), 'or did my absence knock me outta the race?'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'If you massage my feet Myre *wink*'.
Khore gossips, 'No Myre, you will have a chance to tiebreak with Qualin and Sol,
if he gets a credit.'.
Khore gossips, 'If Sol gets the double credit, game over.  He wins.'.
Myre gossips (in common), '*nods*'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'You heard him folks, I'm in the tie breaker if he
gets one :)'.
You gossip (in common), 'He meant Judge :p'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'Aye, thats his problem!'.
Khore gossips, 'Sol, you ready?'.
You gossip (in common), 'Ready when you are O Vampire Lord'.
Qualin cheers you on, confident that you will win.
Khore has transferred you.
The Void
[Exits: none]
You are floating in nothing.
(Intense Dark Red Aura) Khore is here.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
k 9.duck
Your crush MASSACRES a duck!
A duck is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a duck's death cry.
You get 40 gold coins from the corpse of a duck.
The corpse of a duck contains:
a credit
get credit corpse
You get a credit from the corpse of a duck.
You clap your hands together.
Khore has transferred you.
[Exits: north east south west]
This hallway must have been built by giants!  It is huge!  Then
again, there are more than a few giants that belong to The Guild, so
it may just be so.  There are doors to your left, and right leading to
other places in the guild designed to serve the needs of all
An animal hide cap has been left here.
(Intense Dark Red Aura) Khore is here.
(Invis) (Light Red Aura) The Annis servant moves about performing her duties.
(Hide) (Light Red Aura) Tiberius is here.
Totian gossips (in elven), '?'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'Quiet....  too quiet....'.
Khore gossips, 'Solaron has gotten a SINGLE Credit!'.
You gossip (in common), 'wohoo'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'bah its rigged'.
Khore gossips, 'Myre, looks like you get a shot!'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'I'M IN THE TIE BREAKER!!! WOOOOOT!'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'better than a hole in the head'.
Khore gossips, 'Wait a sec, who else got a credit?'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Me :P'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'judge'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'me!'.
Khore gossips, 'Hehe, ok. :)'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Qualin is being a dork'.
Khore gossips, 'Myre'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'yo:D'.
Khore gossips, 'You had two points.'.
Myre gossips (in common), '*nods*'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'Khore gossips, 'No Myre, you will have a chance to
tiebreak with Qualin and Sol, if he gets a credit.'.'.
Khore gossips, 'Let me adjust the ducks accordingly.'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'He was confundled'.
Khore gossips, 'Stop holding me to my word, foolish mortals.  I'll kill the lot
of you and make it look like an accident.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'So hes l-l-l-l-l-lying?'.
Qualin gossips (in common), '*sniffle*'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Judge gossips (in common), '*Grin*'.
You gossip (in common), 'The ducks will be our witnesses after we die, Khore.'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'we all look the same after 1 million years on undead
You gossip (in common), 'The ducks know all that happens.'.
Khore gossips, 'Myre, you ready?'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'one sec'.
Khore gossips, 'You enter the room, no conning.'.
Khore gossips, 'No nothing.  Just k a duck.'.
Khore gossips, 'If it has a credit, you win.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'can I bs?'.
Khore gossips, 'If it doesn't you lose.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'ah nuts'.
Khore gossips, 'If it kills you, *I* win.'.
You gossip (in common), 'you don't need to heh'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Khore gossips, 'Ready?'.
Khore gossips, 'Two credits for the taking.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'it took me 3 rounds to kill my duck :('.
Myre gossips (in common), 'wait a sec'.
Khore gossips, 'And some heavy hitting ducks.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'and only because i spiritual hammered it'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'so how many ducks are there?'.
Khore gossips, '10.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'heh'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'joy:P'.
Khore gossips, 'Your 2 points means you have a 20% chance of getting a credit.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'just one duck has credits?'.
Khore gossips, 'Two ducks have credits.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'ah, two ducks do'.
Totian gossips (in elven), '2 deadly, 2 with points, 6 nada'.
Myre gossips (in common), '*nods*'.
Khore gossips, 'And a couple are set on killing you.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'ke'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'err, k'.
Khore gossips, 'Ok, you're the last one, ready?'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'ready'.
Khore gossips, 'Myre has won a credit!'.
Myre juggles a credit.
Myre gossips (in common), 'Muha!'.
exam credit
A credit!
Novis gossips (in common), '!!!'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'gratz!'.
Khore gossips, 'Three way tie.'.
Khore gossips, 'How annoying.  My basketball started 30 minutes ago.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Let's duke it out in the Arena!'.
Qualin gossips (in common), '*waah*'.
Khore gossips, 'And this short quest has taken 90 minutes.'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Oh you coward'.
Lycron gossips (in gnomish), 'oh man I wish I Had a credit *cry*'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Let me in there Khore'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Khore gossips, 'Okay a tiebreaker.'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'I'll take that credit and .. Ho ho ho.. '.
Khore gossips, 'I'm going to bring you into a room with 9 deadly ducks.'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), '*Protects the Judge*'.
You gossip (in common), 'Uh'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'Stop talking about my mom like that, Tib :('.
Judge gossips (in common), 'This will hurt'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'hehe qualin'.
Khore gossips, 'Actually.'.
Khore gossips, 'No, let's give up the ducks.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehehe'.
Khore gossips, 'In this room, there will be a dog, a duck, a cat, and a minnow.'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'wasps!'.
Khore gossips, 'One of these is the game winner.'.
Myre gossips (in common), ':D'.
Khore gossips, 'The other three will kill you.'.
Someone gossips, '".... the dog walks into a bar, and says...."'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'heh'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'What about an animated bag of Qualin hide?'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'they rabid or something?'.
You gossip (in common), 'Ow?'.
Khore gossips, 'So, basically, for keeping me here so long, someone's gonna die.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Or all of us are gonna die?'.
Azeworai gossips (in common), 'me!'.
Khore gossips, 'At least two of you, possibly three.'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Was nice knowing you guys :P'.
Khore gossips, 'But, on the bright side.'.
Natilena gossips, 'I jsut want to know what the dog said!'.
Khore gossips, 'I'll have fun watching it.'.
Totian gossips (in elven), '1 in a million..? So what you'r esaying is there's
a chance?'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'are we gonna go at the same time?'.
You gossip (in common), 'Khore does have some good news, he just saved a bunch
of money on his car insurance.'.
Khore gossips, 'Yes, between yourselves, determine which animals you're going
to attack.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), '*laugh*'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), '*chuckle*'.
Khore gossips, 'While I set up the death beasts.'.
Totian gossips (in elven), 'it's ok, he had subway for lunch'.
You gossip (in common), 'heheh'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'Death beasts.  Encouraging.'.
Judge says (in common), 'This will hurt'.
You say (in common), 'about those mobs'.
You say (in common), 'Which ones you guys want?'.
Judge says (in common), 'I'm not sure'.
Judge says (in common), 'which you want?'.
You say (in common), 'I'll take the minnow, I guess.'.
Judge nods.
Judge says (in common), 'I'll nab the cat then'.
You say (in common), 'Myre?'.
Myre says (in common), 'yo'.
Myre says (in common), 'umm'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'since there are 4 mobs, can i join in too?'.
Myre says (in common), 'which are taken?'.
You say (in common), 'Which one you taking?'.
Judge says (in common), 'cat and minnow'.
Myre sits down and thinks deeply.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'what if no one picks the right one, someone has
to be there to save the day'.
Judge says (in common), 'you got dog or duck'.
Khore gossips, 'Yes, but if I add you, I have to add a dragon.  And you have
to choose the dragon.'.
Qualin gossips (in common), '(and send you back to your basketball game)'.
You gossip (in common), 'heheheh'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'OKAY!'.
Myre says (in common), 'I'll take the duck, I guess:P'.
Myre sits down and thinks deeply.
Myre says (in common), 'wait'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'does the dragon have the credit? :P'.
Myre says (in common), 'duck'.
Judge nods.
You nod.
You say (in common), 'g'luck fellas.'.
Myre says (in common), 'you too:D'.
Judge says (in common), 'you too'.
Khore gossips, 'Ok, A minnow, a dog, a cat, duck.'.
Khore gossips, 'You three, have you chosen?'.
Myre nods.
Myre says (in common), 'i got duck'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Yup'.
You gossip (in common), 'Yessir'.
Qualin gossips (in common), 'Yes, Sir'.
Khore gossips, 'Myre, Sol, Judge?'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'err, i got duck'.
Khore gossips, 'Ok, that's fine.'.
Khore gossips, 'Don't attack until I give you the go-ahead.'.
Khore gossips, 'Do nothing.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Okie dokie'.
Myre disappears in a mushroom cloud.
Khore has transferred you.
The Void
[Exits: none]
You are floating in nothing.
(Invis) (Light Cyan Aura) Myre is here.
(Intense Dark Red Aura) Khore is here.
A cat slinks through the caves, looking for food.
A minnow darts through the shallows.
A duck pokes about for food.
A very hungry dog scavenges for anything to eat.
Myre bounces around.
Judge arrives from a puff of smoke.
Khore gossips, 'Ok.'.
Khore gossips, 'Kill your animal!'.
Judge says (in common), 'this will hurt'.
Myre parries a duck's attack.
Judge's crush maims a cat.
Judge attacks and narrowly misses a cat.
A cat MUTILATES Judge.
A cat devastates Judge.
A duck MASSACRES Myre.
A duck *** DEMOLISHES *** Myre.
A duck devastates Myre.
Judge outmaneuvers a cat's dodge attempt.
Judge's crush maims a cat.
Judge's crush maims a cat.
Myre tries to throw sand in a duck's eyes, but it shielded them.
k minnow
Your crush EVISCERATES a minnow!
A minnow is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a minnow's death cry.
You get 10 gold coins from the corpse of a minnow.
The corpse of a minnow contains:
a credit
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Oh the beastness'.
A cat outmaneuvers Judge's dodge attempt.
A cat *** DEMOLISHES *** Judge.
Judge parries a cat's attack.
A duck maims Myre.
A duck maims Myre.
A duck *** ANNIHILATES *** Myre.
Judge stumbles and almost falls!
get credit corpse
You get a credit from the corpse of a minnow.
A dog savagely devours a corpse.
A cat maims Judge.
Judge parries a cat's attack.
A cat looks at Judge's fighting style and smirks.
A duck *** DEMOLISHES *** Myre.
Myre is DEAD!!
Myre splatters blood on your armor.
Judge's slash devastates a cat.
The Void
[Exits: none]
You are floating in nothing.
The corpse of Myre is lying here.
(Light Red Aura) Judge is here.
(Intense Dark Red Aura) Khore is here.
A cat slinks through the caves, looking for food.
A duck pokes about for food.
A very hungry dog scavenges for anything to eat.
Khore gets the corpse of Myre.
Khore says, 'aw.'.
Khore says, 'judge, look the other way'.
Judge snickers softly.
Khore utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Khore's soul rift *** ANNIHILATES *** Judge!
Judge is DEAD!!
Judge splatters blood on your armor.
Khore gets the corpse of Judge.
Novis gossips (in common), 'just remember to scream bloody murder'.
You gasp in astonishment.
Judge gossips (in common), 'lol'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'my animal didn't kill me'.
Someone chuckles, evidently amused.
Khore gossips, 'Solaron has retrieved the prize!'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Boo'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Khore's soul rift *** ANNIHILATES *** you!'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), ':('.
You gossip (in common), 'Rrrrraaaarrrrr'.
Khore gossips, 'Judge narrowly averted death!'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'my animal whooped my butt'.
Fisrad gossips (in common), 'Gratz Sol.'.
Judge gossips (in common), 'Narrowly?'.
Khore gossips, 'Until an errant rift killed him.'.
You gossip (in common), 'I saw a bunch of demos and almost panicked. :('.
You gossip (in common), '"errant"...'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'I want to kill a super duck!'.
You gossip (in common), 'uh'.
You gossip (in common), 'yeah'.
Tiberius gossips (in common), 'Khore, hook me up!'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'AND lost exp *cries*'.
Khore gossips, 'I'll release the animals in a bit.'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'heh'.
Khore gossips, 'Thanks for playing.  Anyone who got a credit gets a prize.  Sol
gets the prizes outlined earlier.'.
Khore gossips, 'Novis gets a prize for helping me.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Thanks Novis! '.
Khore gossips, 'And'.
Novis gossips (in common), 'welcome'.
Myre gossips (in common), ':D yeah'.
Khore auctions, 'Two corpses.  Myre and Judge.  Loaded.'.
Qualin auctions (in common), '1k'.
You auction (in common), 'muahahahaha'.
Andrew gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
You gossip (in common), 'heheh'.
Novis auctions (in common), '5k'.
Myre gossips (in common), 'Booooo!'.
Judge arrives from a puff of smoke.
Qualin auctions (in common), '10k'.
Myre arrives from a puff of smoke.
Judge auctions (in common), 'That's not fair, my animal didn't kil lme!'.
Novis arrives from a puff of smoke.
You grin evilly.
Myre smiles happily.
Myre gossips (in common), 'hehe'.
Novis looks at a duck.
Myre looks at Judge.
Eara auctions (in elven), '13k?'.
Myre snickers with Judge about their shared secret.
Myre comforts Judge.
Khore gives the corpse of Judge to Judge.
Novis twitches nervously.
Khore gives the corpse of Myre to Myre.
Khore gossips, 'Guys, I missed a lot of tells, because I was spammed.'.
Khore gossips, 'Sorry, I don't mean to ignore anyone'.
Khore says, 'Ok.'.
Khore says, 'Prizes.'.
Khore gossips, 'Thanks for playing, everyone.'.

Revision as of 22:48, 20 January 2011