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Quest Offering

We have all done things we regret. The mistakes that weigh on us. The things we wish could be lost to the fog of time. I wish to hear the tale of these things, that the speaking of it may lance the hurt that does not heal. To this end, I am hosting a writing contest. The topic of all entries must be, ‘What I Wish to Forget.’

The top prize will be one restring –or- an Amnesic Lyrical.

Additional prizes may occur if I receive more than three entries.

Entries should be a minimum of 100 words, and must be received by March 18th at noon CST. They may be posted in Note form to me on mud, or emailed to me at Cordir@hotmail.com

As always, I will be the sole arbiter of this competition.


Nicholai: An Unwise Decision

Many ages ago when I had not yet reached full mastery of my studies I made a trade which I regret to this day. While many of us have made purchases on impulse, spent gold we did not have on a shiny bobble or trendy new outfit, and felt the inevitable buyer’s remorse afterwards few have ever made a trade so unwise as to give up an essential and irreplaceable part of their own character for something easily lost with no hope of return. The transaction of which I speak isn’t what you may suspect, and it isn’t one I wish to forget, for the memory of its foolishness is essentially an ironic blessing. One day the great Tynian descended into the realm and offered trades with any mortal willing to do barter with him. I do not recall all the items offered but one had piqued my desire to perform better in physical combat. It was a 3 damage ring which at the time was quite powerful. I felt as though I had earned enough practices at my current level to carry me through to level 50 and foolishly believed there was no other use of my wisdom stat. I quite unwisely traded 1 of my wisdom points for this ring, a flimsy tin ring to be exact, etched to near disintegration at ac -9. I did not feel any discomfort as he extracted his payment, and I was quite happy with my new treasure as I could do noticeably more hurt to my opponents. But that happiness did not last as the ring was lost in combat with a dragon whose breath melted it right off my finger. Wisdom comes from our experiences both good and bad, and enables us to grow and learn from our mistakes. My unwise decision to give up some of my eternal wisdom for a temporary item taught me a lesson which is in itself gained me wisdom, and it is a lesson I choose not to forget no matter how much I regret it.