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<nowiki>###</nowiki> Wish: Entered Game<BR>
<nowiki>###</nowiki> Wish: Entered Game<BR>
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DarkClaw says, 'I must leave for now, Tross.'.<BR>
DarkClaw says, 'I must leave for now, Tross.'.<BR>
[[Category:Daily RP Logs]]<BR>
[[Category:Daily RP Logs]]<BR>

Latest revision as of 10:27, 23 November 2016


### Wish: Entered Game

Elf [ Demigod ] Wish, Lost in Nashite Alchemy

Cordir: good morning, Wish.

Wish: good morning!

Cordir: .. interesting title.

Wish: I am honoring Star

Cordir: *dryly* And what has she done to be honored?

Wish: She, and her followers, have been dedicated friends to both me, and Alchemy.

Cordir: Well. That's certainly a good reason.

Wish: I know of no better reason.

Cordir: I suppose not.

Wish: I would like an audience, please...to speak privately.

Cordir: certainly.

Wish: My place or yours?

Cordir: Mine.

Wish appears suddenly, his luminescent, unblinking eyes emerging from the ether like two bloodless moons.

Cordir: since you said you wanted an audience.... which seems a bit formal.

Wish: Well, it is a formal thing I wish to discuss.

Wish: *chuckle* this is not your place!

Cordir: er, where am I?

The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A grand staircase leads to the temples above.
(Moderate magic) A pair of chain mail gloves has been left here.
(Moderate magic) A dagger has been dropped here.
A pit for donations dominates the room.
(Intense Dark Red Aura) Wish is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Mnaramenth is here.

Cordir: .. oh.

Wish: at the pit

A Midnight Garden
[Exits: south]
(White Aura) A distressingly large, shiny black spider weaves webs here.

Cordir: my bad.

Wish appears suddenly, his luminescent, unblinking eyes emerging from the ether like two bloodless moons.
Wish smiles happily.
Wish bows before you.

Cordir says, 'my apologies.'.

Wish smiles at you.

Cordir says, 'I am.. distracted.. this morning.'.
Cordir says, 'What can I do for you, Wish?'.

Wish says, 'no need to apologize'.
Wish says, 'I have spoken with Aoide about your request.'.
Wish smiles happily.

Cordir clasps her hands before her, regarding you quietly.

Wish says, 'I understand the request more fully now.'.

Cordir nods, murmuring, 'Very good. Thank you for taking it seriously.'

Wish says, 'but I do have a few more questions for you, if you do not mind.'.

Cordir makes a graceful gesture of invitation to continue.

Wish smiles happily.

Wish says, 'First, one clarification, please'.

Cordir nods.

Wish says, 'Why must you receive three geas, when only one (Aoide) achieved her Triat Mastery?'.

Cordir says, 'It is the symmetry of the thing. The rightness of it. I offered it to the Triat Initiates as a gesture of how deeply sacred Triat Mastery is to me.'.

Wish nods.
Wish says, 'Okay, so next question. Although you offered as a gesture to the initiates, what is it that you personally hope to gain from accepting the geas?'.
Wish says, 'What change, what power, what mastery over yourself'.

Cordir says, 'The restoration of personal balance, a renewed connection to the Triat Faith, and the required discipline of geasa.'.

Wish says, 'As to the first...in what way do you feel personally out of balance?'.

Cordir says, 'Losing one's following is an excruciating thing. The lack of any geasa added to that sense of loss and discordency. '.
Cordir says, 'when there is nothing else to fall back on for inner strength, there are geasa.'.

Wish says, 'a very personal question coming next...based on that response.'.
Wish says, 'Please excuse my...forwardness.'.

Cordir remains still and quiet, hands clasped, and nods.

Wish says, 'Cordir...are you lonely?'.

Cordir does not answer for a long moment.
Cordir says, 'I do not allow myself to worry about such things.'.

Wish looks at Cordir with surprise...unable to hide a deep sense of concern.
Wish says, 'But...Cordir...did not your following...serve as your friends? Emotional support?'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, '..very much so. As I said. I do not allow myself to think about their loss.'.

Wish says, 'But if you do not think about their loss, then you cannot recover from their loss. You cannot...move on and become open to new friends...new support..and...new love.'.

Cordir says, 'Wish.. do you know why there are so few Immortals who do not vanish when they give up their people?'.
Cordir answers her own question: "Because the loss of their minds entwined with yours is the greatest wound one can endure. It is enough to drive one mad."

Wish says quietly..."sometimes madness...temporary madness....is necessary."

Cordir says, '...I HAVE gone mad over it. I DID go mad over it. Until I learned to build walls between me and that loss.'.
Cordir turns her head, the gesture instinctive: was her hair yet long, it would hide her face.

Wish says, 'At what price, Cordir? To become cold and dim, like a world without pain? Without love?'.

Cordir smiles briefly. "I have always been cold. And I do not need love. And the world yet has pain."

Wish shakes his head.
Wish says, 'Everyone needs love. The love of friends...family...lovers. You asked why I honor Star. She is my friend. I care for her deeply. I love her as a friend. And I am strengthened by that friendship. Far more than I would be weakened by its loss.'.

Cordir gestures somewhat vaguely. 'I have friends, Wish. I consider you a friend.'

Wish smiles at Cordir.

Wish says, 'Yes. I am your friend. But do you love me?'.

cordir blinks.
Cordir says, '.. I do not use that term for friends. '.

Wish says, 'no...you do not...because of the wall you have built. That is my perception, at least'.

Cordir smiles briefly.

Wish says, 'You keep your friends at arm's length, for fear a brick might fall...and the pain of loss might return. Based on my questioning, do you know how I am leaning in the giving of your requested Geas?'.

Cordir looks you full on, her eyes on yours. '..I begin to fear it, honestly.'

Wish laughs.

Cordir says, '..but I will abide it.'.

Wish says, 'Then I will have done my job, have I not? No geas should be a complete pleasure, I gather. Strength is derived from struggle. And successfully overcoming adversity.'.

Cordir says, 'there should be duty, in geasa. Service. Thoughtfulness to others. Effort made and given. No: They should not be easy.'.

Wish says, 'Ahh...but you are forgetting the most important aspect of geasa and of life.'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Wish says, 'Service to ones own needs. The greatest service you can give to others is to become whole and healthy in oneself.'.

Cordir hesitates, some inner dialogue causing her struggle. "I am not.. broken.. Wish."

Wish says, 'That is not for me to decide.'.

Cordir says, '..I was.. to deal with the loss of Isolas, on top of all else, I did break myself.. but ...'.
She very carefully composes her expression to one of calm.

((OOC NOTE: That is the first time that Cordir has spoken his name out loud in a full RL year of RP... ))

Wish feels the tenseness emit from Cordir in waves.

Cordir says, 'Those pieces are back together. My memory is fully restored, I remember all is it was, in truth, and not the illusion.'.

Wish says, 'Cordir, I want you to be satisfied that I have given you a proper geas. My perception of you is colored by my interactions with you. And so my selection of a geas is colored by this interaction, personality, desires, values. This can't be denied.'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says quietly, 'I trust you, Wish.'

Wish says, 'I also do not believe in commandments. I want you to carefully consider the geas before accepting it. And I will choose another if you feel it is inappropriate or difficult.'.

Cordir says, 'there is nothing wrong with geasa being difficult. Saran and Nyx bound themselves with nine, of great challenge.'.

Wish says, 'My geas, therefore is the following.'.

Cordir goes quite still, listening.

Wish says, 'Begin to take down your wall...carefully...brick by brick. Guard yourself, yet embrace the pain of your loss. Do this by selecting a friend...to love... Share your pain with this friend...who shall support you. Entrust this friend with your pain...so they share it. And finally, embrace this friend, allowing them to take the place of the following you lost. This is what I ask of you.'.

Cordir looks troubled.

Wish says, 'Think on it, Cordir.'.

Cordir opens her mouth to speak, then closes it.
Cordir nods.

Wish says, 'I will not in any way be offended if you request something different..more tangible'.

Cordir says, 'What you spoke of can be crystallized into a single word, in truth: Vulnerability.'.

Wish smiles happily.
Wish bows before you.
Wish says, 'What I say in many you say in one. The sign of a true Bard'.

Cordir glances down at the ground, some embarrassment in her expression.
Cordir says, 'Wish.. I only have one friend.'.

Wish says, 'Who might that be?'.

Cordir says simply, 'You.'

Wish steps back, eyes wide with surprise.

Cordir says, 'Mortals are not my friend. Even those who served in the Chosen. That relationship is different. I have only one friend.'.

Wish says, 'I...I...this is not what I expected. I am deeply, profoundly honored.'.

Cordir says, 'Katrana is my sister. DarkClaw.. was a follower... and while I respect her as an Immortal....'.

Cordir shrugs slightly.

Wish says, 'May I sit?'.

Cordir nods.

Wish waves a hand creating a comfortable chair from thin air.
Wish sits down heavily.

Cordir glances at the benches just two steps away and smiles wryly.

Wish says, mostly to himself, "Has my geas been self serving?"

Wish looks up at Cordir, happy...yet confused.

Cordir regards you quietly, letting you process your thoughts.

Wish says, 'Cordir, I did not consider you might consider me your only friend. '.
Wish laughs.

Cordir shrugs awkwardly, "I am not the easiest person to get along with."

Wish smiles happily.

Cordir murmurs, 'just ask Seraph.'

Wish says, 'No, I suppose not. You are...complex.'.
Wish says, 'Which I find enjoyable...compelling...attractive.'.
Wish stands up straight.

Cordir blinks.
Cordir says philosophically, 'well, I am no Jyslin T'Sarran.'

Wish says, '(ooc..will need a 5 minute break soon...on conference call waiting my turn)'.

Cordir says, '(and I need to head out the door to work)'.
Cordir says, '(she said, pulling on her pants.)'.

Wish laughs.
Wish smiles happily.

Wish says, 'My geas still stands, Cordir. More than ever, I suppose. Choose me, or another, new friend. Become vulnerable, as you said. Think on it, and we shall speak more later.'.
Wish bows before you.
Wish says, 'Fair enough?'.

Cordir says, 'I.. accept your Geasa.'.
Cordir shivers.

Cordir pauses a moment, and says, 'I do have one mortal that I would call a friend, but .. she is not within the world much. But I should acknowledge her, even if her presence is as rare as that of snow-lilies on the Guru's mountaintop.'.

Cordir says, 'Corri.'.

Wish smiles happily.
Wish says, 'a mortal'.

You nod.

Wish smiles happily.

Cordir says, 'she was among the Chosen for a time, but she never.. worshiped... if that makes sense. She was the Harbinger of Fate's end.'.

Wish nods.
Wish smiles happily.

Cordir says, 'She chose to stand with me, and to help me through that moment. So: a friend.'.

Wish smiles happily.
Wish nods.

Cordir says, 'I must go.'.

Wish says, 'I am honored to have been selected to give you a geas, Cordir.'.

Cordir bows deeply.

Wish says, 'May you go with calm and peace.'.
Wish bows deeply.

Cordir's lips twitch as she represses a rueful smile.

Wish says, 'And know that I shall support your efforts in any way I can.'.

Cordir says, 'Not much of either, for the moment. This will be challenging.'.

Wish says, 'oh yes, it will be'.

Cordir says, 'I will have to think on it.'.

Wish says, 'More challenging than a vow to speak Ogre forever.'.

You nod.

Wish says, 'That was choice 2'.
Wish winks suggestively.

Cordir says, 'You are a very very silly squidling. '.
Cordir smiles happily.

Wish says, 'indeed I can be!'.
Wish waves happily.

Cordir waves.
Fare thee well!

Wish and Sami bits (not so metaphorically)

(Log by Tross)

Wish ftells, 'one more thing...i am going to give you sami's bag back..and then steal it'.

You ftell, 'Er.. why?'.

Wish ftells, 'complicated. Just keeping a promise'.

Wish gives you bag made from Samiyah hide.

Tross accepts it carefully in a piece of cloth, so as not to touch it during the exchange.

Wish ftells, 'so there. Done. If samiyah asks, you can honestly say I gave it back to you and then stole it right back'.

You ftell, 'You promised her you'd give it back to me, then steal it again?'.

Wish ftells, 'well, I promised I would give it back to you. I never promised I wouldn't steal it back. I am evil, after all. I was just trying to alleviate any ill will she may have had towards you'.

You ftell, 'Oh *clear understanding in his tone* I didn't realize you were tricksy.'.

Wish ftells, 'I can be tricksy, tross. when it is called for'.

[ 1] Wish: The Alchemist's Code
1. Alchemy is the art of spiritual and physical transmutation. Seek to manifest change in others, and understand that which changes you.
2. Place your Alchemist brothers and sister first, before self.
3. Be accountable and learn from reflection.
4. The practice of Alchemy has consequences. Learn to live with yours.
5. Lord Nash is the first and greatest of all Alchemists. Worship him or do not worship him, but never forget his gifts.

You ftell, 'It's ok - I chose to give it to you. I figure that's a bit like rule 4... learn to live with what you do.'.

Wish ftells, 'nod... Frankly, she is all twisted about me having it so I wanted any of her ire to fall on me...in the end, she says she holds you blameless. But I *need* this bag. She thinks I am going to "alchemize" it, but she is an ignorant, superstitious, desert woman. She knows nothing of true alchemy.

You ftell, '*Sadness creeping into her tone* I know, I knew she would be upset. But I signed up to place all alchemists above anyone, even myself.'.

Wish ftells, 'Indeed. And I appreciate your loyalty. I place few restrictions on followers, and you may choose to interact with Samiyah as you see fit. However, as I have said before, I advise against it. She is a like a tornado.'.

You ftell, '*he clears his throat, ridding his voice of the tone* A tornado of electric eels. Now -that- would be cool.'.

Wish ftells, 'hahahaha. Yeah, that is a cool image..unless you are in its path'.
Wish smiles happily.

Wish ftells, 'just be careful of sami...her actions are often governed by Seraph...who is the true danger'.

You ftell, '*frowns* You don't think she dropped that bag for me -because- she knew it would get to you, do you? Because Seraph told her to do it?'.

Wish ftells, 'I dont think it is quite that direct. I think Seraph influences Sami in ways she does not comprehend.'.

You ftell, '*the ill expression on his face fades* Oh, phew. Ok. I didn't think she would... but Da told me I shouldn't trust people like I do sometimes.'.

Wish ftells, 'I think she acts innocently because she is innocent...but Seraph is guiding her behind the scenes. Think about it...any normal person would have known that if the bag fell in your hands, it would come to me most likely. And yet, she definitely *did not* want me to have it. So why would she knowingly give it to you'.

You ftell, 'I asked her that. Because I wanted it, and that was enough... even knowing about you. So did you figure out how to make sure you still like pastries and things, after?'.

Wish ftells, 'Yes, I believe I have. The bag is the key. I shall filter my tincture through the bag... Thereby picking up its essence... and allowing me to transform at will back and forth from Elf...to Sepiod..'.

You ftell, '*winces* ... definitely don't ever tell Sami that first part, ok? But that last part is perfect!! I mean it's just a bag at this point, but she's got all kinds of ideas about it that upset her.'.

Wish ftells, 'I know she does...but I will not tell her, unless she asks'.

You ftell, 'Sometimes what you don't know can't hurt you, yep. Do you have the other stuff you need?'.

Wish ftells, 'I think I am good for now'.

You ftell, 'Have you planned a time for the alchemy?'.

Wish ftells, 'Not yet. I am doing some final tests to make sure I fully understand it.'.

You ftell, 'Maybe the full moon? You always hear about things transforming into things during a full moon'.

Wish ftells, 'that is an excellent suggestion, Tross!'.

Red Light Girl

(Log by Sabella)

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'how are you?'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘Trying hard to stay focused on a preparing for a task. You?'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'trying to equip a newbie. Hehe. What task are you trying to do?’.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘*discretion colors her tone* Preparing for a Patron.'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'a Patron?'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘*nods*'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'not quite sure what you are meaning hehe'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘*smiles slightly* it's not important.'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘You had questions last night that I did not answer. Do you still want to ask them?'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'oh I thought you had some questions yourself'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), 'I have idle curiosity about a matter that is no longer my business. But no questions.'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘as for Patron.. Do you recall when I told you my title in the Black Conclave?'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'yes. I see. Lol. Looking for anyone in particular lol'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘My clients usually know what they need and seek me out. '.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'true enough'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘*slight smile* I don't exactly stand on street corners'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'LOL'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘Some want to learn something.. some want to explore pleasures on the cruel or perverse side'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'and you are more than willing to teach'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), 'I am'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), 'I also provide a place for people to lash out and hurt another in relative safety'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'nod. Venom might be needing your services then when I get done with him. Heh.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), 'I would not take him as a Patron.'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'nod'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), 'I focus on those who are Immortal or the pinnacle of mortality'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'ahh. So I am safe then LOL'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘While yes - there is something odd about his soul - he is not yet worthy of my time'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'I agree'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘...I considered offering, honestly, I was so angry with Star.. But.. No. It would be wrong. You are Hers.'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'nod. That’s very nice of you hehe'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘fortunately a friend was kind enough to .. let me be their Patron for a time'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'very good friend heh'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘*touches her cheek, caressing the bruise* Yes.'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), ‘It’s a shame you let people do things like that to you'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), 'I process pain differently than most. It isn't abuse. It is.. more complex sensation'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'I see. So you wanted it'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), 'I begged him to make me hurt. He did. I got the release I needed.'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'I see'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'so if it’s your own choice then.. I guess lol'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘*nods*'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'well if nothing else I am a good one to talk to I may not be good for other things you need but I can listen'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘The ability to surrender control to another - or have it taken away by someone you trust ...'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'nod'.

Sabella tells Belgarion (in common), ‘It is a powerful thing. And the reverse: to control another, to have them surrender that to you..'.

Belgarion tells Sabella (in common), 'nod'.

DC and 'Fun'

(Log by Tross)

DarkClaw says, 'It was merely a figure of speech. There is only one type of fun that I have ever known...and it's quite the adult thing.'.

You say (in common), '...gambling and loose woman? You can say it .. Dad and I lived a month or so next to a gambling parlor. I'm not -that- young.'.

DarkClaw lifts her gaze back up to yours quickly, eyes wide with amusement and a bit of shock. "Well....ahem."
DarkClaw says, 'I prefer men, but...I'm not opposed to certain women.'.

You say (in common), '*with a bit of haste* .. I'm not that old either.'.

DarkClaw smiles warmly, noting the nervousness in your voice. "No...you aren't. And it matters not, anyway. I gave Belgarion my word."

You say (in common), 'What word? Are you allowed to be tricksy with it?'.

DarkClaw sighs, an edge of weariness to her voice. "Not if I want to keep Belg in my life."

You nod.
You say (in common), 'That makes sense. What word did you give?'.

DarkClaw says, 'That I would no longer -play- with Venom.'.
DarkClaw says, 'But it basically means I shouldn't play with anyone else, except Sabella...but even that won't happen now.'.

Tross rubs the back of his neck.

DarkClaw pushes herself up from the floor suddenly, tension radiating throughout her entire form.
DarkClaw says, 'I must leave for now, Tross.'.