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(Taken from theblackconclave.org, via the Internet Wayback Machine, circa 2001):

Long ago, a great mortal known only as Nash roamed the realms in search of great treasure. In doing, he circled many worlds and mastered all the known arts, skills and spells possible. He was a great adventurer and on his last great adventure, he hunted the most powerful arch-mage in all the realms. Lord Nash slew him with ease of course, all for the most deadly artifact known to exist.

From the corpse of the mage, he took the most feared scroll in all the lands...the Scroll of SuperNova. The scroll spoke to Lord Nash and told him that if it were torn apart, that the entire universe would implode and everything he knew would be destroyed. Well Lord Nash knew all of this but in his mind he formed a plan.

Lord Nash returned to his palace and placed strong magics on a book which he wrote of himself within. He completed this brilliant work, calling it the Nash Bible and then tore the mighty scroll. He then watched as the universe began to implode around him as every object, every secret, every mystery and every creature (including all immortals) flew past him before being consumed by the scroll. His vast knowledge skyrocketed beyond mortal and even immortal comprehension and imagination! And just before he too was consumed, he reached out with his mighty strength and hurled the Nash Bible to safety.

Nobody knows how long afterwards, but eventually the universe reformed. New worlds formed and so did new life. On one world, where intelligent life had evolved...the ancient Nash Bible came to rest. The mortal beings there worshiped this other worldly artifact, and their great minds eventually deciphered it. Soon afterwards, all the people knew of Lord Nash and his greatness and in their image of him and through their belief, he was born as a god.

He thanked the people of this world for bringing him back as only one of his power could. He thanked them by slaughtering every last one of them and then by destroying the rest of the new universe as well.

Then with his mighty power, he recreated the old universe...exactly as it had been moments before being destroyed by him except with ONE difference. When he recreated the old gods, he created them below him and became the supreme ruler of all worlds as it remains today.