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(Borion - Level 5 Bard Review)
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Latest revision as of 16:36, 14 April 2018


> who
9 players.
Dwa [ Or:29 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] [[Sagan]]'dari.
Gia [ Bard:  11   8   4 ] [[Borion]] seeks BARDS' COUNCIL REVIEW *bow*
Hum [ Ra:30 Tg:30 Ma:30 ] [[Kaern]], noodle jester extraordinaire  =-iPsdtudle->
Min [       Ma: 2       ] [[Vike]], the amazing Minotaur.
Hum [ Wa:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] [[Raage]] is the Once and Future Player   *Ebrithil*
Elf [    Cl:18 Wa:18    ] [[Sparhawk]] The Lost Spider
Dwa [ Or:20 Wa:30 Cl:30 ] [[Pie]], as in "Chocolate Cream".  Attempts to Hunt!
Hum [  Lesser  Goddess  ] [[DarkClaw]]: Lost Chylde of Ybarra.          *AOB*
Hum [    Triat Weaver   ] [[Cordir]] is randoming and working on Hall of Memory II

//\**/\\ : Bard Review in the Storytelling Amphitheater in 3 minutes.

Borion arrives from a puff of smoke.

Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'Can anyone listen?'.

Borion bows deeply.

Someone gossips, 'Yes.'.

Borion shivers uncomfortably.

DarkClaw emerges from a thick layer of mist as it dissipates and seeps into the ground, a soft whisper filling the area.
DarkClaw smiles happily.

Borion bows before DarkClaw.
Borion smiles happily.

Sparhawk arrives from the west.

DarkClaw says, 'Hello, Borion.'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Greetings Borion'.

Borion says (in common), 'Hello Goddess'.

Sparhawk yawns.

Borion says (in common), 'Hellow Sparhawk'.

Sagan arrives from the west.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'How are you Borion'.

Borion bows before Sagan.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Greetings Sagan'.

Raage arrives from the west.

Borion says (in common), 'a bit nervous'.

Raage rests.

Sparhawk grins evilly.

Borion bows before Raage.

Borion shivers uncomfortably.

Kerriariadne appears, wrestling a fierce cottonball.

DarkClaw laughs.
DarkClaw hugs Kerriariadne.

The air shimmers for a moment, the shadows spinning into narrow strands of darkness.
The ebon threads form a spiderweb, which shudders across your senses.
A figure appears within the web, quickly solidifying.
The Lady Weaver stands incarnate before you.

Borion bows before Cordir.

DarkClaw smiles at Cordir.

Sparhawk bows before Cordir.

DarkClaw says, 'Hello, Cordir.'.

Borion smiles happily.

Cordir seats Herself on one of the marble benches.

Borion crosses his fingers for luck.

Sparhawk grins evilly at Borion.

A soft light swirls up into being around the Bard.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'I'm sure you'll to fantastic'.

Cordir says, 'Borion, you have the floor. '.

Borion bows deeply.

DarkClaw pulls Sparhawk onto a bench next to her.

Sparhawk snickers softly.

Borion says (in common), 'thank you My Lady'.

Sparhawk softly nuzzles DarkClaw's neck.

DarkClaw beams a smile at Sparhawk.

 Borion , anxious, accidentally stomps his foot - a crack appears in the floor!

 Borion shudders - shaking the entire room!

Borion says (in common), 'A thousand pardons! This be my first performance....a bit nervous I am. '.

DarkClaw winces.  Ouch!

 Borion makes a nervous bow - wiping the sweat off his brow!

Raage gives an ice cold Dew to Borion.

 Borion clears his throat - the curtains move from his breath. 

Sparhawk snickers with Raage about their shared secret.

 Borion clears his throat - the curtains move from his breath. 

Borion says (in common), 'I call this "The Giant Who Didn't Fit In"'.

 Borion cracks a nervous smile and pulls out his drum from his fathomless pockets. 

 Borion drums somewhat forcefully: BOOM-BIDDY-BOOM!!

 Borion sings: There's A race of giants that don't fit in,
 Borion sings: A race that can't stay still.
 Borion sings: So they break the hearts of kith and kin,
 Borion sings: And they roam the world at will.

 Borion sings: They range the field and they rove the flood,
 Borion sings: And they climb the mountain's crest.
 Borion sings: Theirs is the curse of the gypsy blood,
 Borion sings: And they don't know how to rest.

 Borion drums somewhat less forcefully: Boom-biddy-boom-rappa-rap!
 Borion scans the audience - trying to sense the mood.

 Borion sings: If they just went straight they might go far,
 Borion sings: They are strong and brave and true.
 Borion sings: But they're always tired of the things that are,
 Borion sings: And they want the strange and new.

 Borion sings: They say: "Could I find my proper groove,
 Borion sings: What a deep mark I would make!"
 Borion sings: So they chop and change, and each fresh move.
 Borion sings: Is only a fresh mistake.

 Borion drums somewhat more confidently: Boom-biddy-boom-BOOM-ba-binga-BOOM!

 Borion sings: And each forgets, as he strips and runs.
 Borion sings: With a brilliant, fitful pace,
 Borion sings: It's the steady, quiet, plodding ones.
 Borion sings: Who win in the lifelong race.

 Borion sings: And each forgets that his youth has fled,
 Borion sings: Forgets that his prime is past,
 Borion sings: Till he stands one day, with a hope that's dead,
 Borion sings: In the glare of the truth at last.

 Borion drums somewhat proudly: Boom-ba-bamba-bing-bing-booma-bang-BOOM!

 Borion sings: He has failed, he has failed; he has missed his chance.
 Borion sings: He has just done things by half.
 Borion sings: Life's been a jolly good joke on him,
 Borion sings: And now is the time to laugh.

 Borion sings: Ha, ha! He is one of the Legion Lost.
 Borion sings: He was never meant to win.
 Borion sings: He's a rolling stone, and it's bred in the bone.
 Borion sings: He's a giant who won't fit in.

 Borion wipes a tear from his eye.
 Borion bows with a giantly flourish!

Borion smiles happily.

Raage claps at Borion's performance.

DarkClaw is so excited that she cheers just for the hell of it.

Sparhawk sniffs sadly.

DarkClaw claps at Borion's performance.

Borion bows deeply.

DarkClaw claps at Borion's performance.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'That was beautiful'.

Cordir tilts her head to one side. "So tell me about the inspiration for your piece."

Borion hugs Sparhawk.

Kerriariadne grins evilly.

Sagan smiles happily.

Sparhawk softly nuzzles Borion's neck.

Sagan claps at Borion's performance.

Borion says (in common), 'i giant Bard does not fit in'.
Borion says (in common), 'most giants laugh at a bard giant'.

Raage gossips (in common), 'good job borion'.

Cordir tells Borion, '(as an FYI, if you are using someone else's work, it is considered proper to give them credit.)'.

Sagan says (in common), 'That Lost legion sure is a joke. You're okay by me, Borion. I understand your inspiration, no need to explain!'.

Borion says (in common), 'i only changed the words slightly'.

Cordir makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Sagan slowly fades out of existence.

Borion says (in common), 'i found a ballad that seemed to fit'.

Cordir nods in recognition to Borion.

Borion says (in common), 'the name of the balladeer is Robert Serice i believe'.

Cordir nods.

Borion says (in common), 'i am in his debt'.

Cordir says, 'Thank you.'.

Borion bows deeply.

DarkClaw says, 'I actually heard that as a song in my head.'.
DarkClaw beams a smile at Borion.

Borion smiles happily.

### Borion has earned Bards' Council approval for level 5.

DarkClaw says, 'Grats!'.

Borion gossips (in common), 'than you'.

DarkClaw shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Raage gossips (in common), 'Gratz borion'.

Borion gossips (in common), 'thx'.

Borion says (in common), 'thank you all'.

Kerriariadne looks at Borion.

DarkClaw says, 'And thank you, Cordir.'.

Cordir tells Borion, 'now type LEVELCHECK'.

Borion grovels in the dirt before Cordir.

### Borion has advanced to level 5.

### [Raage tells Sagan (in common), 'that was a pretty douchy thing to say at Borion's performance']

### Borion has advanced to level 6.

Cordir says, 'well done'.
Cordir says, 'and congrats on the train.'.

Borion says (in common), 'thank you'.

Kerriariadne says (in elven), 'Excellent - getting within pk range...'.
Kerriariadne snickers softly.

Borion says (in common), 'oh oh'.