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Note: Today (April 4, 2011), it was brought to my attention that an appalling lack of factual knowledge was displayed on Gossip. I set about to correct this, as quickly as possible. - C.

The Temple of Lord Nash
[Exits: none]
This huge hall's exact size is not discernible by standard measurements.
The many buttresses and arches form a tracery of shadowy dimness. The floors
and walls are covered in slabs of polished stone, apparently obsidian with
swirls of purplish basalt. Much magic has evidently been placed here, for an
evil darkness seeps from the walls and floor, making the whole chamber seem
uncomfortable and nerve-racking. In the center of the hall is a large plaque
sitting on an ornately carved pedestal.
(Glowing) A statue of Lord Nash stands before you in utter perfection.
(Light Red Aura) A spider spins its web in the tree limbs.

12 players.
Elf [ Ambassador ] Legolas Greenleaf, Elf of the Woodland Realm.
Hum [ Triat Weaver ] Cordir, Goddess of Ebon Night. Patroness of Bards.
Sah [ Ra:13 Ma:15 ] Joewnah is on a hunt for eq.
Elf [ Cl:15 Wa:15 ] Grimm, Crimson Blood Lust.
Hum [ Sh: 7 ] Ebb the Boy
Elf [ Th:30 Wa:30 Ma:30 ] Abel, the grubby grumpy Hermit
Elf [ Ra:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Zonaso Ral'Ucsav, Centurion of the Nashite Magi
Hum [ Sh: 4 ] Uncas the Boy
Dwa [ Cl:17 Wa:15 ] Priel the Nexus Dwarf

You gossip, 'I am looking for the following individuals: Uncas, Jin, Linkin, and Sarai.'.

Uncas arrives from a puff of smoke.
Uncas says (in common), 'hi there'.

You say, 'This, Uncas, is the Temple of Lord Nash.'.

You say, 'It is my understanding that you are grossly under educated as to Nashite Lore.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'or educated enough to know truth fro lies'.
Uncas says (in common), 'from, rather'.

You say, 'and I have taken it upon myself, as a Patroness of Bards - and thus history itself - to remedy that.'.

You say, 'Is an immortal named Sirak known to you?'.

Cordir taps her foot impatiently.

Uncas says (in common), 'i remember him'.
Uncas says (in common), 'not well'.
Uncas says (in common), 'or her'.

You say, 'Sirak, is the Son of Lord Nash.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'the name, but not the person'.
Uncas says (in common), 'allegedly'.

You say, 'He was the first Nashite Immortal.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'have you met nash?'.

You say, 'His following was called the Junior Nashites.'.

You say, 'Don't interrupt, mortal.'.
You say, 'Listen.'.
You say, 'Don't speak.'.

You say, 'Again: Lord Sirak, was the leader of the Young Nashites.'.
You say, 'the first Nashite following within this world.'.
You say, 'The Arch Lich, Molo, was a mere mortal, when Lord Sirak's bloodthirsty bunch razed across the lands.'.
You say, 'Upon his Ascension to Ambassadorhood, Molo was granted a Vision of Lord Nash by Lord Sirak.'.
You say, 'The Arch Lich was not the first Nashite immortal. He was not the creator of the Nashite faith.'.
You say, 'This honor falls upon Lord Sirak.'.
You say, 'Is this clear, thus far?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'so what you're saying is that Sirak invented him, but Molo did the real sales job'.
Uncas says (in common), 'that does remedy my understanding -- thank you'.
Uncas says (in common), 'i had it wrong.'.

Cordir frowns slightly at your crude language.

You say, 'As I said: it is my responsibility to make sure that the young know their history.'.
You say, 'For all of the disrespect of your words...'.

Uncas says (in common), 'i appreciate it'.
Uncas says (in common), 'thank you'.

You say, 'at least now you know the truth: Molo is not the creator of the Nashite faith.'.
You say, 'He is but one, of many Nashite Immortals spanning the years.'.


Uncas says (in common), 'so he's a bit like Henry Ford'.

You say, 'This may prove useful to you, should you have the capability of reading.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'didn't invent the car -- but popularized it to the masses'.

You say, 'I do not know of a "Henry Ford" - they have never been an Immortal within this realm.'.
You say, 'But I can tell you all you wish to know of Molo, Sirak, and .. well.. virtually any other immortal of the Nashite faith.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'but here's the thing that always bugged me about that. the Nashite group holds history dear and has a big view of the world now'.
Uncas says (in common), 'but rose in popularity on the backs of Sadow and other naked shamans'.

You cough.

You say, 'Have you ever heard of someone named Syrinx?'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Uncas says (in common), 'i knew Syrinx in a past life'.

You say, 'Syrinx was the first deathbringer of the Nashite Faith.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'in fact, Uncas and Syrinx were both followers of Cerebus'.

You say, 'Not Sadow. Not other 'naked shaman.
You say, 'Syrinx. Before his Court days.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'after Syrinx renounced that path'.

You say, '... after Sirak was promoted, you mean?'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Uncas says (in common), 'JP and Cerebus helped Syrinx see the light'.
Uncas says (in common), 'i cannot attest as to whether that coincided with Sirak getting out of the game'.
Uncas says (in common), 'er -- becoming a non-FLI'.

You say, '... when Sirak was promoted, perhaps. But that does not change the fact that Syrinx - not Sadow - was the first to bring the terror of Nash.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'this is making my point, though'.

You say, 'Praytell, howso?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'Nashites -- holding up Molo and Syrinx and you -- exemplary players all -- as examples'.
Uncas says (in common), 'but riding to popularity in 2.x on the backs of naked shamans'.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'Hmm...'.

You say, 'I don't recall Daelin as being a Shaman.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'with Molo presiding over that lowest-common-demoninator approach'.

You say, 'Nor Faust.'.
You say, 'Nor Boyardee.'.
You say, 'Nor Craige.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'daelin is another great example though'.
Uncas says (in common), 'same approach'.

You say, 'Nor Alecto, or Zara...'.

Uncas says (in common), 'no respect for the game'.

You say, 'Nor any of dozens of others I could name.'.
You say, 'You seem to have lost track of the point you were making.'.
You say, 'That "naked shamans create the perception of Nashite faith."'.
You say, 'Which, I think, I have clearly refuted.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'I'd take a Syrinx -- who renounced for a reason -- or Ozymandius, or Tokugawa as exemplary of a more nuanced approach'.

You say, '... pardon me. Do I understand you correctly that you're now taking to task the 'nuance' of the Black Conclave?'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Uncas says (in common), 'an approach Molo and the rest of the Nashites could have taken'.

You say, 'and if you think there was anything 'subtle' about Ozymandius, then apparently you've been consuming too much black gyvel..'.

Uncas says (in common), 'Molo's intentions behind it notwithstanding'.

You say, 'The intent of Molo's Black Conclave was identical to that of Sirak's Nashites.'.
You say, 'Bloodshed.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'the Conclave functioned at its height as a slightly-more-refined Insane Clown Possee'.
Uncas says (in common), 'Posse'.

You say, 'Indeed?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'one observer's opinion'.
Uncas says (in common), 'but i'm just a reincarnate'.

You say, 'I take it you never debated religion with Rath, or spoke with Silonch, or knew of the relationship between Zara and Alecto...'.

Uncas says (in common), 'of the Court, and then later, of the Conclave'.

You say, 'I suppose that the impact of individuals such as Salem the Black Dragon or Greyghost are lost upon you.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'not lost -- as I said, I grant you those players and their membership'.
Uncas says (in common), 'just don't think they were representative'.

You say, 'The Black Conclave was a war machine, that is certainly true. But it was not made of little clones. There was, within it, a vast array of individuality.'.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'So the first two members of the High Council were not representative of the following?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'no'.

You say, 'Am I understanding your opinion, as expressed, correctly?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'correct'.

Cordir covers her mouth to hide a slight smile.

You say, 'Indeed.'.
You say, 'Tell me.'.
You say, 'were Okk, and myself, and Lanfear, and Solaron and Katrana representative of the Conclave?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'some of those folks are past my time'.
Uncas says (in common), 'or before'.

You say, 'What of Vulcan, the Forge?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'vulcan wasn't so different from sadow'.

You blink.

You say, 'I think you perhaps have The Forge confused with someone far lesser.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'and as to you, i always had a special place in my heart for you'.

Cordir's eyebrow slowly creeps upward, her expression cold.

Uncas says (in common), 'no, i've got the right vulcan'.
Uncas says (in common), 'bad memories there'.

You say, 'So: I have provided the names of multiple high council members, down through low level members...'.
You say, 'all of whom you feel are not "really" quite conclave...'.
You say, 'Even though they made up some of the leadership and driving forces of the group.'.
You say, 'Am I understanding your view correctly, still?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'no -- I'm arguing that the membership didn't reflect the ideals of the leadership'.
Uncas says (in common), 'i'm at a loss though, with the 3.x folks you have named'.

You say, 'Yet the names I provided WERE in fact, the leaders.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'i dropped off then'.

You say, 'So how then were they out of sync?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'the folks like Vulcan were not so different from Sadow'.

You say, 'I think that you are gravely wrong.'.
You say, 'For The Forge was not simply a naked shaman, running amuck.'.
You ponder the question.
You say, 'Not that I have any particular problem with naked Shaman.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'and all the 15-25 kids running around killing everyone with Molo's help lacked -- nuance? finesse? it was just such a brute attack'.

You say, 'OH!'.

Uncas says (in common), 'http://www.finalchallenge.net/tfc/community/timeline/1997/who3-16-97.htm'.

Cordir has a moment of clarity.
You say, 'So your offense that you take is that they were EFFECTIVE?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'no'.
Uncas says (in common), 'Sadow was effective too'.

You say, 'And Sadow was The Wind Ruler - a High Council member - and therefore NOT a level 15-25... '.

Uncas says (in common), 'the difference was the difference between Craige and Vulcan'.
Uncas says (in common), 'both on that who list i just pasted'.

You say, 'Craige was a whiny bitch who joined after he died, and Vulcan was one of the founding members?'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

You say, 'Craige, who's corpse I identified?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'Craige, who you cited before as an exemplary member of the Conclave?'.

Uncas says (in common), 'well, Cordir, I am grateful for the history lesson'.

You say, 'Craige I simply mentioned as Not Being A Shaman.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'thank you'.

You say, 'Not his exemplary... anything.'.

Uncas says (in common), 'but I must away'.
Uncas says (in common), 'dinner to cook'.

You say, 'Enjoy your meal.'.
You wave.