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Revision as of 23:53, 18 January 2011 by Soloban (talk | contribs)
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Midgaard is the largest Human town in the world, located at the middle of the northern continent on the east side of the Great Western Road. New Humans here play in the swimming hole, and often talk of adventuring through the Kobold Mines to the northeast.


G                     Temple of Mangar
R                             |
E             Cleric Guild----+--Grunting Boar Inn         MG Museum
A                             |                              |
T          Magic              |                              |
|          Shop    Bakery     |  General Store  Weaponsmith  |
|---W.Gate---+-------+---Well/Vortex----+----------+---------E. Gate
|    |    Mage    Armoury   (Slue)   Jeweller   Warrior
W    |    Guild               |                     Guild
E    |                        |
S    |  Leather               |       Pet           Taxidermy
T    |   Shop               Common    Shop             Shop   Shaman
E    |-----+--------+-------Square-----+------+---------+-----Guild
R    |  Portal   Grubby Inn   |    Thieves  Levee     Sailor
N    |  (Guild                |     Guild     |       (train)
|    |    Hall)              Dump         (to river)
R    |    
O    |
A    |=========================================================|
D    | Promenade, Park, Graveyard, and the rest of South of MG |