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(Mercury - Level 15 Bard Review)
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4 characters.  Total online: 4.
Hel [ Bard:  26  17  14 ] Mercury, time for *BARDS COUNCIL*
Hum [ Wa:29 Th:30 Sh:30 ] Allanon, Druid of the Hunt
Hum [    Triat Weaver   ] Cordir is doing an AFK.
Hel [ Th:16 Ma:18 Ra:18 ] Morrigan, the amazing Half-Elf Maiden.

Mercury gossips (in common), 'Anybody who wants to see my next performance, come to Amphitheatre'.

Mercury smiles happily.
Mercury bows deeply.

Cordir says, 'pssst. Everyone's here.'.

Allanon says (in common), 'trigs off'.

Mercury nods in recognition to Allanon.
Mercury draws a cold, frosty beer for Allanon.

Mercury bows deeply.

Allanon bows deeply.

Mercury stops using a fishing spear.
Mercury puts a fishing spear in the concealing shadows.
Mercury gets a plucked chicken from the concealing shadows.
Mercury wields a plucked chicken.

Mercury gets a twangy, out of tune banjo from the concealing shadows.
Mercury holds a twangy, out of tune banjo in his hands.

Mercury uses the beak of the chicken to pluck out a few chords on the banjo.
Mercury tunes the banjo and plucks a few more strings.
Mercury shakes the chicken like a tamourine, emitting a ghastly sound.
Mercury nods.

Mercury hiccups loudly. Maybe he had too much to drink?

A barrel of beer slowly rises out of the stage, topped with a comfy-looking pillow.
Mercury sits down on the keg and slips a long reed into the top of the barrel and takes a long drink.

Mercury performs 'awe audience'.

Mercury announces, 'This is the first and only performance of "Proof of God's Love: The origin of the Dwarf and Elf conflict"'

 The entire Amphitheatre slowly melts away and you find yourself in a vast emptiness.
 Mercury leans back and starts singing in a low voice.

 Mercury sings 'When man was still in its infancy'
 Mercury sings 'The world was split in twain'
 Mercury sings 'But without life and death'
 Mercury sings 'There was no pleasure nor pain'

The ghost of a knight arrives from the west.
The ghost of a knight shimmers and solidifies slightly.

Cordir makes a complicated-looking gesture.
The ghost of a knight slowly fades out of existence.

Morrigan snickers softly.
Morrigan snickers softly.

 Small trees and sprigs of grass start growing rapidly at your feet.

 Mercury sings 'Some gods loved life above the ground'
 Mercury sings 'They made the grape, the tree, and the light'

 A large blossoming of wildflowers erupt as far as you can see.
 Towering trees spring from the ground, with grape vines drooping down all around you.
 You find yourself in a beautiful glen, surrounded by beauty in all its natural wonder.

The ghost of a knight arrives from the west.

Cordir frowns.
COrdir makes a complicated looking gesture.
With barely a thought, Cordir stops the ghost of a knight's heart, who dies instantly.
You hear the ghost of a knight's death cry.
The ghost of a knight disintegrates before your eyes.
Many gold coins fall to the ground.

Morrigan gets 100 gold coins.

Mercury bows before you.

Morrigan drops some gold!

 Mercury sings 'But below the ground were the gods who loved'
 Mercury sings 'The challenge of struggle in the night'

 A cave opens behind you, large enough to ride a horse into.

 Mercury sings 'The Elves were born in light and beauty'
 Mercury sings 'And showed the gods they were worthy'
 Mercury sings 'As reward, the gods taught the Elves'
 Mercury sings 'To turn water and life into wine.'

 A small pool of wine forms in the dell, with nymphs and dryads swimming and drinking from it.
 You see a dwarf at the entrance to the cave looking out in disgust.
 The dwarf shakes his head and wanders back into the cave.

 Mercury sings 'The Dwarves believe in toil and work'
 Mercury sings 'And that beauty is made, and earned'
 Mercury sings 'But that life freely given not taken'
 Mercury sings 'Is worthy of none; to be scorned.'

 The dell slowly receeds behind you as the cave grows larger.
 You see a small group of dwarves busy in a small cave.  Some appear to be hammering away at a forge.
 A large dwarf staggers up to the rest and shoves a large tankard at another.

 Mercury sings 'The Dwarves, content under the earth'
 Mercury sings 'Were rewarded by the darkness of beer'
 Mercury sings 'The water of life, wrought from the dark'
 Mercury sings 'Another challenge for them to bear'

 The small cave receeds and a large feasting hall slowly forms before your eyes.
 Dozens of dwarves, fighting and drinking are evident here.

 Mercury sings 'To each their own'
 Mercury sings 'These Elves and Dwarves'
 Mercury sings 'Loved by their Gods on high'
 Mercury sings 'But now the end was nigh.'

 The cave receeds and you find yourself outside a walled city.
 Elves and Dwarves meander through the streets, content in their knowledge of their own god's love.

 Mercury slams the chicken into the banjo violently.

 Mercury screams 'BUT NO!'

 Mercury announces 'There was one race unloved.  Forgotten.  Too short-lived to be cared for.'
 Mercury croaks 'The humans!  They cared not for the beauty of life, nor the glory of hard work.  They cared only for what others had.'

 Mercury chokes back tears.
 Mercury drinks from an obscenely large hip-flask.
 Mercury wipes his face and tries to look like a proper bard in all his regalia.

 Mercury sings 'For aeons, the Elves and Dwarves ignored'
 Mercury sings 'The petty, infantile beings'
 Mercury sings 'But the humans, scorned, struck back'
 Mercury sings 'By being their own petty selves'

 Mercury sings 'Humans saw the Elves and Dwarves'
 Mercury sings 'Happy in their own right'
 Mercury sings 'And sought to make them kill each other'
 Mercury sings 'By making the Elves and Dwarves FIGHT!'
 Mercury sings 'The humans started asking'
 Mercury sings 'Who doth the Gods love most divine?'
 Mercury sings 'The dwarves with their darkness and beer?'
 Mercury sings 'Or the elves with their light and wine?'

 Mercury throws down his plucked chicken and glares (with one good eye -- the other eye focusing on nothing in particular) at the town.

 The Dwarves and Elves in the town are fighting now.

The beholder arrives from the west.
The beholder leaves west.
The beholder arrives from the west.

COrdir makes a complicated looking gesture.
With barely a thought, Cordir stops the beholder's heart, who dies instantly.
You hear the beholder's death cry.

 Blood pours through the roads and valleys.
 You watch as the entire city slowly starts burning and falling apart.
 A small group of humans sneak off out of view through a side gate.
 As the Dwarves and Elves scream and die all around you, you see the humans boarding a raft and start paddling up the river.

 Mercury yells 'And thus, the origins of the two most ancient of fueds'
 Mercury yells 'Dwarves versus Elves.'
 Mercury announces 'AND BEER VERSUS WINE.'

Mercury bows deeply.

Morrigan shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Mercury hiccups loudly. Maybe he had too much to drink?

Allanon says (in common), 'an epic story'.

Cordir sits down and thinks deeply.

Allanon shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

 Mercury cries into his beer.
Mercury hiccups loudly. Maybe he had too much to drink?

Cordir says,  'that was.. unexpectedly dramatic.'.

Mercury downs a cold, frosty beer.
Mercury says (in common), 'I was feeling maudlin.'.

Allanon says (in common), 'so much behind the beer vs. wine thing'.
Allanon says (in common), 'I had wondered...'.

Morrigan nods.

Mercury nods.

Cordir says,  'we have, however, discussed you performing while under the influence.'.
Cordir says,  'have we not?'.

Morrigan laughs.

Mercury says (in common), 'I been sober!'.

Cordir says,  'at the moment?'.

Mercury says (in common), 'I been real sober, but this gets me to drinking'.

Morrigan looks at Mercury.

Mercury says (in common), 'until the start of the performance, yeah'.

 Mercury had to still the delerium tremens.

Morrigan stands up.

### Mercury has earned Bards' Council approval for level 15.