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(Keller The Ungroovy)
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Latest revision as of 12:55, 3 May 2016

This log was created by Cordir as a mortal, in November of 1996.

Players near you:

Emaleth gossips 'you are the most Un-groovy person I have ever met Keller :>  I mean that in the nicest way possible'.                  

Unknown gossips 'un-groovy ???'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Groovy? We back in the Disco Duck era now? WINCE'.

Emaleth gossips '*buys FK a new pack of Bubble-gum*'.

Someone forces you to 'save during intermission'.
Your effective level is 22
Version  2.76ao of TFC was introduced on 11/17/96

22 players.
Hum [ Wa:30 Cl:30       ] Cujo, "The Rabid" Arch-Prelate of the Ivory Rose.
Hum [ Wa:28 Cl:27       ] Noah: The Abrasive Prophet of Knowledge
Hel [ Ra: 8 Ma:17       ] Rhyawdd of the Grey Rose
Dwa [ Sh:25             ] Doc Demento {config -you}
Hum [ Ra:28 Ma:25       ] Strider Elessar, Passion.   -={ TEL }=-
Gia [ Sh:13 Wa:12       ] SirPsycho works for cookies [Virtue/IPS]
Hum [ Ma:22             ] Cordir, Witch of the Black Conclave [Apprenticed]
Elf [ Cl:21             ] Unknown is a he again :)
Hum [ Ra:12 Ma:15 Th:13 ] Gwyrdain, ultra-dispensationalist... (-gossip) [Nash]
Hum [ Cl:17 Wa:16       ] Nalor the ShRooM MaKeR, student of Larry
Hum [ Th: 4 Ra:20 Ma:20 ] Chad is Virtue-ally ... Ummmm ... Whatver...
Hum [ Wa:13 Cl:15       ] Uncas, Chief of the Mysterious Mohican Tribe.
Hum [ Sh:28 Ra:30       ] Pendor is so IPSed that he turned Scarlet
Hum [ Wa:14 Th:11       ] Ptarchyzk: +dex leather items wanted.
Hum [ Sh:24             ] Borneo, Druidess of the Black Conclave.
Hum [ Wa:20 Cl:24       ] Emaleth looking for xp in all the wrong places *Syla*
Hum [ Ra: 7 Cl:30       ] Azzark Adventure IPS Crysania =)
Hum [ Cl:23             ] Bad DEMOLISHED SLUE!!!!!! <IT IS TRUE!!>
Ogr [ Sh: 4 Wa:20       ] KeZoN One Tin Solider Rides Away... (Syla) <IPS>
Hum [      Paladin      ] Keller searches for a failed memory.
Hum [ Ma:19 Wa:19 Th:16 ] Ultima is Fond of Mischief <Syla>
Hum [ Wa: 7 Cl:20       ] Hyperion has a big virtuous hyperdermic.

KeZoN gossips 'Nah, Kellers Um-Gnarly there is a big diffrence.. (and I still want my TP)'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Where's John Revolting when we need him? Polyester suit and all!'.

Ptarchyzk has arrived.

Tel gossips 'wince, NO Bell-bottoms and mood rings, run for your lives!'.

Emaleth gossips 'everything that groovy once meant, Keller is the antithesis of'.

Unknown gossips 'back in the 70's? how old are you guys *cackle*'.

who kel
1 player.
Hum [      Paladin      ] Keller searches for a failed memory.

Uncas gossips 'Emaleth, don't you think that's a little harsh?'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Ill never tell Unknown...Im a old coot tho compared to some of the people here...'.

Emaleth gossips 'Compared to what Uncas?'.

Someone gossips 'hmm.. 70's isn't _that_ long ago'.

Emaleth gossips 'compared to him attacking us'.

Raiko gossips 'yeah?'.

Raiko gossips 'yeah?'.

Emaleth gossips 'compared to him believing he has the right to dictate our actions.'.

### Steal has advanced to level 11.

Raiko gossips 'yeah?'.

Uncas gossips 'Compared to the tone of the argument.'.

Raiko gossips 'yeah?'.

KeZoN gossips 'Ummm ok I used up that case... could I have the scented stuff next time :P'.

Emaleth gossips 'I think he should make a Plague and put it in the GUild hall.  Kellers Rules, but remember the weekly revision.'.

Uncas gossips 'He believes that he has the right to make you do whatever he wants.  If he can force you, then he has that right, too.'.

The Arch-Lich gossips 'Emaleth...'.

Emaleth gossips 'He cannot, point made.'.

Borneo gossips 'Doesn't sound very blue to me then'.

Raiko gossips 'who does?'.

The Arch-Lich gossips 'Emaleth...'.

Emaleth gossips 'Yes'.

Unknown gossips 'I care :)'.

Emaleth gossips 'I amm done :>'.

Zarous gossips '(as much as i'd like to listen to this.. must unfortunatly limit input overload)'.

KeZoN gossips '***HUG*** Arch-Lich :P'.

Emaleth gossips 'specially if you were going to tell me to hush *grin*'.

The Arch-Lich gossips 'You know If you continue to bash Keller...'.

Foolkiller gossips 'nod - me too - when it goes to name calling I tune out...'.

Uncas gossips 'Borneo, that's blue if he is doing it to prevent Blues from getting hurt.'.

Ptarchyzk gossips 'Emaleth.. hush.'.

The Arch-Lich gossips 'I might start liking you'.

Pendor gossips 'It is quite simple...Rule 1.  Keller is Always Right...Rule 2. If Keller is wrong...refer to rule 1'.

Emaleth gossips '*cackle* ACK!'.

SirPsycho gossips '*comfort Em*'.

### Unknown has advanced to level 22.

Borneo ftells '*grovel* Lich'.

Emaleth gossips 'Hehehe'.

Ptarchyzk gossips 'HURRAY!!! Unknown just made it to level 22. Time to sharpen yer dagger!!!'.

Borneo ftells '=)'.

ODog gossips 'Gratz Unknown'.

Someone ftells '****40 to level*****'.

Unknown gossips 'thank you'.

Borneo ftells 'Yes! =)'.

KeZoN gossips 'hush hush thought I heard someone calling my name now hush hush :P'.

Uncas gossips 'Pendor, that rule would be correct if you substituted Uncas for every time you said Keller.'.

Emaleth gossips 'well, thank you for your encouragement Mr. Lich *bow*'.

Cordir gossips 'The question that I would ask is this - when does the Passion of One, have the right to override the Passion of another?'.

Emaleth gossips 'Never.  Unless you count Brute and I do mean Brute force'.

Emaleth gossips ':>'.

Borneo ftells 'Good one cordir! =)'.

Cordir gossips 'That seems to be a grey area not addressed by the Paladin's arguements of the right to defed and act on his Passion..'.

Nalor looks at you.

Pendor gossips 'When the passion of One is true....'.

KeZoN shouts 'UMMMM.... UMMMM.... BEER BASH IN MG!!!'.

Ptarchyzk gossips '.'.

The Arch-Lich gossips 'It has been a while since I had an ogre for a snack Kezon...get something to garnish your corpse so it won't be so bland later  for my dinner'.

Atma gossips 'i believe that question is best left to the philosophers...'.

Emaleth gossips 'Yes, though they change weekly'.

Emaleth gossips 'before you were not allowed to kill the baker and the like'.

Someone ftells '28 left '.

Foolkiller gossips 'Passion is found within onesself - it has the right of expression but not always the right of pressure. IMHO'.

Emaleth gossips 'and now we have the ssubclause :>'.

KeZoN gossips 'Umm ok I got that scented tp mm gave me :P'.

Tel gossips 'You forget something I once told you Crodir..nothing evil can be a _true_ passion'.

Pendor gossips 'Most of us canot compare to Keller's convictions....so for that I applaud him'.

Tel gossips 'cordir (sorry no local echo here)'.

Someone gossips 'how so, Tel?'.

Emaleth gossips 'as Keller may not be TRUE good'.

Someone ftells 'NO SACCING FOR 5'.
Borneo ftells '*nod*'.

Ptarchyzk gossips 'The Arch Lich likes Ogre? always knew he had no taste.. not even in his mouth..'.

Cordir gossips 'Lord Tel, did YOu not say that ALL Passions are YOurs.. even the Dark ones? Anger, Rage...'.

Emaleth gossips 'maybe I am not True Evil'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Evil is a passion IMHO Tel - Just as good is a passion, as anything you feel strongly about is a passion.'.

Pendor gossips 'For no one is TRUE good...but we can strive to attain it'.

Someone gossips 'passions come in ALL flavors - good, evil, and ixtures of each'.

Tel gossips 'Passion in itself is good but evil has found ways to twist some'.

KeZoN gossips 'then corn nuts are a passion :P'.

Judas gossips 'can I have vanilla Passion?'.

Emaleth gossips 'Yepper.  And unfortunately Keller and I have long and verbal passions :>'.

Tel gossips 'this will take some time to explain'.

Someone gossips 'passion in itself is neither good nor evil'.
Someone gossips 'the subject of one's passion defines the goodness or evilness'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Passion exists to differentiate strengths of emotions. If you dont feel passionate about anything how can you know what is important to you?'.

Pendor gossips 'Evil can never have a true passion....in that they will always be distracted by some other factors'.

Atma gossips 'passion is a primal urge, of no alignment'.

Emaleth gossips 'Pendor you are wrong, but nice thought'.

Keller gossips 'might I suggest before you all define what you believe Passion to be, you allow M'lord Tel to give his view, as he is the Lord of Passions?'.

Cordir gossips 'Pendor, I would give you the example of Pestis - who is PASSIONATELY TRIAT, even though Triat was lbeled "evil"'.

Tel gossips '(is lagging)'.

Strider gossips 'not so Lorna now belongs to the triat'.

Tel gossips 'Passion in itself is like and energy the suffuses us all'.

Pendor gossips 'Pestis is an honorable person...and his faith to the Triat is not based on GOOD/Or evil but on the values the Triate hold'.

IMPLEMENTOR ECHO: Erlock - who let you out?

KeZoN gossips 'heh ya know what now that my str is back up I can carry many barrels of beer...'.

Cordir gossips 'Lorna represents Thaygar's triat when pigs fly over the moon, in my humble opinion... forgive the discourtesy, but I see that not at all.. and support her'.

Pendor gossips 'Excuse my misspelling'.

Emaleth gossips 'Oh, Erlock is here, heh, someone else for me to harrass.'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Please folks - Let Tel speak :)'.

Pendor gossips '*SALUTATIONS* Weaselboy! Congratulations from the Passionate on attaining level 10'.

Someone ftells 'gratz WB'.
Cordir ftells '*bow* Grats, WB'.
Weaselboy ftells '6 pracs'.

Tel gossips 'it is very extreme in nature, much like people themselves are'.

Borneo ftells 'Gratz! =0'.

Tel gossips 'while Passion, _true_ passion, is mine to do with as I wish, the power of immortals is such that some can corrupt the latent passion within mortals'.

Keat gossips 'help??!!'.

You answer 'yes, Keat? What is wrong?'.

Keat gossips 'nothing..'.

Tel gossips 'anger, hatred , these things are not passions in the true sense, merely distortions created through the easily swayed hearts of mortals'.

Keat gossips 'just that heim is haunting me..'.

KeZoN gossips 'But, what is truth except what the indivigual make it...'.

You are Cordir, Witch of the Black Conclave [Apprenticed], 245 years old (456 hours).
You are a level 22 Mage
You worship Molo, who appears to be OFFLINE
You have 238/238 hit, 178/178 mana, 231/231 movement, 9 practices.
You have 0 training sessions remaining.
You are carrying 34/37 items with weight 214/400 kg.
Str: TRN   Int: TRN   Wis: TRN   Dex: TRN   Con: TRN   Chr: TRN
TRN = trainable, MAX = untrainable.
You are fairly lucky. 
You have scored 213375 exp, and have 16511 gold coins.
You need 11818 exp for level 23.
Autoexit: yes.  Autogold: yes, Autoloot: no.  Autosac: no.
Wimpy set to 121 hit points.
You are hungry.
You are standing.
You are superbly armored.
You are Evil.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'wizard mark'.
Spell: 'armor'.

You fade out of existence.

Atma gossips ''Is the dark side more powerful?''.

Foolkiller gossips 'Depends on your perspective.'.

Atma gossips ''No, faster, more seductive...''.

Foolkiller gossips 'The Dark side exists...it cannot be erased - it must exists as must the light to counterbalance each other.'.

Tel gossips 'sigh'.
Tel gossips 'connection kinda stinks tonight'.

DoPeY gossips 'because that is the way of the force'.

Cordir gossips 'I would humbly put forth that all passions are but mirrors of each other.. hate a hair's bredth from love, faith from denial..'.

Emaleth gossips 'Nod'.

IMMORTAL ECHO: Erlock is hunting...be aware.

Weaselboy ftells 'silly nalor showed up in my zone'.
Borneo ftells 'Where is that?'.

Nogrod gossips 'dark is merely the absence of light..........'.

Weaselboy ftells 'icy plains i left'.

KeZoN gossips 'MM how come Erlock can't take my TP classes fer me?'.

Borneo gossips 'The light is mearly an intruder into the darkness'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Not true - many evils have light in them, as goods have dark in them.'.

Cordir ftells 'Nod Borneo'.

Tel gossips 'aye they are close, but it is only the manipulations of evil dieties that can pervert the gift I have given you all in being able to be passionate'.

Keller gossips 'MM, may I have a tell if you're not busy?'.

Weaselboy ftells 'that weenie thinks he can catch the weasel'.

Borneo gossips 'Those dietes are the Prometheus in this case, Tel'.

KeZoN gossips 'Day defeats the night night devides the day...'.

Tel gossips 'OOC : Huh Huh, fire!'.

Borneo gossips '*chuckle*'.

Tel gossips 'But anyway, anyone not get my drift here?'.

ODog shouts 'HAILKNOWLEDGE~!'.

Weaselboy ftells 'you guys wanna group tonite'.
Borneo ftells 'afk for the smokosaur'.

Cordir gossips 'M'Lord Tel, the concern that seems to be expressed is that your Paladin seems bent on dictating which are "proper" and "worthy" passions for those NOT in '.
Cordir gossips 'Pardon. .in his domain.. '.

Foolkiller gossips 'I think we understand Tel. Whether people agree is another matter - Just spitballin mind you.'.

Tel gossips 'if i didnt respond to anyones points or whatever it cause i missed em'.

Tel gossips 'I know FK'.

### Dante has advanced to level 3.

Cordir ftells 'I'd love to group up again.. that was fun, Borneo, WB..'.

Unknown shouts 'I AM MAN, HEAR ME ROAR'.

Gwyrdain gossips 'The Lord Nash has shown _great_ mercy in allowing you to reach level 4 , Satyr ... '.
Gwyrdain gossips 'I congratulate you, but also warn you not to take His mercy for granted.'.

Emaleth shouts 'Ack, testosteron poisoning'.

Tel gossips 'Well, Keller is supposed to be an exemplar of the truest of passions, and nothing can be purer than having in your heart the love for your fellow beings to '.
Tel gossips 'protecting them'.

Weaselboy ftells 'nalor is waiting fer me to leave guild'.

Cordir gossips 'But that protection seems to extend towards limiting the freedom and faith and beliefs of others.. which seems.. rather.. evil to me.'.

Emaleth gossips 'I would agree, but that does not mean that demanding another desist in Thier generally harmless passion is fair.'.

Weaselboy ftells 'he just mad because pel vamp touched his but'.

Cordir ftells '*giggle*'.

Ptarchyzk gossips 'HURRAY!!! Dar just made it to level 4. Time to sharpen yer dagger!!!'.
Tel gossips 'No one ever said any Mortal was perfect, or has to be even, we learn from our mistakes, and if keller has occassionally slipped up, it is only because he tri'.

Tel gossips 'tries so hard'.

Emaleth gossips 'Nod.  I usually agree with keller, unless he suddenly changes the *general* rule.'.

Foolkiller gossips 'Learning from mistakes is the key to avoiding the path of the fool.'.

Baek gossips 'can someone smmon me please?!!!'.

Emaleth gossips 'where are you Baek?'.

Nameless has arrived.

Foolkiller gossips 'Just had to throw in my own statement - heh'.

Tel gossips 'I dont think he intends to limit evveryone to his own beliefs, he is just trying to be an example for others to follow'.

You bow before Nameless.

Tel gossips ':)'.

Nameless looks around respectfully.

Nameless bows to Someone.

Emaleth gossips 'he attacked my following, you will ahve to pardon my if I dont like *that* example'.

Nameless bows before you.

You poke him in the ribs.

Weaselboy ftells 'snicker'.

Tel gossips 'yer welcome to FK, I only got a B in public speaking :)'.

Keat gossips 'BYE TFC!!!! bad day today need 21k to lvl now.. *Sigh*'.

Uncas yells 'screaming, filthy harpy dead'.

Nameless sighs loudly.

Nameless shifts his wings until he is comfortable...

Nameless rests.

Cordir raises her eyebrow inquiringly.

Emaleth gossips 'Wave Keat'.

l nameless
You see before you a figure cloaked in shadows. Something is not quite right
about him. You look closer and see that he seems 'bulkier' than he should.
Suddenly, his face turns towards you. The scent of a Beast fills your 
nostrils. From the depths of his cloak, glowing red eyes stare into your 
soul, shriveling it with his gaze. This 'thing' stands and snarls, his cloak
falling away...

What stands before you resembles NOTHING human. It looks like something out
of your worst nightmare. A huge, hulking, deformed Beast. A lion-like head,
huge bat-like wings, a long whipping tail, and fur covering his entire
body. Where in the realms something this 'repulsive' could have been borne
you do not know, nor do you wish to ever find out.

Then you look closer, past the Demon-like visage. You are drawn to his eyes.
Something else is there. Something other than evil mindless hatred. He 
returns your gaze, unwaivering. And then you see it
A single tear rolls down his Beastial visage, and deep within those blood
red eyes you see the only 'human' trait left in this deformed, wracked body...

for he is nameless, and he is the son of Ebencaleneezer. King of Demons.
Nameless is in perfect health.

Nameless is using:
<used as light>     a bright ball of light
<worn around neck>  (Magical) the rusty sardonyx amulet
<worn on body>      a giant chestplate
<worn on head>      a leather helmet
<worn on legs>      a pair of leather leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of animal hide boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of chain mail gloves
<worn as shield>    (Magical) (Humming) a wooden medium shield
<worn around wrist> a leather bracelet
<wielded>           (Magical) a mace
<worn with pride>   (Blue Aura) (Glowing) The Crest of Lord Nash

Borneo ftells 'I'd just like everyone to know that this pitiful smoker's current weapon is a flaming stick, and held item is an ashtray. =)'.

You gasp in astonishment.

Borneo ftells '*strut*'.

Weaselboy ftells 'where are you at cordir'.

Cordir ftells 'I'm in the guild..'.

Foolkiller gossips 'heh - Well, I never took it myself - tho Im told I got a mouth big enuf to handle it without being trained to it :)'.

Tel gossips 'To be honest I came on too late to know the sitiuation'.

Nameless attempts to dry the sides of his face...

Cordir says 'Nameless... what happened?'.

Weaselboy ftells 'nod i know that :)'.

Ceremonial Room
[Exits: east]
Glittering gold inlay, black obsidian floors, and large amounts of
precious gems make this room one the richest in all the realms.  What
makes it even more impressive is the room is massive, easily large
enough to hold all the heroes of the world and have room to spare for
many more.  Throughout the room are various trophies from past heroes.
Sealed by a magic field is Maurice's armor from when he was a paladin,
in another alcove floating above its base is the mace Tynian used to
smash his way to immortality, in yet another display is a sculpture of
pure magical energy created by IvoryTiger.  This room is for all the
special  moments in a hero's life, such as honor given by an immortal,
marriage, reception of a major quest prize, or even a really special
(Magical) A wooden medium shield lies here.
A net with lead weights lies here.
You see a light mace here.
A pair of leather leggings for added protection sit here.
You see a padded vest here.
( 3) A beer barrel has been left here.
Crinos is here.
(Blue Aura) Nameless is resting here.
Merlyn is sleeping here.
(Blue Aura) Goro is resting here.
Saltii is here.

Tel gossips 'heheh, took it sophmore year of highschool, which is longer ago than i care to relate :)'.

Cordir ftells 'CR'.
Borneo ftells 'I'm beating on shopkeepers in birdtown, if you guys wanna make the trip'.

Emaleth gossips 'Nod, I understood Some of Kellers reasoning.  I usually do.'.

Nameless whispers 'what Nash deemed appropriate'

Foolkiller gossips 'chuckle'.

Emaleth gossips '*grin*'.

Weaselboy has arrived.

Weaselboy giggles.

Cordir gossips 'Channel -gossip.. I leave this back to you, Emaleth.. *sigh8'.

Nameless says 'this one had...deviated from his Path to Perfection'.

Cordir says 'What do you mean?'.

Jyslin has entered the game.

Weaselboy hugs you.
You hug him.

Cordir says 'Is not the Fellowship Path one of Honor?'.

Syrinx has entered the game.

Nameless says 'Lord Nash merely...pushed this one back towards the path'.

Cordir ftells 'We heading out, WB?'.

Tel draws a cold, frosty beer for Syrinx.

You ponder the question.

Weaselboy ftells 'couple o id's?'.

Pendor shouts 'Hail IPS!'.

Cordir ftells 'Of course..'.

Nighthawk has entered the game.

IMMORTAL ECHO:  erlock killed spurk

SirPsycho shouts 'HAIL IPS!'.

Emaleth shouts 'Hail and stuff :>'.

Jyslin hugs Syrinx.
Syrinx hugs Jyslin.

Weaselboy smiles at you.
Weaselboy tries to break dance, but nearly breaks his neck!

Jyslin beams a smile at Syrinx.
Syrinx leaves east.
KeZoN has arrived.

Cordir says 'And.. who was the instrument of this "push" Nameless?'.

Weaselboy gives you a suit of banded mail.

c imp mail
Object 'armor banded mail' is type armor, extra flags magic metallic.
Weight is 18.
Armor class is 5.
Affects save vs spell by -1.
Cordir ftells 'banded mail is ac 5, -1 saevs'.

Nameless shakes his head.
Nameless says 'that is not important'.

Weaselboy says 'yuck'.

You give a suit of banded mail to Weaselboy.

You nod.

Nameless says 'He was merely the finger of Nash...'.

Cordir says 'IT is.. to some..'.

Borneo ftells 'Woo-hoo, but cloak just sucked up a demo'.

Nameless says 'He was only...following 'his' path'.

Weaselboy gives you a long sword.

Yasmin has entered the game.

c id sword
Object 'long sword' is type weapon, extra flags magic.
Weight is 3.
Damage is 1 to 8 (average 4).
Affects intelligence.

c imp sword
Object 'long sword' is type weapon, extra flags magic.
Weight is 3.
Damage is 1 to 8 (average 4).
Affects intelligence by 1.

Cordir ftells '1 to 8, ave 4, +1 int'.

Syrinx arrives from the east.
Syrinx says 'anyways.. as I was saying...'.

You give a long sword to Weaselboy.

Syrinx says 'I once was told..'.
Syrinx says 'somewhere.. there is a village without an idiot..'.

Weaselboy ftells 'hmm'.

Syrinx says 'then I realized.. it was only Nash'.

KeZoN says 'OG!'.

Syrinx gets 1324 gold coins from corpse of Erlock.

Syrinx gets the perfect glass bracelet from corpse of Erlock.

Weaselboy gives you a club.

Cordir pointedly ignores Syrinx.
Syrinx pats you on your back.

c imp id club
Object 'club' is type weapon, extra flags magic.
Weight is 2.
Damage is 2 to 8 (average 5).
Affects hp by 5.
Affects charisma by 1.
Affects moves by 5.

IMMORTAL RECHO: was a tactic to pk him

KeZoN drinks beer from a barrel of beer.

Nalor has arrived.
Viceroy bows deeply.
Syrinx has left the game.

Nameless says 'Syrinx, were or are you not in the order of 'Justice'?'.

Cordir ftells '2 to 8, ave 5, +5 hp, +1 charisma, +5 moves club.'.

Nameless shrugs.

Weaselboy says 'yuck'.

You give a club to Weaselboy.

Viceroy waves happily.

Cordir says 'He is in the Order of Syrinx.'.

Weaselboy drops a club.

Nameless chuckles under his breath.

IMMORTAL ECHO: was a well executed tactic

Weaselboy gives you the frightful reed staff.

Baek shouts 'can someone please summon me?!!!!!!!!'.

C imp id staff
Object 'frightful reed staff' is type staff, extra flags magic.
Weight is 8.
Has 6(1) charges of level 5 'teleport'.

Nameless sighs loudly.
Nameless shakes his head.

IMMORTAL RECHO: unlike the cheesy bash'n'smash of erlock

Nameless tells you (in common) 'be back later'.

Cordir ftells 'staff is 1 charge of level 5 teleport'.
You give the frightful reed staff to Weaselboy.

You tell Nameless 'nod'.

Weaselboy ftells 'yuck'.
Weaselboy drops the frightful reed staff.

Weaselboy gives you the dark moonstone staff.

c imp id staff
Object 'dark moonstone staff' is type staff, extra flags magic.
Weight is 10.
Has 11(4) charges of level 27 'earthquake'.

Weaselboy ftells 'boy do i have some junk'.

Cordir ftells 'NICE: 4 charges of level 27 earthquake'.

You give the dark moonstone staff to Weaselboy.

Yvon has arrived.

Weaselboy gives you a pair of bronze plate boots.

c imp boots
Object 'armor bronze plate boots' is type armor, extra flags magic metallic.
Weight is 9.
Armor class is 10.
Affects save vs spell by 1.

Cordir ftells 'boots are ac 10, PLUS one save'.
You give a pair of bronze plate boots to Weaselboy.

Kiaser has arrived.

Weaselboy gives you the flickering tiger eye bracelet.

Yvon hugs SirPsycho.

Object 'flickering tiger eye bracelet' is type jewelry, extra flags magic.
Weight is 3.
Armor class is 0.
Affects luck by -1.
Affects mana by 5.

Emaleth has arrived.
SirPsycho tags Emalewth.

Cordir ftells 'tiger eye bracelet is MINUS one luck, +5 mana'.

Emaleth snickers softly.
SirPsycho tags Emaleth too.
Emaleth hugs SirPsycho.

You give the flickering tiger eye bracelet to Weaselboy.

Emaleth grins evilly.
SirPsycho hugs Emaleth.

Weaselboy ftells 'sigh'.

Borneo ftells 'Mind if I take that bracelet?'.

Weaselboy drops the flickering tiger eye bracelet.

Emaleth hugs you.
You hug her.

Weaselboy gets the flickering tiger eye bracelet.

Emaleth grins evilly.
You smile at her.
Emaleth waves happily.
Emaleth leaves east.

Weaselboy ftells 'really'.

Osceola has entered the game.

SirPsycho utters the words, 'I need more caffeine'.

Borneo ftells 'Yeah, any +mana is good mana for me right now...'.

Yasmin's sores fester.
Yasmin's  mauls Yasmin.
SirPsycho's sores fester.
SirPsycho's  maims SirPsycho!

SirPsycho sighs loudly.

Osceola stands up.
Osceola leaves east.

Weaselboy ftells 'you want it its yours'.

Nighthawk leaves east.

Borneo ftells 'Especially since it will belong to Volant at some period of time. =)'.
Weaselboy ftells 'snicker'.
Cordir ftells 'any more, WB?'.

Weaselboy gives you the short vengeance wand.

Object 'short vengeance wand' is type wand, extra flags magic.
Weight is 10.
Has 15(6) charges of level 14 'curse'.

Cordir ftells 'six charges of level 14 curse on the short wand'.

Veste has entered the game.

You give the short vengeance wand to Weaselboy.

Weaselboy ftells 'aaah pk tool'.

KeZoN says 'I buy you guys beer'.

KeZoN yells 'Stammel drop da beer its not a TOY fer gods sake :P'.

Stammel drops a barrel of beer.
Stammel drops a barrel of beer.
Stammel drops a barrel of beer.

Borneo ftells 'sfuyfuna yb vpurp enrys us un nq dynu'.

Stammel says 'Sorry just got killed scavbenging new eq'.

Weaselboy ftells 'huh'.
KeZoN says 'I'm just kidding mon'.

Cordir ftells 'any more, sb?'.
Cordir ftells 'pardon, wb?'.

Weaselboy ftells 'shake'.
Weaselboy ftells 'thanx'.

Cordir ftells 'I'm heading out, then.. head hurts really bad.. catch ya later.'.

Your effective level is 22
Version  2.76ao of TFC was introduced on 11/17/96

Fare thee well!