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Revision as of 13:53, 5 July 2015


Ghazkull Mahsong

There are few things in this world with the grace and beauty of an Elf -- as if
the distant stars themselves had come to life. The man before you is such a one.
He has the height of many of his kind, but his frame bears more muscle than the
norm for the children of Loth-Llorien. Perhaps it is due to a life of adventure
or from the unlife he was reborn into as one of the Kindred. His full lips are
curved in a wry smile, the points of his fangs visible, but his eyes are gentle
hazel, not the angry crimson of a vampire in need of sating. With a courtly bow,
he acknowledges your notice. He murmurs a polite greeting in his native tongue.
As he brushes back the well-groomed and artfully braided silvery tumble of knee
length hair that cascaded forward when he bowed, a vivid, ugly scar is revealed
upon his brow. It is an eternal reminder of the terror that led to his Embrace,
and all that has passed between then and now. A subtle shift in the air nearby
causes his eyes to briefly close, an intimate smile curving his lips. He seems
to have a brief moment of communion with some unseen creature and then his eyes
meet yours once more.
Ghazkull could sell you the Bog and you would thank him.
Ghazkull is in perfect health.

Ghazkull is using:
<used as light>     (Powerful magic) (Glowing) the light of a reclaimed soul
<worn on finger>    (Artifact magic) Wisdom signet ring
<worn on finger>    (Artifact magic) a simple ring
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) a heart shaped locket
<worn around neck>  (Artifact magic) a hooded onyx cloak with an ebon rose clasp
<worn on body>      (Moderate magic) flowing mage's robes of deep forest green
<worn on head>      (Blue Aura) (Potent magic) Unwavering Fanaticism to his Faith and Oaths
<worn on legs>      The Emerald Leggings
<worn on feet>      (Moderate magic) knee-high brown leather boots 
<worn on hands>     (Moderate magic) cuffed gauntlets of light brown leather
<worn on arms>      (Moderate magic) forest-green leaf-shaped leather pauldrons
<worn about body>   (Potent magic) an over-robe of moonlit forest green
<worn about waist>  (Moderate magic) a brown leather belt with multiple pouches
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the Sigils Argedo, Odegra, and Draktha
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the Nine Circles of the Order
<wielded>           (Artifact magic) a keen-edged sword of odd green-brown metal
<wielded off-hand>  (Moderate magic) a brochure advertising a Bog for sale
<worn with pride>   (Tattooed) (Writhing) the Covenant of the Chosen of Fate
<worn with pride>   (Weak magic) (Glowing) a crystal bearing the light of Dreams
<worn with pride>   a badge, a pin, 16 ribbons


The shadows twist and shift before your sight, like a midnight fog
touched by a light breeze. There is something out there, a deep purple 
glow, that seems  to float about. Ah, yes... you can make it out now. 
It's a sprite, but how can  she be moving and sitting at the same ti- She is 
sitting upon a shoulder...  a very darkly clad shoulder. Your gaze slides up
to where you know the face  must be, and is met by piercing grey eyes. 
Ebon strands dance within them, forming and reforming - a web, a sigil, 
a name forever lost...

There is only one person this can be...
Nyx has a special twinkle in his eye.
Nyx is in perfect health.

Nyx is using:
<used as light>     (Glowing) a war banner
<worn on finger>    (Glowing) the Band of the One Dwarf
<worn on body>      (Moderate magic) a full-sleeved black linen shirt
<worn on head>      (Moderate magic) a fitted black leather mask
<worn on legs>      a pair of black sueded leather pants
<worn on feet>      (Weak magic) soft-soled black suede boots
<worn about body>   (Moderate magic) an embroidered black cloak
<held>              (Artifact magic) (Glowing) an onyx walking cane
<worn with pride>   the Ebon Sigil Odegra
<worn with pride>   an award


You see nothing special about her.
Tranquility is in perfect health.

Tranquility is using:
<used as light>     (Glowing) a war banner
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) the blurry pewter amulet
<worn around neck>  (Invis) (Moderate magic) a golden medallion
<worn on body>      an elegant green dress
<worn on head>      a purple feathered black wide brimmed hat
<worn on legs>      some snakeskin trunks
<worn on feet>      a pair of soft leather boots
<worn on hands>     (Moderate magic) a pair of reinforced leather gloves
<worn on arms>      silky osprey feather sleeves
<worn about body>   (Moderate magic) a feather cloak
<worn about waist>  (Weak magic) a dragon scale girth
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the flashy rose bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the stunning pewter bracelet
<wielded>           (Token magic) (Glowing) a pummel stick
<held>              a map of Aaracity
<worn with pride>   an award


Boromir is bathed in the essence of charisma.
Boromir is in perfect health.

Boromir is using:
<used as light>     (Weak magic) a brightly-burning dragon's heart
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) a platinum ring patterned with diamond triangles
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) the noble ivory ring
<worn around neck>  (Humming) a fireopal necklace
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) the pulsating jacinth amulet
<worn on body>      (Potent magic) a finely made tunic of dark blue silk
<worn on head>      (Moderate magic) a splint mail helmet
<worn on legs>      (Powerful magic) a pair of dark blue tailored silk trousers
<worn on feet>      (Moderate magic) a pair of quilted cloth slippers
<worn on hands>     (Powerful magic) a pair of stained gardening gloves
<worn on arms>      (Potent magic) a pair of leaf mail sleeves
<worn as shield>    (Moderate magic) a small druidwood shield
<worn about body>   (Moderate magic) a quilted cloth mantelet
<worn about waist>  (Moderate magic) a quilted cloth sash
<worn around wrist> (Potent magic) an icy bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Powerful magic) an icy bracelet
<wielded>           (Powerful magic) a dagger
<wielded off-hand>  (Moderate magic) a club
<held>              (Moderate magic) a crystal of the Mists
<worn with pride>   (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the Medallion of Godhood
<worn with pride>   (Moderate magic) a crystal brooch of the Mists
<worn with pride>   4 badges, 3 pins, 8 ribbons


To stand in Her presence is to be rendered speechless: This is no mere mortal,
but the quintessential seductress, potent in her ripe perfection, incarnate in
her beauty. Lilith herself pales in comparison: the gleaming scarlet luster of
Her eyes, the tawdry tumble of Her long sable hair -- as if just risen from an
evening's pleasures...dangerous sensuality is a tangible aura around her, like
the corona of the full moon.  Voluptuous curves to make any heart pound, grace
of a stalking leopard, this is not a woman who can be underestimated. Her prey
is delight and sacrifice and sustenance, Scions enraptured in their service to
Her. The particulars of Her ensemble are nearly irrelevant save for the loving
way that an inky velvet gown enfolds Her, falling in regal folds to the ground,
and leather caresses her, drawing in an already narrow waist.  The rarest gems
and metals have been crafted into elegant jewelry that cannot compete with Her 
beauty, and the delicate flutter of the wings of bats flitting about Her makes
a living, chittering frame to draw every eye. Ancient but untouched by Time, a
power to stir the dreams of the living, She is the gatekeeper of Death itself:
unliving yet utterly alive, undead yet filled with every passion of existence.

DarkClaw is bathed in the essence of charisma.
DarkClaw is in perfect health.

DarkClaw is using:
<used as light>     (Moderate magic) a bright flame of loyalty
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) the personal signet of the Kindred Queen
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) a silver band set with a ruby
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) a long slender chain of platinum and rubies
<worn around neck>  (Potent magic) an ornate choker of black diamonds
<worn on body>      (Powerful magic) an elegant backless gown of black velvet
<worn on head>      (Powerful magic) a narrow circlet of platinum set with gems
<worn on legs>      (Potent magic) sheer stockings with an alluring back-seam
<worn on feet>      (Potent magic) thigh-high suede boots with six inch heels
<worn on hands>     (Powerful magic) a trace of scent teased from heated skin
<worn on arms>      (Moderate magic) detachable sleeves of black velvet
<worn as shield>    (Potent magic) the moon's radiance amidst midnight clouds
<worn about body>   (Potent magic) a sangoire cloak of the Ordinus Nosferatus
<worn about waist>  (Potent magic) a delicate belt of tiny, ruby-eyed, silver bat-shaped links
<worn around wrist> (Potent magic) a delicate silver bangle set with moonstones
<worn around wrist> (Potent magic) a delicate silver bangle set with moonstones
<wielded>           (Artifact magic) a slim, deadly longsword of carved bone
<wielded off-hand>  (Moderate magic) a long, slender dagger, shaped like a fang
<held>              (Moderate magic) a thorny ebon rose in full bloom
<worn with pride><worn with pride>   (Moderate magic) (Ogre Aura) (Singing) an Oook Fan Club button
<worn with pride>   (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the Medallion of Goddesshood
<worn with pride>   4 badges, 3 pins, 11 ribbons

Cordir, Ebon Weaver

Slim and pale as a shaft of moonlight or the bared blade of a sword, the Weaver
stands before you. Ancient flames of sable black, first called  by Lord Thaygar
Himself, flicker about Her person, causing Her waist-length silver hair and Her
gown to stir as if in a light breeze. As you dare to meet Her star-touched ebon
gaze, you find yourself dissolving into the abyss of Her eyes.  Time shatters -
moments and eons swirling in the wind - your soul overwhelmed by a kaleidoscope
of existance - eternal instants of joy, anguish and wonder.  She grants release
from the madness of Her gaze and your head bows, purely of its own volition.  A
slight, knowing smile plays about Her lips, for a single glance told Her it all:
your past, your present, your future. Hopes, fears, dreams, all bare for Her to
witness and to know.
Cordir is bathed in the essence of charisma.
Cordir is in perfect health.

Cordir is using:
<used as light>     (Artifact Magic) the silvery glow of the moon above
<worn on finger>    (Artifact Magic) the Band of the Stormreaver
<worn around neck>  (Artifact Magic) the ancient scars of a vampire's Kiss
<worn around neck>  (Artifact Magic) a necklace of spiderwebs set with hematites
<worn on body>      (Artifact Magic) a soft, flowing gown of indigo spidersilk
<worn on head>      (Artifact Magic) a narrow silver circlet
<worn as shield>    (Artifact Magic) (Bloody) a gentleman's Sacrifice
<worn around wrist> (Artifact Magic) a storm-gray silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Artifact Magic) the haunting essence of midnight roses
<wielded>           (Artifact Magic) a silver weaving shuttle
<held>              (Artifact magic) (Glowing) divine radiance
<worn with pride>   (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the Medallion of Goddesshood
<worn with pride>   (Tattooed) (Writhing) The Covenant of the Chosen
<worn with pride>   4 badges, 5 pins, 16 ribbons

=Katrana, Wyldess

A precocious little gnome girl stands before you, ebon tresses flowing loosely
over her thin shoulders. She has an impish look on her face, as if considering
some sort of mischief - but whether it is cruel or simply playful is not clear.
Her eyes flash crimson, to match the potent aura that flows about her, and she
tilts her head to one side.  In a swift movement and with a fierce expression, 
she snatches a pair of bloody scissors from her belt and makes a quick cutting
motion which is echoed by the faintest hint of a distant death-cry. As quickly
as the blades snapped closed, a hint of maturity, wisdom and self-knowledge is
seen in her eyes - then it fades as her attention turns elsewhere.  A brightly
colored ball appears with a soft *POP!* of displaced air and she grabs it with
a chortle of glee that underscores her youth. Yet the memory of that something
that stirred in her gaze haunts you, and you cannot see her as an innocent any
Katrana is bathed in the essence of charisma.
Katrana is in perfect health.

Katrana is using:
<used as light>     (Weak magic) (Dancing) ancient ebon flames
<worn on finger>    (Potent magic) a golden seal ring bearing the Sigil Odegra
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) a golden seal ring bearing the Name of Azat
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) a light torque of gold and blood-red rubies
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) a delicate gold chain bearing a crimson gem
<worn on body>      (Potent magic) a black silken dress embroidered in scarlet
<worn on head>      (Artifact magic) a daisy worn tucked behind one ear
<worn on legs>      (Potent magic) a living, growing tattoo of roses and vines
<worn on feet>      (Potent magic) (Bloody) leather sandals laced to the knees
<worn on hands>     (Artifact magic) a living, growing tattoo of vines and roses
<worn on arms>      (Artifact magic) (Growing) tangled briars with dripping thorns
<worn as shield>    (Powerful magic) (Howling) the Hound of the Hunt, Manatheren 
<worn about body>   (Powerful magic) a cloak of scarlet, embroidered in midnight
<worn about waist>  (Powerful magic) (Severed) a belt crafted of colored Threads
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a delicate gold cuff bracelet set with ruby
<worn around wrist> (Potent magic) a delicate gold cuff bracelet set with ruby
<wielded>           (Artifact magic) (Blooded) razor-sharp golden cutting shears
<wielded off-hand>  (Moderate magic) a gnarled walking staff of black briar wood
<held>              (Moderate magic) a shiny red ball
<worn with pride>   (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the Medallion of Goddesshood
<worn with pride>   (Moderate magic) a bright flame of loyalty
<worn with pride>   Gnome Infinitum Braid
<worn with pride>   a braid, 3 badges, 3 pins, 8 ribbons

Sami, the Desert Bard

Sami stands here, as still as a statue, save for the way her heart pounds in 
her chest and her left thumb turns the braided silver band upon her finger. 
Even her dark eyes are firmly fixed on her Bonded, avoiding meeting those of
any others present. She puts on as brave a face as she can, having heard too
many tales of what may be asked for the Weaver's Sacrifice, to be at ease. A
single deep forest green leaf has been woven into one of her braids.
Sami, the desert Bard has a special twinkle in her eye.
Sami, the desert Bard is in perfect health.

Sami, the desert Bard is using:
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) a tribal necklace of lapis and opal
<worn on body>      a sand-washed silk robe of soft desert hues
<worn on hands>     (Potent magic) delicate patterns of mehndi framing her scars
<worn as shield>    (Moderate magic) the Love of Friends
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a cuff bracelet set with lapis and opal
<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) a cuff bracelet set with lapis and opal
<worn with pride>   (Moderate magic) the enduring scars of a Kindred's bonding kiss


Darkness. When you look into this young Kindred's eyes, you feel the darkness
he dwells within.  His eyes are green, but at the core, they are blacker than 
the night sky. As you stare into them, his mouth opens in a wide grin, giving 
you a clear view of his fangs. The young vampire removes his helmet and rests
it on the ground, baring his short brown hair.  He runs a hand through it, in
an attempt to tame the disheveled locks, the gesture drawing the eye to marks
upon his throat, recent and vivid, the marks of the Kindred Queen's pleasure.
He murmurs a spell, protective wards swirling into being around him, and then
asks if you are in need of any. Before you can reply, he disappears back into
the night, returning to the task his god has set before him.

Sparhawk has several open wounds.

Sparhawk is using:
<used as light>     (Moderate magic) (Glowing) a light blue dragonling clutching a ball of light
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) an onyx ring on a plain silk strand
<worn on body>      (Moderate magic) a simple shirt of black linen
<worn on legs>      a pair of black velvet leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of low-heeled suede boots
<worn about body>   an elegant black velvet doublet
<worn around wrist> (Potent magic) a sweaty cloth wrist wrap
<worn with pride>   a badge, a pin, 15 ribbons


Looking upon her you feel a sense of peace consume you.
Her long,lush waves of mahogany hair frame her milky white features. 
She has slight,almond shaped eyes of deep green that hold a hint of sadness.
That make you question what could of ever happened to leave such a scar.
your gaze trails down the curves of her delicate frame,
notice the fine detailed stitching of runes that edge her grown
not seen in this realm. You wonder just how long has she endured.
her hand is a single long stem blue rose that surely must be enchanted, as it looks to be untouched by time itself. 
glances over at you as a soft smile touches her lips,
you curious as to where she could have possibly come from, for you have seen none like her before.
Saavik leads a charmed life.
Saavik is in perfect health.

Saavik is using:
<used as light>     the light of hope
<worn on body>      (Moderate magic) a dark blue dress
<worn on feet>      a pair of low-heeled suede boots
<worn on arms>      ice-white embroidered silk sleeves
<worn about body>   a brilliantly hued shawl
<worn with pride>   (Weak magic) a lavender glass rose upon a silver stem
<worn with pride>   4 awards


A black creature rises up and towers over you; wings draping down to barely scrape
the ground. Within the inky darkness of its cowl glowing eyes dance like specs of fire.
He glares at you and growls, "This better be important..."
Galning is in perfect health.

Galning is using:
<used as light>     (Glowing) a war banner
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) a ring of flames
<worn around neck>  (Moderate magic) a medallion depicting an onyx skull with ruby eyes
<worn on feet>      (Moderate magic) soft-soled black suede boots
<worn on hands>     (Weak magic) a pair of midnight black gloves
<worn about body>   (Potent magic) a fine cloak, black as a moonless night
<wielded>           (Moderate magic) a hammer
<worn with pride>   2 awards