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(Zara Runs a Triva Contest)
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Latest revision as of 12:03, 10 October 2017

Background: Zara was one of the most voracious killers TFC has known. At her peak, only 3 people were able to level to 20+ without being killed by her - an accurate kill count is not available, but is certainly in the several hundreds. But she could and did show mercy on occaision. If met with courtesy, Zara would some times return equipment, or even entire corpses. She was also known to run trivia contests, in which she would give as prizes some of the nicer gear she had 'obtained' recently...

(Notes:The poem at the end of the log was written to Alecto, Zara's sweetie. Because both characters were female, they were not allowed to be formally 'married' on the mud. So they simply wrote passionate poetry to one another. Includes a WHO list.)

ZARA gossips (in common) 'what is the real significance of the ICP being raised to level 20'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'to kill!'.

Doc gossips (in dwarven) 'they can die alot'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'We all get to have fun with them'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'so they can get a taste of theyre on medicine'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'whats icp?'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'they can be killed by anyone over 20 now?'.

### [Somewhere, Pestis pulls a deck of cards out of a bag of holding]

Soulscream gossips (in common) 'Yep, grand ain't it?'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'not yet'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'to have more xp to go'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'and MMm doen's t like them'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'and wants them to die'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'You can kill them?'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'shake'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'there is no icp over 20, there is no icp anymore'.

Doc gossips (in dwarven) 'actually it's a trick question'.

Doc gossips (in dwarven) 'they are gravediggaz or whatever'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'MM was bored'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'actually it's a trick question'.

### Borneo has connected.
### Lauren has connected.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'nobody has this one'.

Shadowjack gossips (in common) 'That's all the higher they can count?'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'i said that alredy, doc :)'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'I forgot what the question whas'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'they are lame....whatever the name'.

Motaro gossips (in common) 'what was the ?'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'opps :)'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'Heh, I'm a poet and I know it'.

Bane gossips (in common) '*** BOOM *** Zara is now level 20'.

Bane gossips (in common) '*** BOOM *** ZARA is now level 20'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'neato.'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'Bane, dont look at zara :)'.

ZARA gossips (in common) '**** BOOM **** Bane is a trigger - loser'.

Sibyl cants (in common) 'Unh-huh. Yer a thief, Bane, you should know better than to look at certain people with yer triggers on.'.

Bane gossips (in common) 'boom zara is a level sitter'.

Bane cants (in common) 'truthfully i dont really care'.

Bane cants (in common) 'didnt embarrass me at all'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'the answer is that they will never kill anybody in that range... they really are very poorly skilled...'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'well you never know they might get lucky'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'Yep'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'can't do much if you lose link'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'is 'they suck' an acceptable answer?'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'I doubt it..they havent' been lucky in the brains dept'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'yeah... but anybody that they can kill... well... somebody else on one side or the other will walk through'.

Shaggy gossips (in common) 'yes I know my enemies'.

Muke gossips (in common) 'i have 3 long swords for any newbies'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'they suck is acceptable.. doc get a point for trying'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'hehe'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'so who's winning zara's trivia thingie.'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'what is the irony of note 22?'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'the content? =]'.

Shaggy gossips (in common) 'killen in the name of'.

Soulscream gossips (in common) 'MadMan's name?'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'bing'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'point for soulscream'.

Soulscream gossips (in common) ':)'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'hm..I have a different note 22'.

Shaggy gossips (in common) 'now you do what they told ya'.

Shaggy gossips (in common) 'now you do what they told ya'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'which alignment has spent more time in the cooler or with cheater flags?'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'BLue'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'good'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'Blue'.

Shaggy gossips (in common) 'now you do what they told ya'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'neutral'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'bing'.

Armand gossips (in common) ':>'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'good'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'armand has it'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'well actaully icp I think'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'they been in there alot'.

### Cordir has connected.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'you guys cheat! you stole all the answers from me!'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'actually.. no.. blue has everybody on the mud beat by a factor of like 5'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'but lets not get into that :)'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'well then again there's more blues'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'by like the factor of 5'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'name two gods that have followed me around to stop me from pking'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'Foolkiller'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'tel'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'Lorna * foolkiller'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'Farin Foolkiller'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'khore.'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'fk and tel'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'lorna'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'molo'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'hehehe'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'splat'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'biohazard!'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'JP'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'two gods...'.

Soulscream gossips (in common) 'Foolkiller, Bumblefoot'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'in the same gossip'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'fk tel'.

Shaggy gossips (in common) 'I won't do what you tell me'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'fk rhina'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'fk lorna'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'Farin and Foolkiller?'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'lorna rhina'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'cerebus lorna'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'cerebus rhina'.

Lorna gossips 'gosh, Zara, you want to present any proof of that?'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'sure... '.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'khore follkiller.'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'not rhina'.

Lorna gossips 'You must think I have FAR too much time on my hands if you think I waste it following you.'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'haven't said you did it yet.... only you did'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'Um, if I might be so bold. We were the ones that were guessing.'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'okay... nobody with the right combo... '.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'lorna jp'.

Lorna gossips 'No, I'm asking you to present some proof of that. I didn't say I did. If I did, I'd like you to show me when I did.'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'JP and FK'.

Soulscream gossips (in common) 'FK, Zarous'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'don't even say zarous'.

Lorna gossips 'And, You DID say that a few days ago, when you quit after our little religious discussion.'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'well.. the answer is Bumblefoot and Lorna'.

Lorna gossips 'Now, Zara, I would ask you to prove that.'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'in both instances the mark was given a sanct or heal on the first round of combat'.

Lorna gossips 'Ahh, Zara, so we MUST be following you, eh?'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'I hate it when gods heal in fights :)'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'yes... you must.. no other way to tell...'.

### [Keller replied to Furnock (in common) 'but you're right...it is an interesting visual image..']

Lorna gossips 'If I wish to know of your whereabouts, I have much more efficient means of doing so rather than FOLLOWING you around.'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'Well, MY god has done the same, so I can't say I hateit'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'they are here to take care of thier following'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'it's also possible to see when a god has begun to snoop you.. it's a "feature"'.

Lorna gossips 'And unless you can prove your accusation, I would request you not make it.'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'well, i should say i hate it when other people's gods heal them while they are fighting'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'too late! she already did! and you didn't win!'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'I prove it with my word.. which frankly most people take'.

Lorna gossips 'Why, Ankh? We're protecting our followers.'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'fighting me even :)'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'I love killing people through god heal and sanct :)'.

Lorna gossips 'There are MANY other explanations than ZARA's paranoid one.'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'you could prove it with your +dam bracelet ... if you give it to me ... ill believe you. =]'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'heh'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'If you can kill through god heal and sanct, they just were too stupid too run'.

Ankh gossips (in common) 'Because, its annoying when suddenly 'someone' heals and sancs :)'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'well.. actually some have tried that too :)'.

Lorna gossips 'For example 1) The immortal was following their FOLLOWER. 2) The immortal was snooping you. 3) The immortal was snooping their follower.'.

Keller gossips (in common) 'I was under the impression that was a bug...oh wait..'.

Mike questions (in common) 'why is Lorna and ZARA teasing each other?'.

Shushila answers (in common) 'Because it's FUN'.

Lorna gossips 'I'm not teasing Mike, I'm trying to clarify false accusations against an immortal.'.

Cordir gossips (in common) 'If the Great Lord Implementor, Madman, is present, I am ready for my weekly cleaning duties....'.

Armand gossips (in common) 'My apologies but I must remove myself from the gossip channel. I thought we were playing a game that has become some kind of argument.'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'okay... let's have a tie-breaker'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'Okay, here's a trivia question....does anyone CARE if Lorna DID follow ZARA around?'.

Mike gossips (in common) 'fight it out'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'everybody with points.. and you know who you are.. '.

Armand gossips (in common) 'No.'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'first of you to bring me a signet ring in cerem gets all three items'.

Azzark gossips (in common) 'yeah'.

Biohazard gossips (in common) 'no fair!'.

Shushila gossips (in common) 'don't ya hate that?'.

Doc gossips (in common) 'hehe'.

### [Somewhere, Borneo wonders how much debt can one man get]
who 20 50 28 players.

Hum [ Cl:25 ]Bad DEMOLISHED SLUE!!!!!! <IT IS TRUE!!>
Elf [ Cl:22 ]Kollen Der: 1 part IPS, 1 Part Nature, all Cleric
Elf [ Ra:30 Cl:30 ] Myronides Tsarran, Avatar of Natural Forces [Jyslin]
Hum [ Cl:15 Wa:15 ] Tofuwanagaha little Tiger cub.
Hum [ Wa: 2 Cl:20 ] Malaki of the honorable among the honorless..
Elf [ Ra: 8 Ma:20 ] Jokulpops ummm....hehehe
Elf [ Ra: 6 Ma:19 ] Avair Veladorn House Mage
Hum [ Cl:28 ] Mylo Ironwolf, Tel's divine intervention {ScSh}
Elf [ Cl: 1 Ra:20 ] Mike Pure of Heart and Honor (Cutey's Neutral Guy)
Elf [ Ra:17 Cl:20 ] Ziggy Quiggly
Hum [ Wa:15 Cl:17 ] Spades, Dark Scribe of the Syndicate (IV)
Hum [ Ma:24 ] Cordir, Witch of the Black Conclave [Apprenticed]
Elf [ Ma:15 Th:17 ] Saric, Thief of the Jhereg (off gossip)
Hum [ Sh:30 ] Borneo, Grand Druidess of the Black Conclave.[NASH]
Hum [ Ma:21 ] Nothing but Net
Dwa [ Sh:29 ] Doc Demento {config -you} <Inv 50>
Hum [ Wa: 8 Cl:20 ] Hyperion has a big virtuous hyperdermic.
Elf [ Wa:10 Cl:30 ] Pestis: Mistress of the Wyrm.
Hel [ Th:21 Ma:21 Wa:23 ] Zrie, Tiger Paw, Finder of Tfar
Hum [ Ra:20 Cl:30 ] Azzark Pureheart Pope of Adventure {Crysania} {IPS}
Hel [ Th:16 Ma:17 ] Shushila Head of IPS Complaints <CLOSED><SYLA>*Gup*
Hum [ Paladin ] Keller searches for a failed memory.
Ogr [ Wa:30 Sh:30 ] Buttercup Grand Necromancer of the Conclave BOC leader
Hum [ Sh:20 ] Allanon, Druid of Paranor [Tel]
Elf [ Th:14 Ma:16 ] Furnock it's not a typo, it's my accent. <SYLA> *IPS*
Elf [ Cl:18 Wa:15 ] Polnevdra High Priestess of the Fellowship {Nash}
Hum [ Ra:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Tokugawa, Godfather of the Trinity.
Hel [ Wa:16 Cl:20 ] Jyslin Tsarran, Myronides' Lady of NATURE's Dance

### [Zrie told Myronides (in common) 'Oh, BTW, Gratz on 40']

### [Saric group-told 'dwarvenhold might be ok soon, but it is so popular']

ZARA gossips (in common) 'shoot... how did this katana get here?'.

Soulscream gossips (in common) '*twiddle's his thumbs, knowing ZARA set her triggers and is waiting just beyond the Safe room'.

ZARA gossips (in common) 'actually no.. Ive already killed you.. I have no reason to do so again.. please cease you incessantness'.

Mike gossips (in common) 'ZARA, he is only having fun'.

Note read 23
To: The Warmth in Us All
Subject: flesh
Seeing your body
Mine is no longer gore-strewn
When I smell your flesh
I know mine is pure