Trig sentinel mob

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trig_sentinel_mob is a Extended Trigger Before Move trigger. It only allows PCs holding an item with specific vnum to pass through given exit.


Q <room vnum> <door direction> trig_sentinel_mob <obj vnum> <success msg or -1> <fail msg or -1> <mob vnum or -1> <flags>

Field Description
Room vnum Room to apply the trigger to
Door direction The direction of the door to apply the trigger to
Object vnum The item that must be held to satisfy the trigger and allow PC through
Success string vnum -1 - No success message
#STRINGS vnum with success message
Fail string vnum -1 - No failure message
#STRINGS vnum with failure message
Mob vnum vnum of sentinel mob
-1 - No sentinel mob
flags Specifies options that alters the operation of the trigger. Add modifiers together:
1 - If mob is missing from room, do not allow access
2 - If the mob is missing, display no message
4 - Throw PC out of room on fail


Q 1200 1 trig_sentinel_mob 1234 1200 1201 3300 3 * In room 1200, trigger to east