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>>The joys of dialing up to a shell account in the old days. This is a log of
>>just getting on and briefly walking around.
>>Notable characters: sohcahtoa, assilem, syla, huey
>>Mud climate: stats showed up in numbers in Score!
>>Approximate date: 5/5/96

atdt 16023951111




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                  Welcome to The Final Challenge!
            ____       _                           _
           |  _ \ _ __(_)_ __ ___   ___ _ __   ___| |_
           | |_) | '__| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ __| 's OFFICIAL MUD
           |  __/| |  | | | | | | |  __/ | | |  __/ |_
           |_|   |_|  |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\___|\__|

              Based roughly on the late Challenger MUD, R.I.P.,
There will never be another Challenger MUD, but with its vision, we go forth.

         Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
             Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
              01 Aug 1993    Merc 2.1    Furey, Hatchet, Kahn

                       Check out the TFC Web Pages
     netscape 1.1 enhanced: http://www.primenet.com/-madman/tfc.html
     netscape 1.0: http://www.primenet.com/-madman/alternate/tfc.html
     For the - in the URL's above use the tilde, the squiggly hyphen.

One moment...

By what name do you wish to be known? kaern
* This is a PK Mud.  Characters here may interact fully with each other,
  but beware the consequences, we are civilized.

* CHARACTERS DO *NOT* save until second level.  Also, playing multiple
  characters at once will result in deletion of characters in question.

* HELP CHANGES will give a list of changes made to the MUD.

* Yes, we've kept the Mud School, the reason being it can be *very* helpful,
  particularly for the newbie who has never played a MUD.

* Racial languages have been introduced.  It is recommended that you learn
  (practice) COMMON first, so that you'll be able to more easily
  communicate with the other races.  HELP LANGUAGE for more details.

* TELLs and other channels are not totally secure (although such security was
  not even implied). Thieves of sufficiently high level can eavesdrop on them...

* Multi-playing is not allowed.  Only one character online at one time per
  person is allowed.  This includes link-dead characters.

* Re-rolling is a no-no.  We will allow you one reroll, but if you do it more
  than that, we will deny your site the ability to start new characters. Type
  HELP REROLL if you don't understand the concept.

* Please don't share your character with other people.

* City guards are racist, so be careful!

* New users please type HELP NEWBIE for some introduction and help getting

* All players should type HELP POLICY and familiarize themselves with all
  the MUD rules.

* Remember "finger mudadm@primenet.com" is the quickest way to find out if
  the MUD is down due to network glitches or other reasons.

* I encourage everyone to subscribe to tfc-announce.  Type
  HELP MAILING LIST for details.

Press RETURN to continue:

Welcome to The Final Challenge.  May your visit here be... Interesting.
Recall Room
[Exits: west]
You are in a simple bare white room.  In no grandly ornate temple,
nor opulent business office has so many thanks been given as they have
been here.  For it is here, if you have the blessings of the gods,
that you have come from either danger, or a perilous long journey.
(Magical) the dazzling topaz amulet lies here.
(Magical) A bronze plate bracer has been left here
A finale pill has been dropped here.
(Magical) (Humming) the perfect silver bracelet lies here.
(Magical) A clear red potion sits here.
(Glowing) A earthquake staff lies forgotten on the ground.
(Magical) the dull amethyst amulet lies here.
A large stone club lies on the ground.
(Magical) (Humming) the fiery star rose quartz ring lies here.
(Magical) (Humming) A suit of elven chain has been abandoned here.
A club has been dropped here.
A suit of animal hide has been abandoned here.
A short sword has been dropped here.
A flail has been dropped here.
(Magical) A suit of banded mail has been abandoned here.
A sharp dagger is lying here.
A guard's standard issue lochbar axe has been left here.
Jivvens is here.
DarkStalker is here.
Assilem is here.
Reznor is here.
Keller is resting here.
Sohcahtoa is resting here.
Houdini is here.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1552gp > sac a
Assilem leaves west.

<391hp 248ma m423mv(25957) 1552gp > ulet
IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248amma 423mv(25957) 1553gp > c bracer
Sohcahtoa smiles at you.
Assilem has arrived.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1553gp >
IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1554gp > sac pill
bIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248unmma 423mv(25957) 1555gp > ce

<391hp 248ma 423smv(25957) 1555gp > ac ch
Assilem bows before you.

<391hp 248maa 423mv(25957) 1555gp >
MissFit has arrived.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1555gp > in
sac ring
bow as
Houdini gives the blazing gold amulet to Sohcahtoa.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1555gp > sIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1556gp > lIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.
DarkStalker sacrifices the perfect silver bracelet to IvoryTiger.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1557gp > ^R
bow assilem
You bow before him.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1557gp > Recall Room
[Exits: west]
You are in a simple bare white room.  In no grandly ornate temple,
nor opulent business office has so many thanks been given as they have
been here.  For it is here, if you have the blessings of the gods,
that you have come from either danger, or a perilous long journey.
(Magical) A clear red potion sits here.
(Glowing) A earthquake staff lies forgotten on the ground.
(Magical) the dull amethyst amulet lies here.
A large stone club lies on the ground.
A club has been dropped here.
A suit of animal hide has been abandoned here.
A short sword has been dropped here.
A flail has been dropped here.
(Magical) A suit of banded mail has been abandoned here.
A sharp dagger is lying here.
A guard's standard issue lochbar axe has been left here.
(Invis) MissFit is flying here.
Assilem is here.
Jivvens is here.
DarkStalker is here.
Reznor is here.
Keller is resting here.
Sohcahtoa is resting here.
Houdini is here.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1557gp > sac red
sac staIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

fmma 423mv(25957) 1558gp >
IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248amma 423mv(25957) 1559gp > c amulet
sac c
Sohcahtoa drops the blazing gold amulet.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1559gp > lubIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1560gp >

Huey has arrived.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1560gp > !
sac IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1561gp > IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1562gp > hid
DarkStalker looks at DarkStalker.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1562gp > e
sac IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248wmma 423mv(25957) 1563gp > ord
lIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1564gp >
Recall Room
[Exits: west]
You are in a simple bare white room.  In no grandly ornate temple,
nor opulent business office has so many thanks been given as they have
been here.  For it is here, if you have the blessings of the gods,
that you have come from either danger, or a perilous long journey.
(Magical) the dull amethyst amulet lies here.
A flail has been dropped here.
(Magical) A suit of banded mail has been abandoned here.
A sharp dagger is lying here.
A guard's standard issue lochbar axe has been left here.
Huey is flying here.
(Invis) MissFit is flying here.
Assilem is here.
Jivvens is here.
DarkStalker is here.
Reznor is here.
Keller is resting here.
Sohcahtoa is resting here.
Houdini is here.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1564gp > sac
Sohcahtoa looks at Huey.

<391hp 248madu 423mv(25957) 1564gp > ll
sIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248mma 423mv(25957) 1565gp > c m
Huey leaves west.

<391hp 248ma 32m423mv(25957) 1565gp > il
IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1566gp > sac dagger
saIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.
MissFit leaves west.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1567gp > c axe
Huey has arrived.

<391hp 248ma
             32m423mv(25957) 1567gp > lIvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1568gp >
Recall Room
[Exits: west]
You are in a simple bare white room.  In no grandly ornate temple,
nor opulent business office has so many thanks been given as they have
been here.  For it is here, if you have the blessings of the gods,
that you have come from either danger, or a perilous long journey.
A flail has been dropped here.
Huey is flying here.
Assilem is here.
Jivvens is here.
DarkStalker is here.
Reznor is here.
Keller is resting here.
Sohcahtoa is resting here.
Houdini is here.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1568gp > l huey

Reznor utters the words, 'judicandus eugzagz'.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1568gp > .
Huey has a few bruises.

Huey is using:
<used as light>     (Glowing) a rod
<worn on finger>    (Magical) the dim carnelian ring
<worn on finger>    (Magical) the illuminated bloodstone ring
<worn around neck>  the blazing chrysoberyl amulet
<worn around neck>  (Magical) the antique tourmaline amulet
<worn on feet>      a pair of animal hide boots
<worn on arms>      a pair of scale mail sleeves
<worn about waist>  a leather belt
<worn around wrist> (Magical) the aged chalcedony bracelet
<wielded>           (Magical) a mace
Huey leaves west.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1568gp > sac flail
IvoryTiger accepts your sacrifice.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp >
Huey has arrived.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > sc
You are Kaern lives in the sea! *dance*  DTU/IPS\Pd., 672 years old (1310 hours)
You are a level 30 Ranger, level 30 Mage
You are trusted at level 40.
You have 391/391 hit, 248/248 mana, 423/423 movement, 66 practices.
You have 0 training sessions remaining.
You are carrying 31/36 items with weight 320/700 kg.
Str: 18 Int: 18 Wis: 18 Dex: 18 Con: 18 Chr: 14 Luck: 17
You have scored 417653 exp, and have 1569 gold coins.
You need 25957 exp for level 31.
Autoexit: yes.  Autogold: yes, Autoloot: no.  Autosac: no.
Wimpy set to 142 hit points.
You are resting.
AC: -85.  You are divinely armored.
You are Neutral.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -20 for 10 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'fly' modifies none by 0 for 0 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'strength' modifies strength by 2 for 7 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 24 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'detect magic' modifies none by 0 for 24 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 9 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'improved invis' modifies none by 0 for 22 hours by Kaern..

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp >
Huey leaves west.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp >
Assilem utters the words, 'uwsfazze uizug'.
Assilem fades out of existence.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > l
Recall Room
[Exits: west]
You are in a simple bare white room.  In no grandly ornate temple,
nor opulent business office has so many thanks been given as they have
been here.  For it is here, if you have the blessings of the gods,
that you have come from either danger, or a perilous long journey.
(Invis) Assilem is here.
Jivvens is here.
DarkStalker is here.
Reznor is here.
Keller is resting here.
Sohcahtoa is resting here.
Houdini is here.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > sn
Maybe you should be on your feet before you try that.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > Maybe you should be on your feet before you t
ry that.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > n
Maybe you should be on your feet before you try that.
Assilem utters the words, 'gpuzre'.
Assilem is surrounded by a force shield.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > Maybe you should be on your feet before you t
ry that.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > wa
You stand up.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > sn
You attempt to move silently.

<391hp 248ma
00m 423mv(25957) 1569gp > Hallway
[Exits: north east south west]
This hallway must have been built by giants!  It is huge!  Then
again, there are more than a few giants that belong to The Guild, so
it may just be so.  There are doors to your left, and right leading to
other places in the guild designed to serve the needs of all
(Invis) Huey is flying here.
(Invis) MissFit is flying here.
MissFit utters the words, 'gpuzre'.
Huey is surrounded by a force shield.

<391hp 248ma 421mv(25957) 1569gp > n
[Exits: north east south west]
This hallway must have been built by giants!  It is huge!  Then
again, there are more than a few giants that belong to The Guild, so
it may just be so.  There are doors to your left, and right leading to
other places in the guild designed to serve the needs of all

<391hp 248ma 419mv(25957) 1569gp > Guild Hall
[Exits: north east south west]
This huge room is the meeting place for all known adventurers of the
world.  Due to special magics set upon the room, going north will allow
you instant transport to your birth city, no matter what your race may
be.  The room is filled with many people, most of them wannabe
adventurers, but scattered amongst the throng of people you spot more
than a few living legends.  It is rumored that even immortals visit
this place upon occasion.  Rust colored stains on the floor, and
chunks of missing wood indicate that this is perhaps not always a
peaceful place.

<391hp 248ma 417mv(25957) 1569gp > Poor Alley
[Exits: north east south west]
You are in narrow and dirty alley leading east and west.  The leather shop
is to the north, and the Adventurer's Guild is to the south.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
Beastly Fido is here.
A beggar is here, asking for a few coins.

<391hp 248ma 415mv(25957) 1569gp > e
Eastern End of Poor Alley
[Exits: east south west]
You are at the poor alley.  South of here is the Grubby Inn and to the
east you see common square.  The alley continues further west.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 413mv(25957) 1569gp > e
The Common Square
[Exits: north east south west]
The common square, people pass you, talking to each other.  To the west is
the poor alley and to the east is the dark alley.  To the north, this square
is connected to the market square.  From the south you notice a nasty smell.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A dagger with a long thin blade is here.

<391hp 248ma 411mv(25957) 1569gp > n
A Side Street
[Exits: north south]
You are on a side street crossing through town.  To the north is the market
square and to the south is the common square. The sides of shops line the
street, and peeking in the windows you spy many fabulous items. Perhaps you
should go find the entrance and buy something.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A small sword lies here.
(Magical) A club has been dropped here.
A wooden medium shield lies here.

<391hp 248ma 409mv(25957) 1569gp > Market Square
[Exits: north east south west up]
You are standing on the market square, the famous Square of Midgaard. A
large, peculiar looking statue is standing in the middle of the square.
Above it swirls a grey vortex, looking both ominous and intriguing. Roads
lead in every direction, north to the temple square, south to the common
square, east and westbound is the main street.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A deep well is here to catch the heads.
(White Aura) Slue, cousin of Smee and Blogg, is polishing his blade.

<391hp 248ma 407mv(25957) 1569gp > n
The Temple Square
[Exits: north east south west]
You are standing on the temple square.  Huge marble steps lead up to the
temple gate.  The entrance to the Clerics Guild is to the west, and the old
Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east.  Just south of here you see the market
square, the center of Midgaard.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 405mv(25957) 1569gp > n
The Temple Of Mangar
[Exits: north south]
You are in the southern end of the temple hall in the Temple of Midgaard.
The temple has been constructed from giant marble blocks, eternal in
appearance, and most of the walls are covered by ancient wall paintings
picturing Gods, Giants and peasants.

Large steps lead down through the grand temple gate, descending the huge
mound upon which the temple is built and ends on the temple square below.
(White Aura) Lancelot is here.

<391hp 248ma 403mv(25957) 1569gp > By the Temple Altar
[Exits: south]
You are by the temple altar in the northern end of the Temple of Midgaard.
A huge altar made from white polished marble is standing in front of you and
behind it are statues of Mangar and Gata.
Hurler is here.
Azra is resting here.
A small loyal kitten is here.
(Translucent) A ghost seeks justice here.

<391hp 248ma 401mv(25957) 1569gp >
Huey has arrived.

<391hp 248ma 401mv(25957) 1569gp > s
The Temple Of Mangar
[Exits: north south]
You are in the southern end of the temple hall in the Temple of Midgaard.
The temple has been constructed from giant marble blocks, eternal in
appearance, and most of the walls are covered by ancient wall paintings
picturing Gods, Giants and peasants.

Large steps lead down through the grand temple gate, descending the huge
mound upon which the temple is built and ends on the temple square below.

<391hp 248ma 399mv(25957) 1569gp > The Temple Square
[Exits: north east south west]
You are standing on the temple square.  Huge marble steps lead up to the
temple gate.  The entrance to the Clerics Guild is to the west, and the old
Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east.  Just south of here you see the market
square, the center of Midgaard.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
(White Aura) Lancelot is here.
### Closing link to Xena.
### Xena has lost link.

<391hp 248ma 397mv(25957) 1569gp > s
Market Square
[Exits: north east south west up]
You are standing on the market square, the famous Square of Midgaard. A
large, peculiar looking statue is standing in the middle of the square.
Above it swirls a grey vortex, looking both ominous and intriguing. Roads
lead in every direction, north to the temple square, south to the common
square, east and westbound is the main street.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A deep well is here to catch the heads.
(White Aura) Slue, cousin of Smee and Blogg, is polishing his blade.

<391hp 248ma 395mv(25957) 1569gp > A Side Street
[Exits: north south]
You are on a side street crossing through town.  To the north is the market
square and to the south is the common square. The sides of shops line the
street, and peeking in the windows you spy many fabulous items. Perhaps you
should go find the entrance and buy something.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A small sword lies here.
(Magical) A club has been dropped here.
A wooden medium shield lies here.
(Translucent) A ghost seeks justice here.

<391hp 248ma 393mv(25957) 1569gp > s
The Common Square
[Exits: north east south west]
The common square, people pass you, talking to each other.  To the west is
the poor alley and to the east is the dark alley.  To the north, this square
is connected to the market square.  From the south you notice a nasty smell.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A dagger with a long thin blade is here.

<391hp 248ma 391mv(25957) 1569gp > w
wEastern End of Poor Alley
[Exits: east south west]
You are at the poor alley.  South of here is the Grubby Inn and to the
east you see common square.  The alley continues further west.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 389mv(25957) 1569gp >
Poor Alley
[Exits: north east south west]
You are in narrow and dirty alley leading east and west.  The leather shop
is to the north, and the Adventurer's Guild is to the south.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
Beastly Fido is here.
A beggar is here, asking for a few coins.

<391hp 248ma 387mv(25957) 1569gp > w
Wall Road
[Exits: north east south]
You are walking next to the western city wall.  Wall Road continues further
north and south.  A small, poor alley leads east.
Some letters have been written on the wall here.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 385mv(25957) 1569gp > n
Wall Road
[Exits: north south]
You are walking next to the western city wall.  The road continues further
south and the city gate is just north of here.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A morning star has been dropped here.
A guard's standard issue lochbar axe has been left here.
You see a guard's standard issue chainmail vest here.

<391hp 248ma 383mv(25957) 1569gp > Inside the West Gate of Midgaard
[Exits: east south]
You are by two small towers that have been built into the city wall and
connected with a footbridge across the heavy wooden gate.  Main Street leads
east and Wall Road leads south from here.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
( 2) A guard's standard issue lochbar axe has been left here.

<391hp 248ma 381mv(25957) 1569gp > e
Main Street
[Exits: north east south west]
You are at the end of the main street of Midgaard.  South of here is the
entrance to the Guild of Magic Users.  The street continues east towards the
market square.  The magic shop is to the north and to the west is the city
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 379mv(25957) 1569gp > e
Main Street
[Exits: north east south west]
You are on the main street passing through the City of Midgaard.  South of
here is the entrance to the Armoury, and the bakery is to the north.  East of
here is the market square.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 377mv(25957) 1569gp > e
Market Square
[Exits: north east south west up]
You are standing on the market square, the famous Square of Midgaard. A
large, peculiar looking statue is standing in the middle of the square.
Above it swirls a grey vortex, looking both ominous and intriguing. Roads
lead in every direction, north to the temple square, south to the common
square, east and westbound is the main street.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A deep well is here to catch the heads.
(White Aura) Slue, cousin of Smee and Blogg, is polishing his blade.

<391hp 248ma 375mv(25957) 1569gp > The Main Street
[Exits: north east south west]
You are on Main Street crossing through town.  To the north is the general
store, and the main street continues east.  To the west you see and hear the
market place and to the south is the Jeweller's Shop.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 373mv(25957) 1569gp > The Main Street
[Exits: north east south west]
The main street, to the north is the weapon shop and to the south is the
Guild of Swordsmen.  To the east you leave town and to the west the street
leads to the market square.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A dagger has been dropped here.

<391hp 248ma 371mv(25957) 1569gp > e
Inside the East Gate of Midgaard
[Exits: east west]
You are by two small towers that have been built into the city wall and
connected with a footbridge across the heavy wooden gate.  Main Street leads
west from here.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
(Magical) A metal medium shield lies here.
A wooden small shield lies here.
( 2) A pair of padded leather boots has been left here
( 6) (Magical) You see a ring with a strange symbol on the floor.
A club has been dropped here.
(Magical) a pink potion with light blue swirls lies here.
A leather bracelet has been left here
A metal medium shield lies here.
A suit of chain mail has been abandoned here.
A suit of studded leather has been abandoned here.
A suit of banded mail has been abandoned here.
A suit of splint mail has been abandoned here.
( 3) You see a guard's standard issue chainmail vest here.
A metal tower shield lies here.
You see a guard's standard issue helm here.
( 4) A guard's standard issue lochbar axe has been left here.
A dagger has been dropped here.
A wooden kite shield lies here.
A scimitar has been dropped here.
A wooden medium sehield lies here.
A hand axe has been dropped here.
A suit of scale mail has been abandoned here.

<391hp 248ma 369mv(25957) 1569gp >
### Grim new player.

<391hp 248ma 369mv(25957) 1569gp >
Outside the East Gate of Midgaard
[Exits: east west]
You are by two small towers that have been built into the city wall and
connected with a footbridge across the heavy wooden gate.  To the east a
trail leads towards some trees in the distance.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A small sword lies here.
( 3) A guard's standard issue lochbar axe has been left here.
( 3) You see a guard's standard issue chainmail vest here.
A suit of scale mail has been abandoned here.
(Magical) You see a ring with a strange symbol on the floor.

<391hp 248ma 367mv(25957) 1569gp > op e
Outside Midgaard
[Exits: east west]
You are standing outside the east gates of the human capital city, Midgaard,
its massive walls giving a certain presence to the entire area.  Judging by
the condition of the trail heading east, this is not a major trade route.
You can see a forest to the southeast.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 365mv(25957) 1569gp > On A Path
[Exits: east west]
You are on a path.  To the west is Midgaard, the human capital city.   The
trail meanders into some light woods to the east.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 362mv(25957) 1569gp > You can't do that.

<391hp 248ma 362mv(25957) 1569gp > e
A Light Forest
[Exits: east south west]
There are a few trees here, perhaps not quite a forest.  The trail zigs off
deeper into the forest to the south.  You also see a path that leads towards
the east.  Off in the distant north, large hills (or small mountains) can be
seen.  The walls of Midgaard are still visible to the west.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 358mv(25957) 1569gp > s
At The Edge of The Light-Wood Forest
[Exits: north east south]
You are standing at the edge of the Light-Wood Forest.  It earned its rather
simple name from the fact that all the trees here have white bark.  You can
hear birds singing, and various insects chirping.  All in all, this seems
like a very happy place.  The forest thins out to the north, and towards the
northwest  you can catch a glimpse of the Midgaard Wall.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 354mv(25957) 1569gp > In The Light-Wood Forest
[Exits: west]
You are standing in the Light-Wood Forest.  It earned its rather simple name
from the fact that all the trees here have white bark.  You can hear birds
singing, and various insects chirping.  All in all, this seems like a very
happy place.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

<391hp 248ma 350mv(25957) 1569gp > wh ebon
wh conclave
who ips
wh immortal

You slowly float to the ground.

<391hp 248ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > 2 players.
Elf [ Ma:22 Wa:22       ] MissFit wears an Ebon cowl about her head
Hum [ Sh:30             ] Huey Hood *EBON* *PSYCHO*

<391hp 248ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > 1 player.
Hum [ Cl:16             ] Mastermind Curate of the Black Conclave

<391hp 248ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > 1 player.
Hum [ Ra:30 Ma:30       ] Kaern lives in the sea! *dance*  DTU/IPS\Pd.

<391hp 248ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > 1 player.
Hel [    DemiGoddess    ] Syla: Goddess of Mischief <Inv  5>

<391hp 248ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > c fly
Your feet rise off the ground.

<391hp 238ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > te syla they're over!!
You tell Syla (in common) 'they're over!!'.

<391hp 238ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > sav
Your effective level is 40

Version  2.76k of TFC was introduced on 04/27/96

<391hp 238ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp > te syla and I did pretty damn
Syla tells you 'huh?'.

<391hp 238ma [1m412mv(25957) 1569gp > well too...finals :)
You tell Syla (in common) 'and I did pretty damn well too...finals :)'.

<391hp 238ma 412mv(25957) 1569gp >

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp >
Syla tells you 'oh!! grats!'.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > reply
Syla ruffles your hair playfully.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > thank you...grin
You tell Syla (in common) 'thank you...grin'.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > sav
Your effective level is 40

Version  2.76k of TFC was introduced on 04/27/96

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > reply they were really late but oh well
You tell Syla (in common) 'they were really late but oh well'.

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > sc
You are Kaern lives in the sea! *dance*  DTU/IPS\Pd., 672 years old (1310 hours)
You are a level 30 Ranger, level 30 Mage
You are trusted at level 40.
You have 391/391 hit, 248/248 mana, 423/423 movement, 66 practices.
You have 0 training sessions remaining.
You are carrying 31/36 items with weight 320/700 kg.
Str: 18 Int: 18 Wis: 18 Dex: 18 Con: 18 Chr: 14 Luck: 17
You have scored 417653 exp, and have 1569 gold coins.
You need 25957 exp for level 31.
Autoexit: yes.  Autogold: yes, Autoloot: no.  Autosac: no.
Wimpy set to 142 hit points.
You are standing.
AC: -85.  You are divinely armored.
You are Neutral.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'fly' modifies none by 0 for 25 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -20 for 7 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'strength' modifies strength by 2 for 4 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 21 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'detect magic' modifies none by 0 for 21 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 6 hours by Kaern..
Spell: 'improved invis' modifies none by 0 for 19 hours by Kaern..

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > whoz
Players near you:

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp >

<391hp 248ma 423mv(25957) 1569gp > area

 {NONE } Diku     Limbo                 { 5 35} Sinclair Lost Pyramid of Scyrah
 { 5 35} Maurice  The Dead File         {10 20} Sirak    Icy Wastelands
 { 1 20} Copper   Plains of the North   { ALL } Mort     Mountain Aire
 { ALL } I.Tiger  The God's Realms      { 3  7} Nayr     The Deepwood
 {10 30} Anon     High Tower of Sorcery {10 35} Jaxxon   The Bazaar
 { ALL } Madman   Thistlerock           { 5 15} Madman   Goblin Mines
 { 5 30} Tyrst    Wyvern's Tower        { 5 20} Alfa     Holy Grove 
 {10 20} Raff     Dwarven Catacombs     { 1  7} Siren    Mutant Area
 { 5 30} Wench    Dragon Tower          { 3  7} Sirak    Lizard Swamp
 { 5 35} Chris    The Keep of Mahn-Tor  { 5 15} Mort     Kobold Raiders
 {10 15} Merc     Troll Den             { 3 10} Sirak    Goblin Camp
 { 5 30} Diku     Sewer                 { 1  4} Madman   The Gallery
 { ALL } Diku     Midgaard              {HARD!} Madman   The Dragon's Lair
 { ALL } Maurice  Adventurer's Guild    { 1  5} M & MM   Settlers
 {15 25} Copper   Chapel Catacombs      { 5 15} Copper   Miden'nir
 { 5 10} Alfa     Graveyard             { 2 10} Thaygar  Ruins of the Citadel
 { 1  4} Hatchet  Mud School            { 5 35} Ath      The Sea
 { 5 15} Alfa     Moria                 { 2 10} Siren    Mummy Tombs
 { ALL } Nayr     Dwarvenhold           {20 40} Tel      Castle of Baron Marel
 {10 25} Anon     Juargan's Kingdom     {HARD!} Madman   The Demon Realm
 { ALL } Sinclair Loth-Llorien          { ALL } Madman   Seaside
 { ALL } Sinclair Half-Elf Camp         { ALL } I.Tiger  Temple Area
 {10 20} Anon     Great Eastern Desert  { 5 15} Madman   Upper Fastwater
 {15 25} Anon     Drow City             { 5 15} Madman   Lower Fastwater
 {10 25} Anon     Thalos                {15 30} Madman   Cavern of Vile Rune
 { ALL } Alfa     Ofcol                 {30 50} Ath      Black Shrine
 { 5 10} Diku     Haon'Dor              {30 50} Ath      Shrine of Neutrality
 { 5 20} Anon     Arachnos              {30 50} Ath      Sacred Shrine
 {10 25} Anon     Dwarven Kingdom       {20 35} Thaygar  The Caverns of N'Kai
 { 5 20} Hatchet  Valley of the Elves   {15 35} Nayr     Dwarvenhold Mines
 {20 30} Diku     Redferne's Residence  { ALL } Madman   Harper's Landing
 {15 25} Generic  Old Marsh             { ALL } Sirak    Village of Malenest
 {15 25} Dylan    Dylan's Area          {20 50} Ath      Longship
 { 5 30} Raff     Elemental Canyon      { 11+ } Madman   The Vortex
 { 5 25} Maurice  Ghost Town            { ALL } Madman   The Maelmordian Seas
 { 5 35} Hatchet  New Ofcol             { ALL } Madman   The Cliffs of Aran
 { ALL } Madman   The Ogre Town of Og   {18 35} Siren    Altibia
 { ALL } Madman   Hovelton              {17 27} Sirak    Landru's Keep
 { ALL } Tynian   Eastern Plains        { 3  7} Nalya    Treehouse
 { 3 10} Madman   The Kobold Mine       {15 35} Pixel    Druid's Sanctuary
 { 5 30} Slash    Aarakocran City       { ALL } Jerald   The Isle
 { 3 7 } Slash    Lost in the Foliage   { 1 5 } Jerald   The Meadow
 { ALL } Tynian   The North             {10 25} Coyul    Skelos Island
 { ALL } Tynian   Great Western Road    {25 40} Kalten   Sahuagin City
 { ALL } Tynian   The West              {15 50} Madman   Tharlodin's Vein
 { ALL } Sirak    Mithas, Minotaur City